Saints Voices

February 1, 2024

Integrity and the importance of Town Hall meetings

At Seward County Community College, we use our core values as infrastructure for everything we do. I know it’s not realistic to pick favorites, but integrity might be my secret top choice. Integrity is key to good relationships, solid business practices, education, and pretty much everything that matters in life.

When we created our Strategic Plan for the college, we defined Integrity at SCCC as “valuing others in all we do through honesty and respect.” Many of us have also heard the expression that “integrity is doing the right thing when no one is watching.”

I like to take that idea one step further. Integrity on our campus means transparency — announcing what we aim to do and inviting input before we make big decisions. This applies to on-campus questions as well as those that impact the community.

For example, our expansion of the Commercial Drivers License (CDL) Program has been in the works for more than a year, and we had already begun plans for a brand-new building to be constructed on the main campus when we learned of opportunities to purchase existing properties up for sale in Liberal. Once we realized the money-saving potential, we notified the public that we had opted to pause in the process.

While this alarmed some folks — who viewed it as a delay or change in focus — we felt it was better to share information freely so community members would know what to expect. At times, this can be stressful or complicated, but in my view, it is always worthwhile.

By the time we succeeded in purchasing a large, existing building to house CDL and serve as our “West Campus,” it was clear that we had saved millions of dollars, which means the tax obligation was lightened. That’s a great outcome, but it sparked some rumors and discomfort along the way.

Sometimes it’s less stressful and more fun to gather public opinions. Take soccer, for instance. We’ve heard from the community for years that SCCC should add soccer to its Saints Athletics lineup. What a great feeling it was to announce the board’s decision to do just that, and to see the excitement in the community. Though many factors influence which sports and activities a college can launch, choosing soccer was an undeniable “must do” based on the input we received during many community meetings.

As we start 2024, we’re thrilled to open the Sharp Family Champions Center Phase 2, a project that has been in the public eye for many years. All big projects require patience and adjustment, and this one certainly fit that description. What a great feeling to celebrate this project conceived years ago by lead donors Gene and JoAnn Sharp and brought to reality through the efforts of the SCCC Foundation, and too many loyal Saints fans and contributors to list here. It has taken many meetings and the collection of so much input from stakeholders, but as with anything ambitious and far-reaching, we are proud to have prevailed.

The Champions Center opening ceremony is set for 10:30 a.m. Feb. 9, and we welcome the public to stop by and see the improvements, enjoy light refreshments, and even stick around for a Saints Softball game that afternoon.

There’s never a shortage of projects in the pipeline, and there’s another discussion on the horizon. We’re always evaluating our facilities use, and the Saints swimming pool is due for a closer look. The cost of maintaining and upgrading the pool is significant while the use by the community waxes and wanes. Before the Board invests funds in improvements and upkeep, it’s important to know how our community feels about the pool, its importance, and the future.

We’d like to collect public input about this issue, as well as other campus projects and initiatives. Plan now to attend one of our two town hall meetings in February, tentatively set for Monday evening, Feb. 26, and sometime during the day, Thursday, Feb. 29, for those who avoid night driving. Save the dates, and look for more information as the time nears.

Town Hall meetings are a great opportunity to catch up on the latest news from the college, which is constantly growing and changing, and to ask questions. We have also gotten great ideas from the Town Hall meetings, including ideas for classes offered through Business & Industry, and facilities upgrades like better seating outside the student union.

I look forward to meeting with community members and hearing your ideas.

ABOUT THE WRITER — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and has emerged unscathed from more than 10 Town Hall meetings hosted in Liberal. Join him to share your great ideas in February! Or email

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January 25, 2024

Diversity, football, and celebrating our differences

It’s long been said that successful projects begin with the end in mind. For Seward County Community College, one variation on that saying might be, “remember your values.” Since the launch of our Strategic Plan, I have been thinking often about how we practice our college’s four core values of innovation, inclusiveness, diversity, and integrity.

Diversity often gets a bad rap as conflicts over culture and politics divide our country. At SCCC, though, the definition of diversity is pretty simple and uncontroversial: “celebrating the range of human differences.”

One way to process how this looks and feels is to consider football. With the Kansas City Chiefs possibly advancing to the Super Bowl, plenty of people across the state are celebrating. I confess that as a long-time Broncos fan, I am not feeling the same level of joy. That does not mean, however, that I am booing the Chiefs or boycotting football. It’s possible to love a football team and also love the game for its own sake.

Just think of all the achievements recorded during the season, and the genuine excitement experienced by each team’s fans. Without a doubt, a Buffalo Bills fan is going to cheer for their team just as loudly as a Green Bay Packers fan cheers for theirs. And I know our resident Dallas Cowboys Superfan, business office controller Amy Knudsen, is unwavering in her loyalty to that team down in Texas.

Some people claim they are “born” fans of a particular team. Others choose their colors. Many are late adopters of football fandom. There are even outliers, like the households divided by team spirit that is not always united.

While I would never equate the importance of football teams to human identity, religious affiliation, or race, there are some lessons to be learned from the sport.

One is that we can all enjoy a great game, even when “our” favorite teams are not on the field. Another is that excellence deserves applause, no matter what mascot it claims.

How about the value of human life? Think of the silence that descends on a vast stadium when the EMTs take a player off the field. In that moment, the scoreboard is not as important as the person in need of care.

Once we get past team loyalties, there is a lot left to learn from the structure of teams themselves. All football positions are not the same, nor are the players who fill an identical position. Sometimes, a player recruited for a particular ability surprises everyone and switches positions. Coaches, too, have special areas of strength and insight.

And of course, everybody is prone to an “off” day or an error in judgement.

Think for a moment about how we respond to big losses by our chosen teams. It’s normal to feel disappointment, even anger, especially if there’s a sense of uncertainty about the fairness of the game. This, too, is similar to real life circumstances that often pop up in diversity discussions. We all rely on a set of rules that we expect to be evenhanded, and when real life falls short, it stings.

It’s a long-standing joke at SCCC that our football team is undefeated — because we don’t have one. Even so, we can all learn a lesson from the many match-ups that led to the upcoming Super Bowl game on Feb. 11. Sure, it’s going to be two teams out of the Kansas City Chiefs and the Baltimore Ravens, and the San Francisco 49ers and the Detroit Lions. But that one game is the collective result of an entire season of games, choices, wins and losses by the 1,696 players who make up the entire roster of the National Football League.

At SCCC, we serve roughly the same number of students on a daily basis. Just as those students fall into various groups defined by their area of study, their athletic team membership, their scholarship status, home address, and many other factors, they are all playing their own game. No two students are the same.

There is no Saints Super Bowl that whittles our student body down to a small group of winners and losers. We like to focus on individual gains and progress, however that might look in a student’s life. For some, a “first down” gain is simply completion of the steps to get enrolled, while others might start a semester with a particular GPA in mind. Some students sit out a semester — think of it as “redshirting” — because life occasionally requires a period of rest and recalibration.

When we zoom out to the big picture, however, I like to remember that it takes many different kinds of people to make a healthy organization. A football league made up completely of Kansas City Chiefs or Detroit Lions would be no league at all. A college campus filled with only one kind of student with a set of fixed ideas and interests would be no kind of learning environment.

Diversity — our different strengths, weaknesses, knowledge and learning curves — is what makes the world and our college stronger, more interesting, and capable of growth and change. As for the champion of Super Bowl LVIII … if it’s not your team on the field, there’s always next year!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett’s football viewing habits have been greatly reduced due to his duties as the President of Seward County Community College and father to two girls who are in the midst of elementary school basketball season. You can reach him by email at 

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January 18, 2024

Whether it’s a photo shoot, winter class or potluck meal, all are welcome at SCCC

Inclusiveness is a core value at SCCC, and it represents an important idea: opening opportunities to all, and making it possible to those who want to step through that door. When our team refreshed the College’s Strategic Plan for 2022-2025, we defined inclusiveness as “engaging all voices through practice and policy.”

So what does that look like in real life? Examples range from the mundane to the complex, so I will start with something simple. When our employees gathered for a giant group photo last August, we set a time and place, and asked everyone to wear their Saints green clothing. Faculty, staff and administrators showed up — in stages. The photographer was ready. The sun was shining, and folks started to sweat a little.

But not everyone had arrived at the same time, including a few of our coworkers who needed assistance to move across campus.

So we waited. Yes, punctuality is important, but so is patience. For the most part, people were understanding of the fact that we wanted to ensure nobody was left out. Once everyone had arrived, the photographer took over.

The resulting photograph, which we used for the annual holiday greeting card, included everyone we could possibly gather. That’s inclusiveness at work.

Another simple example occurred last week as the entire region braced for the incoming winter blizzard. On Monday, although many area school districts cancelled school, we opted to continue with classes. However, we made adjustments on a case-by-case basis.

If an employee lived out of town in the storm’s path and wanted to avoid highway travel, they could work out a plan with their supervisor. If a student wasn’t able to make it to campus, they would not be penalized. Yes, attendance is important, but so is caution. When the storm began to make its presence known around noon, we closed campus and encouraged everyone to get home safely.

Storm responses, like most of life, do not line up with one-size-fits-all approach. Depending on a person’s circumstances, resources, strengths and challenges, the course of action will be slightly different. And the outcomes could also be scattered across a wide spectrum. But the important thing is to prioritize people and their well-being over simple answers.

At the college, where our commitment to excellence and accountability are also important, it is not always easy to practice inclusiveness. It takes more time and energy to hear many different points of view and respond appropriately. It might mean we stand in the sun for a few minutes longer so everyone is included in the photo. It might mean we field more phone calls and emails from employees and students who are uncertain about how to respond to a blizzard.

It also might mean we try unfamiliar things.

Later this month, inclusiveness means we will have the opportunity to sample foods and flavors that might be new, at the annual Taste of Kansas event. The giant potluck-style meal, served from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 29, celebrates Kansas Day. It’s our view that the many different people who populate the state have made Kansas stronger, more vibrant, and downright delicious.

Food is always a great bridge-builder, and we love the variety of dishes provided by our faculty, staff, and students. Past Taste of Kansas meals have included Kansas standbys, like chili and cinnamon rolls, along with baklava, egg rolls, Asian stir-fry and Indian samosas. The best feature, in my view, is the camaraderie and warmth that result from people getting together to share a meal.

And, in the spirit of inclusiveness, the community is welcome to join in! If you have a family specialty you would like to share, you can sign up to participate by filling out this online form. You are also welcome to join us for a meal that is sure to offer something for everyone. See you Monday, Jan. 29!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is avoiding sugar and junk food but that doesn’t mean he can’t find something on the menu at Taste of Kansas. Join him on Jan. 29, or reach out at

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January 11, 2024

Innovation is the name of the game at SCCC

It’s human nature to pay attention to whatever is new and exciting, and the world of education is no different. At Seward County Community College, we’ve identified innovation as one of our institution’s core values, but make no mistake: we’re not pursuing new for the sake of new. We are interested in new practices that connect directly to wider access for our Saints students, and their ultimate success.

For example, during the pandemic, online education suddenly took a leap forward. Although virtual classrooms and Internet access had been hot topics of conversation for years, many in higher education saw it as a fad that would fade once something else came along.

Back in 2007, online courses were definitely in the innovation category of higher ed. As a classroom instructor at Colby Community College, I believed the concept had promise — so naturally, I decided to give it a try. The Retail Management online class I developed was the first one of its kind at that college, and it was an adventure. We had very little resources, and were learning how to organize and present online materials on the fly. But it was a big deal, and something to be proud of.

Fast-forward more than a decade and about 100 miles south to Liberal, and my early enthusiasm was being put to the test. Face-to-face teaching was not an option thanks to coronavirus.

Suddenly, online education was not only worth serious consideration, or a fun experiment for the individual instructor — it was necessary to complete our mission.

At a recent inservice training session when we discussed resilience and the ability to adapt to change, the subject of online learning came up as an example of a recent challenge. I was surprised to see how many smiles I saw around the room as we reminisced about that accomplishment. I’m still incredibly proud of how our campus sprang into action, launching fully online classes in less than a month. Were they perfect? Is life ever perfect? But, like our students and our college, they were a work in progress and a step on the ladder to success.

Four years later, SCCC has launched a revamped, strengthened, and functional platform for online learning. We like to call it our upgrade from EduKan, the longtime standard for distance learning. Our Saints Anywhere online learning platform brings together the best of what we learned during nearly two decades with EduKan and the whirlwind of the pandemic.

There are so many lessons to glean from both the slow and the rapid processes, and I like to think that our team has found the ideal balance of experimentation and thoughtfulness. Innovation, as we have all witnessed, can go terribly wrong. It’s important to work from a clear set of core values (check) and a commitment to the final results (our students’ success — another check) and a sense of responsibility (fiscal accountability and the requirements of accreditation — check and check).

Saints Anywhere is not the only place you’ll find innovation in action at SCCC. We’ve talked a lot about our One Stop Shop designed to simplify and destress the process of application and enrollment for incoming students. While we continue to add finishing touches to the open-space plan in our main building, we have already seen great results. Students and their families find it easier to get started on their Saints journey, and our enrollment numbers for spring reflect that.

Another innovative program in progress is the Saints Ahead initiative we launched more than a year ago. Our goal was to remove barriers that keep current high school students from taking hold of the amazing opportunities of higher education. With a huge assortment of college-credit coursework now available to these concurrent high school-and-college students at little or no cost, we can see results already. Students can complete an associate degree or certificate at the same time they earn their high school diploma. This is a game-changer, especially for students whose families have limited finances.

Now we are rolling out a Finish Line Scholarship, operating on the notion that we don’t want to leave anyone behind. Across the community and the region, we know there are many former Saints students who did not complete the degree they set out to earn. The reasons for this range from family and financial difficulties to transportation struggles to health and wellness issues. In short: life happened. Our admissions counselors have been engaged in a phone campaign to make contact with these students. The goal? Encouraging them to get back in the classroom. Thanks to our Saints Anywhere online platform, that’s easier than ever, and we are eager to welcome them back. There’s even a financial incentive for students who qualify and find it difficult to pay tuition.

I could write more about the many amazing ideas and projects we have in the works, but there is a limit to what one column can cover. For now, please remember that innovation is part of what we count as a core part of what it means to be the Saints. Innovation, as in the next good thing for you and the people you care about. Innovation, as in problem-solving. Innovation, as in “there’s no challenge we aren’t willing to tackle.” Innovation, as in, “It’s good to be Green!”

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president and possibly the tallest cheerleader for the Saints currently working on campus. Mind you, we are not counting the Saints Basketball Team roster in this tally. You can catch him in the Greenhouse on game night, or email him at 

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Big changes in 2024, one step at a time

It’s a new year, and people are resolved to make a fresh start. You know how it goes: we look at the scale or the mirror and think, “time to undo the damage of the holidays.” Then we make big promises to ourselves about better eating, more exercise, and a dramatic improvement to our health. 

I’m right there with the rest of the world, logging the minutes of exercise and turning down dessert and drinks. But as I commit to my own “Hard 75″ day challenge, I am an even bigger fan of small resolutions on a daily basis. In fact, that is one of my rules to live by, and something I repeat to our Seward County Community College team on a regular basis: let’s be a little better every day. 

Small daily improvements add up. It might seem like a small thing for an employee to stop and pick up a loose gum wrapper from the hallway carpet or chase down a plastic bag blowing across the lawn. But those individual instances of cleaning up our campus have resulted in a much tidier and more beautiful environment that is the envy of community colleges across the state. I know this because folks from Kansas said so at a statewide meeting in Liberal just before the holidays. 

In the same way, reminding our team to smile and greet each other and our students when we pass in the hall might feel artificial at first. But when we take the time to intentionally practice hospitality and welcome newcomers to campus, it makes an impact. If a person’s first experience at SCCC is one of friendliness and warmth, their overall impression of the college is positive, and they are that much more likely to come back … and talk to an admissions counselor … and fill out their financial aid forms … and get enrolled. 

Before you know it, we have significant increases in our enrollment numbers, and a campus bustling with excitement. That’s exactly what we are experiencing as we prepare for the spring 2024 semester. 

Small improvements can be invisible as well. I’m talking about the improvements to mental health, physical health, and student safety. In all those categories, what we don’t see is just as important as what is visible. The addition of more on-campus health providers means our students are handling the challenges of young adulthood and flu season and everyday life with more resources. In these situations, it’s what we don’t see that is positive: less mental health crises and interpersonal emergencies, fewer absences and student sick days, and a smaller number of incident reports. 

The installation of our keyless access technology to buildings across campus will entail a small change to how employees come in and out of their workspaces, with a big payoff: stronger security and a sense of a safety. 

Over the holiday break, local contractors completed a “small” job, at least compared to renovating an entire building or constructing one from the ground up. We hired two companies to repaint the wooden office and classroom doors in the college’s original buildings. It’s no surprise that we opted for Seward Green to replace the chipped and faded black paint.

In contrast to the vast spaces of light-colored bricks and long hallways, doors are a small detail, so I wasn’t expecting the impact the green doors created. In every space with the new paint job, people are enjoying the feeling you get when something has been upgraded a bit. And the sense of Seward Saints spirit is stronger than ever. 

Over the next 12 months, I am on the lookout for more of these “big impact from a small investment” surprises. As our team completed the new semester professional development sessions, we heard from mindset experts about the ways we can adjust our thinking to yield big changes. Rather than focusing on the unpleasant task of cleaning up the kitchen, for example, we can be grateful that we have food and shelter. When we drive through the snow, we can focus on our feelings of crankiness and anxiety, or we can be glad for the moisture the farmers need and the miracles of vehicles that can handle the weather. 

At work, when students need help finding a classroom or adjusting their class schedule, we can set aside our impatience and appreciate the fact that young adults who are unfamiliar with the world of higher education are brave enough to ask for help. And, of course, we can greet them with a smile. 

I am committed to my personal big goals, and always up for a challenge. At the same time, let’s not underestimate the impact of the little things that make up our daily lives. Go Saints!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and currently committed to increasing his daily minutes of reading, exercise, and healthy habits. Check back in 70 days to find out how it went, and feel free to email him anytime at

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Dec. 19, 2023

Making memories is what the holidays are all about

Every family and organization has traditions, and the Bennett family is no different. Whether it is pancake breakfasts or pizza nights, my wife and I try to build reliable and happy memories for our girls through everyday routines as well as the major holidays. Granted, living in Liberal has added one more big date to our calendar (Pancake Day), but the traditional ones still have the ability to get us excited.

Last year, we traveled to the Polar Express attraction in Colorado. As of Dec. 1, we had not yet decided what this year’s Christmas outing would be, but what we did know is that it is vitally important to us not to miss out on opportunities to make memories with the girls.Even on Thanksgiving, possibly the most low-key and least celebratory turkey day I have experienced, we chose to focus on family time together amid the fatigue we were all feeling. One of the best ways to avoid burnout? Go somewhere quiet, far away, with your loved ones. There’s nothing better than secure, safe time to rest and recharge.

That is what we did in November, and I returned from the trip to the lake in Oklahoma feeling refreshed and ready to make the most of the final weeks of the fall semester. Between the statewide stream of visitors to SCCC, the Christmas Parade, and the usual roster of SCCC activities and athletic events, the time is going fast.

Students have made the journey home for the winter break, and they have a lot to be proud of. With a record-breaking enrollment level this year, we saw more students on campus and an overall sense of engagement and excellence among them. Our men’s and women’s soccer teams, eSports team, and high-achieving students from the region and the world finished the semester well. Four of our Phi Theta Kappa students have been nominated as All Kansas Academic Scholars.

The ever-growing list of student clubs and organizations kept us all extremely busy throughout the fall and winter. HALO club members logged volunteer hours and held several fundraisers, as did the Livestock Judging Team and various athletics teams. And the Presidential Scholars group met regularly to perform community service and learn more about hands-on leadership. We are so proud of each of our Saints, and excited about what they will do this spring.

I’m just about ready to head to my house once again, and switch over the mode of making memories. It might mean hot chocolate, popcorn, and a family movie. It might mean singing Christmas carols together, FaceTime calls to faraway loved ones, or even a trip to one of the many locations where Santa Claus has been spotted.

No matter what, the important thing is to be together. Not just in body but in spirit and attention, too. One of my personal goals this year has been to put my cell phone down more often and focus on the faces in the room where I happen to be.

This is something my SCCC family pointed out in the annual “365 Review,” where I ask each and every employee to evaluate my performance as president. It’s not ever easy to open yourself up to potential criticism but I firmly believe these kinds of conversations are what can lead to real change and personal growth.

More than one person asked me to reduce my tendency to multitask, trying to check text messages and emails while also participating in a meeting or conversation. I took this to heart and asked for in-person reminders when my attention slipped. It has required determination, but I have improved in this area, and I see the positive effects at work — and at home.

I would like to see these types of positive crossover for all our employees, so that the practices and skills we use in the workplace transform us in a good way that benefits us in all aspects of life. I would also like to see all our college employees able to truly disconnect from work over the holiday season, relax, spend time with family, and enjoy the well-earned time off.

Once we return to campus, it will be a new year, full of time and opportunities to tackle projects, check off lists, and identify new goals for personal growth.

For now, however, it is my hope that our entire Saints family, from students to faculty and staff to administration, from Saints Booster Club members to alumni, community supporters, and regional relatives have an excellent holiday filled with good times and memories to cherish.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he is almost always on campus but rarely standing still. You can reach him at

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Dec. 12, 2023

Busy times at SCCC in the quiet of December

By the time this column reaches the printed page, things will have quieted down considerably on the Seward County Community College campus. Our faculty wrapped up the academic year  Dec. 11, just after students finished finals. In many ways, the semester is a wrap — but that doesn’t mean nothing is going on.

In fact, the quiet period from now until Dec. 20, is one of the most productive times for many of our staff and administrators. The college’s regular business offices remain open, and we are looking ahead to the start of a new year and all it will hold. Even though classrooms are empty, our academic division is still quite busy as instructors lead Winter Session classes online. These run from Dec. 12 through Jan. 1, and provide a great way for students to catch up or get ahead with a full-credit course in compressed, online format. This also marks the launch of our Saints Anywhere online platform, the upgrade that SCCC now offers in place of EduKan online courses. Many Saints Anywhere classes are also open for spring semester enrollment. Check out the class listings at

Going back to our quiet campus work period, we hope to make significant progress on several important projects. There is the cleanup in preparation for renovating the “old” dorm building into a two-purpose center for student health/mental health services. On the other end of the building, student life and recreation space will be created for the odd hours when students are still wide-awake, but the Student Union is closed. The plans call for a fully equipped kitchen, a movie viewing area and a study space. Our Student Health Center and Mental Health Counseling services have been functioning in temporary spaces on campus, and we are eager to shift to a more permanent, secure and confidential location.

Of course, we have been eagerly awaiting the delivery of our student-friendly furnishings for the One-Stop Shop area in the main hallway of the Hobble Building. I expect the early part of 2024 will see a considerable increase in both foot traffic and relaxed student groups hanging out in the Shop.

Back in the Student Union we are embarking on a simple refresh for the Saints Bookstore in order to provide a bit more sales space and ease for the staff. Look for new flooring and the same great opportunities to get a coffee, shop for swag, and start the new semester fully equipped for success.

Finally, we have revved up the conversion and relocation efforts for our West Campus location. The new property on Western Ave., just north of Liberal High School, promises to be a great fit for the SCCC Truck Driving/CDL and Diesel Technology programs. Architectural plans are being finalized, and we are excited to get things started, including exterior signage.

As always, our financial aid, registrar, admissions, business office, and all support staff are bound to be busy in the final weeks of the year.

Once the faculty submit final grades to the SCCC Registrar Alaina Rice and her staff, the office updates student records and transcripts. Mid-year graduates are always eager to receive their diplomas. And the business office has plenty to do, between billing for fall semester and preparing accounts for spring semester.

The new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is open for incoming and continuing students to apply, and our SCCC-specific scholarship applications are also open. Director of Financial Aid Amy Bridenstine has scheduled a FAFSA round-up event for Feb. 24, when students and their parents can obtain hands-on help with the new federal forms.

Don’t forget that it is not too late to enroll for the spring semester, whether it means taking a single class or signing up as a full-time Saint. The Admissions office is ready to help with new applications, or tie up loose ends with applications in progress. I often remind people that community colleges like ours specialize in second chances: many of our students are here to pick up where they left off, some of them years ago, and we are eager to guide them to success. If you or someone you know is partly through a degree or certificate, please call or stop by and we can help you cross that finish line!

No matter what you might need, keep in mind that our regular business hours of 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m. are in effect through Dec. 20. From Dec. 21 to Jan. 2, the college campus will be closed.

Until then, enjoy your holidays. We look forward to seeing you in 2024!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he is almost always on campus but rarely standing still. You can reach him at 

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Dec. 5, 2023

Finals, and the happiness of a fresh start

The last few weeks of any semester unite students, faculty, and staff in a way that is inescapable: everyone is ready for the class to be finished. For some, the feeling is on the triumphant side, as they admire high grades. For others, the end of a class feels like an act of mercy. For still more, the main sensation is general exhaustion.

I remember, and sympathize, with all the feelings. As a teacher of kindergarten and eventually high school students, I looked forward to the holiday break with a mixture of desperation and excitement. Mostly, I remember feeling tired. As a college student, and later, a college instructor, the feelings were more complicated. In higher education, the only students who show up are the ones who want to, and the instructor is less a discipline or authority figure than a kind of guide of coach. It is definitely a joint effort.

Now, as a college president, one of my jobs is to help staff the cafeteria for the annual, late-night breakfast shift at our annual “Moonlight Finals Breakfast.” This year’s after-dark feast starts at 8 p.m. Dec. 5, as students take on their final exams. It is always a great opportunity to offer a word of encouragement to tired scholars, and to take a deep breath amid the stress of academic tests.

One of the exciting things Seward County Community College has added to this year’s December calendar is the fast-and-furious Winter Session, with classes running from Dec. 12 to Jan. 1. These full-credit courses (three college credit hours) require a unique commitment from students, who will need to check in daily on their online work, finish assignments despite all the festive events that might be happening at home, and complete the course just as the holiday break wraps up.

Why is this exciting? I am glad people ask that question about what sounds like a lot of hard work. The Winter Session provides an opportunity for students who have fallen behind to catch up, and for those who are looking toward the finish line, a chance to get ahead.

These students might be making up credits that fell by the wayside during the strange events of the last few years: between the pandemic, the economic and social roller-coaster, and the ordinary ups and downs of life, it’s easy to find that you are just one class short of being able to graduate in May. For others, particularly student athletes who are required to hew to a fairly strict set of eligibility standards, the possibility of a Winter Session class is a great problem-solver.

Last year’s quiet introduction of our Winter Session was a success, and encouraged us to offer a few more options in 2023. It is our hope that Winter Session options will only grow, and will become a trustworthy way to fill in those gaps that always seem to occur as we go through life.

We are also excited that the Winter Session marks the official introduction of our Saints Anywhere online platform. This fully-online class delivery system offers students the same high-quality, personally delivered education that our on-campus faculty provide. It’s truly learning the way that works for the student, anywhere, anytime.

Saints Anywhere is not limited to Winter Session. It becomes our online platform of choice for the spring semester classes as well, since the college has officially separated from the former EduKan consortium to develop our own online system. When students enroll for Spring 2024, they can choose on-campus classes or Saints Anywhere options that are fully online.

In the meantime, for most of the Saints family, the period between Dec. 21, when campus closes, and Jan. 3, when faculty and staff head back to campus, will be a quiet time. This also feels like a chance to get a fresh start. By the end of any given semester, whether it is from a pesky virus that leaves everyone across campus sneezing and coughing, or from the daily grind of an 8 a.m. class to teach or attend, most of us are on the tired side. An opportunity to get catch some extra sleep and live for a few days in unstructured relaxation is a gift worth noticing.

Once the new year arrives, it’s on to spring semester. I can’t wait to see what other new beginnings make 2024 memorable.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett plans to follow his omelet folding and pancake flipping at Moonlight Finals with Holiday Host duties at the SCCC employee Christmas Party Dec. 11. After that, his culinary and hospitality ventures will be confined to his home. You can reach him at

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Nov. 22, 2023

Quality education, innovation, take a group effort

Whenever I tell people about my choice to move to Liberal as president of Seward County Community College, I always mention the stellar community support the Saints receive. It’s nearly legendary among Kansas community colleges; I suspect my fellow community college presidents might feel a little envy.

We will find out this weekend, as SCCC hosts the Kansas Association of Community Colleges for its December meeting. College trustees and administrators will travel to Liberal to compare notes about upcoming legislation, best practices, and share challenges and triumphs at their respective campuses. I’m excited to welcome our peers to the Saints stomping grounds, and to show them our community as well. Liberal is one of the state’s best-kept secrets with an astonishing array of taco and food trucks, brick-and-mortar restaurants, and local attractions — not to mention the robust display of Saints Spirit evident around town.

Of course, KACC gathers for more than companionship and great meals. As an organized group of community college leaders, we have found over the years that our voices carry the loudest and our requests have the most impact when we work as one, despite our 19 individual institutions.

We are distinctly different from local K-12 school districts, though we share the similarity of locally elected boards. We are also different from Kansas Board of Regents and private four-year colleges and universities, partly because we are locally controlled and locally funded. The details of these differences are felt both by our students, our faculty and staff, and our local taxpayers. Those same details often escape the notice of state and federal legislators, who understandably think about larger systematic issues. But by working as a unified group, KACC members are able to amplify our community college’s voices and serve the best interests of our stakeholders.

I am reminded of the unique opportunities and responsibilities of the Kansas community college structure the first Monday of each month, as our SCCC Board of Trustees meets to handle routine business, financial details, and short-and long-range matters. The seven trustees are elected by local voters. The most recent election in November brought a few changes to the composition of the board.

We will be saying goodbye to trustee Kay Burtzloff, who was elected in 2019. Kay has a long history of work in higher education and community service, and continues to lead the Liberal Area Coalition for Families. During her years on the board, Kay provided a strong voice for stability and confidence during a period of great change. From the COVID-19 pandemic to the turnover in our president’s office, Kay helped guide the college steadily with an eye on growth and improvement.

Her enthusiasm has fueled one of the greatest periods of expansion in college history — and her baklava has fueled flagging spirits when our employees felt a little weary. We are thankful for her hard work and her presence at almost every SCCC event you can imagine, from stocking the SaintsUP pantry to coaching the men’s soccer team to helping arrange important presentations about domestic violence and fentanyl awareness. We will miss her.

Joining the board will be local businessman and Saints Athletics enthusiast Kelly Hill. Whenever new members join the trustees, the board makes committee assignments and seeks to capitalize on the new trustee’s strengths and experience. We are excited to see Kelly contribute to the Saints family, and bring his perspective to the table, along with incumbent trustees Keeley Moree, John Engel, and Marvin Chance Jr., who were re-elected.

Of course, the election of trustees would not be possible without the most important part of the process, local voters. I am grateful to all who turned out for the election and who voiced their opinions about the direction our college goes in the coming years. We are on a trajectory of success and expansion, and it is my intention that we continue to grow in size, impact, and excellence.

This weekend, I will enjoy sharing our most recent wins with our community college friends and neighbors. There is so much to be proud of, from the dorm and facility upgrades to the newly acquired West Campus property and, most of all, our many students who have broken records and continue to pave the way for future success.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett will not be able to attend this Friday’s Winter Concert due to his hosting duties for the KACC members, but he hopes the community will fill the Rapid Fit Health Center Showcase Theater with holiday cheer! The concert is at 7 p.m. Dec. 2. You can reach him at

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Nov. 15, 2023

This holiday, we’re thankful for founders

The holiday season is nearly here with the things we all value: family, fellowship, celebration of the year that’s closing and all the reasons for gratitude. As I think about Thanksgiving, there’s no shortage of reasons I am thankful. This eventful year brought amazing, positive changes for the college that would have been hard to picture at the beginning of 2023. Personally, my family weathered all kinds of unexpected events, some of them scary, some just plain funny, but in the end, all of them opportunities for growth and for grateful hearts.

It’s natural to think of family near and far at this time of year. For the Saints at Seward County Community College, one fundamental factor is present through this year, and every year since the college began: our community supporters. While we value each and every one of you, I am thinking especially of the longtime boosters, visionaries, and builders — the core group of SCCC proponents who have brought this institution along through decades.

That’s one reason we’ve planned a special “Donor Dinner” for Dec. 15, inviting as many of our longtime SCCC Foundation supporters as we can identify and send invitations to. The upheaval of the last few years interrupted the college’s attention to this kind of event. In part, this was because the pandemic reshaped operations, and the culture of the campus changed as employees left and new people arrived. Now feels like the right time to resume some of these traditions.

Events like the SCCC Foundation Donor Dinner provide time to honor the folks who make it possible for SCCC to carry out its mission of improving lives of students and their community. These donors fund scholarships, to be sure, but more importantly, they reinforce the importance of the core beliefs that founded the college starting in 1967.

When I hear members of the original group who envisioned the creation of a “junior college” (as we called two-year institutions back then) for Liberal recall the process, I am humbled by their determination, focus, and commitment. Creating a college with good ideas and public persuasion and political savvy is no small feat. Longtime college supporter JoAnn Sharp recalls amazing determination among the colleagues she worked with to make it a reality; sadly, most of those “originals” are now gone. But what they began remains, and it’s our responsibility to keep it strong and vibrant.

One of the ways to nurture that vision is to connect with the people who have contributed to the legacy. That’s why I believe it’s critical to bring college donors to campus, and provide them with opportunities to meet the students, faculty, and staff who carry on the work.

It’s also the reason for the reintroduction of our monthly newsletter for longtime supporters. The 67 Almanac will launch publication this month, providing a one-page summary of events at the college for supporters and friends. It’s old-fashioned, for sure: a paper newsletter sent through the postal system to recipients who still understand the value of a printed letter. We hope that this will bring a smile to the faces of the readers, and give them a sense of connection similar to the way annual Christmas family letters remind us of faraway friends and relatives.

The name of the Almanac is a tribute to those “SCCC Originals,” the forward-thinking old-timers who made their vision for a bright future a reality for us all. 1967 was the year the College was incorporated as an institution, following many trips to Topeka, local meetings, and personal visits from the original founders to movers and shakers in Liberal and the surrounding area.

It’s my goal to send a 67 Almanac 10 times a year with news of student success, campus expansion, programs, athletics, and the positive impact the Saints family has on the community and the world. If you would like to receive the Almanac, please reach out to my office with your name and mailing address.

As the holiday season approaches, we will all receive more mail than usual — holiday greeting cards, family newsletters, and plenty of sales flyers. Even so, nobody gets as much postal mail as we remember from years past — the world has changed. But for me, that makes receiving a letter that much better. I hope the 67 Almanac will spark that same feeling among Saints supporters! We are thankful for you, this month and throughout the year.

ABOUT THE WRITER — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and the newly-minted publisher of the college’s mostly-monthly newsletter, the 67 Almanac. To join the mailing list, contact his administrative assistant and editorial whiz,, or call 620-417-1010. 

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November 8, 2023

Veterans Day panel speaks to past and future

At first glance, the topic for our Veteran’s Day discussion panel might seem less than victorious: “The War that Follows You Home.” But for the three Vietnam War veterans who will grace the stage in the SCCC Rapid Fit Health Club Showcase Theater at 11 a.m. Friday, Nov. 10, the title is true and life-changing.

The panel of SCCC instructor Ed Poley, and fellow service members Wes Willimon, Richard Lemon and Kansas Honor Flight Coordinator Rosemary Corbett, focuses on trauma, healing, and revisiting the past because that is what resulted from time overseas defending democracy and freedom. Like many military veterans before them, these men came back to everyday life with heavy burdens. What they saw, heard, felt, and survived left more than a fleeting impression; the experience changed everything about how they navigate what the rest of us often refer to as “normal life.”

Ed Poley, who has worked throughout the decades since his return to civilian life to assist fellow veterans in the struggle to adjust, is open about the challenges. His time in Vietnam and subsequent service in the Kansas Army National Guard during more recent conflicts took a toll. He often struggles to sleep. He still mourns the loss of his fellow service members. He knows PTSD is real, and present in everyday life.

The Kansas Honor Flight program aims to provide a contrast to those dark moments. By taking veterans to the nation’s capitol for a thoughtful, carefully curated visit to the many wartime monuments, Honor Flight validates the experiences of veterans. It also provides closure. Ed and his fellow veterans will share their thoughts and feelings about their recent trip to Washington, D.C., and the surprising sense of healing it provided.

For many vets, the language of therapy, healing, and wholeness is a new experience. We know that World War I veterans were often observed to come home with “shell shock.” In World War II, the military began to institute mandatory limits on how many missions pilots could fly before they were sent for “R&R” breaks intended to alleviate the mental and emotional strain of being on the front lines. Those days are far behind us, yet the modern acceptance of best practices for mental health and wellness remains inaccessible for many veterans of the Korean War, Vietnam, Desert Storm, and subsequent conflicts.

Yet things are changing, and it is good to see. I’m honored that our campus can host conversations like “The War that Follows You Home.” Our veterans deserve our thanks, our support, and our listening ear.

So do our current students at Seward County Community College. The past years have tested the limits of all Americans, as we faced a pandemic, civil unrest, and stark divisions. Young people especially struggle to make sense of it all, particularly in the academic arena. Many of our current students experienced the formative high school years in a fractured way, with various combinations of school at home, school with and without masks, new scheduling, and high turnover among instructors and counselors. With so much to process and sort out, it can be difficult to maintain a sense of purpose and progress.

The strain shows, as we see with the brisk level of traffic through our on-campus mental health counseling service. I’m proud that we have established a “new normal” for students and our campus as a whole, a normal in which it is “OK to not feel OK” and a normal that acknowledges the reality of student struggles with anxiety, depression, and other challenges. There’s nothing shameful or substandard about vulnerability, acceptance, and asking for help. There’s nothing more powerful than a team of people who believe you can win a struggle that, like the internal echoes of war, takes place largely inside a person’s heart and mind.

The college is in the process of receiving bids for the renovation work on the old dormitory building on the east side of campus. We are eager to begin work on transforming that building into a dual-use space: half for the confidential and much-needed health and mental health clinic offices, and half for student life and social activities when other areas on campus are closed. Our team is committed to caring for our students. I’m very grateful that the need for support is not stigmatized like it once was, and the focus has shifted to “let’s support those who need help, because we need them.” We needed veterans to defend our nation’s freedom; we need the youth of today to help us build a bright tomorrow.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and the first to acknowledge that it takes a team to make big things happen. His goal for himself and for SCCC is to do a little better every single day. You can reach him at

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October 28, 2023

Answers to your questions can be found on campus

The month of October included a long, long list of events for the Saints family — and life at my house was no different with all kinds of planned and unexpected happenings. But the liveliest topic of conversation, possibly winning out over a household move and a couple surprise trips to the hospital, was the annual question, “What costumes will the Bennett family choose for Halloween?”

Before you laugh, let me remind you that as the father of two girls who are growing up much faster than their mother or I are ready to accept, I take the challenge of making valuable memories seriously. A lot of the time, we do this on campus. My family is the first to show up to unload boxes, paint something Seward Green, and cheer our Saints Athletes whenever a later bedtime is negotiated. We have a lot of great memories pulling together for the larger family that is such an important part of our lives.

Our own household is no different, and as long as the girls still think it’s fun to dress up with their mother and me, I am all in. Those days don’t last forever.

On the campus of Seward County Community College, we expect to see equally committed costume-wearing over the next week. Students love to dress up, and our Saints softball and baseball teams have been known to put on masks and capes and head to the diamond for a fully-costumed competition. Our employees will end their workday on Tuesday with a short but hilarious Halloween party — at least, last year’s party was pretty funny, and we expect no less in 2023.

The goats in the Ag Department will even get in on the fun at the program’s “Trick or Treat with SCCC” event, set for 5 to 7 p.m. Monday, Oct. 30. Ag instructors Rachel Sirek-Milashoski and Will Milashoski have organized a family-friendly outdoor activities with tables sponsored by campus groups who are also competing for a traveling trophy for the best decorations and theme. The ag department has also thrown in a mystery gift basket to be raffled off to the table entrants. We have no idea if the basket will contact farm-fresh eggs, lamb from the campus herd, or something completely different.

Then there is the other big unknown: “What kind of costumes will the SCCC goats wear this year?” Ag department students and faculty have all been sworn to silence. You will have to load up the kids and head over to the ag department for an evening of free fun, and down-home entertainment.

The goats, sheep, donkey, and chickens in the ag division do not have a monopoly on public performance, however. Our SCCC drama department is preparing to stage its fall production, “I hate Shakespeare” at 7 p.m. Nov. 2-4. The actors take the stage in our newly-named (for the year, thanks to the Foundation Auction) “Rapid Fit Showcase Theater.”

The play is a comedy that takes a whirlwind tour of William Shakespeare’s plays through the ages, adding in some modern points of view, plus zombies, a talking cow, and possibly someone getting a pie in the face. Fun, right?

I am so proud of the students and faculty and staff who have put this together. Admissions coordinator Jamie Francis has a theater background and took on the job of directing this production along with our vocal instructor, Dr. Magda Silva. We love the way our Saints family goes above and beyond their assigned roles, and this is a great example. Along with the students appearing in “I Hate Shakespeare,” the play showcases contributions by the SCCC Cosmetology students, and a host of other helpers who “make the magic happen behind the scenes.”

Tickets for this play are $10 and can be purchased at the door. As always, students with an ID and senior citizens who have an SCCC Courtesy card may attend at no cost.

It’s hard to believe I am writing about a play that will be performed in November. But we have reached that point in a semester that has already proven to be eventful and excellent. Looking ahead, the College will host a Veteran’s Day panel discussion, welcome fans to the Greenhouse for our men’s and women’s basketball season opener, host a College Planning Conference for high school students, celebrate International Student Day, and more.

If you are wondering whether it is a good idea to join us, the answer is yes! We love seeing our community on campus, and we hope that happens soon.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and in just a week’s time, will transform into a seemingly ordinary mail man. You will know it’s him when you spot the Grinch (a small Grinch, but a very enthusiastic one), Cindy Lou Who, her mother, and of course, the Grinch’s loyal dog Max (known in real life as Mr. Pancakes Bennett). You can reach the mailman — make that the president — at


October 21, 2023

International, yet united by the weather and more

Colder weather has finally made its presence known, and the leaves on our campus trees are turning red. For longtime Kansans, the chance to see some color is welcome because our windy and fast-changing weather often blows all the leaves away the moment they stop being green. For many of our students, who travel to Liberal to become part of the Saints family, this will be the first Kansas winter ever.

International students have been a valuable part of Seward County Community College for decades. For the most part, it is our sports programs that draw these student-athletes to the middle of America. I am always amazed when I hear our coaches’ stories about recruiting players from around the world. This year, the establishment of men’s and women’s soccer teams brought a large number of international students to campus, from places as varied as Great Britain, Australia, South America, and the Caribbean. They joined students on other teams from Africa, Asia, and all parts of the U.S.

Depending on the location these Saints call home, some had to buy their first-ever winter coat. A few have already started wearing puffy jackets to their early morning classes. It’s a big adjustment when you grew up in a place where freezing temperatures are unheard of, and you have never seen snow.

But the international students are not the only ones processing new experiences on our campus. The Southwest Kansas natives and our soccer players from Amarillo and Kansas City might be accustomed to bundling up in winter, but many are encountering global cultures for the first time. The opportunity to sit in class with a fellow freshman who speaks Portuguese or who traveled across oceans to enroll is a new experience, and a valuable one.

We all can learn from those around us, but for many of our Seward County and border state students, contact with a completely unfamiliar culture is rare. The chance to ask questions, find common ground, and navigate language barriers and moments of joint confusion all contribute to personal and social growth. It’s also part of maturing into a fully-fledged adult.

Then there are the universal truths that apply to everyone across our campus, whether they are students, Kansas residents, out-of-state transplants, internationals, or nontraditional learners, whether they are faculty or staff. As I look back over the month of October, I can see many examples of these overlapping truths:

  • We all feel the colder air in the morning, and are thankful for the Free Coffee Tuesday options at the Saints Bookstore.
  • We all get hungry, and appreciate the pork burgers and other treats provided at the CTE Expo, with plenty left over for hungry campus members.
  • We all wonder about how to protect our friends and family from the troubles of the world, and benefit from mental health resources and programs like the fentanyl awareness and opioid overdose presentations for staff and students this month.
  • We all have losses to mourn and loved ones to remember, so the special memorial “ofrenda” set up by our Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO) club is open to all members of the Saints family.
  • We all belong to the wider community, which is evident through our student and faculty and staff participation in so many events: Liberal High School Homecoming, Southwest Kansas Fiesta, the SWMC Health Fair, last weekend’s Cultural Festival and weekly attendance at civic groups from Lions to Kiwanis to Rotary and the Chamber of Commerce.

We are heading into the second half of our fall semester, and looking forward to a fantastic new year. Before that comes, I encourage members of the community to make a stop on campus. Visit our cafeteria. Take in a sports event — we have five teams currently competing — or attend the fall play, “I Hate Shakespeare.”

Or, if you are feeling the chill in the air, head over to the Saints Bookstore every Tuesday to get your free coffee. You might even find a warm hat or a new sweatshirt.

No matter where you come from, there is a place for you at Seward County Community College. If you have any doubts, just ask our students and learn the word “yes” in one of the many languages spoken on campus.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where the student body includes learners from Argentina, Australia, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Croatia, Dominican Republic, France, Ghana, Guatemala, Japan, Madagascar, Mexico, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Panama, Poland, Serbia, South Africa, Spain, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Venezuela, and the United States. He loves going to work in all kinds of weather. You can reach him at

October 14, 2023

Workforce education and early college go hand-in-hand

History has a habit of repeating itself, and that’s never clearer than when we look at the younger generation, trends, and choices. It’s not just clothing and fashion I am thinking of, but also ideas. That is something that cycles around periodically as well.

This week, I am traveling to Iowa with a team of local education leaders to take a look at the early college program sponsored by Iowa Western Community College and Council Bluffs public schools. The concept of concurrent enrollment for young people who are still completing high school is not new, but it is gaining more popularity as families look for answers to the problem of rising tuition costs at four-year universities. 

Now more than ever in recent decades, we hear teenagers and their parents asking the question, “Is college worthwhile?” They are more interested in the kind of life they might create for themselves as adult wage-earners than they are in the bells and whistles of the college experience. They are not looking to earn a degree on auto-pilot. Bottom line: they want a good return on their investments of time and money, and they expect gainful employment when they walk off the stage with a degree in hand.

Looking back in history, their attitudes remind me of the forces that swept across the United States during the formation of the country itself and once again during the westward expansion that settled Seward County and the entire region. From its earliest days, our nation rewarded a ‘can-do’ spirit that sought to get to work immediately. This was partly out of necessity — it took a lot of work to chop trees and clear land, or plant crops in previously uncultivated spaces — and partly out of sheer determination and excitement about the opportunities that lay ahead. Think of all the under-age volunteers who managed to enlist in various military engagements. The young people of America have always been eager to get started on real life. 

Today, high school students are often anxious to do the same. Here in rural America, young people are acquainted with hard work and the importance of doing their part. Their work ethic is laudable, and we should encourage them to forge ahead. Most importantly, they should not have to choose between those adult-world goals and obtaining higher education. 

I often talk about the economic benefits of the community college model and specifically about everything Seward County Community College has to offer. Motivated high school students can enroll in classes that range from welding to U.S. history, earning certificates and college credits that shave time and money off the cost of a college degree. 

In 2022-23, SCCC introduced the Saints Ahead Scholarship, which removed the financial barrier for any high school student in our service area who wanted to take college classes. The scholarship continues to fuel higher achievements for high school students in the 11 school districts we serve. Now, we are looking to go one step further with an Early College Academy in Liberal. 

The early college model SCCC aims to establish with USD 480 is a more structured and focused version of the many options already available to local students. It will provide a clearly marked pathway to an associate degree at the same time students are finishing their high school diploma. I am excited to learn more about how this worked in Iowa, and how it might benefit our community as well. 

In the meantime, SCCC is preparing to welcome 400+ high school students to campus during our upcoming CTE Expo. This career-technical education event focuses attention on the workforce-ready programs we offer in agriculture, business, cosmetology, computer systems, industrial technology trades, and allied health programs. Students who attend will learn about how they can begin training during their high school years, and what they can pursue after graduation. 

The CTE Expo provides a close-up look at the many programs SCCC offers, and that’s a valuable opportunity for high school students who may be uncertain about what lies ahead. In addition to the on-campus opportunities for students to discover, the Expo also brings employers and industry partners to campus. Students can get firsthand information from the people who will be hiring employees in the coming years, and employers can plant seeds to inspire future workforce members. 

In life, work is a reality we all experience. SCCC is excited to help young people in our region explore possibilities, gain skills, and position themselves for success. Look for more updates as we continue to expand the options!

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett has worked as a kindergarten teacher, a sports retail manager, and a dairy executive, but his chosen vocation lies in higher education. Make no mistake: he still gets his hands dirty pulling weeds and painting walls on campus. You can reach him at

September 28, 2023

The sweet, sweet sound of 17 percent 

Enrollment increase is good for SCCC, the community

You’ve heard the saying about not counting your chickens before they have hatched? That was the feeling on campus earlier this month as we awaited the official tally of college student enrollment across the state of Kansas. Nationwide, all institutions of higher education are reckoning with big changes in how students respond to the idea of college. Public health concerns, politics, and the economy all combined to send student enrollment numbers lower, lower, and lower still.

Not at Seward County Community College!

With the fall semester still gaining momentum, we recorded an increase of 17 percent enrollment in FTE or full-time equivalence. 

That’s more than twice most of our peers in Kansas. And we can’t stop smiling, because higher enrollment means everything. It means our hallways and sidewalks are bustling with students. Their conversation, laughter, and energy fills campus with a sense of purpose and potential. 

It means our team is invigorated by the challenges each academic year brings. After so many roadblocks and losses people have collectively experienced over the past few years, it’s amazing to see excitement and optimism spreading through our departments and academic divisions. 

Economically, the increased enrollment also means SCCC is contributing mightily to the local and regional economy. I’ve written and talked before about the very real ripple effect our work has. Each student who earns a certificate or degree not only increases his or her lifelong earning potential, that student also changes the economic landscape for their households and families. This is not a small thing, but a profound change in the trajectory of a family’s future. 

Higher incomes mean more stability, better health and increased education for each generation that follows.

Follow that line of thinking through a neighborhood and community. You can see that 17 percent more people attending SCCC will eventually mean 17 percent more well-qualified people in the local workforce. That in turn will boost the economy and contribute to an overall increase in charitable giving, community participation, positive developments, and so much more. Don’t forget that the college itself is also an employer of more than 200 people who live and shop in Liberal and give back to the community through their personal investment in civic and local events. 

Of course, all this is only possible because of our students, who are at the heart of everything we do. We are not manufacturing widgets in our classrooms, labs, and on the athletic fields; we are helping young adults find their way into positive, purposeful lives through education. Our higher enrollment numbers this fall reflect the many facets of our student body. We added men’s and women’s soccer teams, drawing students from across the state, nation, and world; we added eSports; we established the Saints Ahead scholarship program for high school concurrent students throughout our service area. Our Presidential Scholars have enrolled in greater numbers, and we are recording growth in programs all across campus. 

And we aren’t even halfway through our list of big goals for gains. 

In the coming year, we anticipate a Finish Line Scholarship program designed to encourage students who stopped during their journey to graduation to come back and finish that degree. We are excited to publicize many new opportunities for transfer students to earn bachelor’s degrees in partnership with four-year colleges and universities. And we are tuned in to our many industry advisory boards so that we can respond to their needs and directives. 

Increasing enrollment is a big deal. You could say that 17 percent is “just a number,” but to me, it reflects the amazing teamwork and focus demonstrated by Saints employees in every department across campus. Whether it’s attention to the details in maintenance and repairs or increased efforts in recruitment by coaches and instructors or the personal touch in business and student affairs offices, every person on our team has contributed to our progress. I can’t wait to see what happens in the coming months, as we keep on counting. 

ABOUT THE AUTHOR — SCCC President Brad Bennett is selling raffle tickets for a Saints Golf Cart that he would love to see in the possession of some lucky reader and raffle ticket purchaser. For information about how to get your $100 shot with one of the 150 tickets for sale, contact him at 

September 20, 2023

Auction succeeds with help from our whole community

Hispanic Heritage Month started last week on Sept. 15, the same week that the Seward County Community College Foundation hosted its 29th annual party auction. The fundraiser provides an evening of fun and connection for a good cause — proceeds from the event support student scholarships and programs at SCCC. It’s the biggest single fundraising event for the year, so the preparations took a huge amount of time and energy. 

Associate Director of Annual Giving and Alumni Engagement Sarah Thompson has dramatically expanded the scope of the auction, and this year was no different. Set-up for the big night took several days and hundreds of hours of work. As volunteers worked to organize the hundreds of donated items in advance, decorate tables, and connect sound and visual equipment, it occurred to me that our campus hadn’t yet acknowledged Hispanic Heritage Month. With so many community members and students from Hispanic and Latin American countries, it’s definitely an observance that deserves attention. 

Like Seward County itself, the auction reflected significant contributions from members of the Hispanic and Latin American community. SCCC Assistant Director of Development Magdalena Rivera and Alumni Gift Coordinator Susana Rodriguez went above and beyond in strengthening outreach and soliciting donations from business owners and individuals in Liberal and the area. 

Without their commitment and personal engagement, said Chief Development Officer Kyle Woodrow, we wouldn’t even be having the kind of conversations that build those relationships. 

We also would not have been able to offer such an amazing variety of items for the silent and live auction. We would not have been able to sell out all our entrance wristbands and fill the Seward County Activity Center with a diverse crowd of community members. And, we wouldn’t have been able to break records in a single night of fundraising. 

No sooner had we cleaned up the auction items and wrapped up the weekend than we embarked on another busy campus week. I’m happy to say that these included several events focused on Hispanic Heritage Month. Student Life activities offered great Mexican cuisine-themed snacks, the Hispanic American Leadership Organization club (HALO) hosted a fundraiser, and students began to see campus displays celebrating the unique strengths and beauty of diverse cultures. 

Over the weekend, several campus groups will participate in the Southwest Kansas Fiesta activities on Sunday. The women’s soccer team and students from the Epworth Adult Learning Center will walk in the parade to start a day of fun and activities open to all. This follows the full slate of activities on Saturday as students and Saints faculty and staff pitch in to help at the annual Chamber of Commerce Duck Race and all its fun activities. 

On Monday, we will welcome a panel of speakers to campus for a program that promises to be transformative. Four high-achieving professionals in the fields of law, business, education, and government will be on stage at the Jesus A. Manriquez Showcase Theater to discuss the many different pathways to success. “Widen Your Lens” includes  Judge Rachel Pickering of the Kansas Court of Appeals, Monique Garcia Owner/Consultant Garcia Group LLC, Kaitlin Alegria Assistant Dean of Admissions at Washburn University School of Law and Janet Lazalde of the Kansas Office of Judicial Administration. 

The theme of their presentation is to present the many different options available to students who might be the first in their families to attend college, whose families came to the U.S. from other countries, or who just feel uncertain about how to find their way from a remote rural community in Southwest Kansas to achievements that seem far away. This is exactly what we work to achieve each day at SCCC, and we are thrilled to welcome these new voices to campus to inspire and encourage our students. 

The 1 p.m. event is open to the community, and is sure to be fascinating and helpful, not just for students but also for the people who care about student success and community growth. As we saw at last week’s Foundation auction, our community is thriving thanks to all the members who participate. We do great things together, and we can only look forward to more positive changes when we work to include everyone. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, Saints sports enthusiast, and part-time business class instructor. He does not speak Spanish but that’s just one of times when his executive assistant, Karla Morales, saves the day. You can reach him at 

September 2, 2023

Good friends are always worth a change of schedule

Last weekend, as I returned from a state meeting with peer community colleges, I reviewed everything that has been happening on campus and made a mental list of what I should tackle first. Whenever I travel away from Seward County Community College, there is a sense of wanting to take care of business as soon as I get back.

Life had a surprise for me, though. One of my oldest and best friends texted to say he and his family were on the road. Could he stop by Liberal to connect?

That’s why, late Sunday night, I emailed campus to tell our team that my plans had changed a bit and I would be in Monday afternoon rather than first thing in the morning.

My friend and I have known each other since fourth grade. It’s rare in life to remain close to people you first met in elementary school, and rarer still to grow the relationship past the things kids do (and maybe aren’t supposed to do) into true adult friendship. This is increasingly difficult to achieve as people pull up stakes, change jobs, and adopt a more transient lifestyle.

I thought about how important those lifelong friendships are as I pulled into campus on Monday afternoon. Our students are probably not thinking about such long-term goals — they are busy looking for a free parking spot for that 1 p.m. class, juggling work and academic responsibilities, learning how to live as semi-independent adults. But the friendships they develop as part of the Saints family are ones that can last for decades and can be just as influential as the classes they enroll in and the degrees they earn.

Opportunities for friendship are abundant all over campus. Student-athletes are already grouped together by necessity — they have similar schedules due to practice and game calendars. But every team contains so much diversity, it can be mind-boggling. Our Saints Athletics teams bring together students from across the world, from Europe to South America, Africa, Asia, and all parts of North America. The bonds on a team can make or break a season record, and they can also transform those individuals as they learn to community and collaborate with others.

Student life activities on campus are just as varied. Under the supervision of Student Life Director Wade Lyon, more than 20 clubs offer all kinds of activities for their members. Students have so many options, from anime to Bible studies to Quiz Bowl and creative writing. For those who want to get out into the community, HALO, Phi Theta Kappa, and the Presidential Scholars groups offer an abundance of volunteer and service opportunities. We want our students to get to know each other, as well as the community members around them.

Friendship begins with looking up from that cell phone screen and making eye contact. It can start with a smile. Sometimes, it grows out of a shared experience, like struggling through a class in a language that is not your first or learning to handle math equations you haven’t encountered before. Our students are encouraged to join study groups and to schedule sessions with peer tutors, but we also know they can figure out how to be helpful on their own. It is not unusual to see groups of students talking over textbooks in the Hobble Building hallway or sharing notes and observations in the study pods in the Saints Library.

Most Fridays on campus, you will see students gathered in the Student Union for Funday Friday for an activity that usually involves food. This week, it was the old-fashioned popcorn machine. Previous sessions involved bagels, waffles, the ever-popular chocolate fountain, and gourmet grilled cheese. Once a year, we offer a community-wide adult version of the students’ food adventures with the Taste of Kansas community potluck, featuring international and home-cooked favorites.

All year long, I’m encouraging our SCCC faculty and staff to branch out and get to know others, too. Starting this fall, the President’s Office at SCCC will sponsor any employee’s membership in the many civic clubs in Liberal. We see a lot of them during their weekday meetings in the SCCC conference rooms, from the Lions to the Kiwanis and the Rotary Club. If employees want to join an organization but find it difficult to pay the dues, my office will gladly pick up the cost. Individual meals are still up to the member, and we do want participants to attend at least 60 percent of the scheduled meetings. My goal is to make it easier for our SCCC family to get to know more neighbors and friends, and to contribute to the wellbeing of the community.

Friendship is never a waste of time, as I experienced this week at work. I want to encourage our students and staff members to keep this in mind as we make our way through another great year at SCCC.

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and remains silent about his adventures as a fourth-grade kid in Tulsa, Okla. When he’s not at work, check the local fishing holes. You can reach him at

August 25, 2023

Collaboration with Newman University is just a taste of great things to come

There are few things as exciting as the point when an idea gains momentum and people and organizations begin to work together to accomplish big things. That was the feeling on campus at Seward County Community College this Wednesday as we rolled out a new partnership with Newman University.

The program is a big deal and removes the two biggest barriers to Seward County residents being able to attain a bachelor’s degree — the cost, and the location.

Starting in January, graduates from SCCC can complete their bachelor’s degree in business or in agribusiness from Newman without having to worry about the tuition or the issue of relocation. They can apply for a $20,000 scholarship, and if they are Pell Grant recipients (as most of our students are), they can receive a matching scholarship for that in addition to the $20,000. With the maximum Pell Grant of $7,500, the match would be another $7,500, resulting in a total scholarship of $35,000. And that covers the base tuition at Newman University.

Better yet, the degree tracks being offered are completely attainable from Seward County. Students are not expected to relocate or even travel. It’s a game-changer.

But, as television hosts used to say, that’s not all.

An exciting aspect of the lunch and meeting on Wednesday was the cross-section of people from our community who attended. We welcomed folks from Seward County administration, the Seward County Economic Development, USD 480, the City of Liberal, and of course our departments and academic divisions across campus. Representatives from Newman University were on hand to explain the details of the program and spread the word.

They spoke about the original mission of their institution, which was founded nearly 100 years ago as the nation struggled with the Dust Bowl and the Depression. As a private, Catholic-affiliated institution, they are mission-driven in a way that is not unfamiliar to SCCC. The goal of transforming lives through education is something we believe in as well.

Another topic that came up at the luncheon was the troubling statistic that Seward County has the least-education population of all the counties in Kansas. We aim to change that number, and if our preliminary enrollment figures for the fall semester are any indication, we are beginning to gain traction.

I am confident that every person in the room, from city commissioners to SCCC instructors to our peers from Newman University, shares the vision that we can empower residents of Liberal and Southwest Kansas through the opportunities in this program.Newman University has long been invested in serving students in the southwest quadrant of Kansas, and many of us know at least one person who has benefitted from their early adoption of creative distance-learning methods. The goal is to begin with these two program tracks and expand to other areas of study over time. Two possibilities include bachelor’s degrees in nursing and in education — and we know there’s a huge demand for professionals in both those fields.

At our luncheon, I spoke briefly about the need for new ideas and approaches like this one. Over time, innovation is something that has dwindled in Higher Education, and it is invigorating to be part of a pivot to explore new ideas. Among them are:

  • Our Saints Ahead scholarship for high school students taking concurrent classes. This provides a full scholarship for Seward County high schoolers and a flat rate of $50 per class for our service-area high school students. All participants are required to maintain a healthy GPA. 
  • A retooled firefighter program that will launch in Liberal just after Labor Day. It offers a pathway to certification that can ease the way for aspiring professionals and increase the firefighting ranks in the community.
  • A partnership with Garden City Community College and a significant expansion on our own campus that will put two and eventually even four times as many CDL-licensed truck drivers into the workforce of Southwest Kansas.
  • Late-start and short-term course expansion continues. We offered five new classes over the winter holiday break in 2022, and plan to repeat and increase those offerings this year. We also boosted summer course offerings, all in the interest of making college more accessible to students who have more ambition and motivation than they have time.
  • Expansion and improvement of our very own Seward Online program, renamed “Saints Anywhere,” is due to launch in January 2024. Our exit from the old EduKan consortium frees us up to tailor classes to our students’ needs in the way that is unique to SCCC.

There are many more creative initiatives in the pipeline. We served our guests a complete and delicious lunch on Wednesday, but over time, that event will seem like an appetizer to all the great things happening at SCCC.

We can’t wait to see you on campus, or online, or in the Greenhouse gymnasium as the year continues. It’s good to be Green!

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he prefers to be, although you might spot him traveling across the state in the college pickup truck to attend the Kansas legislature and board of regents meetings. Be assured, his happy place is right here in Liberal. You can reach him at


August 11, 2023

Come back to school with the Saints next Wednesday

Town Hall meeting unveils new One-Stop Shop

The new school year is just days away, and that feeling of a fresh start is present all over the campus of Seward County Community College. You can see it as the grounds and maintenance folks mow and trim lawns and clear pathways for our students. And you can see it in the cafeteria, as the regular meal service schedule resumes, and early arrivals line up to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. 

Of course, employees across campus felt the “new semester” sensation as we gathered for professional development sessions last week and this Monday. With the introduction of 36 new employees at the first meeting, and the announcement just a few days later that another 13 people have signed on to be part of the SCCC family, every person on campus is experiencing that sense of anticipation about meeting new peers. 

But the most dramatic example of how the Saints family is turning a new page can be seen at the Hobble Academic Building. It was less than two months ago that we closed off the front hallway to remove the stand-alone office modules that filled the center corridor. Construction crews pulled up to the entrances and gutted walls, ceilings, light fixtures — everything that once filled the rather cluttered-feeling main hall visitors encounter when they arrive on campus. 

At our all-staff meetings last week, I shared with nearly 200 employees that I had a moment of panic as I watched crews carrying loads of old carpet, wallboard, and strips of dusty blue wallpaper out of the building. “What did I just do?!” I wondered. It was no small project: office staff from Admissions, the Registrar, Financial Aid, TRiO student services, our mail and welcome desk services, Housing and Campus Security, high school Outreach, and the SCCC Testing Center were all displaced within days. 

Kudos to the staff and faculty of SCCC for cheerfully packing up their offices and relocating to temporary work spaces for the duration of the summer, and kudos to our students and patrons who patiently threaded their way through hallways and a mountain of furniture and office supplies that crowded spaces in the building. 

All of that wanders pretty far away from the “fresh start” feeling of the new school year. 

But that is why it is so exciting to see how the project has turned out. Less than 10 weeks later, the main hall of the Hobble Academic Building is a wide expanse of open space and possibility. Just yesterday, painters were applying touch-ups to the newly constructed offices. The signature green of Seward County is now visible on the trim of windows, doorways, and doors themselves. Brand-new carpet covers the broad space that will become the SCCC One-Stop Shop for students. 

We are excited to see how this thoughtfully redesigned space will serve our incoming Saints. Now, when someone wants to join the Saints family, they can complete all the necessary steps in one visit, without a sense of confusion about which office is next. We’ve removed the barriers, literally. 

The same principle holds true for our delivery of academic services. The possibilities, like Hobble Hall, are wide open, and the choices for our students are more plentiful and visible than ever before. We’re filled with excitement about the expansion of our CDL and diesel programs, from the new options available from SCCC on the campus of our neighboring community college in Garden City, to the expansion of class sessions as we prepare to increase our facilities and open new class sessions with a larger roster of instructors. 

In athletics, we’re poised to embark on the first-ever seasons of eSports and men’s and women’s soccer. Just last week, as players continued to stream in from other states and countries to report for practice on the soccer field, we plugged in the newest computer system components for our eSports area on the Industrial Technology campus. 

Meanwhile, in the traditional academic areas on the main campus, we’re welcoming new instructors to nearly every program, from math and science to theater to psychology. Our dorms are full. Enrollment is rising. And we expect 2023-24 to be the best year yet at SCCC.

We would love to include you in this amazing back-to-school experience by inviting the public to our next Town Hall meeting at 7 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 16, at the new One-Stop Shop in the Hobble Building. We will be serving light refreshments to our guests and opening the floor for community questions, suggestions, and conversation. We will also offer quick tours of the improvements to campus, from the gleaming remodeled restrooms to the renovated spaces in the Shank Humanities Building, to the outdoor upgrades — lighted signage on building exteriors and more Seward green everywhere you look. 

Please join us next Wednesday. You will be sure to catch that “new school year” feeling, and join us in saying “It’s good to be green.”

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brad Bennett is the 13th president of Seward County Community College, and says there’s nobody luckier than him. He’s still removing paint residue from his skin after a summer’s worth of outdoor work, and can’t wait to welcome students to campus for the first day of classes Aug. 16. 


August 4, 2023

SCCC open for business, classes, & enrollment this summer — even if some doors are not

In this weekly column, I have described the ongoing work at Seward County Community College to improve and expand our campus. This week is no different, except for one thing: demolition and major renovations in our main office and classroom center, the Hobble Academic Building, will begin this week.

Pending approval from the Board of Trustees, we are constructing a “One Stop Shop” for student services. The vision is for incoming students to follow a friendly, simple process to get started on their Saints journey. We will start with removal of the office modules in the center hallway of the Hobble Building entrance area.

As signs around the site explain, SCCC remains open for business, classes, and student enrollment — but not all the doors at Hobble are accessible. For students currently attending summer classes, or enrolling for fall, the easiest access point will be on the southwest corner of the Hobble Building, to the left and up a slight slope from the “Home of the Saints” main campus sign. Visitors and employees who park in the south parking lot reached via Cottonwood street can veer left on the sidewalk and enter through the green door.

For those who want to visit the library, or who come across the center of campus from the Student Union or cafeteria, the new, temporary “Main” entrance will be the glass doors at the top of our wheelchair accessible ramp and graduated steps. It is immediately north of the big library space, and nestled between the library’s high walls and the bank of windows facing east.

Our Saints information desk and welcome area is located just inside, and we have installed clear signs to guide visitors through the building to their destination of choice. Construction continues in the main hallway across from the library, as we completely renovate the four large bathrooms most used by students, faculty, staff, and the public. However, restrooms on the AA side of the building — west of the new “Main” entrance” — are open and well maintained.

We are also in the process of renovating the restrooms in the Shank Humanities Building, which is a high-traffic, high-value area for our community members attending musical, dramatic, and forensic performances in the Jesus A. Manriquez Showcase Theater. This summer, that includes the Rainbow Players’ production of the musical “Cinderella,” and while we cannot predict completion of the restroom upgrade by the show on July 6-9, we can count on all the magic, laughs, and music you would expect when Cinderella takes the stage. As a girl dad, I know a lot more about princess stories and ball gowns than you might expect.

Back at the Hobble Academic Building, the SCCC staff deserves a big shout-out for their hard work, cheerful attitudes, and flexibility as everyone packed up and emptied their offices in the front hallway over a three-day period. Despite the rain, the humidity, and the stress of sorting through all the materials that accumulate in a busy office space, the Saints family pulled it together and migrated to temporary office spaces.

For visitors to campus who need to stop in for regular business, here’s a partial breakdown of where to find us:

  • Executive Team and business offices are located in the same places as ever. To get to staff members working there, enter at the southwest corner and follow the signs to find your way.
  • Human Resources is in its usual place — directly in front of the southwest corner door.
  • SCCC Testing Center for incoming students and others who require proctoring services is also located immediately to the right of the southwest door, in the accounting classroom.
  • Financial Aid, Registrar, and Admissions offices are straight down the hallway from the southwest entrance. Signs will direct you to the right room.
  • TRiO student services currently occupies the same classroom as Admissions, down the hall from the southwest door.
  • Signs from the southwest door and hallway can direct guests to the library, student advising, and mental health offices, which are in the usual place but might seem hard to find amid our construction barriers.
  • The Student Housing office is now located inside the advising area, right next to the library.
  • SaintsUP pantry and library services are operating at they usual times. The quickest access point to the library, advising, and housing, is through the “New Main” entrance on the east doors via the center campus courtyard.
  • For those who park in the north lot, near the cosmetology and Colvin Family Center for Allied Health, the Hobble Building can be accessed via the north entrance. Once inside, signs can guide you to the locations listed above.

We hope to see you on campus this summer. There’s so much happening, and it is all for the benefit of our college, its students, and the community we call home. Go Saints!

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where higher education sometimes involves pulling weeds or applying paint. He is already looking forward to fall, when Saints Soccer kicks off, our eSports team enters the virtual competition arenas, and classes will launch yet another cohort of Saints students into their futures. 


May 22, 2023

Road trip reflections and long-haul drivers

Last week, I attended meetings in Dodge City, a bit more than an hour’s drive, and then, a few days later, I made an unexpected drive to Oklahoma to be with family. The trip takes about six hours, and I started in the afternoon, having worked most of the day already. By the time I arrived, I was more than ready to be off the highway.

Anyone who does a few hours of highway driving knows there are trucks on the road — 18 wheelers, delivery vehicles, trailers carrying large loads, tankers, all of them hauling the supplies and goods we need from one location to another. If you are driving in something smaller than these highway giants, it can be intimidating. If you are one of the drivers in the big rigs, it can also be stressful and dangerous.

That’s why well-trained drivers are so valuable and in high demand. When the most powerful vehicles on the road are moving with precision and safety, everyone is safer. Goods get delivered, and more importantly, people arrive at their destinations.

All across the state, the nation, and the continent, business and industry — and individuals — rely on the delivery system that brings necessary supplies. When the highways close because of bad weather or construction, life slows down. When the customers fail to receive what they ordered, it sets off a cascade of effects.

At Seward County Community College, we are proud to be part of the supply chain, starting with the drivers who make everything work. Our Commercial Drivers License program (CDL) trains between 8 and 12 new drivers every two months. The six-week program of study covers all the basics of safe driving and operation of the large trucks, aligns with state and federal regulations, and guides students through all the necessary steps for licensure. Graduates usually obtain well-paying jobs immediately upon graduation. With the growing need for truck drivers, the CDL classes fill up fast, and students sometimes wait a month or two for an opening.

That will change soon with the expansion of our truck driving program and the construction of a new classroom and diesel technology building. The college is already preparing to double or even triple the number of graduates we can launch. Thanks to a grant from the state of Kansas, and matching funds we have located for the $1.8 million funding, we hope to break ground before the end of the summer.

We moved closer to our goal this week with the donation of a truck by one of our key supporters, National Carriers. The rig, painted in signature NCI blue, pulled up to the south side of campus, and representatives from National Carriers handed over the keys. National Carriers President Jim Franck described the planned expansion as “a tremendous win for the trucking industry and Seward County.” What a compliment from the company that set up shop in Seward County decades ago and has since become a powerhouse in the transportation industry. Jim Franck went on to say that “This facility will allow SCCC to train the next generation of Drivers and Technicians for good paying jobs with bright futures. National Carriers is proud to play a small part in helping this vision become a reality.”

We couldn’t say it better ourselves, and I want to add that the Saints family is equally proud to count National Carriers as industry partners. We value their contributions so much, and their perspective even more.

As SCCC continues to focus on how to make our community better in every way, we always remember that it’s the people and organizations in Seward County and the region that make the Saints family strong. We wouldn’t exist without you, our community, and we count it a privilege to serve the needs of the community and its people.

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. His number-one road trip requirement is hand sanitizer, Pellegrino water, and leg room. You can reach him at 


May 15, 2023

Lightning strike demonstrates the power of persistence on college campus

You might not know that the oldest cottonwood tree at Seward County Community College (outside the Colvin Family Center for Allied Health) was struck by lightning last week, but it was the big news event on campus. The morning after, a steady stream of Saints family members walked over to check on the tree. 

The damage was dramatic, a long streak down the length of the trunk where the bolt blasted through the bark. It looked like a giant had taken out a pocket knife and done some whittling. The grounds crew were picking up shredded tree pieces the next morning.

The event made me think about how growth happens, and what it looks like over a long period of time. According to our campus biology expert, instructor Ty Hughbanks, the cottonwood tree is probably 100 to 150 years old. It has seen a lot of history, and managed to hang on through all the big events nature could throw at it since 1880 or so. 

Drought, the Dust Bowl, a prairie fire or two, hungry jackrabbits, tornados and blizzards, and more than one big construction projects. We’re hoping a lightning strike is no big deal compared to all that.   

Even though the tree is likely three times as old as the college, SCCC too has grown and survived dry years and bountiful years and achieved a kind of resilience that bodes well for the future. Just like nature’s cycles, we are currently in a season of renewal. 

Daily life in the Hobble Building is quiet in terms of student activity, but incredibly loud in terms of decibels. Demolition of four outdated bathrooms is underway so that we can update the facilities for students, staff, and the public. The jackhammers and thuds are just the beginning. Other projects slated for summer include:

  • Renovation for a new student testing center adjacent to the SCCC Library. 
  • Creation of a “One Stop Shop” for incoming students in the main entrance area of the Hobble Building. The free-standing office modules in the front hall will be removed, creating an open and welcoming space for students and their families as they apply, complete financial aid paperwork, and enroll in classes. Multiple offices will relocate in this process.
  • Addition of new exterior lighted signs on our main campus buildings has begun. We’re excited to see building names on clear display.
  • Installation of glass doors on the west entrance of the Greenhouse Gymnasium have transformed the look of the athletics area on campus. 
  • Replacement of flooring in the Student Living Center has begun. This giant project will wrap up prior to our new academic year kickoff in August. 
  • Renovation of the “old” original dormitory building just west of the French Family Softball Complex. The facility will become an on-campus medical clinic with a mental health and counseling component. 

All these projects involve a combination of tearing down and building up. This is only possible because of our stable foundation both in material and financial terms. And, no pun intended, it is also possible because of our SCCC Foundation, which continually raises, invests, and contributes funding to the college.  

Like the cottonwood tree, we are in this for the long haul.


A separate note: SCCC’s summer classes will kick off on Tuesday, May 30, with students attending Monday through Friday for short sessions that really add up in terms of college credits. Each session runs approximately a month, with start dates of May 30, June 5, and July 5. A highly motivated student could collect nine college credits, about half a semester’s worth of work, in that time! Check out our online schedule at

to see which classes might work best for you. We have online, in person, and hybrid options for many different subjects. Or give us a call to learn more: the admissions office is 620-417-1100. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brad Bennett is the 13th president of Seward County Community College. Even though he could happily spend his entire summer fishing, you will find him on campus from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. 


May 8, 2023

Dream big about The Next 50 Years with SCCC

It’s an old but grounded-in-experience joke: If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. We all know the feelings that go with “the best laid plans,” as old-timers used to say: everyone wants to expect the best, but there’s almost always a curve ball or unpredictable weather to factor in. So, why plan?

This is a question our executive team and campus leaders have been grappling with over the last semester. Does it make sense to  picture progress and actually make step-by-step plans, when we have all experienced unprecedented challenges in the past few years?

The answer at Seward County Community College is a resounding “yes.”

History says it is the dreamers who propel progress. Locally, time has shown that looking to the future is exactly what has gotten this resilient and inspiring region to where we are now. In the midst of political and economic upheavals, despite pandemics and tornadoes and prairie fires, this part of the country is full of folks who stick to their guns. We persevere. We endure. And we are hopeful in the way that farmers and sodbusters and the Greatest Generation showed us.

That is why we have started a project we’re calling “The Next 50: Envisioning the Future.” Beginning with an informal brainstorming, dream-out-loud gathering on Tuesday, May 23, we invite our stakeholders and Saints supporters to join us in picturing all the possibilities for the College and this region. If you would like to join us, please contact our Chief Development Officer Kyle Woodrow to request an invitation. 

Some examples of the topics we are considering:

  • What are the best practices to radically expand Seward’s online course offerings? What options are most valuable to our students and those we hope to draw into the Saints family?
  • As dairy interests grow and a cheese factory is constructed in the region, how might we leverage the opportunities for our students and our community?
  • Liberal has long served as a transportation hub for the wider region. Is it time to revive this sense of purpose with expanded truck and rail transportation? How will the four-lane expansion of U.S. Hwy. 54 impact industry growth?
  • Solar and wind energy continue to offer intriguing possibilities for this region. What entry points exist for SCCC and our students in support for this emerging energy industry?
  • Fiber expansion is well under way, with at least three providers fully involved in bringing 5G technology to Southwest Kansas. How can we tie such projects to what our students study and aspire to practice?
  • We value our partnerships with fellow education entities, from the local and area public school districts, to four-year universities and federally funded programs in high-value specialized fields of study like national intelligence/security. How can we grow these relationships for the benefit of all?

These are only a few of the subjects that have captured our imagination. With a community full of capable, creative, and hard-working stakeholders, I know there are many more worthy ideas to consider.

It’s always fun to start with questions. What if … we increased enrollment so successfully that we ran out of dorm space? What if … we added even more sports to our Saints Athletics teams lineup? What if the demand for housing in Liberal caused us to take a second look at a construction study track in Industrial Technology? What if we recruited all the best musicians in the area for our instrumental music program, and started more small groups for performances?

What if your son, daughter, next-door neighbor, or even you have a great idea that grows with a bit of encouragement from an SCCC instructor, and soon we are empowering students’ entrepreneurial ventures every year?

The College has crafted a sturdy and effective Strategic Plan for our next five years; we want to expand that sense of purpose tenfold, and look to the horizon for 50-year goals. Please consider joining the conversation. We can’t wait to dream together.


EDITOR’S NOTE — SCCC President Brad Bennett is looking forward to envisioning big things for SCCC with the community. The Next 50 Years first event is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, at the Liberal Country Club. For more information or to request an invitation, contact Kyle Woodrow (Chief Development Officer) at 620-417-1131). You can also reach Brad at or by phone at 620-417-1010.


May 1, 2023

Eyes on the dashboard, enrollment gains ahead

It will still be several years until my daughters learn to drive, but lately, I’ve been thinking about the importance of the dashboard.

The newest dashboard at Seward County Community College is not attached to a vehicle — it’s attached to our campus-wide goal to increase enrollment. To people in the world of higher education, that goal might sound a little obvious, like putting the car in “drive” if you want to go anywhere. For us, however, increasing enrollment connects to the big picture of what SCCC can be next year, the year after that, and decades into the future. 

I don’t want to drift off course, so back to the dashboard. 

The SCCC enrollment dashboard tracks our work in every area of the college, from classrooms to offices, to phone messages and our presence in the outside world. It connects to our progress, our speed, our overall condition. It’s just like your car dashboard, which keeps you on track but also warns you if something like your oil or tire pressure needs attention. 

Just after our college and the community worked to create the SCCC Strategic Plan for 2022-2025, the Saints family decided to establish a “W.I.G.,” or “Wildly Important Goal.” This is something that supersedes all of the urgent, everyday tasks that eat up time and attention. It’s something that deserves our best energy and focus. For SCCC, that is the vision of increasing enrollment by five percent every year for the next five years. 

How will we get there? That is a little bit like asking “how does a car run?” With a lot of moving parts. Every department, academic division, and office on campus has been asked to identify a goal for their area that connects to our campus wide W.I.G.

So far, the SCCC approach has been broad. We have focused on filling the student housing center again, something that happened most years before the pandemic altered what seems normal. Of course, filling a dorm requires the dorm to be appealing and ready to be bursting at the seams with energetic students. Accordingly, our board approved key improvements to the student housing buildings, one of which will take place over the summer. We’re replacing the flooring with the help of three local vendors who will divide the work evenly. 

Another component of student housing — our washing machines and dryers — was addressed earlier this spring. To say the students were happy would be an understatement. 

Adding three new sports — men’s and women’s soccer, and eSports — has increased the number of student-athletes. Even so, we are happy to report that more than half of the early applications for dorm housing are from students who are not in our athletics program. This is a positive trend, and it indicates our recruiting efforts outside Saints athletics are paying off. 

Recruiting is tied to scholarships, and that is another key area we have addressed in our pursuit of higher enrollment. Working with the SCCC Foundation, we have restructured some of our scholarship offerings to appeal to students who excel in the classroom and extracurriculars like band and vocal music, as well as technical education areas of interest. At the Monday board of trustees meeting, Chief Development Officer Kyle Woodrow reviewed some of the changes. The Foundation has adjusted several scholarships to offer “front-awarded” funding for key areas. These include agriculture, corrosion, machine tool, diesel, and welding technology, as well as in-state and out-of-state awards given by the admissions office.  

Looking ahead, the Development and President’s offices will co-host a long-range planning event May 23, focusing on “The Next 50 Years” at Seward. 

Enrollment also relies on recruiting activities, and our campus is in the midst of a mindset “reset” about how that works. Our admissions office hosted a successful Saints & Seniors Day in March, and the first All Saints Day for enrollment took place last weekend. We’ve also hired an Executive Director of Enrollment Management, Erika Espinoza, who will bring together work in the admissions office, the outreach office, and other campus-wide efforts to recruit and retain students. 

This comes at an opportune time, since we rolled out the Saints Ahead Scholarship for concurrent high school / SCCC students earlier this year; we’re already enrolling high school students for next fall. Everyone is excited about the free tuition for Seward County residents, and $50-per class flat rate for high school students in our service area. 

Marketing and Public Relations has increased billboard advertising across the state, and produced materials and social media advertising campaigns for both the Saints Ahead Scholarship and fall enrollment. The numbers are exciting, as people respond to the news of what we have to offer with enthusiasm and real interest; you might compare this to “miles per gallon” if you are still thinking about the dashboard. 

As summer approaches, we will continue to maintain our work, monitor our progress, and enjoy the journey. Anyone who has been on a long road trip with kids understands the importance of having fun along the way, and that’s our goal at SCCC.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and the custodian of “dad jokes” for campus. This week, he shared a “daughter joke” at the trustees meeting: “Dad, do they call them ‘board meetings’ because they’re boring?” Contact him at 


April 25, 2023

Stressed out? SCCC has chocolate, massages, and puppies

Anyone who has worked in a public school system or higher ed — actually, anyone who has ever raised a child or been a child, or been a student – knows that late spring is truly a whirlwind of activity. Spring sports plus end-of-year celebrations plus graduation ceremonies and programs pile up … and then there are final exams. 

Yes, finals lie ahead for the Saints family, starting in less than two weeks. As always, our Director of Student Life Wade Lyon knows what this requires, and he has planned ahead. Saints De-stress Week kicks off Monday, with an Italian soda bar and free massages for students and the occasional stressed-out faculty member. Tuesday, Wade continues the massage-it-away approach, but add color to the ix with DIY tie dye opportunities. 

Wednesday brings a “wax hands” fun sculpture event plus the always popular chocolate fountain. Thursday, it’s all about warm fuzzies with pet therapy and Create-a-Critter offering real live animals and cozy stuffed toys. 

It might seem surprising to find stuffed animals and sweet snacks at the center of a college campus, but keep in mind how long most of our students have been alive: two decades, if that. Their comfort foods and love languages are more closely connected to happy childhood memories than adult methods of coping with life’s demands. And it’s surprising to see how many faculty and staff members of the Saints family gravitate to the Student Union each semester as De-Stress activities take place. 

The SCCC Executive team also does what it can to help students stay calm and keep studying. Following the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees on Monday, the vice presidents, chief information officer and I will put on aprons and get to work in the cafeteria. A hot and hearty late-night breakfast, also known as “Moonlight Finals” is available to all SCCC students from 8 to 9:30 p.m., just in time to fuel a late-night study session. 

These events are standard at Seward County Community College, but we are not stopping at the minimum. Looking ahead to next year, our campus will continue work to support our students in every way, including their mental health. We’re excited to introduce an on-campus student health center that will be located in the “old” (original) dorm building that has been used for storage for more than a decade. Architectural plans are already in development to refurbish the building as an on-campus health clinic and mental health counseling facility. Partnerships with local care providers and agencies are in development, and we look forward to delivering much-needed services to our Saints students. 

It has been said that the generation now reaching adulthood has never known a time without school shootings and the threat of terrorism. It’s true that bad news seems to overshadow good news, and young people often absorb a message that the world is not safe, and they have no way to find peace or purpose. On this campus, we hope to provide an alternative to those shadows, so that our students can focus on their futures with a sense of positive energy and personal responsibility. 

We are thankful for our community partners, from the Liberal Area Coalition for Families to Southwest Guidance Center, the Liberal Area Rape Crisis/Domestic Violence Service, and Southwest Medical Center, Genesis Health Care, and many other individuals and groups. Whether it is a donation of food and personal supplies to our SaintsUP pantry or the SaintsUP wardrobe, or a hallway table with information and resources, we couldn’t look after our students without the help of our community. 

For the next two weeks, the SCCC campus will be bustling with activity, but also for many students, an undercurrent of anxiety about how the year will turn out. If you know a student, take a moment to ask them how it’s going. Sometimes all it takes is a smile, a handshake, or a hug to reassure a person that their life is important, and that things can turn out well. 

Don’t forget our multiple graduation ceremonies, starting with Nursing Capping and Pinning at 6 p.m., Friday, May 5, and continuing on Saturday, May 6 with two commencement ceremonies at 9 and 11 a.m., and wrapping up with the GED/adult learning center graduation at 3 p.m. 

May is a great time to be part of Seward County Community College. Go Saints!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is preparing for graduation weekend by leading the charge to spruce up campus. On May 5 and 6, you’ll see him in his regalia, cheering on our graduates. Contact him at 


April 18, 2023

Year by year, numbers tell a powerful story

It’s hard to believe but we are already looking toward fall 2023. Yes, you read that correctly: fall semester 2023. While we enjoy the spring flowers and birds singing about spring, our team has been hard at work to prepare for another successful year. We continue to visit local high schools, hosted a career fair and a senior day. And now we are gearing up for our first All Saints Day. While it is too early to celebrate or take our foot off the gas, we are so excited about the way we are trending.

As business professionals and organizations everywhere know, the numbers don’t lie:

  • A year ago we had 30 housing applications —> today, we have 105.
  • A year ago we shared the sense of upheaval world events had created for then-high school students: their path forward felt so unclear. —> This spring, we hosted the biggest “Saints & Seniors” day in history. More than 200 soon-to-graduate high school seniors came to campus to learn how the Saints family will help them reach their goals
  • A year ago, our signature All Saints Days events for incoming students were trimmed down to small groups of 10 or less. While this worked for the purpose of health concerns, we realized that a big part of the new-Saints experience is the excitement of meeting new people and being part of something bigger than high school.
  • This year, our first All Saints Day of the season is scheduled for April 29, with 31 signed up and more slots available. Interestingly, 15 students who had registered for All Saints decided they are all in, and have already enrolled for fall! To claim a spot for April 29 or the three subsequent All Saints Days ( May 17, June 8, and July 12) call Ashlee in Admissions, 620-417-1102, and she will set you or your student up!
  • A year ago, Saints Soccer was still a great idea and something our community hoped for; today, we have added men’s and women’s soccer, hired coaches, ordered uniforms, and scheduled games. Our current roster counts 60 Saints athletes with more to come.

When it comes to higher education, of course, there’s more at stake than numbers and averages. We are investing in the lives of each and every student, who in turn affects many lives through family and friends. This is a huge responsibility, and has the potential to impact entire generations and our geographic region.

If you think about the work SCCC has done over the past 50 years, one simple measure is our graduates. With 10,000+ alumni who have received certificates and degrees since our first commencement ceremony in 1971, just think how many lives have been changed by SCCC. Conservatively, counting only graduates and their parents, that is 30,000 people; expand that to include graduates’ spouses or partners, and two children, that number balloons to 60,000 people. And you know, we all have important relationships and interactions that go far beyond family ties. The human impact of our graduates is immeasurable.

Economically, we know that workforce members who hold a two-year degree rather than simply a high school diploma, earn around $436,400 more over their lifetime; that’s about $10,000 extra every year. Multiply that by 10,000 graduates, and we can estimate that SCCC’s impact on individual graduates counts in billions of dollars. Members of that first graduating class are probably retired, or about to retire, and they are personally seeing the long-term benefits of their investment in their owneducation.

I will readily admit I love numbers. But even more than that, I love the work of education: the way we help young people refine their sense of self, their ability to focus, and their path forward. The first two years out of high school can set a course for a lifetime, and it is a privilege for SCCC to be part of that process.

So, as we approach the end of another academic year, we are once again seeing the scope of the work we do every day. For our graduates, one stage of life and development is coming to a close, and we feel a mixture of pride and sadness to see them move on. For the Saints family of faculty and staff, another year is just around the corner, and we can see from the glimmer of light that great things are ahead.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE —  Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he counts success in degrees granted, dollars saved, and volunteer hours devoted to pulling weeds and sprucing up the campus. You can email him at 


April 11, 2023

Join the Saints to celebrate our agriculture heritage

Lawns all over Liberal are turning green, trees have opened leaves, and wheat plants in the surrounding area have emerged. It’s a time of growth, and nowhere is that more evident than at the agriculture program at Seward County Community College.

Less than a year ago, our two new agriculture and livestock judging instructors arrived and brought a fresh sense of energy and excitement to the program. Will and Rachael Sirek-Milashoski represent the newest generation of farm and ranch professionals. 

And, just like spring refreshes our sense of what is possible and good in the world, they have set off an explosion of optimism in the classroom, the livestock arena, the greenhouses, and the SCCC service area. Maybe it’s the sight of Will chasing a pig across a grassy field during a livestock event — or the common-sense kindness Rachael exhibits toward the campus’ growing herd of goats — or the laughter you hear when the pair are at work with students — but pinning down the exact definition of a flourishing program might be a little bit like predicting weather on the High Plains. When it’s raining, you know it, and when the animals and crops are thriving, you can tell. 

Stakeholders from our service area can take part in the excitement next week, as SCCC hosts a fantastic roster of events for Ag Week. Starting with a student-led Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning, the week has something for everyone. Families can stop by campus for a fun “All About Ag” event on Monday. Our Collegiate Farm Bureau will host a Barnyard Olympics with round and square hay bale activities, potato sack race, wheelbarrow roping, and plenty of laughs on Thursday. In between those highlights, we have a forum for innovators, a tailgate party and games, plus livestock judging for all ages. 

I’m especially excited about the Stockman’s Banquet and Celebration planned for 7 p.m. April 21 at the Liberal Country Club. The menu includes New York Strip steak donated by National Beef Packing, gourmet sides prepared by chef Anthony, and complimentary wine and beer courtesy of Kent and Molly Colvin, Rock and Stephanie Ormiston, and my wife Lindsay and myself.

Following a great meal, we’ll host the celebrity auction for the next day’s livestock judging event. If your livestock judging team needs some expertise, several local pros will be up for bids: Trevor Winchester, Blake Williams, and visiting livestock experts.

The Stockman’s Banquet is what I think of as a signature event for our part of the world. Hard-working, salt-of-the-earth people deserve a break, a chance to sit back and savor the fruits of their labor. “Going to town” used to be the way farmers and ranchers expressed a trip to shop, dine out, and meet friends. The Stockman’s Banquet brings a little bit of that feeling back. 

It’s important to note that the banquet serves as the high point of a busy day of hosting the next generation of young animal science and livestock judging community members. Throughout the day, SCCC will host a Youth Livestock Judging contest at the Seward County Fairgrounds. Following the showmanship and feedback, we aim to raise scholarship funds for those future Saints at the banquet. The SCCC judging team will also present a brief recap, and then the fun of the celebrity auction will being. I hope you will join us. 

Here’s a roundup of the other events scheduled for Ag Week:

April 14 (Fri.) — Scholarships for Saints online auction. Visit

April 15 (Sat.) — Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., SCCC Ag Building

April 17 (Mon.) — All About Ag Day (family-friendly fun), 3-5 p.m., Student Union 

April 18 (Tues.)— Ag Tech Innovation Workshop 

April 19 (Wed.) — Tailgate at Lady Saints Softball, 12-3 p.m., French Family Field

April 20 (Th.) — Barnyard Olympics, 4-6 pm., SCCC Ag Building

April 21 (Fri.) — Saints Showcase Livestock Judging  (youth livestock contest 

                        and auction), 9 a.m., Seward Co. Fairgrounds

                     — Stockman’s Banquet, 7 p.m., Liberal Country Club

April 22 (Sat.) — Celebrity Livestock Judging, 9 a.m., Seward Co. Fairgrounds

Seward County and the High Plains region have enjoyed a long tradition of farm and ranch endeavors, and SCCC is proud to continue that rich heritage. I invite you to come to campus for activities throughout the next 10 days, and join us for the Stockman’s Banquet on Friday, April 21. 

Reserve your $20 ticket now by calling Rachael SIrek-Milashoski at 620-417-1353. 
WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is no farm boy, but the president of Seward County Community College knows his way around a fishing hole and teaches livestock care skills to his daughters as they care for the family dog, Mr. Pancakes. Plan to attend the Stockman’s Banquet to meet him and learn more about the ag program at Seward!


April 4, 2023

Community College Month at SCCC brings Ag Week, musical, and more

April is known in the world as Community College Month — and what a great time to celebrate who we are! Wait … who are we? 

I believe Seward County Community College is part of a unique segment of higher education that is simply the life, blood, heart, and soul of what is great about our country. 

We provide a low-cost, efficient way for students to gain access to education. Our definition of students includes everyone, not just just people who are already “good at school,” or “promising students” or “headed for success.” We love those high achievers, and we love the other categories of students who might not arrive with awards or honors. 

We are here to provide access to all those in our community, whether they are newcomers to this country still in the process of learning the language and culture, or longtime residents of rural America which has weathered so much change over the centuries. 

We are here for the people who need second chances. We are here for people who are starting over. Or people who are starting “late,” although we like to remind our nontraditional students that it is impossible to be “behind” the timeline of your own individual life. 

And, yes, we are here for students who are brand-new to adulthood, just out of high school and ready to start their independent lives. Both students wanting to transfer and those looking for instant job placement can benefit from our institution. We love their enthusiasm and optimism and even their confusion: growing up is hard work, and it’s a privilege to become part of the support system for each one of our students. 

But we are more than that, we are community partners, we are the Saints athletics, and we love it. Every day when I get up and leave the house and kiss little MaryBelle and Madeline on the head before I leave, I take a deep breath and am thankful that I get to do this every single day. That sense of inspiration and purpose is critical, because life in the Saints nation can be intense.

It has been a long a few weeks as I was in Chicago for Higher Learning Commission meetings and in Denver the next weekend for more meetings. We have been swamped with events on campus. We welcomed hundreds of job-seekers and vendors at the CTE Career Fair, 200+ upcoming high school graduates for Saints & Seniors Day, 50+ industry professionals for the (NACE) AMPP Rectifier School. We also hosted full campus tours for our Epworth Adult Learning Center students who we anticipate welcoming as students when they complete introductory adult education and English coursework. We welcomed professionals from peer institutions across Kansas to SCCC as part of the KCCLI Leadership program. And, of course, we have a steady string of baseball, softball, and tennis competitions happening each week.

Like many of my coworkers, I haven’t taken a day off since the second week of March, but that is something I rarely notice because I  love every minute of it. 

This week provided a brief reprieve, as we conducted graduate assessment testing on Thursday and closed campus on Friday for the Easter weekend. When we come back to campus on Monday, it will be a chance to catch our breaths since there are no classes scheduled that day. Get ready, though: we have so much planned for the month. 

  • Thursday, April 13, we will host an open house on the Industrial Tech campus. Visitors can stop by for refreshments, mini tours and a chance to talk with instructors. Industrial tech is introducing a new certificate program in Industrial Maintenance, and has structured many other courses to be completed in one-semester “chunks,” with the opportunity to exit with a certificate and enter the workforce at any point that the student wishes. 
  • Friday, April 14 kicks off an entire week in celebration of agriculture.  Events include a Farmer’s Market on Saturday, April 15;  “All About Ag” day for children and families from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Student Union on Monday, April 17.
  • The rest of Ag Week includes an Ag Tech Innovation Workshop, tailgate party, Barnyard Olympics, Livestock Judging, Stockman’s Banquet and Celebrity Livestock Judging. 
  • Our SCCC Humanities Division will host its spring musical April 13, 14, and 15. The “57th National Athlete Sum-It” is full of laughs, music, and girls who are good at math. 
  • Later in the month, catch the spoken-word excitement at the Creative Writers’ Coffeehouse (7 p.m. April 21) and the sound of music at the Spring Concert (7 p.m. April 28).

I should warn you this is not a complete list. We have so much happening on campus,  it will continue to be a whirlwind — but what a great time to be a Saint. It’s always good to be green!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. Despite seemingly perpetual motion, he is not battery-operated but runs on “Saints Power.” You can reach out at


March 28, 2023

Seeing Seward County Community College through the eyes of guests

This week, our campus was in interview mode, from the students to the faculty and staff current and, possibly, future. On Wednesday, more than 50 employers came to campus for the Career & Technical Education Career Fair, which gave Saints and the community multiple opportunities to explore jobs in a variety of industries. It was a great day to see students dressed professionally, resumes in hand, ready to interview, or at least set up interviews.

Wednesday was also the first of two all-day interviews for our Vice President of Student Affairs position. It is not possible to write about the position opening in June without first describing how hard it will be to say goodbye to current Vice President of Student Services Celeste Donovan. She will retire in June, and while I know it is well-earned, I am not alone in my mixed feelings as we say goodbye.

Vice President Donovan has worked in higher education her entire career, and her perspective, wisdom, and ability to share a cheerful and positive attitude is invaluable. During the time I have worked with her, Celeste has demonstrated grace under pressure, a willingness to tackle monumental projects, and a tireless commitment to what is best for students. I am especially thankful for the way she headed up a comprehensive revision of our campus civil rights and Title IX policy. It was necessary, and it was the right thing to do but it was also extremely complicated. Our entire campus will benefit from her commitment to this task for years to come.

The two candidates who visited campus this week definitely have big shoes to fill.

Going through the interview process with them made an already busy week even more challenging, but it presented some valuable hidden benefits. Our HR Director Charlotte Peterson has said that she genuinely enjoys the interview process, because it is an opportunity to learn so much. She is right, and I experienced that this week.

As I prepared to give our candidates tours of campus, I noticed how much work has gone into improvements at every location we passed. When I sat in on various interview committee sessions, I was reminded again of what a great team we have at Seward County Community College. Administration, faculty, and staff all had multiple projects and events to juggle, yet they made time to show up for interviews, prepared and positive, putting forth the best face for people who might become coworkers. They asked great questions, and provided honest, helpful and sometimes funny feedback when candidates asked them about what it’s like to be part of the Saints family, and to live in Southwest Kansas.

From my point of view, it was great to hear the candidates praise SCCC as a place they would want to work. It wasn’t just the kind of compliments you often hear during an interview process, but genuine praise for our facilities, our team, and our reputation in the world of higher education. Interviewing candidates can be a long and arduous process, but I came away from it energized by the view it gave me of how the rest of the world sees us.

It was also great to see our Human Resources office in action following HR Director Charlotte Peterson’s lead. As is the case with any institution, SCCC’s policies and procedures require constant attention and updating as laws and professional standards change. Charlotte and her team have devoted energy to these projects while helping the college fill multiple positions over the past year. When we welcome candidates to campus, it’s important to put our best face forward, and HR is the department that ensures we do so.

Saints & Seniors Day brought 200+ high school students to campus on Thursday, and once again, it gave us an opportunity to see the college through fresh eyes. For students in our service area, SCCC provides a top-notch, quality college experience close to home. In terms of cost and return on investment, there’s no better way to begin work on a degree — but we know graduating seniors often crave an experience and an environment that excites and inspires them, more than one that’s easy on their budget, or their family’s budget.

The Saints family offers the perfect solution. We have Saints athletics with three new options next year as we add men’s and women’s soccer and eSports; we have a growing list of campus activities with exciting, student-led projects and events like Quiz Bowl, Leadership Challenge, and Livestock Judging; we have highly qualified instructors who offer a level of knowledge, critical thinking, and university-level teaching that exceeds expectations. That is what our younger visitors to campus saw this week, and we are planning even more upgrades to push ahead in the ways that matter to young adults and their families.

I’m sure many of us on campus ended our week with some new perspectives and a greater appreciation for all that Seward is. Stop by campus anytime, and let us know what you see.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of college, as well as an experienced SCCC tour guide and presenter of welcome speeches to guests of all ages. You can reach him at 


March 21, 2023

There’s no place busier than home at SCCC

When I moved to Liberal with my family, I didn’t realize we were following the path of another fictional community member — Dorothy Gale, the girl who realized “there’s no place like home,” in the classic movie The Wizard of Oz. 

I share Dorothy’s point of view this week, as I travel to Chicago for the annual accreditation conference organized by the Higher Learning Commission. Along with SCCC administrators and staff, I will catch up with the latest changes in the ever-shifting higher education landscape. These kinds of conferences offer a valuable opportunity to learn from our peers and get ahead of trends and policies that we are expected to follow. 

Even with that in mind, my preference, as I have said, is to stay close to campus. 

And next week is a great time to be at home with the Saints. There’s so much happening with athletics, admissions, the SCCC Foundation, and of course our community is interwoven through all of it. 

On Wednesday March 29, we will be welcoming a wide variety of people to campus through the Career Fair. This event provides an opportunity for employers to meet with students who are high-value candidates for internships, part-time, or full-time employment. It’s also open to job seekers from the community. Of course, the career fair would not be possible without our many industry partners. We’re excited to welcome them to campus. The Career Fair runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Greenhouse.

Wednesday is also the date of the SCCC Foundation Annual Meeting, set for noon in the Student Union mezzanine meeting room next to the Office of Development. While the Foundation operates as a separate entity from the college itself, it is a key part of so many aspects of campus. From student scholarships to program support ranging from the purchase of classroom technology to the construction of entire buildings, the Foundation supports the college in a truly foundational way. 

Finally, looking to the future, we invite the community to attend a public forum with one of our Vice President of Student Services finalists. That will take place at 1:15 p.m. in the SCCC Library. 

Thursday, March 30, we’ll host 200+ students at the admissions department’s “Saints & Seniors” day. This high-energy event provides soon-to-graduate high school students with a taste of campus life. Each academic division provides a fun introduction to their area, awarding prizes to students who demonstrate their abilities in math & science, humanities, agriculature, business, computer and cosmetology, industrial technology, and allied health. Our admissions representatives and college staff are busy answering questions about how to pay for college, how to enroll in college, and how to succeed in college. It’s a great introduction to the Saints family. 

Meanwhile … another public forum will take place with our second VPSA candidate. Again, that will take place at 1:15 p.m. in the SCCC Library. 

Don’t forget, these events are all happening in addition to regular life on campus. Our students are tackling the second half of the semester, with finals just a month away. Graduation is coming up in May. Students who plan to transfer are finalizing paperwork for that transition, and those who aim to enter the workforce are job-hunting. 

Saints athletics is busy as well, with softball, baseball, and tennis in full swing. Check out the schedules at, and enjoy the spring weather at one of the home games. Our new, high-tech scoreboards at French Family Softball Complex and Brent Gould Field make it easy to cheer our Saints on. 

Meanwhile, campus is looking sharp with continual improvements to landscaping and maintenance, and outdoor signage updates slated to begin any day. We’re excited to stage many fun and educational events during Ag Month in April. If the Farm Bureau Education Day for local elementary students was an indication, we expect great success. Look for details about the early-bird farmer’s market, Barnyard Olympics, and children’s Ag Exploration Day — along with the ever- popular Celebrity Livestock Judging event.

From my location in the Windy City to everyone back home in the actual Windy City — there’s no place like home, and I’m excited to get back on campus for the whirlwind of activities in the coming week. See you there!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a homebody through and through. He will be on campus for next week’s activities and invites you to stop by to say hello. You can reach him at 


March 14, 2023

DST reminds us to make the most of what we’ve got

Americans turned our clocks forward on Sunday, but I didn’t think much about it: my family left last Thursday for a ski trip. When I woke up at 6 a.m. to head to the office for the work week, I thought that I had slept in — until midmorning, when I realized the time change had occurred. Add the relative quiet feeling of spring break on the campus of Seward County Community College, and the shift “forward” was even less noticeable. The cafeteria continued taking care of our student residents on campus, and baseball, softball, and tennis had several competitions.  

Whether we paid attention to it or not, Daylight Savings Time is on us again, and that meant a few less zzzs for everyone this weekend. There’s always a lot of debate about whether DST is useful, or the Worst Idea Adopted by Humanity. The fact is that it has its origins in something we are familiar with here at SCCC: a commitment to do the most with what’s available. 

Daylight Savings Time was first adopted during World War I as an energy-saving measure. In 1918, Americans united for the war effort, and people were ready to do whatever was needed to support the troops, at least for seven months before DST was repealed. 

A generation later, the U.S. reinstated DST, calling it “War Time,” during three years of our engagement in World War II. From 1942 to 1945, Americans once again limited their use of precious resources and energy for the sake of the military. 

Finally, in 1966 the country adopted DST on a permanent basis. 

It’s never been entirely popular and some states even opt out of the exercise. However, the original idea is rooted in something admirable, especially when it is applied to community efforts that benefit many people. 

A tax-supported entity like the college really does belong to its community, and we work hard to keep that principle in mind. We apply that to the most mundane tasks, like purchasing replacement ink cartridges for our printers and tape for our dispensers, documenting credit card use, and purchasing big ticket items like new carpeting or air conditioning units. It is important to shop wisely and maintain accountability. 

On the operational front, we also do our best to make the most of what we have. For many years, the college has operated on special summer hours from mid-May to the end of July, working four, 10-hour days Monday through Thursday. By doing so, we’ve been able to close many buildings during high energy-consumption months. The savings adds up. 

This year, the board has approved a test schedule of nine-hour days Monday-Thursday, with the option for employees who need to do so to work the full 40. Not only will the overhead costs of maintaining large buildings at a comfortable temperature be lessened, we hope our team will also benefit from more efficient workflow and manageable hours. As always, our supervisors and administration will be tracking the results to ensure we have made the most of the work week. 

It is by no means “War Time,” but I like to incorporate smart strategies as often as possible into our Saints calendar. For instance, early spring is the time of year our admissions folks ramp up efforts to help guide graduating high school seniors through the transition to college. This year, we have extra good news to share as we make the circuit on the “Saints Ahead Roadshow” to promote early college classes for the high school underclassmen who will be mapping out their academic plans for the fall. In both cases, timing is everything for students and their families. 

Over the summer, SCCC continues to work hard to show up for our community — or should I say, communities. The months of June and July might be hot and windy, but we are undaunted and plan to show up for civic events and parades. I am so proud of our Saints team members who volunteer their time to spread the word about the opportunities we offer. 

All good strategies have a long-term view, and Kids College at SCCC might offer the most powerful opportunity to impact young lives as they make their way through a long, hot summer. Every year, we open the college to students from grades 1 to middle school, presenting a weeklong menu of classes in everything from archery to cooking to origami. The experience provides so much value to the community. It’s a mid-summer break for weary parents. It’s a soft and friendly introduction to the idea of college for kids of all ages. It’s a low-stakes entry to many activities and sports that might turn into a lifetime passion. 

So, while we are all fighting a little sleepiness every morning, I feel energized when I step back a bit and survey the wider landscape. I often tell our Saints family that we should strive to be a little better every day. Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, we have a bit more light on the path. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a self-confessed early riser. Once he’s up and running, he can be hard to catch, so send him an email at


March 7, 2023

On International Women’s Day, we celebrate past, present and future

Wednesday, March 8, was International Women’s Day, and it means a lot to me. Before you get uncomfortable about that statement, consider the fact that I am the father of two daughters.

When I think about the concept of International Women’s Day — a time to recognize the achievements of women worldwide, and to acknowledge the importance of ensuring they receive equal respect and care as we give to men — I think about the people my daughters will grow up to be. This is consistent with how we approach supporting our students at Seward County Community College.

But it is far more personal than policies. Like every person, my life began with my mother. When I reflect on the impact my mother had, not only on my life but also the lives of so many students, I am in awe.

In the days and months after my mother passed, I received many phone calls and letters from former students talking about the impact my mother had on their lives. Throughout her career in public education, she worked extremely hard for the students and school she loved.

She instilled the value of work ethic and education in not only her own kids but the thousands of students she educated. It’s not about the numbers, but the numbers do tell a powerful story. If every student she interacted with internalized just one fundamental truth, think about how those little lessons add up over the course of 12 years of elementary, middle, and high school education. Then think about all the people each of those student will affect as they go through life, whether it’s at work, in family relationships, and society as a whole.

I think about that often in how I interact with my daughters. Whether it is practicing spelling worlds or our current project — a book report on polar bears — the standard for excellence that lives in my heart and mind is always my mom. When is it best to push a little further to bring out a student’s best? When is it time to offer encouragement and the reassurance that you are valuable no matter how you feel you are performing? When is it important to say, “great job” and call it a day?

These principles carry over to Higher Ed, even though our students are no longer laboring over weekly spelling lists. When Saints students arrive on campus, we know they bring more than a decade of teacher-student interactions with them. Many of those teachers were most likely women educators like my own mom, who poured years of effort and expertise into the children and teens who sat in their classrooms.

During my lifetime, it’s been great to see the progress we have made in celebrating excellence from all students, and encouraging girls to break barriers. STEM classes (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) were once viewed as easier for male students, and young women were discouraged from enrolling. They were advised to major in English or teaching or something “more appropriate” for girls. That’s not the case today, and it’s clear on our own campus.

In our Math and Science, Industrial Technology, Humanities and Allied Health divisions, we employ several women instructors and deans who hold doctorate-level credentials. Heather Hannah, Magda Silva, Suzanne Campbell and Amber Jones all merit the honorific “Dr.” And make up a key part of our college leadership, but more importantly, they have a positive impact on all their students.

It’s not all about credentials, either, but about institutional commitment. Our Board of Trustees welcomed two influential and gifted women to the table over the past two years; Kay Burtzloff and Keeley Moree have brought new perspectives and power to the governance of SCCC. And the newest member of our executive team, Vice President of Financial Affairs Madalen Day, has already transformed key areas of our college operations.

SCCC has also focused on ensuring that we will continue to empower and inspire all our students by revamping our Civil Rights / Title IX system. Under the leadership of Vice President of Student Services Celeste Donovan, we restructured our campus response to reported incidents of discrimination or sexual harassment/assault. Thankfully, the occasions when we have to address such issues are rare — but if and when they occur, we are ready to respond.

So today we celebrate great women of history, industry, and education — not just in the past but also the present and the future. From my mom’s days in the classroom to the achievements I can’t wait to see my daughters attain, and all the years between, the world is better because of these women.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. Thanks to his two daughters, he knows all the words to “Let it Go,” from the popular Disney movie  “Frozen”and has read more Princess storybooks than he can count. You can reach him at


February 28, 2023

Three more reasons to yell ‘Go Saints!’ when August arrives 

January and February are always intense months at Seward County Community College, because seven sports schedules are running simultaneously. Our student athletes competing in volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s tennis, softball, and baseball are all in play. For the serious Saints fan, it can feel a little crazy.

Now, the SCCC family is poised to dive even deeper into the world of intercollegiate competition, as our three new sports prepare to launch: men’s and women’s soccer teams will begin play in August, as will the eSports team. It’s an exciting time. 

That sense of anticipation got a major jolt of energy on March 1, with the first-ever signing of an SCCC Soccer student-athlete. Head coach Jaime Beltran recruited Emmanuel Ortuño, a senior standout at Liberal High School, as his first team member. The signing ceremony took place at 6:30 p.m. in the Hall of Saints room in the Student Union — a traditional location at an unusual time of day, so that our community members, family, and friends could all join in the celebration. 

Ortuño’s commitment is not the only exciting development in the Saints Athletics world this spring. I sometimes wonder where the day has gone, there are so many meetings, committee check-ins, and events to attend. This is a good kind of busy-ness, and it is appropriate that it is connected to athletics, because you have to adopt a similar mindset to show up and do what’s needed, at the time it is needed!

We’ve welcomed Head Women’s Soccer Coach Derek Talcott to campus, and he, too, is at work recruiting and planning for the inaugural season. We’re excitedly waiting to celebrate the first signee for the team he’ll be coaching, too.

Both head coaches have been part of a community-wide conversation about facilities use and scheduling, incorporating USD 480 and the City of Liberal. When we committed to the addition of these two sports teams, we did so with the awareness that this was something our community had been asking for over many years. And, as we embraced the work of making that dream into reality, we knew we would need help — a lot of help. There’s no way this expansion could occur without buy-in and support from our local school district and city government, and we are beyond grateful for all the time and thought they have devoted to this new chapter in Saints athletics. 

In the world of eSports, head coach Eric Volden has been busy as well. Eric is not new to our campus family, having served as admissions director since 2017. Before he took on the role of head recruiter of SCCC students, he spent several years exploring the eSports world as a side hustle and hobby. The competitive gaming world is a little foreign to many, but as Eric likes to point out, anyone who casually enjoys a game of Candy Crush on their cell phone is, in fact, an amateur gamer. The kids who hunker down for hours-long contests in front of computer or television screens are gamers, too. But like all our student-athletes, they are students first, and according to Eric, the “typical” game competitor is oftentimes a high-achiever in academics and life skills. 

For the college itself, starting an eSports team has also required multiple skills. A gaming room and adjacent broadcasting studio have been selected and are being renovated in the Industrial Technology complex at 2215 N. Kansas Ave., and our facilities team has been busy making sure all the details are in place, from electrical wiring to a wall painted the exact shade of Seward County green. 

“We’re getting the facilities, equipment, and layout set up so that it will be an ideal gamer space … and then we will start our recruiting process, which is very familiar to me,” Volden said. “I see an overwhelming response coming from our area, once it gets off the ground.”

Eric moved from Admissions to eSports on March 1, and while we will miss his presence in the main Hobble Building, and his expertise in connecting with our area schools and high school students, we are also eager to see him make an impact in recruiting for eSports. 

It’s a win-win for our area, for Seward, and most of all for the students who will be on campus, in our classrooms, and building positive futures for themselves. Esports, like traditional athletics, offers a world of opportunity with scholarships and transfer options. Students who excel also have a real shot at professional competition with cash prizes and travel opportunities. 

Of course, these new activities and initiatives at Seward join a full roster of thriving athletics teams and student life offerings. As spring goes on, I hope you will join us in the outdoor fan sections for women’s softball, baseball, and tennis — which is another example of cooperation with the city of Liberal and our excellent parks facilities. Keep an eye out for news about our Saints Scholars Quiz Bowl team’s recent trip to national competition in Chicago, the newly formed SCCC student leadership group, which will be participating in a conference at Washburn University, and our HALO club for Hispanic leaders. We’re proud of all these SCCC students, who embody our core values of diversity, inclusiveness, innovation, and integrity. When you see them in action, you can’t help but say, “Go Saints!”

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is SCCC President, and a professional fan of any competition our Saints students take on. He’s brushing up on soccer rules and the vocabulary of the eSports world, and plans to be ready by August. You can reach him at 



February 22, 2023

Saints Ahead Scholarship can move the county from least educated to its highest potential

At Seward County Community College, there’s never a shortage of good news and exciting developments. Last week, it was the rollout of our new Saints Ahead Scholarship.

And, when it comes to “new” and “exciting,” this scholarship lives up to the requirements: it’s a game-changer for individual students, their families, their communities, and by extension, the entire Southwest Kansas region.

This program is designed to help students in our area gain a “head start” in their quest to gain access to higher education. The data tells us that high school students who complete that first 15 to 18 credits of college work have a significantly higher rate of completing a college degree. And, students who complete two years at SCCC outperform their peers who went directly from high school to a four-year institution. The quality of instruction they receive at Seward is unparalleled, and sets them up for bigger achievements as they progress. 

So,the Saints Ahead Scholarship truly has the power to change lives. 

It offers tuition coverage for all Seward County high school students at Liberal High School and Southwestern Heights who take college courses while they are still attending high school. It is also open to homeschooled students who live in Seward County, and those enrolled in the private Fellowship Baptist Academy, located in Liberal.

This scholarship goes beyond the career and technical education classes that have been covered for several years through the SB155 and “Excel in CTE” programs funded by the state of Kansas. CTE classes are still covered, but we’ve eliminated the gaps. Now, high school students can enroll in any classes at SCCC (that they are academically ready to take) that are not already funded, whether those are concurrent, online, Blendflex, or even evening classes. All options are now open. Best of all, they are completely tuition free.

The Saints Ahead Scholarship also provides assistance to high schoolers in six additional Kansas counties served by SCCC, starting with the fall semester 2023. Those counties, Meade, Haskell, Morton, Stevens, Grant, and Stanton, contain 11 public high schools. We’re offering a flat rate of $50 per class for our Outreach area.

Our Seward County residents are already paying taxes to support SCCC but we want to extend a similar opportunity to our entire service area.

I’m proud of SCCC for creating the Saints Ahead Scholarship, in part because Seward County has the lowest formally educated population in the state. This is not a statistic to be proud of; in fact, when I heard about the data, I felt a wave of shock and dismay.

But that response was immediately followed by a new sense of purpose. This is a situation that comes with a solution close to home: SCCC has the ability to make a tremendous difference for good, and to move the needle in the right direction. It’s a great opportunity for the Saints family and the community we serve.

It starts one student at a time, as our partners at USD 480 know well. I announced the Saints Ahead Scholarship on Thursday with Liberal’s Superintendent of Schools Dr. Todd Carter. He is familiar with the barriers and challenges that many students and their families face.

In fact, utilizing ESSER funding, emergency relief designed to help public districts recover from the impact of the pandemic, USD 480 committed to covering the cost of their high school students enrolled in college work during the current academic year. Their commitment started what I think of as a large-scale, academic relay for change, and the Saints Ahead Scholarship is SCCC’s way of picking up the baton from the district and continuing the momentum. 

Dr. Carter’s vision is to provide access and opportunity for all students to build post-secondary experiences into their Individual Plans of Study, and he says the Saints Ahead Scholarship does just that. 

“Removing the cost barrier makes post-secondary certifications and degrees a very real possibility that students and families can plan for. The result is motivation to take control of their future early and turn their plans into action,” he said.

I couldn’t say it any better.  If we can help reduce the overall debt for our students and provide them with a quality education it is a win-win. And that’s not just for high school students in Liberal and rural Seward County.

We are going to work hard to provide more opportunities for our communities in the coming years. We will be hosting town halls at each of the communities in the coming months. While we are ironing out the details for this new scholarship we are excited about the opportunity this provides us.

Seward County Community College is known across the state as the college that dismisses classes for Pancake Day. We’re known across the Jayhawk League and in the NJCAA for our incredible fan base and high attendance at home sporting events. We live in the town that claims a spot in the magical world of Oz, where Dorothy’s House is a real place.

One thing we don’t want to be famous for is being the least-educated county in the state. I’m determined to change that, starting right now. Our SCCC Board of Trustees committed to pilot this Saints Ahead Scholarship for two academic years, and that gives us a solid start in turning the corner for Southwest Kansas and the people who call it home.

Our hope is that the Saints Ahead Scholarship will be a force for good that sets high school students, first generation Saints, and their entire families on that path to success.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and the proud son of a mom who believed in the power of education to change lives. He’s also the spelling study partner for two elementary school daughters. You can reach him at


February 15, 2023

Pancake Day represents Liberal’s best, in every way

When I first submitted my application for the President’s job at Seward County Community College I did what all people do: I started to read about life in Liberal. 

Of course Pancake Day was at the top of all the articles I was reading. 

I’ll admit, my reaction at the time was on the dismissive side. Pancake Day? That was just some sort of random observance a community was claiming, right? 

Oh boy, was I wrong. 

Unlike the “Hallmark holidays” and industry inventions (like “National Fruity Drinks Day,” or “American Egg Producers Month”) Pancake Day in Liberal symbolizes so much more. 

It is who we are, from our down-to-earth culinary preferences to our highest aspirations. 

We are a community that supports one another, from attending church together to buying local and having fun at the Duck Race to cheering on the Liberal High School Redskins and the Seward County Saints. We cherish our local history, and see the agricultural, ranching, and energy industry ways of life as something worth preserving. The “jewel in the crown,” of course, is Pancake Day when we cancel school and spend the day together on Shrove Tuesday. 

For those who are new to Liberal, it might be helpful to take a quick tour of the history of Pancake Day. Our local tradition started 74 years ago. That’s still pretty recent compared to the festivities in our sister city of Olney, England, where they have been flipping and running for hundreds of years. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Think back to the postwar years in the United States — post World War II, that is. For Americans who had survived World War I, which everyone referred to as “The Great War” and thought of as “The War to End All Wars,” the arrival of World War II signified the unthinkable. Its end did not settle the sense of unease. Hitler and the Nazis committed atrocities, Pearl Harbor was attacked, and it took an atomic bomb to end the conflict. Would there ever be peace?

R.J. Leete, a local businessman and civic club member (the Jaycees Club), read a magazine article depicting the old English tradition of pancake racing on Shrove Tuesday. The good-natured contest ended with a “kiss of peace,” and peace sounded like just the thing the world needed. Leete reached out to the vicar of Olney, where the tradition had flourished for more than 500 years. Their transatlantic correspondence blossomed into a friendship that both men hoped would prove an example of the real possibilities of peace between nations. 

Liberal residents embraced the idea, and community members pitched in with enthusiasm. It’s the same “can-do” willingness I’ve seen since moving here with my family. People in Liberal show up for each other. They help unpack moving vans. They cook meals for lonesome international students and hungry athletes. They raise money for families who lost their homes to fire, or who fell on hard times due to medical crises. They re-home lost dogs. And in February, they even sew child-size aprons for friends who don’t know how to thread a needle, and flip hundreds of pancakes for hungry crowds. 

Men's pacer Racers closeup

SCCC’s team of contestants from the 2022 International Pancake Day Men’s Pacer race.

My wife Lindsay and I have been married almost 16 years. When we met she had never experienced a small town, much less called one home. Fast forward to today: she not only embraces life in the heartland of America, she loves every aspect of it. This will be fully evident as she runs in her first Pancake Day Race Feb. 21. She’s in good Bennett company, as MaryBelle and Madeline will run in their respective youth events. I have to admit, I am glad I paved the way with my own appearance in the men’s Pacer Race another year. There’s no need for me to put on an apron, but I’ll be cheering the girls on with enthusiasm.

Community, small town, that’s who we are. There’s no place my family would rather be then in Southwest Kansas and ready to celebrate Pancake Day.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — SCCC President Brad Bennett’s participation in the men’s Pancake Day Pacer Race was a “one and done” athletic venture. These days, he is looking forward to getting reacquainted with soccer as the college prepares to add men’s and women’s teams to the Saints Athletics family. Contact Brad at


February 8, 2023

President Bennett goes to Washington to represent SCCC

I am writing this from our nation’s Capitol, where I traveled this week for the Association of Community College Trustees National Legislative Summit. These few days allow college trustees, administrators, and presidents to advocate for the wonderful community colleges across our country. 

In the United States, we have a long tradition of talking about government of the people, by the people, for the people. Sometimes, I think we become jaded and wonder if that is really true. Yet whenever a group of citizens from across the country are able to travel to Washington D.C. to meet with legislators and talk about concerns, just as the ACCT is doing this week, we see evidence that many things about our political system are indeed functioning. 

For example, as a group we are voicing a strong support to open up Pell Grant funding for shorter credit-hour programs. We know that Pell Grant recipients are already screened for income eligibility and family/personal status. When a student qualifies for Pell, it is a sign that we, as community colleges, are reaching the exact demographic that community colleges were created to serve — people who, for whatever reason, find it hard to gain access to a college education. 

Improvements like the Pell Grant proposal make a huge impact on our students and our institution. Oftentimes, elected officials have moved so far from wherever they started, both geographically and socially, they might not remember what it’s like for the people in their districts. That’s another reason ACCT makes the annual trip to the capitol: as public, tax-supported institutions, we know it’s our duty to ensure we serve our communities down to the individuals who enroll to attend.

This week, I was able to meet with our representatives providing an update about our campus, community, and what we believe is important as we scan the horizon for upcoming changes. Of course, one of the nearest things on the horizon is International Pancake Day, which is always fun to discuss; but what I focused on with our representatives was more practical. 

On Tuesday we had several members of the U.S. Congress visit with our group. I was asked to introduce Senator Roger Marshall from the great state of Kansas. Senator Marshall serves on the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Senate Committee. It was a wonderful honor for me personally, but also great for our community and Seward County Community College. 

Like many of our Saints, Senator Marshall is a first-generation college student who began his higher education career at a two-year institution. He is an alumnus of Butler County Community College. 

He has also made numerous trips out west to see his constituents in Liberal and the surrounding communities, so he is all too familiar with the distances that span our state, the highways that connect them, and the long-haul trucks that sometimes crowd the lanes. 

With our upcoming expansion of the truck driving and diesel technology programs, we are actively looking for congressional support. It’s my hope that representatives along the way, including Sen. Marshall, will see the importance of strengthening our American roadways, delivery networks, and workforce development. In Southwest Kansas, where we grow crops, raise cattle, and manufacture finished food products and resources needed by the nation, it’s vitally important for us to continually improve our education and delivery supports. 

Those were some of the thoughts on my mind as I waited to introduce our Senator. I was also laughing a little bit as I noticed I had on my “Old Glory” American flag socks: I had pulled them on that morning, not knowing I would be called upon to introduce a U.S. Senator. At that moment, it just felt good to be a citizen of this country. I know we have a great political divide in our nation, but there are still good people coming together to help our students.

What an honor to be able to meet with several of them this week — including Sen. Jerry Moran, who plans to join us in Liberal for Pancake Day.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and the father of two daughters who often pick out his socks for the day. He prefers being on campus to traveling across the country, and you are welcome to stop by and visit when you are in Liberal. Email 


February 1, 2023

Core values, integrity, and Groundhog Day traditions

When Seward County Community College tackled its strategic plan for 2022-2025, setting the foundation with shared values was the first step. We went through a long process, gathering information from our employees, community advisory boards, and Town Hall meetings to determine whether our then-current core values still reflected our overall mission and vision. 

By the end of the planning process, our core values had changed to reflect the issues we are focusing on in 2023 and beyond — all except one, integrity. 

Oftentimes we hear integrity defined as “doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” That’s a great approach, as integrity is key, and it affects everything we do. 

It also speaks to how our actions come to bear on those around us. That is why our SCCC take on integrity defines it as “valuing others in all we do through honesty and respect.”

Most of us learn about integrity as children, when our parents emphasize telling the truth, finishing what we start, being true to our word, and so on. Those lessons become part of our character, and it never hurts to take a fresh look at how we maintain the highest standards.

Each one of us has the opportunity to model integrity in everyday life. It comes through small actions, like starting a new pot of coffee when you just refilled your cup with the last bit left in the dispenser. Saying hello to everyone as you enter the building — not just greeting those you already know. Or going the extra mile to complete a task even if the clock says you’ve reached the “official” end of the work day.

It might show up in how you interact with students, showing sensitivity to their concerns, or offering the gift of dignity. An example of this is the establishment of our SaintsUP food and supplies pantry, which we set up in a discreet location. Yes, we care about our students’ wellbeing and access to nutrition and personal supplies — and we also care about their mental health and the importance of overcoming a sense of shame when asking for help. 

Of course integrity shows up the most noticeably when the unexpected occurs. It’s human nature to want to fix the blame or point fingers, or make someone in the situation a villain. But at SCCC, we strive to do a little better every day, and that includes how we treat others. 

I’m especially proud of our facilities team and decision-makers who navigated the messy and sometimes frustrating issues related to infrastructure and delayed maintenance. When the temperatures dropped and construction projects resulted in a break in our water line, everyone worked together to find a solution. These types of situations can test anyone’s patience, but we made it through with only a small disruption to normal campus hours. 

I’m also proud of our faculty and staff who have pitched in to cover gaps campus-wide in our employee roster. Despite vacancies here and there, administrators, employees, and faculty have taken on extra duties to make sure our students get what they need in terms of instruction and support. 

Integrity also shines in how we endeavor to interact with our community. Every board of trustees meeting is open to the public. Our financials and bidding process are transparent, even when that requires extra steps or additional phone calls to get paperwork and proposals in place. We work hard to be mindful of the fact that this college truly belongs to the community, which supports and funds it. We know our community relies on us to practice good stewardship and to respond to economic, social, and instructional needs.

On a lighter note, we can look to Punxatawny Phil as an example of reliability and integrity: here’s a ground hog who shows up to do his duty no matter what the weather or the political climate. Groundhog Day has always been one of my favorite days of the year! I am unsure if it’s because I am an avid fisherman and this day is associated with the much-anticipated spring or if it is my love for the weather. 

It is an exciting holiday that dates back thousands of years, and has been observed in the United States dating back to the 1840s.  The groundhog did see his shadow this morning, so there are six more weeks of winter. Whether or not that proves to be true, SCCC will keep on doing our best to serve students and the community, rain or shine. I’ll close with a joke the has a nugget of inspiration: 

What did the groundhog’s trainer tell him before the Olympics?

Gopher gold.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and, with his daughters, the interpreter of weather predictions from the Bennett family dog, a King Charles named Pancakes who re-enacts Groundhog Day each year. Catch up with Pres. Bennett on campus, or via email at


January 27, 2023

Breaking bread to break barriers and grow relationships

Meals are something that drive so much of our lives. Everyone needs to eat, and to rest, even though the busy pace of the world has changed the way families especially provide nourishment to growing children. There was a time when family dinner was the standard and it is still something many of us prioritize. 

Here at Seward County Community College, we find a way to celebrate and eat together, not just at regular meal times but at meetings and small celebrations “just because.” At the end of the semester, our Human Resources department set up a gourmet hot chocolate station outside the office, and welcomed employees to stop by, sip something sweet, and share compliments. When our supervisors meet monthly to fine-tune their management skills and stay current on campus policies, they usually do so over a snack. 

It’s not really about the food. It’s about friendship, conversations, and enjoying each other, the same as it is for our families when we gather for a weeknight supper at the table or a movie and pizza. 

That’s the driving force behind our “Taste of Kansas” event scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 30, at the Student Union. This giant, multicultural potluck meal celebrates all the flavors and cultures to be found in Kansas, with a very personal twist. Every one of the cooks who has signed up to participate is asked to share why the food they bring is important to them. The answers are fascinating and fun. Often, people share treats they remember eating as children in their grandmothers’ kitchens. Others deliver dishes from other countries they visited or lived in. All these examples show how powerful food can be. It brings back memories, preserves family heritage, and crosses boundaries to create new and lasting friendships. 

It’s impossible to underestimate the power of “breaking bread together” to forge strong bonds. In ancient times, newcomers to a person’s doorstep often brought bread or salt as a kind of peace offering, and in many places, once you had invited someone to eat at your table the relationship was considered to be almost like a contract to be honored. 

At SCCC, we try to replicate that kind of warmth and respect. I look forward to the times when I have the chance to host employees at my home for a BBQ or treat student athletic teams to a meal at a local restaurant. Many days, you can find instructors and students, coaches and team members, and community fans all dining together in the SCCC cafeteria. 

And of course, every semester as finals loom, we host the popular “Moonlight Finals Breakfast,” free of charge to all students. The executive team puts on aprons and staffs the griddle to serve pancakes, eggs, biscuits and gravy, and all the trimmings. It’s a late-night expression of support for the students. 

Sharing those moments is good from the administration, coaching, and faculty side: there is nothing like talking to students one-on-one and getting to know their personalities, back stories, struggles and triumphs and dreams to keep us all focused on why we do what we do. And it’s good for the students, too: they are far from home, family, and familiar experiences. Sometimes, the best medicine for a homesick spirit or a sore body is feeling accepted and seen — and fed. 

The Taste of Kansas event should bring some of that feeling to everyone who attends. It is open to the public, friends of SCCC, and everyone on campus. If you are able to bring food, please do. But don’t stay away if you are unable to cook. The idea is to share what we have and celebrate the good things about being here in Kansas, in Seward County, in Liberal, on campus, together. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and an experienced barbecue master. He also washes dishes, though that can present some health hazards as he recently experienced with an exploding glass. You can reach him at 


January 20, 2023

Feeling the love, working for justice: SCCC honors MLK

The Seward County Community College campus was closed Monday in recognition of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. In fact, the Saints got an early start observing the legacy of Dr. King on Friday morning, when the local MLK Scholarship organization hosted a breakfast and fundraiser on campus. 

Even though the MLK Scholarship has been a local tradition for many years, this was the first time SCCC was involved with a celebration. It was a beautiful way to start the day, literally, as the group chose a Valentine’s/Love theme for the carefully decorated tables. I was also glad to see a cross-section of community members attending. Folks from the City of Liberal, USD 480, and the Liberal Area Coalition for Families, along with local church members, students, and SCCC administrators, trustee Kay Burtzloff, and staff members all sat down together to enjoy pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

Faculty were unable to attend due to teaching obligations. That’s a fitting detail, as their work achieves just as much good for the causes championed by Dr. King as our celebration did. They were busy providing what our students need to claim their share of the American dream.

During the breakfast, emcee Linda Whyte, spouse of pastor and event speaker the Rev. Larry Whyte, encouraged attendees to stand and read quotes from Dr. King interspersed with the centerpieces. Later, more quotes from Dr. King came to mind when thinking about what the college aims to do for our students, whatever their skin color or background: “Love that does not satisfy justice is no love at all,” and “It seems to me that education has a two-fold function to perform in the life of man and in society: the one is utility and the other is culture. Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of his life.”

Justice and education, the ability to reach big goals. At SCCC, our mission statement speaks to these ideas: “Seward County Community College provides opportunities to enrich and improve each person’s life and the advancement of the community and those we serve.”

Students of United States history can’t help but be aware that such opportunities have not always been available to each person. The long-term results show the difference in having a college degree, the ability to earn better wages, and the economic and social advancements that flow from both those achievements. 

I often remind our faculty and staff that SCCC is all about second chances. Many of our students are the first in their families to walk through the door of higher education. Many are “returners,” students who tried college years ago and stopped attending because they didn’t believe it was for them. Some walked away because, as our former colleague Dr. Todd Carter pointed out, “life happens” in the form of a house fire, a sick child, a car accident, or the pressures of trying to balance work and studies. 

Second chances are not just for individuals, however. Second chances are also for systems, cultures, and societies. We often hear life coaches and public speakers say that life is a long series of choices to “grow or die.” SCCC is a great example of this principle. We continually strive to grow, whether that means reviving a long-dormant program like agriculture, expanding our CDL and diesel departments, or offering an incredibly wide variety of continuing education classes through Business & industry. 

We also provide our students and community the opportunity to grow through embracing diversity and inclusivity. More than 30 international flags in our student union recognize the many students from around the world who have contributed to a campus culture that welcomes different perspectives. Our students have the opportunity to sit in class alongside peers who may have grown up in Kansas, but speak only Spanish at home, or who arrived in Liberal after years in refugee camps in Africa or Asia. There’s so much to learn from our fellow humans, whether they are classmates or students enrolled in a course we teach. 

Along with celebrating the person Dr. King was and the progress we have made to achieve some of the goals he dreamed of, SCCC is committed to continuing the work he began. It’s a process of growth, and it is worthy of our best efforts.  

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where second chances are available to everything except college vehicles with mileage exceeding 150,000 miles. Contact him at


January 13, 2023

Talk of mergers in northern Kansas is no cause for concern at SCCC

It’s been a big news week in Kansas higher education, with the announcement on Tuesday that Northwest Technical College, North Central Technical College in Goodland and Fort Hays State University plan to enter into an affiliation/merger agreement. The night before, the NTC Board voted to enter into an affiliation/merger agreement with FHSU and I believe the North Central Technical College board will vote on a similar proposal later this week. 

This news was unexpected and not something Seward County Community College knew was being discussed. 

As is always the case in rural America, any talk of consolidation or the loss of local control of major entities can be unsettling. Here in Liberal, we are so fortunate to have a locally-controlled medical facility, a locally-owned newspaper, a strong commitment to cooperation between economic development entities, and a can-do spirit that is second to none. It’s no accident that local multi-generational families pass down stories of outlasting the Dust Bowl and overcoming the boom and bust cycles of the energy industry. We don’t think small — we even established an international local holiday to foster world peace, in the aftermath of World War II (get ready for Pancake Day 2023!). 

With all that in mind, I know our campus and stakeholders in the area will have questions as the details unfold. I will do my best to address those as I know more. Below are some of the anticipated questions I expect to receive.

Is it true that Seward County Community College did not know of this potential affiliation/merger agreement?

We didn’t know this was happening. The news was sudden and unexpected from the College’s perspective. An agreement like this takes many months to form, so we were surprised by the news.

What does this affiliation/merger mean to Seward County Community College?

We truly do not have all of the details of the affiliation/merger. It is too premature for me to comment because anything I say would be purely speculative. We are keeping a close eye on decisions related to funding and residency.

Are there conversations about Seward County Community College entering into a similar agreement?

No. There have not been any conversations focused on any type of affiliation/merger agreement between any entities. If these conversations ever did begin to occur, SCCC would be very transparent with our campus and the communities we serve. That’s just the way we prefer to carry out major decisions — adding soccer in response to the community’s longstanding desire to see it, and hearing stakeholders say so is a great example of our preferred approach. But the most important point here is that a partnership like the one being discussed by other entities does not align with our mission.

How does this affect Seward County Community College and Fort Hays State University’s relationship?

Both parties value the relationship we have and will only look to strengthen this relationship in the future, within the parameters that have already been established. For example, we partner with FHSU to offer a fully local, four-year degree option in social work. This is largely because we see the great need for social workers in our region. The same can be said of teaching credential partnership programs, articulation agreements and other initiatives. We anticipate the two institutions will continue to work closely on those types of projects to create opportunities for SCCC students to realize their highest educational goals.

When will this affiliation/merger take place?

To the best of my knowledge, the Board of Regents will vote on this affiliation/merger at Jan. 18, 2023, Kansas Board of Regents meeting. From here, it will go to the legislators for final approval.

I fully understand there will be a lot more questions on this potential/affiliation merger agreement, and when those details become available, I will disseminate that information to the campus and the community. 

From my vantage point, the situation underscores the importance of the miles logged between Liberal and Topeka. As I’ve said before, my preferred work style is hands-on and fully present — I would rather be here on campus than traveling to conferences and meetings in other locations. However, a strong voice advocating the best interests of SCCC is often needed at the Kansas Board of Regents and the Kansas State Legislature. A locally-controlled community college with locally-elected board members can best serve our community, and I am ready to protect those interests. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Along with our talented and committed team of faculty and staff, our amazing students, and the best community support a college could hope for, I believe in the mission and vision of Seward County Community College. We have a bright future ahead. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College with a detailed knowledge of the best highway routes to and from eastern Kansas. He is always happy to talk with community members and can be reached at 620-417-1010 or



January 6, 2023

ALICE comes to the Home of the Saints for training

Faculty, staff, and all employees returned to work this week at Seward County Community College, and we kicked off the spring semester with a morning of what felt like hide-and-go-seek, dodge ball, and snack time. 

I know that sounds like elementary school fun, but it was actually serious business. With the help of Liberal Police Department’s own patrol sergeant Jeff Wade, we completed a full day of ALICE active shooter training. This included group simulations of responses to a violent intruder on campus, whether that meant locking down a classroom, hiding in a closet, crawling out a window, or fighting off the attacker.

Professional development days are notorious for bringing out reluctance in pretty much everyone. It is not easy to get back on schedule after a couple weeks of holiday time with unstructured days and afternoon naps. Then there’s the “continuing education” aspect of training, which can sometimes feel repetitive or tedious. Add something stressful like active shooter training to the mix, and it’s easy to feel like issuing a giant “no thank you.”

But here’s the thing: none of that matters as much as the safety of our Saints students. 

During the ALICE training, Sgt. Wade joked that nobody is quite as mean as elementary school teachers, especially teachers of kindergarten, because “they are not going to let ANYTHING happen to their kids, and they will take you down if they think you are a threat.” That is not far from the truth, and it’s a great example for all of us who are part of the Saints family. 

The main reason we are here? Our students. 

Our primary duty of care? Our students.

How we measure whether we are successful? Our students. 

That’s why we set aside the first day of Spring Semester 2023 for training in the ALICE approach to armed shooters or other violent events that might occur on a campus like ours. ALICE, if you are not familiar with it, stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. It’s a slightly different take on the old advice to “run, hide, fight,” and Sgt. Wade emphasized the importance of responding from a mindset of active defense for our ourselves and our students. 

Too often, he pointed out, our culture has trained students — and all of us — to adopt a passive attitude about conflicts. Sure, it can be the right choice to get down on the floor and hide under a desk, but it can also be the right choice to exit the building from the closest door. To make the best choice in the moment, it is important to have taken the time to think about possibilities most of us would rather ignore. It is human nature to hope for the best, and to think that the terrible events we hear about on the news could “never happen here.” Sadly, such things are more common than ever before. 

As more than 200 of our SCCC team participated in a variety of drills and scenarios, I could see that we approached the prospect of a disaster with many different attitudes. Some of us find the possibility terrifying. Some of us are ready to go to war. Some of us deflect with humor or denial or just shutting down. With full to-do lists of tasks to prepare for a new semester, everyone had plenty of things to take care of and it might have felt like a painful loss of work time to go through drills and lockdowns. 

I’m so proud of our campus for making the right choice to prepare as best we can. And I am thankful for the excellent training and support we received from Sgt. Wade and his assistants. Helping a large group of higher-ed professionals contemplate how they might take down an active shooter, or protect a classroom full of students, is not an easy job. We all learned so much, thanks to the creative use of air soft guns, rubber balls that represented impromptu weapons, and some innovative thinking from SCCC employees about how to barricade a classroom or make a sneaky exit amid noisy chaos.

And, by the time we wrapped things up, we were more than ready for those snacks promised by HR.

On Thursday, we all came back to campus for a more traditional schedule of updates from administrators, faculty meetings, and to continue our theme of safety for students. With mini workshops about fire safety, first aid, Title IX training, inclement weather, and blood borne pathogens, everyone on campus got a refresher about how to keep themselves and students safe. 

If all of that makes you feel like maybe an afternoon nap would be a great idea, you are not alone. Many thanks to our HR Director Charlotte Peterson and her staff, as well as the Liberal Police Department, for putting together a great schedule for professional development. 

Now, we’re ready to welcome students to campus for Spring 2023!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a full-fledged participant in this week’s ALICE training on campus, although he hopes we never need to put it to use. You can reach him at brad. 


December 13, 2022

At the end of the year, we look back to highs and lows

With less than twenty days left in 2022 we are close to a whole slew of “Year in Review” lists. There must be something about humanity that drives us to compile lists, to count, to tally up possessions and experiences and wins. But this column is no “naughty and nice” scoresheet. Instead, let’s take a look at 10 memorable moments in the Saints Family in 2022.

  • February: The Giant Presidential Swap that affected everything in 2022. Just as President Greg Gunderson (#12)  settled in to his role in September 2021, he encountered unforeseen challenges that required him to step down and take care of loved ones. Brad Bennett (#11) came back, and the entire campus did a double take at our new, old president (#13). It felt a little bit like Ground Hog Day (the movie) but in a good way.
  • February: National Contenders in Quiz Bowl. Our inaugural Quiz Bowl Team ranked thirteenth in the nation and got an invitation to the national tournament on February 26, 2022. Due to Covid, they played virtually via zoom. Way to whip out those answers!
  • May: National Winners in Tennis. Seward County Community College claimed a program’s first National Championship when the  Saints won three finals championships on May 20, 2022, to secure the National title outright. Karlo Krolo and Kyllian Savary won in their singles final and Luke Quaynor and Savary won their doubles match to give the Saints the final 45 points in the tournament.
  • May: As part of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, the college was awarded a $1.8 million grant to improve its facilities for its truck driving and diesel technology programs. The funds will be used to build a truck driving facility and expand the diesel technology building.  “It’s exciting for us and the area to be able to build a new truck driving school and accommodate a lot more students in an area of such high demand,” said SCCC President Brad Bennett, adding that “it’s also going to be a huge expansion for diesel technology as well.”
  • July: Loss of a Saints original. We still can’t walk past the former office of Seward County Community College mainstay Frances Brown, who died suddenly in July, without feeling a pang of sorrow. Frances began her career at Seward in 1997, where she taught developmental English and was a former Director of Academic Achievement. She was also an advisor for the Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO), active with the Saints Booster Club, and a Mentor for SCCC Migrant Education Program. Frances was “the person who always showed up,” recounted VP of Academic Affairs Luke Dowell. We all miss her.
  • August: Agriculture Revival. Will Milashoski and Rachel Sirek-Milashoski arrived on campus over the summer and began to revitalize the ag program and livestock judging team. Will aims to “make it a point of pride for the community,” he said. “I hope to grow the agriculture program, not just in the number of students, but also in its quality of programming by offering a unique set of opportunities, from Block & Bridle events to community outreach to having animals on campus.” Spouse Rachel added that her vision for the department is “not only to serve our community, but to also help SCCC continue its role as a unique college within the state of Kansas, drawing students from our service area and beyond with on site animals, thriving greenhouses, and amazing courses.”
  • September: Record-breaking Generosity at Foundation Auction The numbers are in, and it’s official: the 2022 SCCC Foundation Party Auction raised a record amount, nearly $97,000 for student scholarships and programs. SCCC Chief Development Officer and Associate Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Engagement Sarah Thompson reported that the 28th annual event was a huge success.  “It took a little while for us to calculate the totals, and we are thrilled to reach this all-time high amount of funds raised,” said Thompson. “I was blown away.”
  • October: SaintsUP Pantry Opens. Seward County Community College students should never go hungry — and thanks to a new project on campus, Saints have another source for nourishment and supplies.The ABPS Division project SaintsUp Pantry, offering food and necessities, opened Oct. 3, 2022. The event was the culmination of a months-long project supported by the college, students, and community members. “The pantry was proposed and designed by the ABPS division, and the enthusiasm continues as we work with students in the programs.” said Deedee Flax, Division Chair of agriculture, business, and personal services. “We realized that many of our students struggle with food insecurity and the business division wanted to do something to help. It’s a great project for our division, and more importantly, it’s going to do a lot of good for all students on campus.”
  • October: National Winner in Tennis.  Carol Mora won the women’s tennis program’s first ITA national championship as Mora was crowned the top JUCO singles player in the nation. Mora battled back after a set down to defeat the top seed Arina Gamretkaia from Hillsborough Community College 3-6, 6-3, 6-1 in the championship match on October 15th, 2022. With the victory, Mora makes school history with the first women’s ITA championship and will enter the spring season as the No. 1 player in the nation.
  • November: National Contenders in Volleyball. Seward County Community College claimed the Region VI and Plains District championship with a 3-1 victory over Butler Community College on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022. The Lady Saints advanced to the NJCAA National Tournament in West Plains, Missouri, where they claimed the 11th spot and many honors.
  • November: Allied Health purchased three ventilators for its respiratory therapy program with funding through an $80,000 grant from the Patterson Family Foundation.  Janae Zachary, program director for respiratory therapy at SCCC, said students will have the opportunity to receive more individual attention when using a ventilator.   “It allows our students to have a one on one (student to ventilator experience),” Zachary said, adding that the new equipment is also an upgrade in technology, which will help out with distance learning. ” The Patterson Family Foundation, based out of Kansas City, Mo., is a family-led foundation extending the legacy of Neal and Jeanne Patterson, which strives to help rural communities through health care, education, economic opportunity, and beyond.
  • December: Progress continues on Phase 2 of the Sharp Family Champions Center, with wall framed and plumbing underway. We’re getting closer and closer to a completed, useful building for Saints athletes and our community!
  • ALL YEAR LONG: Community Blitz!  President Brad Bennett has mentioned more than once that he aims to give away 25,000 T-shirts so that he’ll see green everywhere he goes. We’re making progress, with well over 10,000 distributed. And the Saints showed up for more than giveaway opportunities: we also participated in parades and community events throughout the region, bringing along our Mascot Louie, and even the two campus goats.

EDITOR’S NOTE — This week’s Saints Voices column was compiled by the SCCC Marketing & PR office, and is subject to additions because nobody’s memory is perfect and there’s never a shortage of good news to report. 


December 6, 2022

Saints pride and community support go hand in hand

With the holidays in full force, encouragement to buy local and support small businesses is all around. It makes sense to take this seriously, especially in light of the challenges small businesses have faced over the past few years — pandemic shutdowns, economic instability, and continuing supply-chain interruptions.

One of my main goals over the next five years is a real focus on deferred maintenance and freshening up the campus. The world of higher education funding is extremely complex and funds are allocated for certain projects or have certain limitations. In a lot of ways, it’s like working a giant puzzle. We continue to make substantial progress with the visual aspects of our campus. Prioritizing local vendors is just another factor to consider.

At Seward County Community College, we do our best to follow the advice to “shop local,” especially when it comes to big ticket items. Last week, our trustees did exactly that, awarding around $300,000 of project bids to local businesses.

This is nothing new — Work is already underway on replacing the worn carpet in the upper level of the Student Union, where our SCCC Development office is located. There’s also a highly-desirable study and hangout area on the mezzanine, where students love to gather, and we are replacing the furniture there to make it more welcoming and useful. We relied on local vendors to provide the labor and the supplies and we’re excited to see it come together.

The project will have an immediate impact on our campus community when everyone returns in the new year.

The projects that got the green light last week span campus from top to bottom. The biggest of the three was the approva to remove and replace the fascia and soffits on our technical campus. If you take a look at the current state there is a terrible amount of dry rot that will be replaced with a metal material that will last for an extremely long time. Look for our school colors proudly displayed on everything from the rain gutters to entire walls.

The board also approved a local bid to replace worn carpeting in our Agriculture building, where the classrooms are filling up as we revamp the entire program with new instructors Will and Rachael Sirek-Milashoski. The campus goats even got new cedar groundcover to spruce up their section of the complex. And, soon you will see lighted signage on the college’s main campus buildings, so that visitors can find their way at evening events, thanks to a local bid approved to brighten and lighten our campus. I can’t wait to see the final results.

In the same way, from print jobs to custodial supplies, we do our best to buy local and support area businesses. It’s the way communities, especially rural communities, stay strong. There are no delivery drones involved, and a quick visit with the person doing the work is a feel-good bonus.

There is also a great feeling when we interact with business and industry within our service area. Throughout the semester, we have relied on feedback from industry partners and local professionals to fill in the gaps for students and for our campus operations. There’s no way to say “thank you” enough times to express how much we value this kind of partnership.

When we attended the Christmas parade last weekend, it was great to see the lights, the decorated lamp posts, and the storefronts lit up on Kansas Avenue. People who have not experienced the warmth and belonging that is the trademark of small-town America do not know what they’re missing.

The week ahead is quieter than usual on campus, as students have wrapped up their semester finals and headed home. A few are sticking around over the holiday break, and we’re taking good care of them, with the dorms officially open for the first time, and limited cafeteria service through Dec. 15. For the remainder of the break, our coaches, staff, and Saints family will be making sure no one goes hungry.

As far as work at SCCC goes, we are still on the job through Dec. 21. Monday, Dec. 12, we will hold a legislative luncheon on campus for our elected officials. This is an event I am happy to host in collaboration with officials from the city of Liberal, Seward County, USD 480, and even Southwest Medical Center (Trustee Keeley Moree). The legislators come through the area for Town Hall meetings and forums, but this is our chance to highlight what is going on at SCCC, and keep our achievements and goals on the radar at Topeka and even Washington, D.C.

If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping, you can probably guess my advice: buy local. Have a great week gearing up for the Christmas break!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and the assistant elf-on-a-shelf wrangler at his house. Compared to the rules that come with Christmas elves, he is more than ready to take on the Kansas Board of Regents. Contact him at


November 16, 2022

The pre-Thanksgiving dinner list for SCCC

The Bennett family has a tradition every year that before we have Thanksgiving dinner we all must verbally explain what we are thankful for. It is has been funny watching the girls grow as it went from comments that they were thankful for their teddy bear to now being thankful for their family. I am thankful for each face around the table — and also thankful that our own table is securely located in our home in Liberal, and that we do not have to weather yet another move with all the packing and unpacking that involves!

In keeping with that practice, I’ve been reflecting on the Saints family’s list of reasons for gratitude. Seward County Community College has so much to be thankful for.

We are so lucky to be in Southwest Kansas to serve the many communities we consider part of ours. Our 11 Outreach high school districts work tirelessly with us to serve the high school students that we count as a valuable part of our college. We are so glad to participate in many smaller-town customs and events, and always feel welcomed when we travel to parades, football games, academic awards, and chamber of commerce festivities.

Here at our campus in Liberal, we are so thankful for the extreme level of support from the community members who travel from near and far to cheer us on. Our athletics programs are the object of envy across the conference and the nation: the Saints have a reputation for incredible fan support in the Greenhouse and even on the road.

The same applies to our concerts, student fundraisers and club events, and academic programs. From the recent popcorn sales by the Saints cheerleaders, to the handmade scented candles sold by the Pathways STEM club students, to the fundraiser for Angels for Animals that our Hispanic Leadership club HALO sponsored, we are always blown away by the positive response from the community.

In a similar vein, we are thankful for the relationships we have built with many organizations in the community. The Liberal Rotary Club, the Kiwanis Club, and the Lions Club all meet on our campus, and we love seeing those members on a regular basis. Special events like the recent Veterans Day panel discussion, co-sponsored by the High Plains Daily Leader and EPIC Communications and SCCC, brought us all together in a show of respect and appreciation for those who served.

So many groups traverse the campus — elementary and middle-school tours, guests at information sessions for agriculture, Allied Health, cosmetology and social work. Nonprofit groups like the Southwest Symphony Society and Rainbow Players. We are thankful for the perspectives they bring and their contributions to a vibrant campus life.

We are thankful for our employees in so many ways. The instructors and staff members who unfailingly support our students. Administrators who tackle tough issues and advocate for the college to be the best it can be. Our board members, who show up for meetings, events, and even travel to state and national gatherings to represent us with class and integrity.

On a more personal note, I’m thankful for the bright moments when we gather together, like the costume party and scavenger hunt at Halloween, the meetings that sometimes end with laughter and good-natured teasing, and unexpected sweet treats, like the Cocoa and Compliments pop-up sponsored by the Human Resources department during the cold weather last week.

We often talk about the family feeling on campus, and it is true. We root for our colleagues when a cancer diagnosis darkens the horizon, and then we celebrate when they return to work. We grieve with those who have lost loved ones. We can’t wait to open the emails that announce a new baby or a big win. I’m thankful every day for this group of people, who are some of the best I’ve met in my time in higher education.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we are thankful for our students who have entrusted us with their education. On our campus, young men and women from more than a dozen countries play on athletic teams, overcome their fear of public speaking, and conquer algebra. Students from all walks of life, income level, and ages, come together to chart new career paths.

When we hear about a successful alumni, we are eager to congratulate them and invite them back to campus to share what they’ve learned with our current Saints. There’s nothing like the feeling of belonging that develops as students work to better themselves and learn more about who they are and what they can achieve.

I hope you too can find a long list of reasons to be thankful this week. And I invite you to become part of the Saints family yourself, as a student, supporter, or Saints athletic fan. You can be sure we will welcome you into the fold.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. This Thanksgiving, his family took a short detour to see Santa at the North Pole (in Colorado), which meant someone else was wearing a Santa suit. He’ll be back in the office this week. You can reach him at


November 7, 2022

On Veterans Day and every day, service members deserve our thanks

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the Armistice was signed, ending World War I, the “war to end all wars,” as it was known. We know now that phrase was optimistic, and wrong. World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq, along with many more smaller military operations, have called servicemen- and women to combat.

Eventually, Armistice Day was changed officially to Veterans Day to celebrate all of our veterans. Here at Seward County Community College we are proud to support our veterans and are thankful for the sacrifices of our American heroes. This year on Tuesday, Nov. 8, we hosted a panel of Vietnam veterans moderated by Earl Watt and supported by EPIC Communications.

The vision for this event was to bring history to life for our students while honoring the people who served. Many times, the generations that follow times of conflict have only a printed page in a textbook, a website, or a social media post that falls far short of the ideal. It is one thing to hear or read about something that happened to someone else, and something much more powerful to come in contact with firsthand experience.

This week, in the Jesus A. Manriquez Showcase Theater on campus, we heard stories of experiences from before, during, and after the war. Sitting there in the theater, I know I was not the only person to be drawn in to the lives of Ivanhoe Love Jr., Ivan App, Delari George, and Ed Poley. The four men represented unique aspects of military service, from the processes of enlistment to their experiences during deployment. What they all had in common was an abiding sense of patriotism and love of country, as well as the reality of carrying a heavy burden away from the war.

The Vietnam War was particularly ugly part of U.S. history as so many Americans disrespected our heroes for simply doing what our country required them to do. But as our auditorium full of community members and students covering multiple generations watched and listened intently, there was nothing but respect. I saw tears and looks of astonishment and appreciation across the crowd. But above all there was understanding that while, as one of the panelists said, “war is ugly, but is also why we are all here.”

The event was meaningful to me, both as the president of SCCC and as an individual. While I was never in the military, I am a life-long historian and majored in history as my undergrad. I have always tried to learn as much as possible and work hard to pay respect and appreciation to our American heroes. Passing this awareness along to the young adults who are enrolled as students in the Saints family is an important part of my role as a leader, and as a parent to my own children.

Fifteen years ago, I visited the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in 2007. I was taken away by the peace and beauty of the cemetery. The crosses and the Star of David markers all faced west, facing home. The powerful silence in that place remains clear in my mind. We have a duty to keep the memory of such sacrifices alive. And to pass that awareness along to the generations that follow us.

As we remember and pay respect to our veterans and servicemen and women this week and we think about all the sacrifices that have been made I challenge you to pay your respects and teach your children about the history of our country.

Many thanks to Earl Watt and the High Plains Leader and Times, and most importantly to the four veterans who were willing to revisit a part of their lives that contained pain and darkness. Their ability to share memories and observations about the cost of freedom is one that does not come cheap. We are forever grateful.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and an unashamed patriot and history buff; just ask his grade-school daughters about the word “armistice.” You can contact him at


November 1, 2022

Saints — and goats — are back home on the farm at SCCC

Seward County Community College is in the heart of ag country. Western Kansas has more cows than we do people, so ag — whether you call it farming or ranching — is who we are and what we do. That goes a long way to explain why we’re so excited about the revitalization of our agriculture program. 

Last spring we made the decision to bring back livestock judging and focus on building our ag program. In previous years, the SCCC livestock judging teams were highly competitive and brought back enough trophies to fill a couple cases. We have a tradition of excellence in that area, but, like a lot of ag folks in the region, had wondered over the years if we should shift our focus to other specialties and approaches. At the same time, various factors in the economy and state and national policies did what they always do, shifting and changing.

Some things stay the same, however. I believe to have a quality ag program you have to have livestock judging. With the hiring two new ag instructors, Rachael Sirek-Milashoski and Will Milashoski, we gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience in this area. Having grown up in rural Illinois, both of them understand the ups and downs that small operators have to weather. They also bring a level of enthusiasm and grit to the prospect of restoring our ag program to the glory it once was. 

They are not the only ones pitching in. SCCC Welding Instructor Jerad Nobles, a farm boy himself, has joined in with his years of experience. The entire biofuels team, which brings together instructors and students from agriculture, industrial tech, and even the business division, is also involved in growing soybeans and converting them into liquid fuel. 

A few weeks ago, as part of our campus clean-up day, around 30 employees focused on the ag area, collecting trash, removing old fence materials, and just plain doing chores where chores needed to be done. It was a good feeling to get our campus looking its best, and to do it as a team.

But where, as the old commercial asked, is the beef? Or at least the animals? No cattle have arrived on campus, but we have welcomed goats. They were a big hit at the Halloween Spook-tacular Trunk or Treat event for children. If you have to choose between collecting candy and petting an adorable, fuzzy goat — at least if you are some children — you might have a hard time deciding. The goats were popular, to say the least. 

The program itself is also growing. We aim to have 40 ag students enrolled by fall 2023, and we are well on the way with more than a dozen committed already. Will and Rachael represented Seward at the national Future Farmers of American conference in Indiana last month, an event that is attended by around 10,000 high school students. This week, they headed to Hutchinson for a high school expo that draws a crowd of 5,000. 

We’re also counting on our Saints alumni, former livestock judging team champions, and ag program supporters in the community to spread the word. Seward County Community College is still staking a claim on ag education, livestock judging, and a prosperous future for the region. 


EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. While he is no farmer, he knows how to fish, handle a chain saw, and even scoop up the stray snake that slithers into his back yard. Contact him at


October 25, 2022

Keeping an award-winning campus beautiful, one trash bag at a time

Clean-up is the name of the game on our campus! Our Saints family has worked hard since April on cleaning out different aspects of campus. We’ve “reclaimed” the northeast corner of campus, where a shelter belt provided a wind trap for trash and debris. Now it’s more attractive and safer for the many students and community members who use our connection trail system to walk to shopping destinations.

We continue to sort through storage and have been listing old items at the online auction site Purple Wave. There’s no reason to let old equipment age on campus when it is possible to clear out space and make good use of our resources at the same time. This approach is ongoing.

Now we are turning our attention to our old dorms, which for your years have become a catch-all for storage. I was walking some parents across campus the other day and having a wonderful conversation. The father of one of our students asked me what that building was used for.  After a long pause, I explained that was an old dorm that we now use for storage. 

He nodded his head but I could tell by his long face he was thinking “What in the world?!” The building is close to the heart of campus, near the current student living center and the student union. And he was absolutely right, why do we have an old building for the purpose of a catch-all? There is not a good answer, even when we consider the COVID pandemic, changes in leadership, and the real (but not THAT pressing) need for storage.

This is our next clean-up project as we look at repurposing this building and making it a critical part of our campus. An initial consultation with architects revealed encouraging news. The dorm would cost more to tear down than it would to repurpose, and it is possible to make use of the structure for a reasonable cost. We are still exploring possibilities and needs, but it is a step in the right direction and one we intend to take.

SCCC has several major expansion projects completed or near the finish line. The Colvin Family Center for Allied Health has been up and running for more than a year and continues to provide a beautiful and functional site for training future health occupations professionals. The Sharp Family Champions Center is being finished, with contractors installing restrooms and interior fixtures. And our new Grain Elevator Operator site is coming together, as is the biofuels lab and our renewed agriculture and livestock judging program. 

I know clean-up is not exciting, but it’s important as we prepare for even more new initiatives. The prospect of the CDL/truck driving expansion is near, and will occupy some of the space that we have focused on. The “old dorms” is slated for the next big push, starting with — no surprise — cleaning out the rooms that have been filled with miscellaneous items and old equipment. 

Seward County Community College has such a beautiful campus. It’s one of the most well-constructed and landscaped in the state, and even won an architectural award when it was first built. Fifty-two years later,  we are increasingly “taking ownership” and making sure that we show the best version of our campus every single day.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. He is in New York City this week for a community college conference, and is certain that SCCC has the Big Apple beat in terms of everyday maintenance and pride. Reach out to him at 


October 18, 2022

It’s that time of year …. Saints basketball is coming soon

While we are in the midst of a conference championship race in volleyball, and celebrating our first national champion women’s single with Carol Mora’s ITA National Championship last week, we are also gearing up for basketball season.

That’s life in the Saints universe — the wins come so fast and furious, it is hard to keep up with what’s next!

Men’s and women’s basketball scrimmages are already occurring, and the home opener for our men is just 12 days away with women’s basketball taking the court shortly after that.

We are excited to see the Saints hit the hardwood. It is always a great sight as Saints fans make their way to the Greenhouse across our beautiful campus. Evening comes earlier, the campus is lit up in the crisp air, and our fall foliage coming into full effect. The smell of freshly popped popcorn, the sounds of fans talking about this year’s teams, and then the sounds and excitement of the game: it all comes together to create a signature Saints experience.

One aspect of basketball at SCCC is that it often provides women’s and men’s sports to be played back to back on the same day, providing over four hours of excitement. And, with a storied history that includes a national championship and many seasons of conference dominance, we always feel that thrill of excitement about what this season may bring.

The preseason rankings came out this week and while our women are not ranked (something I doubt will last long) our men hold a preseason ranking of 16th. After checking in on practice for both teams I think we will see two very exciting teams hit the court each night. All in all it’s a great day to be a Saint!

Fall is not only about basketball, of course. As October winds down, we’re looking forward to resuming a popular fall tradition on campus: kids and candy. Pre-pandemic, SCCC hosted “Trick or Treat Street” in the student union, with campus clubs and organizations hosting carnival-style game booths. This year, we’re moving the fun out to the pumpkin patch, where agriculture students continue to cultivate the favorite of fall flavors. As in the past, this Halloween event will provide a safe, fun setting for young kids in costume, along with the feeling of an outdoor fall festival.

Join us on campus on Halloween night, next Monday, Oct. 31., 6-8 p.m., at the Agriculture buildings on the northeast side of campus — just across from the French Family Softball Complex.

The next day, of course, will be our first-ever SCCC Candy Buy-Back, at 5 p.m. in the Hobble Building. I will be paying $1 per pound of candy donated by children who have too much sugar to realistically eat and enjoy it all. The candy collected will go to U.S. military service members.

As we wrap up the second half of this fall semester, it’s not too early to look ahead to spring 2023. Enrollment for spring classes will open at the end of October. While SCCC’s enrollment remained steady for the fall, we would love to see a jump in numbers as students continue to return to the routine of in-person classes and campus events. It is truly never too late to follow your dreams, and with 46 programs available, we are committed to helping you pursue yours. Stop by campus to visit with an admissions counselor, register for classes, or even talk to an advisor to map out your own plan for success.

Until then, we welcome you to campus to cheer on our amazing student athletes, pick up a sweet treat or two, and then pay it forward with a care package for our military servicemen- and women. At SCCC, we’re all about making life a little sweeter and more successful for everyone who makes up our community.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and willing to go head-to-head with our mascot, Louie the Saint, for bragging rights as the Saints’ biggest fan. You can catch up with him in the Greenhouse bleachers, or email at


October 11, 2022

It’s a frog, it’s the Big Bad Wolf, it’s … the college president!

Halloween has traditionally been a time for kids (and some adults) to try out a different identity with a fun costume. It’s all in good fun, and nobody expects us to carry the costume over into real life. I’m not sure what the Seward County Community College employees would think if their president showed up at work dressed as The Big Bad Wolf from Red Riding Hood, or a Frog.

On Halloween, though, it’s a different story at the Bennett house. Lindsay and I committed to dressing up with the girls for Halloween as long as they wanted us. With MaryBelle being 9, and Madeline already 7, I know these moments are limited so I wear these silly and sometimes embarrassing costumes with great pride as my duty of being a “Girl Dad.” None of us is able to plan ahead in terms of who our children will be, or what being their parents will require. It is one of those surprises that life delivers to us, and something I value highly.

At SCCC, we are constantly watching our students go through a somewhat similar process — figuring out the basics of who they are, what they want to do, and how they plan to move forward as self-supporting adults. Sure, this happens partly in the classroom and the advising session. Students might come into college thinking they want to be doctors or lawyers, only to realize they don’t like classroom science enough to absorb eight more years of it. Or they might arrive with the idea that their love of working on cars is “just a hobby” and something less important than putting on a suit and tie for a 9-to-5 job. We love the moments when they discover there is room in adult life for all kinds of interests and pursuits, and sometimes the “big money” is achievable with a technical certificate.

But all learning does not take place in the academic world. We also strive to create a fun engaging culture for all. October has provided plenty of opportunities for students to engage with real-world issues in a way that connects to their current pursuits. The volleyball team will “dig pink” with a show of support for breast cancer survivors and fundraising at this Friday’s game. Later this month we will co-host a color run on campus with Liberal Area Rape Crisis/Domestic Violence Service to bring awareness to domestic violence, its signs and prevention.

Our employees will also be busy all month helping local and area high school students fill out the federal application for financial aid, a form fondly known as FAFSA. Look for their friendly faces at area “Apply Kansas” nights, or stop by campus to schedule a help session.

As Halloween draws near, the college will also host our first-ever Candy Buy Back. This event is a triple win, and it’s scheduled for Nov. 1. I will be paying $1 per pound for wrapped, kid-collected Halloween candy. The candy will then be boxed and sent to our troops. The idea is to reduce the amount the candy our little ones are consuming by giving them a fun alternative while showing our love and support for our troops.

Paying kids $1 a pound for their Halloween candy is a triple win. You solve the problem of too much sugar and all the health and behavior issues that can lead to, introduce entrepreneurship in everyday life, and you support our military. It is — Dad joke warning — a sweet setup.  The Candy Buy Back will occur from 5-6 p.m. in the student union outside of the bookstore.

We have a new committee on our campus which has the purpose of improving employee recognition and increasing morale. So, we will also be hosting our first-ever employee Halloween Party on the afternoon of Oct. 31. I’ve heard it will include games, a scavenger hunt, and work-appropriate costume contest. When you work as hard as our team does, it’s important to make time for team-building and fun as well. I have not yet revealed what my family-designed Halloween role will be this year, and I cannot promise to attend the party in costume. But I will provide pictures after the fact.

And I will be on campus  — as myself —  the day after for the Candy Buy Back.  I hope to collect 100 pounds, minimum.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and has not yet revealed to the public what he will be for Halloween. Hint: maybe he won’t tell because he is without a heart. Email him at


September 28, 2022

Fall brings some of the same, some of the new

Fall arrived last week, the SCCC Foundation Auction hit record numbers, and we’re almost halfway through the semester. When people say time flies, I guess this is what they mean. 

Here at Seward County Community College, we are all enjoying the cooler temperatures and the feeling of fall. More than that, it’s amazing to feel a sense of normal life after two very strange years. 

During the pandemic, we heard a lot of conversation about what the “new normal” would look like, and how everything was going to be different in key ways. Like most predictions, this had a little bit of truth and a whole lot of active imagination. If I had to make a list of what’s “Old Normal” and what’s “New Normal,” I think it would probably come out even. 

In the Saints world, “Old Normal” things this year have included:

  • Student clubs and activities. Our campus organizations are meeting regularly and sponsoring activities for their peers and the community. This week, the Hispanic American Leadership Organization welcomed Liberal City Commissioner and proud Saints alum Janeth Vazquez as a guest speaker. The club has also sponsored a blood drive and is collecting donations for the Liberal Animal Shelter. 
  • On Wednesday, the campus club Messengers for Christ gathered around the flagpole for a sunrise prayer meeting. The global student morning of prayer is something that local school groups in USD 480 observed as well, and provided a meaningful point of connection for the Saints who participated. 
  • Saints Booster Club is showing healthy growth and people are enjoying the monthly get-togethers at local restaurants after a long hiatus. We are always glad to see our fans in the Greenhouse, and it’s a pleasure to meet and greet them at social events as well.
  • In-person classes continue to serve students on campus. Over the last year, we saw a renewed commitment from faculty and students who had missed having face-to-face interactions, group discussions in an actual room, and hands-on projects. 
  • Moments that bring people together are possible once again. For example, students in Stan Sanko’s automotive technology class pitched in to perform a quick minor repair job for new agriculture instructor Rachael Sirek-Milashoski — and in return, she showed up with donuts the next morning. That Saints solidarity is what makes this campus special, and we love seeing it live and in action. 

So what is “New Normal” at SCCC? The pandemic taught us a lot of hard and sometimes frustrating lessons. We are still reflecting on the lessons we learned. New things we’re still absorbing include:

  • The crazy new job market our graduates will enter (or are entering now, as most SCCC students work at least part-time). It’s no secret that employers are scrambling to attract people to fill jobs, and this changes the landscape for young adults. They can now be more selective about the jobs they accept, they expect higher wages, and they are not afraid to advocate for themselves. SCCC’s responsibility is still to equip them for the workforce, and to address these new issues.
  • The same job market factors influence our own campus community of faculty and staff. There are several instructor positions that remain open, and we’ve embarked on a campus-wide discussion about the pay structure at SCCC. This is never an easy conversation, and I appreciate the PEA representatives and salary task force members who are contributing their time to this important issue. 
  • We continue to cultivate outside funding sources, as the state of Kansas makes adjustments to how community colleges are supported. Over the past two years, our grant writer Charity Horinek has succeeded in obtaining $3 million in grant money. The recent SCCC Foundation Auction raised nearly $100,000 in one evening, thanks to our amazing community donors. Several entities and individuals took advantage of the Kansas Tax Credit opportunity that opened earlier this fall. These are all important steps in the direction of local and regional philanthropy. 
  • Online course offerings continue to grow on our campus. While many students prefer face-to-face teaching, just as many need the flexibility of online instruction. We have expanded our online course offerings, and after the pandemic, we have seen all our instructors embrace the online platform with greater skill. We expect this will continue. 

One of the most comforting things in life is the way seasons change and we see cycles in nature and in our own families and friends as the years go by. The college is no different. We are enjoying the season we are currently in, and look forward to many more to come. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is president of Seward County Community College. He is already bracing himself for this year’s Halloween costume as selected by his wife and daughters — here’s hoping he doesn’t have to dress up as a frog for two small princesses. You can reach him at 


September 21, 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month is for all of the Saints family

Hispanic Heritage Month 2022 began on September 15 and runs through October 15. It’s a big deal for us at Seward County Community College. Hispanic heritage is so important to our students and the community we serve. Being federally designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution, it is at the core of what we do and who we are.

But our relationship to Hispanic Heritage is about more than celebration. It must involve a deep understanding, and a commitment to include voices from the Hispanic community — which we need to view as also our community — in the conversations that drive change and make decisions.

To get to this point, we have to “do our own work,” as people often say. For instance, I am not a person of Hispanic origin, and so I am aware that there is a lot I don’t know. Instead of relying on my impressions of what Hispanic culture is, or my own life experiences, I need to ask a lot of questions. I need to be willing to notice when I am putting myself in the focus point instead of focusing on the students around me or the employees who are Hispanic and have insights I am likely to miss.

Obviously, learning more about Hispanic culture involves more than just enjoying our amazing local restaurants from Mexico and other Latin-American cuisines or knowing how to say “gracias!” I hope that our Saints family can continue to work harder on this skill set and get better. We have already made a great start.

Over the past few months, the college has been hard at work to form its new strategic plan for the next three years. Several parts of this process reflect the desire to be diverse and inclusive, especially in regard to the Hispanic population. We set up focus groups to gather information, and besides including one specifically for Spanish-speaking community members, we also invited Hispanic-identifying individuals and groups to take part in multiple sessions, including our Full Strategic Team.

In the end, everything the college does is focused on student success, which eventually translates into community-building. With a lot of our students in the “Gen Z” category, we know that this age group needs a direct, personal involvement in order to buy in to pretty much anything. They have to believe in a thing personally, see that it impacts them, and have a sense of ownership and investment if they are going to dive in and get involved.

With that in mind, it’s amazing to see the revamped and re-energized HALO club on campus. HALO (which stands for Hispanic American Leadership Organization) is a national group that works to empower Hispanic American youth with community service, training, and a sense of belonging. Our HALO club was sponsored for more than a decade by retired Saint Patsy Fischer and the late Frances Brown. For most people, HALO might be what they associate with the American Red Cross blood drives on campus. It’s a vital service to the greater community in Seward County.

This fall, SCCC employees Erika Espinoza and Karla Morales Escarcega took on sponsorship of HALO, and immediately recruited more than 50 members. It’s clear that our Gen Z students do indeed have a sense of personal connection and ownership. The club has big plans to get involved in campus life, seek out training and student-support programs, and, of course, continue those blood drives.

We are so grateful to Erika and Karla for mentoring and encouraging the students in HALO. And, we can’t wait to see what results as the students progress through college and leadership development.

One of the goals Dr. Todd Carter focused on when he served at SCCC was the idea that Hispanic students shouldn’t have to give up their sense of cultural pride in order to succeed — they shouldn’t have to “be more Anglo” in order to get good grades, be seen as intelligent, or find high-status jobs. We continue to build on those ideas, with a personal twist: those of us who are Anglo, while also keeping a sense of cultural pride, should do our part to get to know and appreciate our Hispanic friends and neighbors, especially within the Saints family.

In the end, we are all in it for the long run, and Saints stick together. So, during Hispanic Heritage Month, along with the jalapeno-eating contest, the great meals, and the programs designed to honor Hispanic-Americans of excellence, I hope we will all learn a little bit more.

Go Saints!  ¡Adelante, Santos!

WWP_BradSCCC_01Editor’s Note — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where the goal is to be a little better every day. He cannot promise to apply this rule to the jalapeno-eating contest, but just about everything else is eligible. You can reach him at 


September 14, 2022

Don’t miss the SCCC Fall Festival Party Auction this weekend

Doing some good in the world is really important, but many times it does not feel good when you are in the process. When we volunteer our time, contribute to research or charitable groups, we are, quite honestly, giving up something else. Maybe it’s a weekend trip to attend a concert, or that new pair of shoes you’ve had your eye on.

This weekend is different, because the Seward County Community College Foundation Auction is scheduled. And it is the best opportunity you will have this year to do good AND have a good time simultaneously. Just so you don’t miss the details, here they are:

  • Saturday, Sept. 17
  • 6 p.m. (doors open)
  • Seward County Activity Center (near the fairgrounds)
  • Buy your entrance wristband IN ADVANCE for $20
  • Call 620-417-1135 or visit the site to purchase

If you want to include dinner in your plans for the evening, there’s a fantastic option on site, as the owners of El Pastorcito and El Casa del Pastor will be catering both Mexican and Italian entrees for $10 per person. The meal includes a dessert buffet provided by Great Western Dining. As always, the beer, wine, and soft drink beverages are included with the wristband entrance price and do not require separate purchase.

This is the 28th year the SCCC foundation has sponsored the auction. Even though life throws curve balls (like a global pandemic) and changes (new faces in offices), the SCCC auction has figured out how to put on a great evening that provides a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in a student’s life.

Often these scholarships provide opportunities for students to seek a higher education that students would not otherwise have. If you no longer live “close to the bone,” juggling paychecks and bill deadlines,, you might have lost touch with how it feels to be in that position. Then again, inflation has forced all of us to tighten our belts and think twice about some purchases.

Please don’t let that stop you from participating in the auction with enthusiasm and your wallet. The students who receive these scholarships need the help. They need it not just for financial reasons — which are very real — but they also need it so they can believe it is possible to get a college degree. Like anyone entering a strange new environment, our first-generation students often wonder if higher education is open to them. A scholarship communicates that yes, they belong here, yes, it is possible, and yes, we are going to be behind you all the way to graduation.

If that doesn’t make a person feel good on the giving and receiving end, I can’t think of anything that would! But that is exactly what the auction does every year. It brings our community together for one common reason: to fundraise for the betterment of our students and the communities we serve.

The betterment I am talking about will also show up in surprising ways for the folks who buy auction items. When you are at our house and I am asked, “Hey, where did you get that?” 99 percent of the time my response is “At a foundation auction.” My wife Lindsay and I believe in supporting these events. We try to donate items that we feel are a little different and will bring some interest from our audience.

Lindsay puts her belief to work, too. She has made a pie a month for a foundation since 2008. This year is no different as we attend our first SCCC foundation auction, and her “Homemade Pie a Month for a Year” item is on the live auction block. Trust me when I say you don’t want to pass it by.

We are excited to experience the auction in person. Although not here physically here last year, we still supported by donating football tickets and even bought a few items through a friend who agreed to place bids on our behalf.

As we look toward Saturday night our auction items are up cash donations have increased and we are so excited for an evening of friendship, laughter and most importantly supporting our students.

It truly is the best night of the year.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the SCCC President and looks forward to outbidding friends and neighbors this Saturday at the 28th annual SCCC Foundation Party Auction. If you outbid him, he guarantees he won’t be a sore loser.


September 7, 2022

Green for Good2

September is for suicide prevention

At SCCC and across the nation, let’s get rid of mental health stigma

For most of us, the “Top 10” lists we keep in mind are positive — the best birthday, the biggest surprise, and so on. I am betting you don’t spend a lot of time remembering the worst day of your life or the toughest time you went through, but I am also pretty sure that kind of a list would include events from the early years of adulthood. 

It’s not easy being the age that we see on campus at Seward County Community College. The late teens and early 20s are a time for finding out who you are and what you want to do with your life. It’s a time when you have a lot of questions and problems that seem bigger than anything you have experienced before. 

That is probably why mental health is such a big topic on campuses. That is especially true in September, which is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (or SPAM, which is not a great acronym, I will admit). 

You already know that I am a numbers and data guy, so I will share the statistics with you:

  • Suicide was the twelfth leading cause of death overall in the United States, claiming the lives of over 45,900 people.
  • Suicide was the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10-14 and 25-34 , the third leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 15-24, and the fourth leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 35 and 44.
  • There were nearly two times as many suicides (45,979) in the United States as there were homicides (24,576).
  • Among adults across all age groups, the prevalence of suicide attempt in the past year was highest among young adults 18-25 years old (1.9%).

Here in rural America, it is easy to think that these national statistics are skewed by more urban parts of the country. But Kansas falls right in the middle of the trend, just like we are right in the middle of the country. We are not the worst in terms of suicide risk, but we are also not the best. 

For SCCC, any number is too high. We value each of our students, which is a driving force in many of the projects we tackle. Our thinking is, if an outreach effort or public campaign saves even one student life, it is worthwhile. 

Preventing suicide starts with education. Good thing we are an institution of higher learning! If you are concerned about SCCC Saints at risk for suicide, keep reading. 

According to social researchers, grief, isolation and fear caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are part of the picture. Over the last decade, other pressures on this young generation have been rising. The op reasons for suicide include depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges; substance abuse; exposure to violence, abuse, or other trauma; social isolation and loneliness; losing a family member to death or through divorce; financial or job loss; relationship conflicts; starting or changing psychotropic medications; feeling singled out or stigmatized; not having a support system.

A college cannot address all these complicated factors, but we are able to do several powerful things. This column is one of the best. We can take away the stigma of talking about mental health and suicidal thoughts. Counselors and psychologists have confirmed that talking about suicide does not “put the idea into people’s minds.” In fact, the silence around mental health challenges can make them worse, causing the person who is suffering to feel shame. 

This month, SCCC is rolling out a campaign titled “Green for Good” on campus. The goal is to educate our students, staff, and faculty about suicide risks, signs, and interventions. People who participate can pick up a Seward Green bandana and a resource card so that they can show they care to anyone who is struggling. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile and a short conversation to create a connection, and the connection turns into a life-changing moment. 

Partnerships with Southwest Guidance Center, the Liberal Area Rape Crisis / Domestive Violence Service, Liberal Area Coalition for Families, and the KU COPE program are providing the expertise we need to tackle this issue with confidence. These groups are already providing medical, mental health, and other assistance to community members, and SCCC is proud to stand with them in their efforts. 

We can’t end the conversation without mentioning one exciting new development: the 988 suicide prevention line, which is available everywhere and makes it a little easier to reach out for help in a crisis. If you don’t feel qualified to intervene in a crisis, you can remember this number and help others be aware. This is the shortcut to the traditional 1-800-273-TALK (8255) line that still operates as well.

We often say “Go Green” and “Saints Strong” to express our pride in the Saints community. “Green for Good” goes one step further, and reminds us that every person matters in the long run, and makes our Saints family an enduring force for good. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, part-time regional parade participant and landscape detailer on campus. You can reach him at or by calling 620-417-1010.  


August 31, 2022

Small changes make big difference on campus

Looking at SCCC facilities with an eye for the future

When it comes to people, you often hear the phrase, “Grow or die.” That’s a pretty extreme way to promote a growth mindset and lifelong learning. It even sounds a little threatening. But it’s not wrong.

The equivalent for buildings might be “Improve or decay.” Between the natural elements of temperature, erosion, and weather, and the toll daily use can take on a doorway, for instance, it’s no surprise when things start to look a little shabby or creak when opened. Apply that process to the multiple structures that make up Seward County Community College, and you can see we have our work cut out for us.

The idea of improvement is front and center on campus these days. Like much of the world the campus stood still during the pandemic. Walking toward the Hobble Building or across the parking lot, it can feel a little bit like returning after a long absence.

From my point of view, there is the added angle of switching careers and then landing back where I belong. When you come back to a familiar place, sometimes you notice things that you had gotten used to — faded paint or a broken fence post. Most of us have experienced that when revisiting a childhood home or school. Things look smaller, and they are usually not improved by time — unless they are still in use and being cared for with intention.

That’s a big part of what is driving changes on the Seward County Community College campus, where we are in full-on, catch-up mode.

It’s amazing what a difference small changes can make. For example, the north- and south-facing doors on the newer wing of the Hobble Academic Building were recently painted with a fresh coat of Seward green. The vibrant color pops out against the bricks, and you can’t help but feel a little burst of Saints spirit when you enter the building.

Indoors, we are in the process of replacing worn carpet and flooring across campus. Some of this updates faded or worn-out materials. At the top of the list is the SCCC Library, which is slated for fresh paint and new carpet. The process has already begun with improvements to a large supply closet that is being converted to the SaintsUP food and essentials pantry for students.

Another high-traffic, high-demand area is the second-floor conference rooms in the student union. It’s not just our students who use this space, but the wider community as well. Civic groups routinely hold meetings in our “SW” and “SU” building and take advantage of the catering services provided by Great Western Dining.

On the one hand, our thrifty Midwestern ways can stop us from making improvements that might seem superficial. But it’s important to look at those environments with the question in mind, “Does this represent who we are?” — both as a college and a community. I will just put it out there, the wallpaper in the conference rooms has served its useful life with honor, but it is no longer who we are, and it’s going to be replaced.

A first wave of new signage has been installed on our campus with more to follow, the parking lot is being repainted, and roofs are being fixed. Clean-up days will continue. As I joked to one of our new employees, Athletic Coordinator of Operations & Eligibility Preston Caldwell, “Welcome to higher ed! Sometimes pulling weeds is what we do!” Give him credit, he pitched in with a smile.

My mom used to say that you can’t eat an elephant overnight and this how I currently see our campus. It is going to take several years to catch up on these projects and more, but as long as we are making continuous improvements, we are far from the danger zone of decay.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is leader of the weed-pulling, trash-collecting volunteer squad on campus. When he’s not coordinating clean-up, he serves as the 13th president of Seward County Community College. 


August 24, 2022

SCCC, the definition of what college is supposed to be

When I first came to western Kansas as a teacher at Colby Community College I was surprised as the environment did not feel like a “community college” in the way that I was used to. I’m not sure where I got the idea that community college was somehow less than four-year college. Maybe it was the old label “junior college” that was stuck in my mind.

Like a lot of people, I probably picked up stereotypes about the community college experience — images that had to do with not being smart enough or wealthy enough or ambitious enough to go far away from a hometown, and instead “settling” for something easier.

By now, I know how wrong I was. My experiences at Colby quickly removed those misconceptions. Like peer community colleges across Kansas, and Seward County Community College, the atmosphere there had nothing “junior” about it.

The classes were tough and engaging. I know, because I taught some of them, and I had to step up to the examples set by my fellow instructors. This is the mode of operations at Seward, especially this year, when we have two executive team members, Vice President of Academic Affairs Luke Dowell and me, teaching in the classroom, along with the occasional dean or division director. It gives us all appreciation for our full-time faculty, who handle a much larger course load than a single class.

I also discovered the intense loyalty and buy-in that community college student athletic programs generate. In many public appearances and faculty and staff meetings, I’ve told the story of how, no matter how happy I was during my 13 years at Colby, I always felt a little envious of the Saints’ community support.

When I arrived in Liberal, I found out for myself what it means to “bleed green.” I am still amazed at how much enthusiasm and hands-on help the people in our community provide. I see families welcome student-athletes to their homes, going out of their way to provide hot meals and a sense of family. At Saints athletics home games, our fans are the best in our conference, bar none. We see retirees, third-generation families, even babies wearing Saints gear. It’s incredible, and encouraging, and a constant source of pride for us all.

If it was possible to send a message to the younger Brad Bennett, I would reassure him that there’s nothing second rate about the community colleges of Kansas. And there’s a lot to learn from the students who are here. They are smart. They are hungry for knowledge and opportunity. Most of our Saints are by no means wealthy, and that’s part of what motivates them to learn time management skills and soldier on when the semester becomes a struggle. How else will they put in the hours at their full-time jobs, their full class schedule, and their family obligations? They already know how to work, and they are determined to do right by their parents and siblings, spouses and chilren. They are so aware of those who have sacrificed so much to get them to this point and they plan to make them proud. The last time I checked, that is the definition of ambition.

All those feelings and the lessons that created them are alive and strong as we enter the second week of school. I walk across campus and see everything that makes a college experience real and life-changing. Athletics are kicking off. Student events are happening all over campus. The dorms are loud with laughter.

Community colleges in Kansas provide such a wonderful opportunity for our students and community. Here at Seward, students become a highly valued part of an all-encompassing campus that provides them with one-on-one educational resources to work-ready technical programs to transfer degrees. It’s the best of both worlds, based on the personal connections that make rural America the classic source of character development, work ethic, and civic engagement.

At the same time it’s the local equivalent of a small university or liberal arts college. Students can explore a wide variety of subjects, interests, extracurricular projects and clubs. We care about excellence; after all, quality is one of our core values. But we’re not interested in elitism or competition that crushes beginners and weeds out people who haven’t yet had an opportunity to develop their ability to speak in public, or sing in a choir, or create art, or shine on the quiz bowl team.

There’s room for everyone; in fact, there’s a sense that we need everyone to make it all work smoothly.

That’s what community is all about. It’s what makes a college of excellence, regardless of the size or location.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. He recently attended the council of presidents for Kansas community college and he won’t hesitate to tell his peers that he has the best job of them all. Just the facts. You can reach him at 


August 17, 2022

Despite time, teaching basics stay the same

Intro to Business brings president back to classroom

On Monday I left the SCCC President’s office and stepped back into the classroom for the first time since 2015. Seven years is a long time to stay away from something you genuinely enjoy. When Deedee Flax, chair of the ag, business, and personal services division told me that we needed an instructor for the “Introduction to Business” class, I saw an opportunity to return. I said “yes” in my head before she even finished asking whether I’d be interested.

Intro to Business is a class I taught for years. Stepping in for the fall semester would help the college, our instructors, and — most important — give me a direct connection to the students we serve. 

Sunday night I found myself checking the time on and off throughout the night even though I have never needed an alarm clock — I am up early every morning. I was filled with excitement, and honestly, I also felt a little nervous. Did I remember how to teach? How much had students changed in the past seven years? Would I find a way to connect with them? 

Just think of everything that happened since 2015. Back then, being a vegan was a strange choice nobody really understood. Streaming music and video was still a fairly new concept. Disney Plus didn’t even exist. Remote work and online school were also in their earliest stages. Nobody talked about a “gig” economy unless they worked in the performing arts. Tesla introduced its first electric car, and on a much smaller scale, people were excited to explore the hoverboard. 

The students in my Intro to Business class would have been starting high school in 2017. Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity Wars were the biggest box-office hits their sophomore year, and by 2020, A$AP Rocky and Rihanna were a couple. I had to Google these facts because I was still a fairly new parent during this time period. I was not watching YouTube videos. 

But some things don’t really change. Teaching is all about relationships and sharing what you know. A few hours later, as my classroom began to fill before 8 a.m. on Monday morning it all started coming back to me. 

I have three rules in my class: separate yourself from your cell phone; show up; and be ready to have fun and be creative. These rules actually work well in nearly any work or social situation, though I have to admit separating from the cell phone is a challenge. 

While teaching a class does add extra work to my daily duties as president and I find myself prepping late at night after the girls go to bed, I’m still feeling the excitement that comes with a new year and a classroom full of new students. What an honor! 

Like all the instructors at Seward, I hope to have a small impact on my students. I want to share some of the knowledge and experiences I have collected, and encourage them to forge their own path. This is true on the industrial tech side of campus, where instructors share stories of work in the oil field, the auto shop, and on the farm, offering real-life perspective. It’s also true in Allied Health, Agriculture, Cosmetology, Business — what we refer to as CTE or Career Technical Education tracks of study. 

When it comes to the gen-ed classes, or what I often think of as the “liberal arts” component of SCCC, students encounter the usual, sometimes scary subjects like English composition, college algebra, chemistry, public speaking, U.S. government. The difference here is that we meet our students at their point of need, intervene skillfully, and provide a whole menu of options to help them learn in the way that works for them. And, if they have a passion for a specialty, there’s freedom for them to explore with enthusiastic support. 

One of the most frequent comments we hear from graduates of SCCC is that it’s the personal touch that makes us stand out. It’s not just the small class sizes, it’s also the caring instructors and the campus-wide commitment to student success. It’s easy to talk about this quality of Saints culture, but getting in the classroom provides a direct line to how and why our reputation rests on this unique value. 

The added benefit for me is that teaching creates a portal for me to see the life of SCCC through the eyes of students. Surveys and focus groups are valuable tools for gathering data about the student experience. Cross-campus communication is something we are always working to improve. But there’s nothing like getting to know our students and hearing them express what works, what doesn’t, and how it all connects to their hopes and dreams. 

All in all, it feels great to be back in school once again. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Most days, “Prof Brad” can be found in the President’s Office in Hobble Academic Building at Seward County Community College — except for 8 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, when he is teaching. Go Saints!


August 10, 2022 : Saints Voices

Finding the right spot to grow is just the beginning

“You’re doing great! I’m so proud of you,” I said. “It’s a new leaf!”

I meant it — literally. I was just outside my office at Seward County Community College, and I was talking to a plant. 

The plant, a trendy favorite of hipsters, had lived in the spare room of my house for nearly two years. A pandemic purchase, it flourished in the carefully filtered light of the west-facing windows. And it grew. It outgrew its first pot, and then it outgrew its second, and pretty soon I couldn’t find a proper place to keep my monstera deliciosa, also known as the “Swiss cheese plant.” 

Weirdly, the dilemma reminded me of my family a decade earlier, when teenagers filled our home. They too had grown to unexpected glory. They took up a whole lot more room than I expected. And it was clear they had outgrown their childhood bedrooms and interests. What was the best next step?

It seems a little nuts to apply those parental feelings to a plant, but hey — empty nesting is real. Just ask any of the parents who will show up on campus over the next week. They come to help their sons and daughters move into the dorms, meet instructors and coaches, and make sure there’s plenty of snack food and personal supplies stocked up for late-night study sessions or small emergencies. 

But they are also here to get a sense of their own new reality. The everyday rituals, laughter, and shared meals they’ve come to associate with a sense of family is all about to change, maybe forever. It’s a scary parenting moment, and it helps to get a bit of reassurance that things will all work out. Our student services folks at SCCC will have their hands full as they guide students — and their parents — through the process of settling in and letting go. 

Back at my adults-only house, early summer had arrived and I was looking forward to visits from grandchildren and my soon-to-be grad student. Monstera was taking up a lot of space. Maybe it would enjoy being outdoors. Plenty of sun, plenty of fresh air, plant friends to keep it company? I took a deep breath (Monstera was heavy), picked up the pot, and baby-stepped out the back door. 

Three days later, I could see I’d made a big mistake. Rather than the mild temperatures I expected, the heat had come on strong and my poor teenage plant had gotten a serious sunburn. I moved it to a shadier spot, soaked it down, and said soothing words. I’ve read the science: it’s true that plants like to be talked to with kindness. 

To say the young adults we welcome to the Saints family every year are no different sounds a little sappy, but the science back that up, too. We know that despite their efforts at sophistication, their tendency to flirt with dubious habits, and their large size, our students are still developing. Their brains are not finished — again, literally. 

The formation of the brain and its neural pathways wraps up around age 25. So, while our newest Saints are not children, they are also not adults. They are learning how to succeed in an entirely new set of circumstances.

That’s not easy for anybody, not even a plant. After the backyard fiasco, I had decided the next best step for my household arrangement was to send Monstera to college. The seating area outside my office had east-facing windows and filtered natural light, so Monstera would be shielded from punishingly hot rays. I purchased potting soil, a larger container, and enlisted my husband’s help for transportation. 

It was a rough transition. Monstera did not die, but it did not readily embrace its new home in higher education. I soon realized I had to check on it daily, rather than the casual Saturday sessions I’d worked into my routine at home. Watering it took more effort. Because of the faucet set-up, one good soak required several trips. The air at work was drier, too, so I brought a spray bottle from home to provide a daily misting. 

All that goes to explain my excitement about the green shoots that emerged last week. It had taken a couple months, renewed attention, and an outpouring of verbal reassurance and affection that might have seemed excessive to any coworkers who overheard me. I didn’t care. The narrow spikes poking through the soil were just a beginning, it’s true, but they meant we were going to be all right. I can’t wait to see how Monstera looks by the end of the year. 

The same is true for our students. I don’t intend to mist any of them with a spray bottle, but my coworkers and I will be smiling like mad, offering chocolate, directions around the building, and a kind word whenever we can. It’s how we all grow. 

EDITOR’S NOTE — Rachel Coleman is executive director of marketing and PR at SCCC, mother of six grown children, three grandchildren, and caregiver to five indoor plants and an uncountable quantity of books. Have a story idea related to the college? You can reach her at or 620-417-1125. 


August 3, 2022 : Saints Voices

Welcome to SCCC, where education is personal and we will feed you pancakes

Executive Team Moonlight Files

With the start of the new school year, we are welcoming many new employees to the Saints family and the community of Liberal. It’s an exciting time of year. Newcomers usually show up filled with optimism, a sense of purpose, and high energy. Old-timers welcome that fresh infusion of ideas and human capital, especially after the last few years we have all experienced.

Reflecting back on when I first came to Western Kansas to teach at a community college, I remember a sense of discovery. I had a perceived notion that a community college in rural Kansas would resemble a community college in a large city. I was definitely in for a surprise. Northwest Kansas is not at all like the Tulsa area, or Denver metro. The community culture is different, the students have life experiences that are centered on the area’s industry and economy, and commuters measure the trip to campus in mileposts, not minutes spent in traffic.

Many of our new employees are coming to us from out of state and while we try to portray the wonderful qualities of Southwestern Kansas it is difficult to paint a comprehensive picture. On the one hand, the enormous horizon, open landscape and extreme temperatures can be unsettling for someone who is used to trees and hills and water. On the other hand, our regional terrain is representative of what a person can do in this part of the world — the possibilities are vast, and opportunities are everywhere.

From the close-up perspective, I’m excited for each one of them to arrive on campus where they will find a wonderful group of people who are focused on two things. These are a caring culture and focus on student success. Outside the world of education, many people might assume that all schools, colleges, and universities are concerned about student success.

On paper, sure — but at Seward, students will find a unique place that puts action to those words. When we follow up with alumni, transfer students, and former Saints, we hear that they valued their time at SCCC because of the warm, welcoming atmosphere. “It’s the people who make it so great,” they say. They felt accepted and valued, and knew their instructors and staff truly cared about them.

That sense of belonging is not limited to campus, as our new employees will soon learn. They may very well be surprised at the high level of community support and the athletic backing of Saints Nation. SCCC is renowned for pulling record numbers of local fans to athletic competitions. We have a robust booster club that keeps growing. And on campus, we celebrate the wins, whether that is a Spanish-speaking student who aced the CLEP test and gained 10 credit hours on their transcript, to a student-athlete signing to play at the next level.

As we begin to incorporate our new employees into the college culture we will be introducing them to the community as well. Seward is proud to support the New Educators Breakfast, which is organized each year by the Liberal Area Chamber of Commerce for new teachers and instructors at USD 480 and SCCC. This event also gets our new educators in touch with each other, and gets those networking connections started.

At SCCC, we’ll be welcoming two new instructors to the agriculture program, as well as several English instructors, new coaches and staff in the athletic department, and support professionals across campus. Keep an eye on local media for interviews, guest appearances, and even an occasional speaking engagement at civic groups like the Rotary Club, Lions, and Kiwanis.

Of course, it is always a lot of fun to introduce our new employees to Pancake Day. How many colleges do you know who close campus and encourage employees to eat and flip pancakes, cheer on racers wearing aprons and headscarfs, and keep score in a contest that dates back more than 500 years? Last year, we sent a team of five men to compete in the “pacer race” before the big, official international competition. We also entered our Saints mascot, Louie, in the mascot race. Lady Saints volleyball players helped serve at the morning pancake breakfast.

In fact, at the end of each semester, our executive team takes a turn at the griddle to serve up pancakes, biscuits and gravy, omelettes and more at the free-to-students Moonlight Finals breakfast. One way or another, being at SCCC means a hot breakfast.

But that is months away. In the coming weeks, the newest members of the Saints family will be busy moving into offices, finding their way across campus, and getting a feel for Southwest Kansas. If you meet up with any of them, be sure to offer the legendary hospitality that gave Liberal its name. As a person who’s moved here twice in the past two years, I can say with confidence that there’s really no place like Liberal to call your home.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is happy to call Liberal home, though he is not planning to put on an apron and headscarf anytime soon. You can get to know him by stopping at the President’s office on campus, 1801 N. Kansas, emailing, or calling 620-417-1010. 


July 27, 2022 : Saints Voices

Summer memories set foundation for  future

Whether it’s ice cream or a fishing trip, those moments endure

For many of us, summers are so different than the rest of the year. Something about the change in weather and the change in schedule makes everything seem special.

Oftentimes traditions and food are nostalgic. It is not really about what we are eating, yet the taste and smell serve as a kind of memory holder in time. We have a rule in the Bennett Family that every fishing trip ends with ice cream. MaryBelle and Madeline sometimes eat all their ice cream, and sometimes they have only a few bites. It is the moments together reflecting on the time we spent that are important.

We all have different childhood memories that serve as placeholders. My dad lives in Northeast Oklahoma and our family has been traveling to Grand Lake Oklahoma since it was built. Earlier this summer, our family visited again, and I showed my girls the cabin my grandparents would take me to. Not much on the outside, it was basically a trailer with a small room and deck that my very skilled grandfather added over the years. But let me tell you — this place was awesome.

I can remember it like yesterday, and I found myself telling my daughters details about our trips there that I thought that I had forgotten. My grandfather — PaPa — was a tremendous welder and built a railing around the deck with welded fish cutouts every few feet. He had a small ski boat that we would always fish out of as well. We went early every morning we were there. Often it was him and my dad and me. I can recall the smell of the exhaust of that old outboard as we idled out for the morning with the sun not quite up. We would fish and laugh as my grandfather, like me, was always telling a story or playing a practical joke.

The deck had an outside charcoal griddle built by my grandfather, and I can recall smelling my grandmother (Nana) cooking biscuits and gravy on the deck. The delicious smell would go for miles, and that’s how we knew to come in when breakfast was ready.

No time, no cell phones, no text messages, just a very simple period in my life. While we know life is not simple and is constantly changing I have tried to replicate some of those memories for my kids.

I hope celebrating National Ice Cream month, which SCCC is doing for the second year now, will provide a positive memory holder for the children in Liberal. Maybe they picked up an ice cream sandwich during a trip to Memorial Library, or enjoyed the sweet treat after meeting our mascot Louie the Saint for the first time. If they rode their bicycles to the Liberal Recreation Center and arrived tired and sweaty during the hottest summer yet, SCCC offered a welcome bit of refreshment.

More than 70 children attended Kids College on campus this week, and they will be celebrating their accomplishments with a pool and pizza party with — you guessed it — ice cream. We hope to see them, and the others who have helped us celebrate National Ice Cream month, enrolled as Saints someday.

Looking back to my own memories, I can see that my grandparents gave me more than happy summer experiences. They were demonstrating the values they lived by. Hard work. Care for others. Using what you have to create goodness and joy. Patience, for sure, as anyone who goes fishing has experienced! In the same way, our team at SCCC constantly works to provide positive and life-changing experiences for our students.

Everyone on campus is already gearing up to welcome our 2022-23 students in less than a month. It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a close. Professional development days are scheduled for the first week of August, and classes begin on Aug. 15.

There is still plenty of time to enroll in classes, and we are ready to make it happen. Whether you are a recent graduate of high school, a returning student, or someone looking for a career change or a fresh start, we are here for you. Seward offers more than 40 programs of study, from agriculture to vocal music. The possibilities are endless, but we know they lead to success: our Saints can expect to earn $10,000 more per year, compared to those with a high school diploma, after they graduate with a certificate or associate degree.

Summer hours continue for the rest of July, which means we are open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Starting in July, campus will go back to regular hours, which are 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

So, make a little time to stop by Seward and enroll. You never know, we might even be handing out ice cream.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of SCCC, and the occasional host of a backyard fishing class — just ask Kids College students. You can email him at 


July 20, 2022

Give yourself credit when you support SCCC

We’re talking about tax credits; get ’em while they last

While I am writing this column, it is Wednesday, but it feels like we have already experienced a full week of work, meetings and all the tasks that are part of higher education. The calendar year can feel that way, too, but fortunately we are at the opening point of a new fiscal year. Who doesn’t like a fresh start and new opportunities?

At the state level, the legislature has offered exactly that. 

This year our legislatures allowed community and technical colleges the ability to sell capital improvement tax credits.The state allocated $5 million dollars total to the 26 two-year colleges in our state. The tax credits are first-come first-serve and any institution can sell up to $500,000. 

This is an amazing opportunity for our institution to raise funds for capital projects while offering an added benefit to our donors. I’m so proud of this campus, which is so beautiful and constantly surprises visitors. They don’t expect to see a place like this in such a remote rural community.

But it’s not possible to keep a campus up to date and attractive and functional without having a long-range plan for maintenance and upkeep. Our grounds and building crews do a fantastic job. Our board and executive team work hard to practice good stewardship of taxpayer funds. 

All those factors mean that an opportunity to claim funding that will help us finish ongoing projects — like the Sharp Family Champions Center — and tackle some of the improvements and upgrades that we have put on the back burner for longer than we would like.

So, how does it work? If you are like a lot of us, the idea of a tax credit might be new and raise some questions. Let’s break it down:

What is it called? Community College Capital Improvement Tax Credit.

Who is it for? Kansas Income taxpayers, Kansas Premium taxpayers, a

nd Kansas privilege taxpayers. That means pretty much everyone, from individuals to large companies. 

When does it begin? Effective on and after July 1, 2022 and prior to December 31, 2025.

How does it help SCCC?  When you, the taxpayer, make a contribution through this program, the college can use the money for capital improvements, deferred maintenance, or the purchase of technology and equipment.

How does it help you? The credit is 60 percent of the total amount contributed during the taxable year by the taxpayer to a community college located in Kansas. So, if you contribute $1,000, you can subtract $600 from any taxes you owe to the state of Kansas. It’s a great way to reduce tax debt and do good at the same time. 

How much can I give? The starting amount is $1,000, and you or your business can give up to a quarter million dollars, but (here we quote directly from the state), “In no event shall the total amount of credits allowed for taxpayers who contribute to any one such community college exceed $250,000 in any one tax year.  Community Colleges are also capped at awarding a maximum of $500,000 in total from their college.  A statewide cap on the amount of credits that are available to be awarded is $5,000,000.

That sounds competitive. Is it a race? In way, yes. The state has set a limit of $5 million in credits to be awarded, and once that figure is reached, the program stops accepting donations. So, whichever college’s supporters have seized the opportunity first will be the winners. 

If I make a large donation through this program, will I get a tax refund? No.  If the amount of credit exceeds the taxpayer’s tax liability, the remaining credit is not allowed to carryover or to be refunded.  

How can I get started? Qualified taxpayers who have made a contribution to a community college on or after July 1, 2022 will be required to file the appropriate tax return electronically and follow the proper steps in preparation of their tax return to claim the credit as directed to on the Kansas Department of Revenue website.

Where can I learn more?

I know it’s not possible to answer every question in one newspaper column. If you want to learn more, or have issues to discuss, please reach out to talk with me. I am glad to unpack the details, respond to questions, and walk you through the details. Stop by my office in the Hobble Academic Building here on campus, give me a call at 620-417-1010, or email me at 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College but in a former life he taught accounting and business classes to high school and college students. His two young daughters are currently assisting him in earning the title of “The Man Who Can Answer Your Questions.”  


June 29, 2022

1,000 T-shirts, a custom motorcycle, and a community worth celebrating

It’s hard to believe we have already hit the midpoint of summer, but here we are in July. That means Seward County Community College is preparing to welcome the entire community to our campus as part of the second-biggest celebration of the year in Liberal — July 4.

In any other town, we would probably list Independence Day as the primary holiday that brings people together, but other towns don’t have Pancake Day. That said, July 4 promises to be even bigger and better this year, with a parade and park extravaganza planned before the traditional festivities held on the SCCC campus. You will be sure to see Saints at all of the fun. The parade begins at 10 a.m. on Kansas Ave., moving north to end at Light Park. 

This year, Seward has made a deliberate effort to show up at area parades large and small. The project began at the suggestion of our Outreach Director Mike Bailey, whose daily work includes many highway miles traveling to the smaller towns we serve. He pointed out that after the pandemic and long months apart from one another, we are eager to reconnect with our far-flung Saints family. We want to show up and let them know we care. 

Thanks to his dedication and willingness to handle hundreds of pounds of candy and swag, Mike has earned the title of “Director of Parades.” In all seriousness, we are thankful for his willingness to spearhead the parades, throw candy, and even dodge a cow chip or two as he traveled from town to town. In many of these adventures, Dean of Enrollment and Student Success Annette Hackbarth-Onson has been his loyal co-conspirator. 

Here in Liberal, LHS Homecoming and Pancake Day provided us with so many good memories and moments of connection, with our cosmetology students and student athletes representing campus with pride. For July 4, we’re planning to bring the amazing custom-built motorcycle created by the Vo-Tech long before the merger. It’s still a point of pride on the Industrial Tech campus and Dr. Amber Jones, head of that division, is eager to show it to a new generation of future Saints. Look for her behind the wheel of the SCCC pickup truck, and try to catch a roll of Smarties as she steers the motorcycle trailer. 

Once the parade wraps up, Light Park will be the site for an afternoon of fun. Presentations begin at 11 a.m., including historic speeches, singing, dancing and other entertainment. Booths and informational tables will also be set up, and you can find a Saints table in the mix, with T-shirts, lanyards and other giveaway items. And, if you’re planning to head back to college in August, you can talk to SCCC representatives about the next step. 

Until 3 p.m. the park will host food trucks, shaved ice, vendors, bouncy houses, electric bull rides and the Oz train. 

Throughout these events, I hope to see folks wearing our newest SCCC T-shirts. We plan to give out 1,000 of these free shirts. If you don’t score one during the parade, be sure to pick yours up at the Saints table! 

At 2:30 p.m., it will be time to head to Saints Nation, also known as the SCCC Campus and Brent Gould Field. We’re very proud that the college is also the home field for the Liberal Bee Jays and the City of Liberal’s annual fireworks display every July 4. Fellowship Baptist Church will join the community on campus, holding a picnic with a hot dog feed, bouncy houses, and plenty of games for the entire family starting at 2:30 p.m. in the area immediately adjacent to the field on the SCCC main campus. After the picnic, the Bee Jays will take on the Dodge City A’s at 7 p.m. Fireworks follow after the game and after dark.

This celebration reflects the very best of rural America, and our national values. I love seeing the many different entities come together to provide fun, food, and positive memories for children and young people. There’s so much power in that sense of community and belonging. It’s something we all cherish, and I’m proud that SCCC can play a part in making it happen. 

No matter what you plan for Independence Day, I hope you will make SCCC a part of your holiday. The promise of liberty and justice for all is an enduring standard, and one that we should all continue to pursue and practice in our own lives. So soak up the sunshine, share a smile, and take in the sparkle of fireworks above this community. It is something worth celebrating. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where higher education runs the gamut from pulling weeds on campus to receiving community feedback for the next strategic plan. You can contact him at 


June 22, 2022 : Saints Voices

Town halls must go on and we need you there

And other Dad-style reminders just in time for Father’s Day

I know that I sound like a broken record as I always say that community is the middle of our name. Since Father’s Day is coming up, it’s OK if you chalk this up to the way we tend to tune out reminders — just ask your own dad how many times he reminded you to check the tire pressure or take out the trash!

Just like families who look out for each other, our goal at SCCC is to create a strategic plan that connects directly to what our community needs. Currently, our strategic plan is in a 100% planning mode as different focus groups meet across our community. Our goal is to lay out a unique plan which is truly developed by the community we serve. 

This is why we must continue with the Town Halls. There are so many more conversations we must have. To continue the comparison, think back to family dinners around the table or the kitchen counter. Some of those memories are positive — like taco night or your mom’s delicious lasagna — while others probably bring up moments that may be funny now but felt awfully tense at the time. 

Town Hall meetings are like that. Some are positive. Some highlight what we must do better. My mother, who was a lifelong educator, used to tell me a person who doesn’t want to get better doesn’t ask tough questions. How true is this statement?! I took that lesson to heart, and chose a philosophy of pursuing excellence, even when it means being open to tough questions that might sting when they are answered. 

That’s what I want for SCCC. We must constantly question everything we do as educators and as community members. Our stakeholders continue to change daily, because that is how real life works. Accordingly, we rely heavily on our community members to tell us what they need and what we can do better to support them. 

So, here comes the reminder you can probably recite from memory: Our next Town Hall is scheduled soon, and we hope to see you there. It will be at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 28 at Louie’s Café on our tech campus. From the beginning of this process, we planned to meet in a different location each time and what we have learned is that we receive different people at each one. How great is that? I think it’s exciting, and shows how diverse our community is in so many ways.

Switching gears, I am also excited to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend. Having lost my mother a little over a year ago, Father’s Day now carries a little more impact on me. I am hopeful to have my dad Jerry, and my daughters MaryBelle and Madeline all on the boat together enjoying conversation, celebrating three generations, taking a few minutes to catch up, and capturing moments we know won’t always be there. I feel so lucky to pass along my love of the outdoors to my daughters and feel fortunate to be able to share these moments with my dad. If we catch a fish in the process, what a bonus!  

These moments are so important, and SCCC strives to create a work culture that encourages our team members to take care of themselves and their families. As the insurance and fiscal years wind down and we turn a fresh page, I’m especially happy that the college was able to negotiate a fourth tier on our health insurance for employees. It’s so important to provide options that work, at the best price everyone can afford. 

This is just one part of the way Seward aims to create a family-friendly environment, and a family feeling at work. We’re also rolling out options to encourage overall health and wellness, from a step challenge that employees recently completed, to healthier snack options. This is not easy for anyone; I recently brought a couple boxes of protein bars to share at work but everyone went for the lemon cake with frosting that one of our directors dropped off in the break room. That’s the thing about families — we weather tough times together, and when it’s time to celebrate, we do that too. 

This week, I hope you have time to enjoy your own loved ones, get away from the heat, and reflect on what a good life and a flourishing community mean to you. Happy Father’s Day!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is an avid fisherman and a proud father of girls, who provide him with daily style advice, glittery coffee mugs, and life-restoring hugs after a day at the office. 


June 15, 2022 : Saints Voices

An inside look at the cycle of higher education

So much of what we see is the result of long processes and planning

Education — like many other industries — is a constant cycle.  

Don’t worry, I am not suggesting our students are like widgets or that campus is a factory. At the end of the day, education is a human endeavor. The Seward County Community College mission statement leaves no doubts: We exist to improve the lives of every person who enrolls in any one of our many programs. Our big goal is to make things better, from the individual life to the family, to the community and eventually the world.

Achieving that goal requires all kinds of everyday, ordinary resources. Food. Shelter. A parking lot that won’t contribute to wrecks and flat tires. Library and bookstore resources that meet the needs of the classes our students take. That’s just the beginning of the complex systems that make SCCC the amazing place it is.

In May, as soon as our residence life students move out, we begin preparing for the next school year. That means deep cleaning rooms, removing mattresses and other items that have reached the end of their useful lives, and scheduling repairs. This summer, the laundry facilities will get extra attention in response to student feedback. 

We are also cleaning up the less tangible aspect of dorm life by reviewing and updating our dorm policies. The Student Living Center does not exist on autopilot; it is important to evaluate operations each year based on student and employee experiences and be willing to adjust. Once that process is complete, student housing handbooks are prepared and printed for distribution to all residents before move-in day in August. 

Similar processes are underway all across campus. Classrooms contain more than the furniture and carpet. There are also electronic and multimedia elements to be tested and maintained. For example, our intercom system recently received a refresh and upgrade. The IT staff will soon be testing, removing, and replacing hundreds of computers. The total number of units on campus is not 1,000, but it creeps closer every year; the last count was upwards of 800. 

More than anything, however, classrooms require instructors. We’ve been recruiting for several key teaching positions, as well as adjunct instructors at our various outreach high schools. It’s always exciting to see the applications come in, and to meet potential members of the Saints family. If you are interested in being part of SCCC, or if you know someone who is in the market for a great job with an amazing team of people, check out the job listings at 

This summer, we are already looking ahead to the fall, and that’s where professional development sessions that kick off every semester come in. What do you need to know to teach a community college class? At SCCC, you need to know how to use our learning management system (called Canvas), and you need all kinds of practical support. Where to make photocopies. How to schedule events outside the classroom. The steps for reserving a vehicle or requesting funds for special projects. 

On the mental and emotional levels, our professional development sessions are also a source of encouragement and motivation. Led by our Human Resources Director Charlotte Peterson, we are planning a great kick-off to the year, plus ongoing programs to equip faculty and staff to do their best. 

In our survey of the educational cycle, we never forget the students, the reason we are all here. They need more than a place to sleep and food to eat and desks to sit in. They also require a wide variety of support, from advising and tutoring to social events, club activities, and often times, assistance in the necessary but challenging task of filling out paperwork. Our admissions department and Registrar’s offices recruit and assist our future Saints in crossing all the Ts and dotting the “I”s as they approach college. 

Once the students arrive, we take our duty of care seriously. While the students might be “adults” in terms of their age of 18 and up, they are still the sons and daughters of parents and family members who trust us to look out for them. That’s why we are reactivating our campus security and safety committee as well as the wellness committee. These groups of SCCC employees take a close look at policy, the structure of how various departments work, and will help us ensure we stay up to date on safety drills, best practices, and preventive measures that help everyone stay healthy, strong, and confident while on campus.

To continue the comparison to industry, education has its own version of the supply chain and the many critical factors that determine business success. We constantly evaluate ourselves, from budgeting to customer service to what’s on the menu in terms of classes. 

While all of this takes time and we do not see changes occurring overnight, we want our community to know that we are committed to a culture of constant improvement. If we do our jobs a little bit better each day 12 months a year, we will continue to achieve our goals.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is president of Seward County Community College, where his goal is to be a little bit better at his job every single day. 


June 8, 2022 : Saints Voices

Summertime, and the work list is growing

Did someone mention something about vacations? Not here!

Someone asked me recently if we have much going on at Seward County Community College during the summer, and it took me a moment to answer. Not because there was nothing to say, but because we have so much going on during the summer months, it can be hard to keep track of all the projects, meetings, improvements, and opportunities SCCC offers the community.

We have the Bee Jays. We have Kids College. We have three sessions of summer classes. And we even have Young Frankenstein roaming the halls, thanks to the Rainbow Players community theater group. We invite the community to come on out and take advantage of the many opportunities on campus this summer, whether that means a continuing education class at B&I, a dip in the pool, join our wellness center, or a quick and easy lunch in the cafeteria.

In June, we will host the corrosion industry trade group formerly known as NACE, with industry professionals from around the nation attending certification classes and exams. While gas prices go up and world events cause concern, SCCC continues to equip energy trade workers to provide safe and effective access to natural resources. The Business & Industry department has also lined up continuing education courses in certified nurse and medication aide, defensive driving, forklift safety, landlord-tenant law, and recruiting practices for business owners. There’s also the fun stuff, from cake decorating to arts and crafts.

And if you can’t make it to campus, we will come to you. In July, we will celebrate National Ice Cream Month at locations around Liberal, with information about new programs, community resources, and, of course, ice cream. On Independence Day, look for us in the parade. And everywhere you go, you are sure to see Saints spirit as we continue to distribute T-shirts in our quest to have every person in Seward County wearing Saints swag in their everyday lives.

But along with all the outward-focused activity, we are doing plenty to improve our campus and our daily practices.

  • I’ve mentioned my paint project before, and it’s still on the schedule: 500 gallons of paint in Seward County green, to be used sprucing up our campus before the start of the next school year. We will pick up our brushes on June 13th and continue until there’s nothing left to paint. 
  • We’re also preparing to give the SCCC Library a fresh look. Technology may change but a library is never obsolete. 
  • You may see SCCC cars around town as we fuel up or carry out college business, and we’re in the process of looking at the fleet in terms of safety and efficiency. In that process, we plan to wrap one of our older fleet cars for our trusty security team to use as they keep an eye on college facilities over the summer. 
  • Cleanup is a never-ending part of life, and we continue to remove old equipment, furniture, and items that have cluttered up storage areas. We’ll never be perfectly streamlined, but our goal is to make the best use of the building space we have rather than storing excess materials where we could be serving our Saints campus better. 

If you have a calendar ready, here are some important dates to remember:

  • Bee Jays home games at Brent Gould field on June 3, June 22-26, June 29, July 1-6, July 17-20, and July 24.
  • Kids College July 18-21. Three consecutive class sessions start at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., ending at 12:15 p.m. For information, visit or call 620-417-1170. 
  • Young Frankenstein, presented by Rainbow Players community theater group in the Showcase Theater on July 7-9. 
  • Summer class session 1 began Tuesday, May 31 and continues through June 30; Session 2 opens June 6 and continues through June 30; Session 3 runs from July 5-28. Check out a complete list of online and in-person courses at or via the Seward County Community College official Facebook page. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he encourages all employees to strive to make every day a little better than the day before. You can reach him at or by calling 620-417-1010. 


June 1, 2022 : Saints Voices

Our Saints shine on the court, make history

Men’s tennis has doubled our college total of national titles


When I first arrived back at Seward County Community College, I immediately began to plan for the future of our extraordinary institution. We are in the midst of making several changes and updates around campus with the goal of academic year 23-24 being “The Year of the Saints!”

Little did we know that we would receive a kick-off event delivered by our men’s tennis team. It’s been more than 20 years since Seward claimed a national title, but we’re back in the best ranks, thanks to the men’s tennis team. They say winning isn’t everything, but it sure feels good. And for those of us who love competition, this win is even sweeter.

The Year of the Saints is about making our entire campus better. Focusing every day on continuous improvement to grow enrollment, improve student success, win more games, and excel in every aspect of the Seward experience. We envision taking our already great culture and refining and elevating it until we are winning in every phase of our campus. To compare it to tennis, you might say that we will strengthen every part of our game.

Unfortunately, I could not be in Tyler last week (between moving Lindsay and the girls here and a family event),but I stayed in close contact with Athletic Director Dan Artamenko and sat on the edge of my seat watching every update on Twitter.

My wife and I had the chance shortly after we won to FaceTime with Coach Vechione and the team, and it was such a special moment. We are so proud of them for bringing home numerous program firsts, but as with all student-athletes, we are prouder of who they are as students and people in our community.

Some of the program firsts:

  • Most matches were won at a National Tournament with 27, and the most points were earned at the National Tournament with 45.
  • First time in program history to win a singles final, and we had two win their draws: Kyllian Savary won the number three singles championship, and Karlo Krolo won the number five singles championship.
  • First time in program history the Saints won the doubles draw championship. Luke Quaynor and Kyllian Savary won their number two doubles draw over TJC to win the championship.
  • Seward County had a record of four singles All-Americans. In addition, Kyllian Savary received 1st team All-American honors, Karlo Krolo received 1st team All-American honors, Luke Quaynor received 2nd team.

When our women’s tennis team returned home from their phenomenal end-of-season competition in Arizona, we celebrated with flowers for the players and a campus-wide ice cream social. Our student-athletes are more than sports competitors or Saints representatives, although those roles comprise part of their total identity. We know them as human beings full of potential and personality. Though we relate to them first and foremost as students to whom we owe a duty of care, we usually stay in touch with them after they leave our campus, and in many cases, these young people become our friends over time.

Most of the men’s tennis team took advantage of being in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and traveled back home from there, so an ice cream social is not possible. Plus, in light of the history-making national championship they achieved, we will be planning a National Championship Banquet for the fall. For now, though, the glow of victory is bright on campus despite the rainy weather this week. We’re shining with pride in our student-athletes, and the glimmer of more to come as we near the Year of the Saints. Now more than ever, it’s great to be part of the Saints family.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett has recently pursued his own athletic career in the rare sport of box packing, lifting, and unpacking as he and his family settle into their new home in Liberal. This summer, he will turn his attention to the cross-generational sports of feeding ducks with his daughters and fishing.


April 24, 2022 : Saints Voices

After two historic years, it’s time to celebrate 

Our Saints graduates have achieved something amazing

Two years ago, many of our students who will graduate from Seward County Community College this weekend were sent on spring break. They had no idea their academic year was effectively over: they never returned to the classroom that spring.  All events were canceled, and the world felt uncertain in every aspect. Their dreams of finishing their high school year in style — of prom, spring sports and all the rites of passage — were gone.

I recall the night that COVID-19 become something up-close and personal, and not just a story on the news. I was in Topeka for state meetings and the PTK luncheon to honor the All-Kansas Academic Team. In 2020, every second of the presidents’ meeting was marked by the sounds of cell phones going off. Employees, students, and parents who had heard about the growing pandemic wanted to know our next steps. Things were changing by the minute. By that afternoon we began the unthinkable outcome of shutting down our schools.

Riding back to my place of employment at the time — Colby Community College— with CCC President Carter, the question “What’s our first step?” loomed large. As two young administrators, we had never encountered such a massive challenge, but it was our responsibility to try and handle this mysterious and scary situation.

We began by ordering personal protective equipment; we got masks and hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies from vendors everywhere and anywhere. Purchasing these items was only one small part of our response, but it was a starting point that set us on the right path.

Throughout the following months, we stayed on a mostly-empty campus and spent a good part of our time gathering supplies to donate to area hospitals.

By the time I arrived at Seward County Community College in October, the Saints family had taken similar steps. Seward was stocked up with branded hand sanitizers, masks, upgraded air systems, and all kinds of different tools to help us through. At the outset of the 20-21 academic year, I remember setting our goal as staying open for in-person classes. Amazingly, SCCC did just that.

The students who lived through that strange and — as everyone kept saying — “unprecedented” time will graduate next weekend.

It’s an amazing accomplishment.

As seniors in the spring of 2020, they worked online to finish high school, then spent their first year in college in less-than-exciting circumstances. They were freshmen who could not gather for social events, had to continuously wear a mask, and were asked to socially distance. How easy would it have been for them to quit? Nope. Perseverance and hard work carried these students through. We owe them respect and admiration for staying the course.

In many ways, this cohort of Saints carried out a great tradition of rising to the occasion, whatever that may be. The college was established in 1967, a time of protests, riots, and social change. Citizens of Liberal, including Jo Ann Sharp, were concerned about what the “wild and crazy” younger generation might do faced with so few opportunities. They lobbied hard to claim the final location for a “junior college” in the state of Kansas. We are so grateful they succeeded.

The generations of SCCC graduates that followed — nearly 10,000 at the last count — adapted to classes held in multiple locations as the current campus was being constructed and expanded; some students met in a downtown storefront building. The old Epworth Hospital building was used as a college headquarters, then a dorm, then a site for Allied Health. In the early 2000s, the community wrestled with the question of what to do with the local vo-tech school, and despite worries and challenges, the college incorporated what is now our Industrial Tech campus into the Saints family.

It’s amazing to consider the history of SCCC and the recent challenges our Class of ’22 has met with so much determination and focus. Life has returned to a new version of normal, with the usual spring events on campus, from baseball and softball to All Saints Days for our incoming students and smiling faces no longer hidden by masks. As president of this amazing college, I am no longer chasing suppliers of hand sanitizer or worrying about how to find a compromise between mask-wearers and those who don’t believe they make a difference. The biggest concern on my radar this week was a few PG-13 jokes in our spring musical: as the father of two daughters, I have become a G-rated person. Seriously, though, our students put on a great show and it was fun to welcome audiences to campus as they performed on stage.

In less than 10 days, we will applaud another kind of student success, with four commencement ceremonies on campus. After two years no one ever anticipated, it’s time to celebrate. We hope you will show up to join us.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a reluctant fan of Disney Princess movies (rated G). He’s also your go-to person if you need to purchase cleaning supplies in bulk. You can reach him at 620-417-1010, or by email at


April 17, 2022: Saints Voices

Day and night, it takes a team to grow a college — and a community 

SCCC campus at night

Work-life balance is something that we all struggle to master. The past few years have made the process even more complicated, as the lines between home, office and working hours overlapped out of necessity. I could say that is the reason I sometimes email faculty and staff at strange times — 5 a.m., for instance, or mid afternoon on a holiday weekend — but the truth is that my personal work style has been that way for years. 

As a community college president, every day is a little different. My  schedule can change completely between the first cup of coffee and the Rotary Club meeting at noon or an afternoon conference call with the Kansas Board of Regents. I do everything possible to meet with students and SCCC team members when they have a question, request, or great idea; transparency and open access is important to me even when it is not convenient. 

Parents, teachers, and emergency workers are familiar with this dynamic. When your main job is to show care to a child, student, or patient, the schedule is less important than the person sitting in front of you. That “duty of care” philosophy is not my own personal preference. It is the way the SCCC campus has traditionally operated. Some people call it the “Seward County Way,” some refer to the idea of “we bleed green!” No matter how you describe the mentality, it boils down to the fact that we care about the work we do and the people we serve. That doesn’t always line up with regular working hours.

It’s true when you are a college president, too. The hours are long, there’s lots of travel, papers to sign and meetings to attend. Whether I’m driving on the highway, walking across campus, or heading out of town for a family getaway, I am always thinking about how to help SCCC be better.  This leads me to playing catch-up when the campus is closed or returning late night emails …. after I have finished bedtime reading with two little girls who love to hear princess stories. At this point, I have to say that the long hours are only possible because of my wonderful wife, Lindsay, and her unwavering support for me, our family, and for the Saints family. 

Don’t get me wrong: I am not complaining about the requirements that come with the job of being SCCC president. I love it, enjoy every minute, and there is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for this opportunity. That said, I do not expect the rest of the world to operate in the same way I do.  I constantly remind our staff that if I email you on a holiday or when you are not at work, I am not looking for an immediate response. I’m simply taking care of my to-do list and my question or concern can wait until you return. 

We all know the days of working an 8-5 are long gone. Commitment among our campus team doesn’t always look the same in terms of the hours and the schedules. Our campus is always busy. Our coaches work extremely variable hours. Club sponsors show up at odd times to drive students to competitions and practice sessions, and sometimes head out for entire weekend camping sessions. Our overnight staff keep campus and students safe at all hours, and several custodians begin their work days at 5 a.m. While schedules and hours are different the one aspect that does not change is that we care greatly about Seward County Community College, and we care greatly about educating our students.

As the spring semester wraps up and we look forward to commencement ceremonies, our year-round Saints will shift to a four-day work week, with offices and campus open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Those 10-hour days can be challenging, and we sometimes sweeten the afternoon with ice cream bars or meetings that get us moving across campus. But I think everyone enjoys long weekends, and we feel great about conserving energy and economizing on cooling and other utility bills. After all, it’s not “our” money or “our” campus, but a resource that belongs to the community. 

In any community, we rely on our friends and neighbors — law enforcement, firefighters, hospital workers. We count on people that help us grow — our parents, who are willing to get up in the middle of the night if a child has a bad dream or a stomach-ache , or teachers who take home stacks of papers to grade after dinner. Whether you are a college president, a cafeteria worker, or a student intern, you play a role in making things work. Someone, somewhere, is always on duty. I am glad we have a team that helps make that possible.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is not completely a night owl or an early bird, but he sometimes keeps both kinds of schedules as the president of Seward County Community College. You can reach him at his office on campus, phone 620-417-1010, or email 


April 10, 2022 : Saints Voices

Saints get the best ROI for time and money

April is community college month! That means it’s time to celebrate the best deal in our country. There is no other option for our students that produce such a high Return on Investment (ROI). I do not make that claim lightly. As a person who loves Excel spreadsheets, I have the numbers to back it up.

We have to look no further than the data of our students from Seward County Community College. On average, a student who earns an associate degree will earn nearly half a million dollars more than if they had gone straight to work with a high school diploma only — that comes out to about $10,000 more per year in wages earned. The impact multiplies rapidly if you look at all those individual lives as a group: 50 years of graduates from SCCC, the money added to the region through their earnings totals around $4 billion.

However, most days SCCC is looking at the close-up view. Community colleges for the most part are non-research institutions. We are not trying to win Nobel prizes or make headlines. Our focus is on the success of our students.

Last week, a group of students, their families, and members of our college administration gathered at the annual Phi Theta Kappa banquet to celebrate our all Kansas Academic Team in Junction City. Our two honorees — Elizabeth Horinek and Israel Banuelos — joined peers from community colleges across the state of Kansas. Wow, what a group that was. As we honored these students we heard about their plans for next steps. These community college graduates will be attending universities from Kansas to Hawaii and everywhere in between. From Ivy league schools to state universities, these students are progressing through their education journey with excellence, preparing to be  the best in their field.

But that is only part of our story. A four-year degree is not for everyone, nor does it guarantee success post-college. What our students consider a good return on the investment depends on what happens when they leave the world of higher education and step into adult life.

10,000 more bucksHere is where SCCC shines its brightest. Out of the 19 community colleges in the state of Kansas, nine opted to join with vocational technical schools in their geographic area. Seward is one of those nine. The merger with Southwest Kansas Area Vocational Technical School in 2008 created a unique opportunity for our area.

We have technical programs to educate tomorrow’s workforce. From short-term programs to CDL to programs in Allied Health, we have so many options to not only educate our students but provide them a direct route to a high-wage, high-demand job. The investment of time and money varies. Some certifications take just eight weeks to complete. Others “stack,” so that a welding student can opt to leave the classroom after one semester with an “A” certificate and go directly to the workforce, or stay another semester for the “B” cert, or even continue for the full two years and an associate of applied science degree.

Allied Health can serve the same purpose on a larger scale, with many students going to work as nurses, respiratory therapists, or medical laboratory technologists in order to pay their way through additional levels of education. The same approach has proven useful to graduates of our cosmetology program and other CTE pathways: use the education close at hand to increase your earnings right away, while you prepare for the next level.

For high school students in our service area, concurrent classes provide a quick start to college. At the Student-Trustee Dinner on Monday evening, we heard from several Saints who are preparing to graduate from high school with both their diploma and an associates degree from SCCC. They have cut the cost of college in half.

So, let’s not pretend and let’s not keep the best ROI in the country a secret  any longer. Join the rest of the country in celebrating April as Community College Month!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he cheers loudly for the wins, whether they appear in the form of top-ranking tennis players or improved lighting for the parking lots. Contact him at or 620-417-1010. 


April 3, 2022 :  Saints Voices

The Big Reset is colored SCCC green

As spring slowly arrives, campus is also set to bloom

Kansas weather is unpredictable, and March proved the point. We had a sunny “snow” day after blizzard predictions fizzled out, a few adventures with high wind, and some just plain beautiful afternoons. Anybody who has lived in Kansas for more than a minute knows this is normal, but spring feels different this year.

A little over two years, ago we sent our students home for spring break not knowing how our world would change. We had no idea that we would not welcome them back to campus to complete the semester in person. That was the spring when proms were postponed and graduation ceremonies did not happen with the usual pomp and circumstance. High school and college athletes felt crushing disappointment when state and regional tournaments were cancelled.

One year later, we were back on campus, but spring still felt uncertain. During that pandemic year, Seward County Community College kept our classrooms open one week at a time. We are still incredibly proud of that fact. It was only possible because of the dedication of instructors, staff members, students, and our community. The meetings with our county health professionals and our on-campus contact tracers started to blend together until it felt like the whole year was one giant meeting — but we made it.

At SCCC, as we begin to welcome the sunshine and warmer days — and, we hope, LESS wind and MORE rain — spring is definitely here. But it feels different. It seems as if we are hitting the reset button on our campus.

Our students have experienced a pretty normal school year.
Our student-athletes have returned to regular play after the most unusual sports seasons in history.

Our instructors are scrambling to keep the grade books current as we pass the mid-term mark and head towards graduation.

Campus clubs are meeting once more.

Overall, it feels really good and it’s worthwhile to stop and notice that sense of new beginnings and motivation. The pandemic required so much time and effort that focus from other items was lost. Small repairs and projects fell by the wayside as we put attention on higher priorities like health and safety.

Now that it’s safe to do so, I’m really happy about the events our Saints family has been able to participate in. For example, at the beginning of March, we participated in a wonderful Pancake Day. My fellow Men’s Pacer Race contestants might agree with me that participating in the day “as it was meant to be” involved more cardio than we originally imagined — but it was a lot of fun from the Grand Marshall Reception to the afternoon parade.

A couple weeks later, we hosted a campus clean-up during spring break followed by an all campus lunch. People showed up voluntarily to pick up trash, trim overgrown hedges and more. I didn’t know what to expect, but 150 people participated, and we got so much done to make our campus a place that reflects our pride.

Spring is only getting started, with a long list of events coming up. Enrollment for summer and fall classes opens on April 4. Current students can even get an early start on setting up their schedule right now. April 8, a week from Friday, the humanities department will host the Creative Writers’ Coffeehouse at 7 p.m. in the Student Union. It’s free, fun, and there are beverages and refreshments.

Cast members are rehearsing for the spring musical, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” which will be performed April 21, 22, and 23 at 7 p.m. Tickets for the show are $10. Even though it is a lot of fun, the humanities department warns that the musical does have some content that is inappropriate for younger audiences. It is just for A-D-U-L-T-S.

The spring concert for vocal and band programs will be at 7 p.m. April 29, also in the theater. Ticket sales support the SCCC Music Endowment Fund, so get yours for $3 and help future music students attend college.

Then, just one week later, we will have graduation. Preparing campus for that event always results in a summer work list which is much longer than what is possible to complete. Personally, I think that is awesome because it shows how excited our Saints family is and how much we can do. Our goal is to paint 500 gallons of paint by August 1st. And that paint is Seward Green.

We are excited to hit the reset button as we prep for what we hope will be the most exciting time in the history of our wonderful institution.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: President Brad Bennett has already ordered the paint and welcomes volunteers who are willing to wield a brush in the service of Saints pride. Stop by campus anytime, or call him at 620-417-1010.


March 27, 2022 :  Saints Voices


What do athletic programs at the community college level mean?

Here’s a hint: in the end, we care about more than the score

I have always believed in athletics and the positive impact they make on our youth, institutions, and our community. When I first started teaching, I was also the head men’s basketball coach. I would spend countless hours teaching our team how to prep themselves to survive and excel in the world around them.

My first year we did not have many wins, but all 32 players learned to tie a tie, we improved GPA’s, and increased our community service hours. It might seem like that list doesn’t have a lot to do with basketball, but teachers from kindergarten to college understand that students are not ever one single thing — a math student, or an athlete, or a person with an injury, or a low-income family member, or a single parent. Students are people, and like all people they are complex and capable of amazing accomplishments if they are encouraged to reach their potential.

Athletics are often the lever that opens up the opportunities to grow, explore new worlds, and develop as a well-rounded person. First and foremost, athletics at the community college level improve access to education that thousands of students would not otherwise have.

This serves an important purpose for what we call first generation students — young men and women who are the first in their families to attend college. Like so many things in life, higher education can be hard to imagine if it’s completely foreign. Many hardworking parents struggle to visualize how the pieces fit together — scholarships, financial aid, and the college credit system leading to a degree. They might even wonder what difference the degree will actually make for their child. But anyone who has attended a Little League game or a high school soccer playoff knows how it feels to believe your son or daughter can win. Parents of athletes understand the way hard work and perseverance pay off in so many many ways, not just trophies and stats, but in a sense of teamwork, pride, and belonging. Those same qualities can produce a degree-earning college student.

Additionally, athletics brings pride to our campus and our community. How lucky are we? On any given day we can catch a game at the Greenhouse and see some of the best basketball or volleyball in the country. If we swing by Brent Gould field, we can catch a couple of MLB draft prospects, or over French Family Field,  two softball teams loaded with D1 talent play. Then there are the world-class tennis matches with the best players in the country and points around the world.

Our student athletes provide role models to the youth of our community. They help with food drives, work at Pancake Day, and attend youth league games throughout the year. Why? We are teaching them values that will serve them long after they have passed their days of playing.

If you want to understand the power of athletics to change lives for the better, there is nothing like getting to know our students. At Seward, we are fortunate to have community members who like say they “bleed green,” and who make it point to make every competition at the Greenhouse they can. These fans join our booster club, providing material and energetic support to the student athletes, but they often go one step further, hosting a student athlete and making that personal connection. It is not unusual to find Saints fans hitting the road to cheer at out-of-town games, or even road trip cross-country to watch beloved Saints alumni win big at the four-year schools where they transferred after finishing at SCCC.

When anyone asks me to explain the way athletics and academics can combine to make a real difference, I think back to a student I met in my early days at Colby Community College. He came from a background of extreme poverty, and had low self-esteem. I worked with a lot of young men during this time period, working on economics and accounting problems. This particular student stuck with it. During his time at Colby, he met his wife, they graduated, and they started a family.

I gave him one of my suits for his first job interview. I was impressed with his athletic skills, but what meant the most to me was the way this young man broke the cycle in his family: he became the first college graduate in their history. This is the real value of athletics.

The great thing is that his story is not unusual. We see it often at SCCC. Every day, as student athletes head to practice, the cafeteria, classes, and back to the dorms, we see the possibility of another success story unfolding in each one’s life.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: President Brad Bennett allows what he calls his ‘insanely competitive side’ to come out on behalf of the Saints and Lady Saints. Thanks to his daughters, he sometimes brings his own cheer squad along to games in the Greenhouse. 


March 20, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Find work satisfaction with the Saints family

At SCCC, our team changes the world every day

The best workplace ever: When you hear those words, do you picture an office ping-pong table, daily donuts, or unlimited time off? Or is it all about the money?

When I hear the words “Best Workplace Ever,” I picture our campus at Seward County Community College, where it is always great to be a Saint. Lately, I am saying that more often. That’s because, like most institutions our size, we currently have quite a few job openings. Some might see staffing issues as a sign that there is something wrong. But many businesses are facing the challenge of job vacancies after the past two years. What’s more, our own employees frequently tell us they feel like they are part of a family.

So, what is it that makes SCCC a special place to work? If someone is just looking for a fat paycheck, SCCC is probably not the place for you. We work hard at keeping our wages comparable to the industry, and one of my goals over the next year is to focus more attention there. But money is not why we choose to work at SCCC.

I have personally weighed the benefits of higher earnings against work that is meaningful and purpose-driven. And I can attest that it is better to work in an environment where employees feel valued and connected to something bigger than it is to see money accrue and motivation decrease. As president, I see it as a key part of my role to create that positive environment.

SCCC aspires to create a workplace culture where all employees are treated with equally and respect. An environment where employees are empowered to make a decision. A job that is actually a career and makes you proud to come to work every single day.

I definitely felt proud last week, when our first-ever volunteer work day took place on a Wednesday right in the middle of spring break. More than 100 people showed up to clear trash from campus, trim overgrown shrubbery, and take care of minor repairs. The sun was shining, we stopped at noon for a hamburger feed, and people were smiling. You could feel the camaraderie and pride between the students, faculty, staff, and even a few family members who chipped in.

I believe each person who took part was building our Saints Family pride, and practicing leadership. It’s a process I care about deeply and pursue whenever I can. This Thursday night, prior to our SCCC town hall meeting, I will be speaking at the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) graduation on campus. The LEAD program is a great example of opportunities that the college continually offers to the community. This takes place year-round through Business & Industry classes, professional development / certification workshops, Business Over Breakfast meetings, and special speakers through our collaboration with the Liberal Area Chamber of Commerce. We want to develop more leaders. We want a strong and vibrant community.

We also want to hear more voices, which is why we’re hosting Town Hall meetings in the community over the next few months. Leaders do not only act, they listen — and they can lead from wherever they happen to be standing.

Maybe there’s a spot waiting for you on our campus. Open positions are available in athletics, instruction, and many other departments on campus. When we say the Saints Family, we mean it. We chip in to help each other in times of need. We eat together and laugh together. We go through good and bad times together, donate our sick leave to one another, and constantly show we appreciate one another.

The people are what make being a Saint special.

So if you are interested in joining our team, visit our website or stop by campus. It really is the best workplace ever.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. He is also, when the occasion calls for it, a hamburger grillmaster and public speaker. You can meet him this Thursday at 7 p.m. at the SCCC Town Hall Meeting in the Showcase Theater on campus. 



March 13, 2022 :  Saints Voices

No matter the question, let’s crowd-source answers to benefit the community

As the College prepares to draft new strategies, add your ideas

It’s common knowledge that complaints are louder than compliments. In the English-speaking world, we’ve even got folk sayings to emphasize this aspect of human nature: “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and “hindsight is 20/20.” Even the stern instructions “don’t cry over spilled milk” and “you’ve made your bed, now lie in it” focus on looking back with regret.

But what if we reversed the habit of criticism to gaze fearlessly into the future?

What if we took a look at worst-case scenarios and imagined a better outcome?

What if our collective dreams turned out to be stronger than our deepest fears?

That’s the stuff communities are built upon.

It’s also the way forward for Seward County Community College, where we are preparing our next round of strategic plans. In the corporate world and many households, the five-year plan is a standard way to list goals, dreams, challenges, opportunities, and the practical steps to find a path from now to the future. This year, though, it’s anything but business as usual in the world of education.

On the second anniversary of mass shutdowns prompted by COVID, college does not look like it once did. For years, early adopters promoted the ease and economy of online learning. In 2020 and 2021, everyone had to give it a try. Buy-in was not a factor as necessity demanded action. Two years later, K-12 teachers, college instructors and professors have a bewildering assortment of results to consider. Does technology-aided learning work? It depends who you ask.

The same applies to the cost of college. Over the past few decades, tuition rates at four-year universities have multiplied to unimaginable heights. Meanwhile, college in your hometown remains the big secret to cost-cutting. Students can start at Seward, transfer, and earn a degree for half the cost of university tuition, fees, food and housing. The pandemic and world events upended even that sensible assumption — thank you and no thank you, inflation! This leaves more students and their parents with the question, is college worth what it costs in terms of time and money? Again, answers vary.

Finally, at the Kansas state capitol, legislators are engaged in what is now a 12-year debate about how to fund higher education. While much of our funding at SCCC comes from local sources and tuition, money from the state and federal governments plays a role, as do funds impacted by ongoing legal matters before the Kansas court. Solid stewardship of taxpayer dollars is a priority. If you’ve ever waited for a check (or bill) that is rumored to be “in the mail,” you know how difficult it is to plan amid uncertainty.

Yet there’s one sure thing amid change. At Seward County Community College, we believe in the power of education to change the world one life at a time. We come alongside students from all walks of life, equipping and empowering them to change for the better. It starts with an individual who applies, enrolls, and eventually earns the certificate or degree that opens doors. That person has a family, tribe, or network — possibly all of those groups — who benefit from that SCCC Saint’s higher wages, stronger skills, and sense of hope. Put a few of those groups together, and you’ve started to build a community.

And this month, we’re looking to our community to find answers as we plan for the future. How can we best support students? What programs are calling out for expansion? In what ways can the college partner effectively with business and industry to strengthen the regional economy? What opportunities do our stakeholders most desire? What widespread community challenges might be resolved with the help of SCCC programs? What are we doing well? What can we do better?

President Brad Bennett and several SCCC employees will host a Town Hall meeting at 7 p.m. March 24 in the Showcase Theater to get the conversation started. We want to hear what’s on the minds of our past and future students, taxpayers, armchair philosophers, optimists, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who wants to join in. You can ask us (nearly!) anything, and we will do our best to answer. We are also eager to hear your brilliant ideas.

Join us for our first Town Hall meeting on March 24! We can’t wait to get started together.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE — Rachel Coleman is a former newspaper writer who reported on focus groups, forums, and public meetings for more than two decades. In her current role as executive director of marketing and PR at SCCC, she’s excited to help host Town Hall meetings that reach out to include unusual voices and make the most of the real-life experiences of our community members. 


March 7, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Contracts reflect what matters most — family, a sense of purpose, and commitment

That includes documents signed in crayon at 11 p.m.

When I was a teacher, I used to preach to my students to be passionate about their work. We spend so much time at work and doing something you’re passionate about makes it feel like a choice that feels good and not “nose to the grindstone” work.

Last spring, I left Seward County Community College for financially motivated reasons. That decision took me outside of education, which has been my first, feel-good career choice for the majority of my work life. If my former students could have seen me, they might have said, “Mr. Bennett, you should practice what you preach!”

Maybe they were, because I had a feeling while I pulled out of Liberal that I was making a mistake.

As time passed, I quickly realized that the words I had told thousands of students over the years were in fact true. I missed education. I missed the feeling of purpose I gain from this profession. But, more than that, I missed being a Saint. I missed the community of Liberal, and I missed the wonderful faculty and staff Seward County Community College is blessed with. I knew I needed to live with my decision, but the passion for work was not there.

My wife and I began to discuss our options. How could we address the fact that I was unhappy with my career, and it was impacting my family? I could get back into the field of education, but I made the decision not to apply to other schools because I knew that my heart was at SCCC. I told Lindsay, “Let’s wait for four or five years and see what is open at that point. I miss SCCC too much to go to a different school.”

Being a community college President requires incredible dedication, passion, and energy. I knew that I would not be the best version of myself at another institution. One of the lessons I learned in 2021 was that I should pay attention to that voice inside, the one that advised students to pay attention to their passion.

Five days later I received a call that led me to return to my position with the Saints family. It felt unreal, exactly what I had been hoping for. Rarely in life do we receive a second chance.

Before I accepted the job, Lindsay and I sat down with our daughters MaryBelle (8) and Madeline (6). We wanted to make sure they were okay with another life-changing event.  The girls have completely opposite personalities:  MaryBelle is shy, does not like change, and rarely is in trouble, while Madeline is ready to explore, even if that means breaking a rule or two. That said, they are both wonderful in their unique strengths, and they are both incredibly loving and kind. The girls reassured me that this was the best move not only for me, but my family.

A few minutes later, MaryBelle walked out of her room sporting a Saints shirt, holding a contract for me to sign. The document my second-grader had written up stated that this was the correct move, BUT we were not allowed to move again. It is by far the most serious contract I have signed.

Family connections are the strongest, and in many ways, the return to Seward continues a passion I picked up from my own mother, who was a lifelong educator. My childhood memories include watching her pour everything she had into being a better teacher and later an administrator. It’s probably similar for MaryBelle and Madeline, who can tell when their dad is happy as he heads off to work.

Here in Liberal, they see me bring that passion to campus every day. My view is that if I help guide our employees and make the workplace happier — and sometimes even fun — the students in turn will have a better experience. Everything we do and every decision we make impacts our students. Each of our employees plays a critical role in educating the future. It’s my goal to lead the Saints family with positive energy that benefits each one, our students, and the community.

I am so excited to be back on campus. Please stop in and say hi, or reach out if I can help you in any way.  Also, mark your calendar for Thursday, March 24, when we will host a Town Hall meeting in the Showcase Theater at 7 p.m. We’re hosting a conversation about enrollment, optimism, and SCCC’s impact, and are excited to hear from you, the stakeholders of the community that is the center of who we are.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is both the 11th and the 13th president of Seward County Community College, and a proud participant in the 2022 Men’s Pacer Race at International Pancake Day. 


February 27, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Decades after Dr. King, Black History and Black Futures deserve more conversation

SCCC aspires to host meaningful dialogue that changes hearts

When my children — now young adults — were growing up, our observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day was almost cursory. We popped our mini-documentary about King’s life and the civil rights movement into the VCR machine and watched the black-and-white images together. The narrative was interspersed with commentary by my husband, who is just old enough to carry his own personal memories of that tumultuous period in history.

It seemed, back in the late 1990s, more symbolic than relevant.

It seemed that way because we, a mixed-race, bicultural couple, viewed the prospects of our children with a vivid optimism fueled by love.

Even so, it seemed important to do our due diligence.

That was clear when, in turn, our three mixed-race kids announced they weren’t so keen on identifying as Black, outright rejecting the term. At the time, I flirted briefly with the notion that maybe they were right. Hadn’t we, as a nation, outgrown such labels? Maybe we were truly “past all that.” My husband held his peace, perhaps hoping my perceptions would hold true.

Nearly 30 years later, we all laugh about those assumptions — and the laughter is a little painful.

True: My three mixed-race children are perceived as, and move through the world as, Black.

Also true: They embrace their identity, and still have plenty of thoughts and opinions to share.

Truest of all: Their lived experiences matter just as much as — likely more than — any explanations their father and I might offer.

On January 17, 2022, the conversation in our living room was lively. With Seward County Community College closed in observance of the MLK federal holiday, we had time and a 4/5 majority present for an informal re-enactment of those family dialogues from decades past.

Ask my kids whether MLK day is relevant, whether systemic racism is real — heck, what it’s like to be “young, Black and gifted,” as Nina Simone phrased it — and you’ll hear three different answers. Some arrive with smiles, others with tears.

During the two terms of President Barack Obama, my children were tweens and high school students; Trayvon Martin was killed while wearing a hoodie and eating Skittles; Beyonce ascended to superstar status. As they embarked in early adulthood, the election of President Donald Trump and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement (and more murdered Black folks than this column has room to list) swung the pendulum in another, more dismaying direction. Along the way, they had to grapple with a society just as topsy-turvy as the hormonal fluctuations in their still-developing brains.

On campus at SCCC, we witness a similar array of young adult reckonings. With a majority of first generation, Hispanic students, our Saints are personally embroiled in the hot topics of the times. Immigration. Colorism and racism. Questions about consent, agency, identity. And, always, the daily concerns about food, shelter, medical and mental healthcare. Often, survival is a struggle.

Ask my husband and me about MLK and his relevance, and we’ll tell you that cherry-picked quotes only go so far and often get twisted to prove points Dr. King never meant to make. We’ve found the most important thing to do is listen to our kids, and encourage them to listen to their elders. There is comfort in being heard. There is confidence in knowing someone finds you worthy, valuable, and interesting enough to tune in to what you say. And there’s wisdom to be found in the exchange of ideas and personal experience.

That’s exactly what we will be doing on campus through the month of February in honor of Black History Month. Wednesday, Feb. 9, in the SCCC Library, we will stage a series of small, personal panel discussions focused on the theme “Black History | Black Futures.” Students and the public are welcome to participate in short roundtable conversations pairing older and younger members of the Black community. Topics on the roster include military service, public protests in the 1960s and the current day, and patriotism. Another table will explore the experiences of Black women in the workplace and athletics, mental health issues that result from society’s often unspoken (and sometimes voiced) assumptions, and how barriers are maintained and broken across generations. A third table will examine the colorful, sometimes painful, sometimes delicious intersection between African culture and Black American culture.

Like the living discussion my own family conducted last Monday, I hope the Saints family conversation will further the goal of loving our students into success. The Coleman household did not tidy up the problems of our messy world, but we all got a chance to speak our mind, gain a fresh appreciation of other viewpoints, and affirm that life is better together than when we are divided.

The goal at Seward is to strengthen that sense of “Saints Strong” unity through each encounter, whether it takes place in the Greenhouse, the classroom, or the cafeteria. Join us next month in the library as we observe Black History and Black Futures. At SCCC, we honor both.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE — The Black History | Black Futures sessions are set for 9 a.m. and noon on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at the Seward County Community College library. The community is invited to attend as we listen to Saints voices.  Rachel Coleman is the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations at SCCC, and a six-year member of the college’s Diversity & Inclusion team. You can contact her at 620-417-1125 or


February 13, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Saints family a welcome contrast to the Great Resignation sweeping the world of work

In the world of education, each semester means professional development workshops, introductions to new employees, and a review of why we do what we do. After seven years at Seward County Community College, I confess I drank extra-strong coffee this week before we embarked on our 2022 sessions. It was tough to trade the leisurely late mornings of holiday break for power point presentations. At the same time, being part of a vibrant team of people committed to empowering students never gets old.

We’re at a point in U.S. history where employment is in a state of dizzying change. The global pandemic interrupted everything we thought was reliable and spawned what pundits are now calling The Great Resignation — a massive labor shortage. Some of it is caused by death, but just as many workers left their jobs because of dissatisfaction with wages, working conditions, and outdated expectations.

It’s a strange phenomenon to witness when you love the place you work. Seward County Community College employs roughly 200 people, forming what we often refer to as the Saints Family. Like all families, we’re not perfect. We weather our share of disagreements, dramatic moments, wins and losses. Yet each semester, whether the sky is delivering icy needles of could-be snow or the sun blazes off the concrete in the campus courtyard, we start again. We are here to serve our students.

When I joined the Saints family, I stepped on campus in a blur of terror and jubilation. I had worked at home for more than a decade and felt deeply insecure about my ability to make small talk by the coffee machine. I was thrilled about the prospect of working in a building that contained an entire library and giddy about the impact I could have on young lives.

Over time, the jitters mellowed into familiarity, and while I am by no means an old-timer on campus. I am established enough to offer a helping hand to newcomers. I also sustain an enthusiastic endorsement of SCCC as a great place to work. There’s no possibility of boredom in a place that exists to enable learning. That’s not just for our students; all employees at SCCC are encouraged to build on whatever we bring with us.

Each year, we celebrate team members who have earned associate degrees right here on campus, persevered to claim a bachelor’s degree, or gone even further. In 2018, I was one of those newly-minted four-year-degree holders. This fall, several team members earned master’s or doctorate-level degrees. SCCC makes it possible to level up. The college encourages and supports employees who are working on additional credentials.

But the Saints experience goes far beyond academic affairs. Our employees engage with an array of students from the region, the nation, and the world. Whether it’s the kid who used to mow your lawn, or the volleyball player you cheered for at high school games, you become part of the story of those young people’s lives as they find their way to adulthood. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet our international students, who come from 20+ countries each year. These students relish learning about the United States, and enliven the hallways as they provide an up-close window to the world.

New employees are often warned they may begin to “bleed green,” much in the way young newspaper recruits were told that “ink would get in our blood.” This is not true in the literal sense, yet it is true. Wednesdays are Green on campus, as we show up in Saints swag and college colors. Greenhouse nights host basketball or volleyball competitions in the gymnasium, and admission is free to all employees. The banner-lined ceiling of that cavernous space attests to the caliber of Saints athletics — always a sight to behold.

Yet when we talk about why Seward is a great place to work, it always comes down to the people. Yes, the grounds are lush and shady all summer. We love our Christmas pies and our summer ice cream giveaways. But it’s the people we greet every morning at the time clock or in the cafeteria line who make SCCC stellar. If your dog runs away, we’ll help search. If your house burns down, we will collect donations. If you get a flat tire, someone will come to find you. If you have a bad day, you might find your favorite soda waiting at your desk. Heck, if you renovate your bathroom, we might even throw you a toilet paper shower when the project is complete.

This spring, we’re looking for new members to join our team in a variety of positions. Those include instructors for mathematics, business marketing and management, business administration, microbiology. Agriculture. Nursing, and cosmetology. We’re also hiring an alumni and gift coordinator in the development office, and a part-time bus driver.

As the old saying goes, you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. When you come to work at SCCC, you get to choose both.

Check out job descriptions and application instructions at > faculty/staff > human resources > Join the team! You can also call Human Resources at 620-417-1123 for more information.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE: Rachel Coleman is the Executive Director of PR and Marketing at SCCC. This position sometimes involves washing windows, handing out candy, and looking on the bright side when life turns cloudy.  If you come to work at SCCC, she’ll set you up with a Saints Strong T shirt and assorted college swag.  


December 11, 2021 :  Saints Voices

The courageous parents of first-generation students

SCCC is privileged to be part of their stories

At Seward County Community College, we like to praise the power of education to transform lives. We believe, as Nelson Mandela observed, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” For most of us, however, that notion is a slightly blurry, distant idea rather than lived reality.

It came into sharp focus for me late last month, when we received word that my mother-in-law, Minnie Mae Coleman, had died — or, in the parlance of church tradition, “transitioned to Heaven.” She was 98, fierce and kind and always hopeful. Besides the 13 children she raised, Momma welcomed more than 150 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and countless strays and in-laws to the family I joined 28 years ago.

Momma grew up in the Mississippi Delta, where despite her tiny frame, she outpicked my father-in-law pound for pound in the cotton fields, a fact she never allowed him to storytell away. Growing up, she dreamed of becoming a nurse, inspired by a magazine picture that she’d seen on a discarded paper. Her father, Alonzo Mason, had avoided a sharecropper’s fate and prided himself on providing for his family through the parcel of land he owned outright. Even so, the American South in the 1920s and ‘30s did not offer much in the way of educational opportunity for girls like Momma. She completed the eighth grade, no more.

It’s hard to imagine a world without public school for everyone, yet Momma was not left untutored. The real-life library of knowledge she could access was rich and varied. Her mother, Amy, was a well-respected midwife, capable and resourceful. One of Momma’s nephews — who eventually rose to the position of federal judge — recalls being called upon to record the names of newborn babies for his grandmomma. At eight years old, he was the only family member able to read and write on demand, which may account for some of the creative name spellings that occur in the Swifttown region.

In time, Momma attained literacy and applied it to her Bible, newspapers and other written materials. A relentlessly hard worker who once told a baffled cardiologist, “Patch me up and send me home,” she cleaned houses, took in laundry, and even found a job as a a nurse’s aide, the closest she could get to her girlhood aspiration.

As I knew her in the final decades of her life, cataracts had rubbed out her vision and she retreated to oral history, song, and memorized scripture. My iPhone is crowded with spontaneous recordings of Momma’s crinkled-silk voice that often swerved into a knowing chuckle. Of course, I’ve only listened in small doses. A few sentences and the grief closes in.

I want vision unfettered by time and space so that I can see back to my mother-in-law’s earliest memories, the quandaries she settled in her mind, and all the might-have-been alternate paths closed to her by history and happenstance. What if Momma had been born in Massachusetts? What if she had possessed the power to say “no” whenever it suited her? What if she had been offered the option to enroll in college? If we took Momma’s acrylic paintings on corrugated cardboard and her multitude of hand-pieced quilts to an art professor, what unacknowledged talent might we identify?

Who will tell the stories she carried? And what about all the life lore she had absorbed, an understanding of the human body, social dynamics, spiritual principles, the skills needed for everyday existence? Does anyone have her recipes for peach cobbler or mustard greens? Where did she learn to cure a bad winter cough with orange peel tea?

The academic world has long struggled with the question of how to quantify folk (indigenous) wisdom expressed in what we condescendingly viewed as less than “proper” English. We call it African American Standard English now, and linguists acknowledge that it is a dialect, not a deficiency.

In the same way, our society has long paid homage to degrees and titles while dismissing the hard-won lessons of life in the migrant fields and margins of “civilization.” Knowledge over wisdom, you might say.

Momma may not have held a diploma of any sort, but she was a true sage, able to discern a correct course of action amid chaos, willing to wait for the dust to settle, and calmly complete whatever was needed in the meantime. Unsurprisingly, she recognized the power of education and preached it tirelessly to her children.

She urged them to seize opportunities denied to her. Two older daughters ventured to an early ‘60s iteration of Job Corps in Maine. Two sons parlayed their formidable athleticism into scholarships at four-year colleges. A fair number of my “bonus siblings” took classes at SCCC itself, and countless others of the second, third, and even fourth generation have followed hard after education, “the thing,” Momma reminded everyone, “that no one can take away from you.”

This parental aspiration and bequeathed courage is a gift many of our students at SCCC bring with them. They are often the first person in their family to pass through the doors of any sort of college. Their parents have no idea how to support them, beyond a steady belief in their excellence. It’s our privilege at SCCC to become part of the storylines of such families, like the one I married into.

There’s no doubt that Momma would view her passing as a promotion rather than a loss. No more mandatory doctor visits or stays in the care center. She doesn’t have to scheme to keep hold of her garden patch, her occasional chickens, her sense of independent innovation. Her far-flung, gorgeous, prolific family will be reckoning with the loss for years to come. Thanks to her influence, though, her descendants will do so with high school diplomas, professional certificates, and college degrees held firmly in hand: nobody, we hear her voice reminding us, can take that away.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE — Rachel Coleman is the executive director of marketing and public relations at Seward County Community College. You’ll find her listening to gospel music through the end of this year, and testing peach cobbler recipes that meet the Minnie Mae Coleman standard. 


From the Constitution to SCCC, local autonomy deserves our protection

September 21, 2021

This past week we celebrated Constitution Day, which in turn started Constitution Week in the United States. While this is an annual event, it doesn’t seem to get it’s due. Constitution day is normally observed on September 17th, because on September 17th, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document that became the cornerstone of the greatest “experiment” in the history of governance in the world.

The constitution was a framework created for a set of States with their unique autonomies to be able to act as one when needed to benefit the whole, as defined in its preamble. The hallowed document was not intended to make the states, the counties, the cities and towns homogeneously and singularly subservient to the federal government. Had it done so, it would have lost the main ingredient that allowed this republic to evolve into the most enduring beacon of freedom and independence.

That observation leads me to the point I want to make about the importance of the public trust that Seward County Community College has with the electorate of Seward County. As national politics clamor with sounds of greater federal influence on its citizens, I believe it is vital that we understand and appreciate our local autonomies, and the power of the local self-determination that we currently possess. As noted in the July 4, 2021 editorial in the Leader-Times, by Dr Walter Wendler of West Texas A&M University, “as the distance to the seat of government increases, that potential of having cogent, meaningful impact decreases. Local influence and decision-making empower a free society’s work and worth, and likewise, for a local university.” Dr. Wendler is obviously referring to the role West Texas A&M plays in the Texas panhandle, but I would extend the same sentiment to Seward County Community College, as the local college within our region.

SCCC’s Board of Trustees are elected by the voters of Seward County. They have been exemplary stewards of this college over the years, and they continue to be so. They are in tune to the educational and economic impact that SCCC has not only in Seward County, but indeed the region surrounding Seward County. They make decisions in the best interest, and to the specific needs, of the people of this locale.

The people of this locale are uniquely special and deserving of all that our college can provide for them. I was reminded of this recently when Sr. Rosa Maria of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church stopped me on the street to tell me she was returning to Mexico. During our brief conversation, she thanked me for helping create a peaceful community. I believe she was not just referring to me individually, or just the St. Anthony parish, but to Liberal and southwest Kansas, with its rich citizenry of diverse culture and common decency. Her comment reminded me of how important it is to understand the duty and obligation that we as citizens of Seward County, of Kansas, and indeed of the United States of America have been entrusted.

Part of the duty of SCCC to its students and its taxpayers is to endlessly pursue excellence in education. As Professor Lee Tavis once told my class at the University of Notre Dame, when we were collectively stumped on a question he had posed to the class, ..”without the tools, you are nothing but a bunch of do-gooders to whom nobody listens.”

The educators at SCCC strive to teach, and thus provide, its students with the tools to be productive, self-determined, happy, and responsible citizens that make the caring, peaceful community that Sr. Rosa described. May we as citizens of Seward County employ the civic tools we have been entrusted with, and strive to be vigilant and dedicated in our duties and responsibilities to our neighbors, our fellow citizens, and the Constitution that has made this beautiful “experiment” possible for over 200 years.

Currently the interim president at SCCC, Dennis Sander also serves as Vice President of Finance and Operations. A Southwest Kansas native, Sander is known in Saints Land for his love of puns, attention to detail, and fierce loyalty to all things Notre Dame. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


Two decades later, 9/11 events remain vivid for New York transplant and SCCC team member 

September 11, 2021

There are moments – events — in life that you never forget. That create memories so powerful you can identify exactly what you were doing. John F. Kennedy being shot, the first man on the moon, the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, the start of the Iraq War in 1990 and the Oklahoma City bombing, just to name a few.

I remember a few of those quite vividly, others not so much. But one event I will never forget is the attack on September 11. I have a little different perspective on the matter because I was born and raised in New York City. I lived there for 35 years before I moved to Liberal.

And it wasn’t that I just lived in New York, but I considered the World Trade Area my stomping ground. I worked in and hung out in that area for more than a decade. I would wander into the buildings to visit the shops and access mass transit in the World Trade Center hub more often than I can remember. 

It’s been 20 years — I can’t believe it’s been that long — but I’ll always remember it like it was yesterday. That day, it had been two years since I left New York to come to Kansas. That morning, I was going to get some blood work done at the doctor’s office. The nurse said, “a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center!”At first, I didn’t believe it. That was absolutely ridiculous. But the more I thought about it, the more I reasoned that “well, maybe it’s a small plane and I guess that could happen.”

Driving back to the house, I listened to the details on the radio. I got home, immediately turned on the television and watched the disaster unfold.

As I’m watching, my mind starts to scramble and I’m flooded with questions. “I wonder where my parents are?” “What about my brother and sister?” “My friends?” I’m pretty sure everyone is OK but there’s a sense of panic. I’m calling and all I get is the automated message: “all circuits are busy.”

It wasn’t until hours later that I finally got through and everyone was in fact OK, but in shock about what had happened.

The scenes on TV were dramatic. The billowing smoke from both towers. The fire that I watched burning buildings and the eventual collapse of the Twin Towers. It was incredibly surreal. You didn’t believe it was happening, but it did. It wasn’t a movie or a TV show. It was real.

It was deeply personal. A tragedy that hit home only because I had been there. I pretty much walked every inch of the World Trade Center area hundreds if not thousands of times. And then I wondered if I would’ve been there, if I hadn’t moved to Kansas. Maybe. Maybe not. When I lived in New York, it was certainly a possibility — especially in the morning.

I won’t watch any footage or documentaries or movies about the event. It’s just too hard. The panic in the streets, the terror and the chaos. It’s too hard to relive.

Just as an aside, I did know people who perished in the attack – high school acquaintances, first responders. And while this tragedy touches me on the most personal level, it is gratifying that the people in Liberal and Seward County Community College pay tribute on that day.

The college has often set up a special lunch and gathered the community to commemorate and honor not only those who have lost their lives but those who were first to help out – the police, fireman and EMTs – the first responders. How they have given their lives without hesitation to help others – their unselfishness. This year, Patriot Day falls on the weekend, and we will not be on campus. Even so, we should all honor and respect the memories of those we lost and the heroism of those who served as rescuers and responders.

September 11, 2001 – never forget.

A 14-year member of the Saints family, Phil Lee has worked in the SCCC Library, TRiO offices, and currently in the PR & Marketing office. You’ll be likely to see him at student and community events, capturing images and video footage for use in college media. 


Trunk Abe Schultz

Life Interrupted: In which I unpack my grandfather’s short-lived college years

The trunk occupies the northwest corner of my living room, as if it still looks toward Montana and a farm that the bank took back. Its boxy face is covered with nailed-on filigree panels, impressed on metal too darkened with age for me to identify. One handle, the original leather rotted to a stub, has been replaced by a loop of rope. It is that makeshift detail that so endears the trunk to me. I view it as evidence that life goes on, and beauty remains.

When Abraham Schultz boarded the train to Minneapolis, Minn., in the early 1930s, the trunk was likely in excellent condition — unlike the state of affairs for wheat farmers like his father. Montana grain-growers had endured years of drought, locusts, and the Dust Bowl and Depression hadn’t even begun. By contrast, young Abe, someday to be my grandfather, was full of optimism, bound for Bible college and a scholar’s life. He had packed all his worldly belongings in the trunk, except for his heavy winter coat; that he layered over his clothes to conserve packing space. It was Indian Summer, and he must have felt stiflingly hot.

It would be decades before my mother heard the story of how her father’s education was interrupted by nature, social upheaval, and misfortune. She got the account from her own mother, whose lament in old age was the loss of her husband “who had been such an encourager. He always knew what to say to me when I was blue, and he encouraged me to keep on.”

Less than a year into his studies, Abe received word from his father in Montana: the bank had called in his loan, repossessed the farm, and evicted the family. As youngest son, and the only one without a wife and children, Abe was obliged to return home to help pack and move his parents to Dallas, Oregon. There, they found temporary lodging with relatives, and joined the migrant workers who picked fruit and lived hand-to-mouth through the Depression.

He was never a bitter man, my grandfather. My mother says he never talked about “what if” and how bad things had been for him. “He recalled being deeply disappointed that he was not able to finish college. He had to give that dream up,” she said. “But he dug down deep and decided to make the best of it. He found another way to get educated and to learn, to study. That was all of his own initiative, his inner drive.”

Before he met my grandmother, he traveled to California to help an uncle, and was able to take classes at Biola College in Los Angeles. Later, as a young minister in a Mennonite church in Quakertown, Penn., he attended a few seminary classes. Books crowded his study shelves. He was truly a self-taught man.

These days, his trunk serves as a lamp table in my living room, where I sometimes curl up on the sofa to work cozily. The stay-at-home orders prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and my resulting telecommuting work model feel surreal some days. Can it be possible that my office will remain dark until midsummer? That my Los Angeles daughter drove a full circuit of the city, from the mountains to the Pacific, in just 45 minutes on near-empty roads? That my state university daughter has created a basement studio in her Wichita house to continue music lessons and practice sessions? That my son dons full PPE gear to deliver oxygen tanks to respiratory-compromised clients? Can it be possible that there won’t be a “normal” to get back to?

All of us, particularly the students who have abruptly come to an educational crossroads, are alternately speechless and fearful. It must have been something like this for my grandfather. Like the students at Seward County Community College, where I work (from home) (sometimes on the sofa), he had a mere two decades of life experience to draw on as he navigated national disaster. His own parents had emigrated from Prussia, and remembered wartime and religious oppression and starvation. It’s safe to say the Depression was not the worst thing that had ever happened to them. For their son, though, the sudden withdrawal from college completely changed his vision of the future. I imagine it was devastating.

Yet here I am today, the second of four generations to come from his line. And we don’t recall him as a curmudgeon marked by bitterness. He didn’t just survive: he made a good life, won the heart of a beautiful woman who still longed for him 50 years after his death, raised children who remember his boundless optimism. Everywhere Abe moved, he planted grapevines in the back yard. Maybe the family would reap the benefits, or maybe they would be posted to a new church. Everywhere Abe moved, he began the day with singing — a practice he imposed upon his sleepy children before breakfast was served. He lived well.

For all of us, elementary students to at-risk grandparents, this time poses similar heartaches and opportunities. Yes, life is changing. The train has left the station, the dust clouds on the horizon threaten to darken our days, and we have no idea what might be asked of us. Yet we have so much to work with. We have technology and capacity to communicate by faster means than telegraph and handwritten letter. We have medical advancements that arm us with knowledge and effective care. Perhaps most valuable of all we have the legacy of the folks who weathered worse storms. My grandfather’s trunk reminds me each day that we should hold onto the things that are portable: love, family connection, a belief in the good that is possible. We carry them with us, and they last.

rachel colemanRachel Coleman serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. Like most of her teammates at the college, she is making it work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic … with plenty of coffee and a healthy dose of humor contributed by her husband. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


Hall of Saints members put their SCCC education to good use

During the last week of January 2020, the Seward County Community College campus saw a little bit of everything — glistening snowdrifts, Homecoming events for all students, a multicultural potluck, and the celebration of 15 remarkable alumni as part of the college’s 50th anniversary festivities. Our college president, Dr. T, described it as “the continuing story of SCCC, told in each person’s life.”

Amid the happy frenzy, I found myself reflecting on a childhood story playing out in real life. I first encountered the Parable of the Talents in a slim, brightly-colored paperback “Arch Book,” the Sunday School equivalent of the better-known Golden Books. This one, “Eight Bags of Gold,” featured striking, hand-drawn illustrations in the favored color palette of the 1970s — burnt orange, harvest gold, and avocado green.

Arch Book Talents

The original Arch book by Janice Kramer, published 1964 by Concordia House.

The story featured three characters, each of whom was given a different sum of money (in the parlance of antiquity, “talents,” also known as solid-gold currency) by their boss as he set out on a journey of unspecified length. The first two employees went to work immediately, doubling their respective funds. The third buried the gold in the ground, focusing on keeping it safe. He explained his rationale for the “play it safe” approach:

“Master, I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error. I was afraid I might disappoint you, so I found a good hiding place and secured your money.”

In the story, the master praised the first two characters, but expressed angry disappointment about the third servants inactivity. One translation of the original puts it this way: the master exclaimed, “That’s a terrible way to live!”

What did my childhood self make of this story, originally recorded in the gospel of Matthew? One take-away is that fear has no place in a vibrant life. Another might be, “trust the people around you,” — in the college environment, that would be your teachers. Then there’s the old adage, “he who hesitates is lost.”

What moved me most as I spoke with graduates like healthcare provider Elizabeth Irby, and athlete and psychologist Anne Weese, was the way they have leveraged the opportunities life presented them. When you listen to them tell how they got from uncertain 18-year-old to the impressive accomplishments they’ve logged, their time at SCCC carries equal weight as years spent at big-name institutions like K-State, Notre Dame, and even Virginia Tech.

Honoree Areli Monarrez-Valles told me that she and her husband, Jose Valles, view this community college as the place where everything came together for them. It’s the origin-point of a journey into a wholly unknown universe of higher education. They were the first people in their respective families to venture out, and SCCC gave them courage to continue.

I particularly enjoyed Stuart Moore’s story of how he heeded the good advice given by a science instructor to “make yourself more marketable” as a combination coach/teacher, and minor in something other than history. English instructor Ann Judd provided the inspiration for the baseball player to earn a credential in language arts as well as physical education.

Their stories have something in common with every single inductee we have added to our new Hall of Saints cohort — 40 to date, with 10 more to come by May 2020.

Each person exemplifies the heart of our mission at SCCC: to provide opportunities to enrich and improve each person’s life through a range of academic programs … for the advancement of the individual and the community. That means we actively seek to meet our students at their point of need — not, as the foolish servant assumed in the parable, “to demand the best and make no allowances for error.”

You could almost make the case that SCCC offers a shot at redemption for nearly every situation that ails people: teenage angst and confusion, disappointments on the court and the field, changes in plan, changes in circumstance. We specialize in holding out a hand to people who’ve requested a “do-over.” We welcome the bright stars who eagerly work to leverage their advantages — intelligence, beauty, creativity, financial stability, innovative thinking — to go as far as they possibly can.

And we celebrate it all: the multiplication of talents, no matter how humble the start.

The best aspect of this process is that it’s truly a never-ending story. Every semester, we welcome more students to the campus. Every day, our alumni go about the regular business of life. They make the world better one newspaper page, one high school science lab, one new calf on the ranch, one life at a time.

What a way to live.

NOTE: We continue to add in-depth profiles of each of our Hall of Saints inductees to the official public relations site of the college. You can find them at

rachel colemanRachel Coleman serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. She freely admits to a self-diagnosed condition, “Indiscriminate Fondness Disorder” that leads her to find something likable in every human she meets. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


5 Follow along pattern

Lessons learned in Squirrel School

The neighbor dogs had barked since 9 a.m. when I stepped into the back yard to investigate. I had to squint across slabs of afternoon sun to scan the creaky elm tree that grows on the other side of the fence. Squirrel school, it appeared, was in session.

A determined-looking parent squirrel coaxed two kits along a slender branch that reached toward the roof. As they shrank into cute but uncooperative clumps, the parent crouched, launched, and landed decisively on the shingled slope. The mother — of course I imagined it was the mother — stood at attention, prairie-dog style, and chattered at her offspring. Just try it! I imagined her saying. It’s the shortest, safest route to the even bigger elm tree in the front yard!

Winter is coming! It’s time to stockpile food! This is the most efficient way! (Though I have no evidence, I am pretty sure squirrels end every sentence with an exclamation mark.)

The babies would have none of it. With a visible sigh, the mother dashed out of view, only to reappear in the tree moments later. The demonstration began again. The dog continued his alarm-bark. Saturday class continued until dusk.

With one college instructor and two future school teachers in the family, I hear plenty of human chatter about curriculum planning. Then, too, there’s my own work environment, surrounded by math and science instructors’ offices, students cramming for class outside my workspace, and the many meetings that punctuate academic life, meetings where we tackle tough questions like, “Why won’t our squirrels jump?” and “How many nuts are needed?” and “Have you seen the weather forecast for December?” I couldn’t help but imagine how this squirrel parent developed her own lesson outline.

Demonstration: How to leap from branch to shingle!

Assignment: Do as I do. And as I say … “be fearless, little ones!”

Objective: Master this skill before winter, in order to stockpile the most possible food in the highest possible location inaccessible to other creatures!

Outcome: Defy death at the jaws of the slavering dog below!

Assessment: If there’s no blood, we pass! If there are nuts in the nest, we earn As! Bonus points for any ounces gained by spring!

It’s no exaggeration to point out that the tiny, non-leaping squirrel kits resembled Saints students in more than one way. They were young and skinny and kind of adorable — all energy at the beginning, quick to wilt for nap time when the stress of leaping began to accrue. I’m sure they gobble nuts and seeds like nobody’s business, and have become accustomed to the bounty of summer and a parent’s provisions. Do these squirrels know how to cook or do laundry? They do not.

They were also easily distractible. During what must have been the parent’s 457th attempt to get them to try the leap, they engaged in a game of tag across the non-dog-guarded regions of the tree. I watched incredulously as they sprinted vertically up a desiccated branch that looked far less sturdy than the launch branch their mother had selected for the actual assignment. The 90-degree angle and brittle appearance of the branch bark and bone-white wood beneath seemed to me to represent a far greater possibility of tumbling to an untimely death by dog-jaw. Yet the baby squirrels wanted to play, and play to their strengths. They were stubborn, just like many of our students. They were were a bit cocky, betting on their squirrel tag skills instead of putting in the practice time for a challenging leap. They had no concept of winter, just as many of our students have no concept of the long marathon of debt repayment, or the likelihood of illness or injury and the need for a backup plan. They had no concept of age, because they were still babies, nor did they understand that their carefree days would not last forever. Sound familiar?

I take the parent squirrel’s teaching method to heart. It requires so much patience, time, sweat and determination. The mother did not need to jump on repeat for five hours, but she did. The students did not focus on the lesson, but she did. The need to get those winter preparations complete would drive me to despair, but she just kept at it.

Those darn squirrel kids. They don’t appreciate what they’ve got. Thank goodness someone’s looking out for them while the leaves fall and the dogs gather.

rachel colemanRachel Coleman is a lifelong learner and former homeschooling parent  who currently serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of  SCCC.  



Clothe yourself in social courage

October, the month when I begin to listen for wild geese migrating, brings an echo of loss. Low grey skies create a sounding bell for the calls of birds fleeing blizzards; they also reflect an inevitable gloom, the descending specter of less sunlight and darker moods.

Autumn is when we feel the steady tick of time passing. Summer is over, winter is on its way, and growing season has come to a close. There’s no tricking a hard freeze.

It’s time to pull on an extra sweater, take a deep breath, and be brave.

Brave, because this time of year is when we reckon with mortality. We can’t avoid it. The trees offer testimony of bare-bones truth. Why would we assume that humans, whose lives are shorter than the average oak, are granted immunity from the forces that erode mountains?

How people handle loss is tied to how we connect with others. It is peculiar and treacherous territory. On the one hand, it’s as ordinary as dirt: everybody carries private grief. Making too much of yours can cloy. When I yearn for the dog I just relinquished to new owners or lament the mostly empty nest at my house, I can almost hear Auntie Sergeant in my head, issuing a crisp corrective: “Some people don’t have homes. Some people don’t have children to send to college! Toughen up, buttercup!” My sensible alter-ego is right — sorrow is nothing special.

But as Tolstoy observed in his novel Anna Karenina (whose title character is the all-time champion of melancholy) while all happy families are pretty much the same, every unhappy family finds its own unique way to explore misery. Can a person whose geriatric parent just died identify with the pain of a 25-year-old whose mother fought cancer and lost? If you say you’re upset about a favorite chair claimed by dry rot, do I trump your tale of woe with a story about termites?

In the face of such quandaries, professionals offer tips. Maybe it’s Seasonal Affective Disorder — the wintertime blues — that has us down. Or perhaps we ought to talk about National Suicide Awareness Month? Be aware, feelings of discouragement are not the same as clinical depression. Instructors at the community college where I work take the halfway mark of the semester as a cue to issue warnings about “staying on top of your studies.” Young adult students, whose brains are still in the final stages of development, might not be sure why they feel downhearted.

The big box stores see the start of autumn as a gold rush: Halloween, hunting season, Thanksgiving, football, and Christmas shopping all provide profits galore. The retailers are not wrong, if what counts is dollars. We all know, however, down in the roots of our being, that money is not what matters when that cold and lonely wind blows.

For me, October is a grab bag of emotion. It is the time of year I met my next-door neighbor, who became my husband 26 years ago. It’s also the time of year when my oldest child died. This year, the month has already brought gain and loss, gold and grit. I want to photograph every bright red leaf I notice turning in the wind. I want to curl up beneath the softest blanket in the house, and go to sleep. I’m pretty sure I am not alone in this back-and-forth response to the arrival of autumn.

At work, the month brings what I think of as “Judgement Day,” our accreditation visit from the Higher Learning Commission. Being evaluated is never comfortable, even when you know you have done your level best. The stress is counterbalanced by the excitement about our new buildings on campus — the Colvin Family Center for Allied Health on the northwest side of Circle Drive, and the Sharp Family Champions Center on the southeast. Both are nearly complete, and the altered silhouette kind of takes my breath away when I approach campus.

That’s the thing about seasons. They change. And even though we might find familiar themes, be those in the form of pumpkins or plaid, no two years are exactly the same.

What memories mark this season for you? What do you savor? When does sadness gust into the corners of your heart, like wind scattering dry leaves?

As SCCC’s inclusiveness & civility mover team launches another year of work, we’re interested in those moments, when loss collides with forward motion, calling for courage and grace. More than the distinctions that divide us, all people share common experiences as we move through life. Let’s keep good company with one another along the way.

I&C Badge 2020

rachel colemanRachel Coleman is a recovering newspaper writer who currently serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. To read more of her columns, visit her blog at This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


Going back to where we came from

If you grew up in a small, rural community like I did, the beginning of the school year was something like a family reunion. Every August, the same group of 15 or so kids lined up in the freshly-waxed hallway, back to assume their roles in the social network of best friends, best athletes, smartest students, poorest families, prettiest girls; the roles rarely shifted, having been set in kindergarten stone. Your identity was marked and known.

As a book-loving girl, I clamored for change. “Why can’t you take a church in New York? Or Kansas City? Or … anywhere with a museum?” I demanded of my preacher father.

God, it appeared, was not subject to my geographic whims. We stayed in that town of 800. Internally, I fumed about the limitations of small-town life. Outwardly, I often disconnected or sought to stir up controversy with tools like vote-fixing in the third-grade ballot box, an “underground” newspaper filled with snarky observations, and, in high school, a leopardskin-patterned skirt. Thank God he hadn’t left town, or the adults’ patience would have run out.

Decades later, I’m grateful for my throwback childhood, where neighbors ratted you out for picking flowers from their front yards and teachers exercised autonomy to design independent studies for a restless eighth-grader. These Indian summer afternoons, with their stored heat that radiates from the campus sidewalks, set off nostalgia rather than bitterness. My juvenile complaints, it turns out, were short-sighted.

Here at SCCC, we often experience the same dissatisfactions that marked my Minneola years. We are place-bound and work far away from urban resources and hot new trends. We make the best of aging buildings and standing committees filled with the same group of faces from year to year. We take for granted the advantages that tend to fade with familiarity. Until we don’t.

It’s a well-known trait of human beings — even those of us with a long list of complaints — to resist change. Take, for instance, one elementary-aged girl who hissed to the new kid in class, a smart and confident student whose hand shot up with ready answers, “Go back to Omaha where you came from!”

Why did I resent the arrival of someone who had read all the same books I loved, and brought fresh stories of a life lived elsewhere? Rather than relish the opportunities for friendship with a kindred spirit, I defaulted to animosity. How we navigated that relationship is a story too long for this column, but keep in mind the inertia of small town demographics. In the decades that followed, two classmates who argued during recess found common ground. Now we keep an eye on one another via Facebook. 

Higher ed, of course, is assumed to be far from the grade-school classroom. Even so, we adults often resemble our younger selves. 

When longtime colleagues retire or move on to other jobs, it’s human to mourn the loss; it’s shortsighted to shut out newcomers. When politics or current events frighten us, we need time to process our grief; it’s foolish to let our fears divide us from coworkers and neighbors who see events through a different lens. 

When summer comes to an end, it’s  OK to be sad. July, which is National Ice Cream month and a cause for celebration at my house, is nearly a week behind us. Regular work hours resumed on campus this Monday, and I confess I’m feeling a little cranky about how quickly the summer melted away.

At the same time, I can’t help but feel a surge of excitement about what this year will hold. Our campus has two new buildings, one of which is nearly finished. Vacancies on the SCCC team have been filled with newcomers from other places — though I haven’t seen Omaha on the list — and many folks on campus have switched jobs and moved to new offices.

Just as I could never have predicted how my childhood perspectives on life would shift, I realize there’s no telling what marvels might unfold during this new year. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


Saint Stories is written by Executive Director of PR & Marketing, Rachel Coleman. A Kansas native and lifelong bibliovore, Rachel is affectionately known as the “Book Bully” by her family. She will stop reading for afternoon tea or a walk with the dog so that she can find the beauty in everyday life. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  



Green is good — until it’s time to mow

At Seward County Community College, we often say, “It’s good to be green!”

This summer, the natural world echoed that emotion with more rain through the season than anyone younger than 90 years of age can recall.

The robins rejoiced — loudly — starting at 3 a.m. daily, and the grackles never let up in their extravagant mating rituals that transform them from black mini-crows to gorgeous scribbles of desire. Gardeners enjoyed our own celebratory moments. The rain compensated for all sorts of horticultural shortcomings, from late plantings of tomato vines to distracted afternoons when watering fell off the “to do” list.

“This is why flowerbeds in Colorado and the Pacific Northwest look so lush,” I said to myself. “They get rain every day and nobody has to worry about drought resistant varieties of anything.” It’s easy to achieve beauty when it is your worries that evaporate, and not the sprinkler’s spray.

Mowing, though — that’s a different story. On campus, I saw our trusty crew mount the machines and make the circuit. And then do it again the next day. And the next. By the time they finished the outer edges of our sizable grounds, it was time to start over. And by the time I imagine they had resigned themselves to their fate, the weather decided to grant us 10 days of triple digits. No matter: the lawns still demanded attention.

SCCC has long touted its green spaces, often referred to by our community as “an oasis” on these arid High Plains. Over the last four years, the oasis has received many upgrades with the help of various granting bodies both public and private. The Sunflower Foundation, the Kansas Department of Parks and Wildlife, the Liberal Area Coalition for Families and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas have all dedicated funding to expand our Connections Trail System.

At the outset, some expressed skepticism about the vision that fueled this project, articulated by then-new SCCC President, Dr. Ken Trzaska. Dr. T would expound on his future-perfect scenario of hundreds of new trees, including an orchard path at some stretch, and families with young children picnicking in the shade. “He’s not from Kansas,” I think the feelings ran. “Clearly, he does not understand how hard it is to get things to grow out here.”

That’s probably true of any transplant, but Dr. T proved he understood more than anybody reckoned when construction began on the Colvin Center for Allied Health — right next to the ancient cottonwood that rules the northwest quadrant of Circle Drive. The cottonwood, in my imagination, had attracted two disciples in the form of Scotch Pines to the north. While it was a given that Coonrod & Associates would never dare to do so much as scratch the Cottonwood, the relatively smaller evergreens were in the way.

“They will have to move the two trees,” Dr. T said when he heard rumors of tree-chopping. “Trees are too hard to grow out here for us to just cut them down.”

He was right. The trees were good trees, sturdy, seemingly impervious to whatever that rusty, tree-balding disease is that has claimed other, less determined members of their species.

I’m not sure what it takes to relocate a tree of the size and age of the Scotch twins. Heavy equipment, for starters. Even then, it has to be a touch-and-go endeavor. Sadly, the first candidate for resettlement succumbed. The second remained, standing sentry as lifters and scrapers and Allied-Health makers — I may know the names of flora and fauna, but not construction machines — rumbled past.

Summer’s timer is ticking as I write, and the verdant glory of SCCC continues. I tip my hat to the groundskeepers, the construction crew, and our president for ensuring the oasis lives up to its name. One more reason to repeat, “it’s good to be green.”



Saint Stories is written by Executive Director of PR & Marketing, Rachel Coleman. A Kansas native and lifelong bibliovore, Rachel is affectionately known as the “Book Bully” by her family. She will stop reading for afternoon tea or a walk with the dog so that she can find the beauty in everyday life. Enthusiastic book recommendations are always free to the public. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  

Lightning strike demonstrates the power of persistence on college campus

You might not know that the oldest cottonwood tree at Seward County Community College (outside the Colvin Family Center for Allied Health) was struck by lightning last week, but it was the big news event on campus. The morning after, a steady stream of Saints family members walked over to check on the tree. 

The damage was dramatic, a long streak down the length of the trunk where the bolt blasted through the bark. It looked like a giant had taken out a pocket knife and done some whittling. The grounds crew were picking up shredded tree pieces the next morning.

The event made me think about how growth happens, and what it looks like over a long period of time. According to our campus biology expert, instructor Ty Hughbanks, the cottonwood tree is probably 100 to 150 years old. It has seen a lot of history, and managed to hang on through all the big events nature could throw at it since 1880 or so. 

Drought, the Dust Bowl, a prairie fire or two, hungry jackrabbits, tornados and blizzards, and more than one big construction projects. We’re hoping a lightning strike is no big deal compared to all that.   

Even though the tree is likely three times as old as the college, SCCC too has grown and survived dry years and bountiful years and achieved a kind of resilience that bodes well for the future. Just like nature’s cycles, we are currently in a season of renewal. 

Daily life in the Hobble Building is quiet in terms of student activity, but incredibly loud in terms of decibels. Demolition of four outdated bathrooms is underway so that we can update the facilities for students, staff, and the public. The jackhammers and thuds are just the beginning. Other projects slated for summer include:

  • Renovation for a new student testing center adjacent to the SCCC Library. 
  • Creation of a “One Stop Shop” for incoming students in the main entrance area of the Hobble Building. The free-standing office modules in the front hall will be removed, creating an open and welcoming space for students and their families as they apply, complete financial aid paperwork, and enroll in classes. Multiple offices will relocate in this process.
  • Addition of new exterior lighted signs on our main campus buildings has begun. We’re excited to see building names on clear display.
  • Installation of glass doors on the west entrance of the Greenhouse Gymnasium have transformed the look of the athletics area on campus. 
  • Replacement of flooring in the Student Living Center has begun. This giant project will wrap up prior to our new academic year kickoff in August. 
  • Renovation of the “old” original dormitory building just west of the French Family Softball Complex. The facility will become an on-campus medical clinic with a mental health and counseling component. 

All these projects involve a combination of tearing down and building up. This is only possible because of our stable foundation both in material and financial terms. And, no pun intended, it is also possible because of our SCCC Foundation, which continually raises, invests, and contributes funding to the college.  

Like the cottonwood tree, we are in this for the long haul.


A separate note: SCCC’s summer classes will kick off on Tuesday, May 30, with students attending Monday through Friday for short sessions that really add up in terms of college credits. Each session runs approximately a month, with start dates of May 30, June 5, and July 5. A highly motivated student could collect nine college credits, about half a semester’s worth of work, in that time! Check out our online schedule at

to see which classes might work best for you. We have online, in person, and hybrid options for many different subjects. Or give us a call to learn more: the admissions office is 620-417-1100. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brad Bennett is the 13th president of Seward County Community College. Even though he could happily spend his entire summer fishing, you will find him on campus from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday. 


Dream big about The Next 50 Years with SCCC

It’s an old but grounded-in-experience joke: If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans. We all know the feelings that go with “the best laid plans,” as old-timers used to say: everyone wants to expect the best, but there’s almost always a curve ball or unpredictable weather to factor in. So, why plan?

This is a question our executive team and campus leaders have been grappling with over the last semester. Does it make sense to  picture progress and actually make step-by-step plans, when we have all experienced unprecedented challenges in the past few years?

The answer at Seward County Community College is a resounding “yes.”

History says it is the dreamers who propel progress. Locally, time has shown that looking to the future is exactly what has gotten this resilient and inspiring region to where we are now. In the midst of political and economic upheavals, despite pandemics and tornadoes and prairie fires, this part of the country is full of folks who stick to their guns. We persevere. We endure. And we are hopeful in the way that farmers and sodbusters and the Greatest Generation showed us.

That is why we have started a project we’re calling “The Next 50: Envisioning the Future.” Beginning with an informal brainstorming, dream-out-loud gathering on Tuesday, May 23, we invite our stakeholders and Saints supporters to join us in picturing all the possibilities for the College and this region. If you would like to join us, please contact our Chief Development Officer Kyle Woodrow to request an invitation. 

Some examples of the topics we are considering:

  • What are the best practices to radically expand Seward’s online course offerings? What options are most valuable to our students and those we hope to draw into the Saints family?
  • As dairy interests grow and a cheese factory is constructed in the region, how might we leverage the opportunities for our students and our community?
  • Liberal has long served as a transportation hub for the wider region. Is it time to revive this sense of purpose with expanded truck and rail transportation? How will the four-lane expansion of U.S. Hwy. 54 impact industry growth?
  • Solar and wind energy continue to offer intriguing possibilities for this region. What entry points exist for SCCC and our students in support for this emerging energy industry?
  • Fiber expansion is well under way, with at least three providers fully involved in bringing 5G technology to Southwest Kansas. How can we tie such projects to what our students study and aspire to practice?
  • We value our partnerships with fellow education entities, from the local and area public school districts, to four-year universities and federally funded programs in high-value specialized fields of study like national intelligence/security. How can we grow these relationships for the benefit of all?

These are only a few of the subjects that have captured our imagination. With a community full of capable, creative, and hard-working stakeholders, I know there are many more worthy ideas to consider.

It’s always fun to start with questions. What if … we increased enrollment so successfully that we ran out of dorm space? What if … we added even more sports to our Saints Athletics teams lineup? What if the demand for housing in Liberal caused us to take a second look at a construction study track in Industrial Technology? What if we recruited all the best musicians in the area for our instrumental music program, and started more small groups for performances?

What if your son, daughter, next-door neighbor, or even you have a great idea that grows with a bit of encouragement from an SCCC instructor, and soon we are empowering students’ entrepreneurial ventures every year?

The College has crafted a sturdy and effective Strategic Plan for our next five years; we want to expand that sense of purpose tenfold, and look to the horizon for 50-year goals. Please consider joining the conversation. We can’t wait to dream together.


EDITOR’S NOTE — SCCC President Brad Bennett is looking forward to envisioning big things for SCCC with the community. The Next 50 Years first event is set for 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 23, at the Liberal Country Club. For more information or to request an invitation, contact Kyle Woodrow (Chief Development Officer) at 620-417-1131). You can also reach Brad at or by phone at 620-417-1010.


May 1, 2023

Eyes on the dashboard, enrollment gains ahead

It will still be several years until my daughters learn to drive, but lately, I’ve been thinking about the importance of the dashboard.

The newest dashboard at Seward County Community College is not attached to a vehicle — it’s attached to our campus-wide goal to increase enrollment. To people in the world of higher education, that goal might sound a little obvious, like putting the car in “drive” if you want to go anywhere. For us, however, increasing enrollment connects to the big picture of what SCCC can be next year, the year after that, and decades into the future. 

I don’t want to drift off course, so back to the dashboard. 

The SCCC enrollment dashboard tracks our work in every area of the college, from classrooms to offices, to phone messages and our presence in the outside world. It connects to our progress, our speed, our overall condition. It’s just like your car dashboard, which keeps you on track but also warns you if something like your oil or tire pressure needs attention. 

Just after our college and the community worked to create the SCCC Strategic Plan for 2022-2025, the Saints family decided to establish a “W.I.G.,” or “Wildly Important Goal.” This is something that supersedes all of the urgent, everyday tasks that eat up time and attention. It’s something that deserves our best energy and focus. For SCCC, that is the vision of increasing enrollment by five percent every year for the next five years. 

How will we get there? That is a little bit like asking “how does a car run?” With a lot of moving parts. Every department, academic division, and office on campus has been asked to identify a goal for their area that connects to our campus wide W.I.G.

So far, the SCCC approach has been broad. We have focused on filling the student housing center again, something that happened most years before the pandemic altered what seems normal. Of course, filling a dorm requires the dorm to be appealing and ready to be bursting at the seams with energetic students. Accordingly, our board approved key improvements to the student housing buildings, one of which will take place over the summer. We’re replacing the flooring with the help of three local vendors who will divide the work evenly. 

Another component of student housing — our washing machines and dryers — was addressed earlier this spring. To say the students were happy would be an understatement. 

Adding three new sports — men’s and women’s soccer, and eSports — has increased the number of student-athletes. Even so, we are happy to report that more than half of the early applications for dorm housing are from students who are not in our athletics program. This is a positive trend, and it indicates our recruiting efforts outside Saints athletics are paying off. 

Recruiting is tied to scholarships, and that is another key area we have addressed in our pursuit of higher enrollment. Working with the SCCC Foundation, we have restructured some of our scholarship offerings to appeal to students who excel in the classroom and extracurriculars like band and vocal music, as well as technical education areas of interest. At the Monday board of trustees meeting, Chief Development Officer Kyle Woodrow reviewed some of the changes. The Foundation has adjusted several scholarships to offer “front-awarded” funding for key areas. These include agriculture, corrosion, machine tool, diesel, and welding technology, as well as in-state and out-of-state awards given by the admissions office.  

Looking ahead, the Development and President’s offices will co-host a long-range planning event May 23, focusing on “The Next 50 Years” at Seward. 

Enrollment also relies on recruiting activities, and our campus is in the midst of a mindset “reset” about how that works. Our admissions office hosted a successful Saints & Seniors Day in March, and the first All Saints Day for enrollment took place last weekend. We’ve also hired an Executive Director of Enrollment Management, Erika Espinoza, who will bring together work in the admissions office, the outreach office, and other campus-wide efforts to recruit and retain students. 

This comes at an opportune time, since we rolled out the Saints Ahead Scholarship for concurrent high school / SCCC students earlier this year; we’re already enrolling high school students for next fall. Everyone is excited about the free tuition for Seward County residents, and $50-per class flat rate for high school students in our service area. 

Marketing and Public Relations has increased billboard advertising across the state, and produced materials and social media advertising campaigns for both the Saints Ahead Scholarship and fall enrollment. The numbers are exciting, as people respond to the news of what we have to offer with enthusiasm and real interest; you might compare this to “miles per gallon” if you are still thinking about the dashboard. 

As summer approaches, we will continue to maintain our work, monitor our progress, and enjoy the journey. Anyone who has been on a long road trip with kids understands the importance of having fun along the way, and that’s our goal at SCCC.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and the custodian of “dad jokes” for campus. This week, he shared a “daughter joke” at the trustees meeting: “Dad, do they call them ‘board meetings’ because they’re boring?” Contact him at 


April 25, 2023

Stressed out? SCCC has chocolate, massages, and puppies

Anyone who has worked in a public school system or higher ed — actually, anyone who has ever raised a child or been a child, or been a student – knows that late spring is truly a whirlwind of activity. Spring sports plus end-of-year celebrations plus graduation ceremonies and programs pile up … and then there are final exams. 

Yes, finals lie ahead for the Saints family, starting in less than two weeks. As always, our Director of Student Life Wade Lyon knows what this requires, and he has planned ahead. Saints De-stress Week kicks off Monday, with an Italian soda bar and free massages for students and the occasional stressed-out faculty member. Tuesday, Wade continues the massage-it-away approach, but add color to the ix with DIY tie dye opportunities. 

Wednesday brings a “wax hands” fun sculpture event plus the always popular chocolate fountain. Thursday, it’s all about warm fuzzies with pet therapy and Create-a-Critter offering real live animals and cozy stuffed toys. 

It might seem surprising to find stuffed animals and sweet snacks at the center of a college campus, but keep in mind how long most of our students have been alive: two decades, if that. Their comfort foods and love languages are more closely connected to happy childhood memories than adult methods of coping with life’s demands. And it’s surprising to see how many faculty and staff members of the Saints family gravitate to the Student Union each semester as De-Stress activities take place. 

The SCCC Executive team also does what it can to help students stay calm and keep studying. Following the regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees on Monday, the vice presidents, chief information officer and I will put on aprons and get to work in the cafeteria. A hot and hearty late-night breakfast, also known as “Moonlight Finals” is available to all SCCC students from 8 to 9:30 p.m., just in time to fuel a late-night study session. 

These events are standard at Seward County Community College, but we are not stopping at the minimum. Looking ahead to next year, our campus will continue work to support our students in every way, including their mental health. We’re excited to introduce an on-campus student health center that will be located in the “old” (original) dorm building that has been used for storage for more than a decade. Architectural plans are already in development to refurbish the building as an on-campus health clinic and mental health counseling facility. Partnerships with local care providers and agencies are in development, and we look forward to delivering much-needed services to our Saints students. 

It has been said that the generation now reaching adulthood has never known a time without school shootings and the threat of terrorism. It’s true that bad news seems to overshadow good news, and young people often absorb a message that the world is not safe, and they have no way to find peace or purpose. On this campus, we hope to provide an alternative to those shadows, so that our students can focus on their futures with a sense of positive energy and personal responsibility. 

We are thankful for our community partners, from the Liberal Area Coalition for Families to Southwest Guidance Center, the Liberal Area Rape Crisis/Domestic Violence Service, and Southwest Medical Center, Genesis Health Care, and many other individuals and groups. Whether it is a donation of food and personal supplies to our SaintsUP pantry or the SaintsUP wardrobe, or a hallway table with information and resources, we couldn’t look after our students without the help of our community. 

For the next two weeks, the SCCC campus will be bustling with activity, but also for many students, an undercurrent of anxiety about how the year will turn out. If you know a student, take a moment to ask them how it’s going. Sometimes all it takes is a smile, a handshake, or a hug to reassure a person that their life is important, and that things can turn out well. 

Don’t forget our multiple graduation ceremonies, starting with Nursing Capping and Pinning at 6 p.m., Friday, May 5, and continuing on Saturday, May 6 with two commencement ceremonies at 9 and 11 a.m., and wrapping up with the GED/adult learning center graduation at 3 p.m. 

May is a great time to be part of Seward County Community College. Go Saints!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is preparing for graduation weekend by leading the charge to spruce up campus. On May 5 and 6, you’ll see him in his regalia, cheering on our graduates. Contact him at 


April 18, 2023

Year by year, numbers tell a powerful story

It’s hard to believe but we are already looking toward fall 2023. Yes, you read that correctly: fall semester 2023. While we enjoy the spring flowers and birds singing about spring, our team has been hard at work to prepare for another successful year. We continue to visit local high schools, hosted a career fair and a senior day. And now we are gearing up for our first All Saints Day. While it is too early to celebrate or take our foot off the gas, we are so excited about the way we are trending.

As business professionals and organizations everywhere know, the numbers don’t lie:

  • A year ago we had 30 housing applications —> today, we have 105.
  • A year ago we shared the sense of upheaval world events had created for then-high school students: their path forward felt so unclear. —> This spring, we hosted the biggest “Saints & Seniors” day in history. More than 200 soon-to-graduate high school seniors came to campus to learn how the Saints family will help them reach their goals
  • A year ago, our signature All Saints Days events for incoming students were trimmed down to small groups of 10 or less. While this worked for the purpose of health concerns, we realized that a big part of the new-Saints experience is the excitement of meeting new people and being part of something bigger than high school.
  • This year, our first All Saints Day of the season is scheduled for April 29, with 31 signed up and more slots available. Interestingly, 15 students who had registered for All Saints decided they are all in, and have already enrolled for fall! To claim a spot for April 29 or the three subsequent All Saints Days ( May 17, June 8, and July 12) call Ashlee in Admissions, 620-417-1102, and she will set you or your student up!
  • A year ago, Saints Soccer was still a great idea and something our community hoped for; today, we have added men’s and women’s soccer, hired coaches, ordered uniforms, and scheduled games. Our current roster counts 60 Saints athletes with more to come.

When it comes to higher education, of course, there’s more at stake than numbers and averages. We are investing in the lives of each and every student, who in turn affects many lives through family and friends. This is a huge responsibility, and has the potential to impact entire generations and our geographic region.

If you think about the work SCCC has done over the past 50 years, one simple measure is our graduates. With 10,000+ alumni who have received certificates and degrees since our first commencement ceremony in 1971, just think how many lives have been changed by SCCC. Conservatively, counting only graduates and their parents, that is 30,000 people; expand that to include graduates’ spouses or partners, and two children, that number balloons to 60,000 people. And you know, we all have important relationships and interactions that go far beyond family ties. The human impact of our graduates is immeasurable.

Economically, we know that workforce members who hold a two-year degree rather than simply a high school diploma, earn around $436,400 more over their lifetime; that’s about $10,000 extra every year. Multiply that by 10,000 graduates, and we can estimate that SCCC’s impact on individual graduates counts in billions of dollars. Members of that first graduating class are probably retired, or about to retire, and they are personally seeing the long-term benefits of their investment in their owneducation.

I will readily admit I love numbers. But even more than that, I love the work of education: the way we help young people refine their sense of self, their ability to focus, and their path forward. The first two years out of high school can set a course for a lifetime, and it is a privilege for SCCC to be part of that process.

So, as we approach the end of another academic year, we are once again seeing the scope of the work we do every day. For our graduates, one stage of life and development is coming to a close, and we feel a mixture of pride and sadness to see them move on. For the Saints family of faculty and staff, another year is just around the corner, and we can see from the glimmer of light that great things are ahead.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE —  Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he counts success in degrees granted, dollars saved, and volunteer hours devoted to pulling weeds and sprucing up the campus. You can email him at 


April 11, 2023

Join the Saints to celebrate our agriculture heritage

Lawns all over Liberal are turning green, trees have opened leaves, and wheat plants in the surrounding area have emerged. It’s a time of growth, and nowhere is that more evident than at the agriculture program at Seward County Community College.

Less than a year ago, our two new agriculture and livestock judging instructors arrived and brought a fresh sense of energy and excitement to the program. Will and Rachael Sirek-Milashoski represent the newest generation of farm and ranch professionals. 

And, just like spring refreshes our sense of what is possible and good in the world, they have set off an explosion of optimism in the classroom, the livestock arena, the greenhouses, and the SCCC service area. Maybe it’s the sight of Will chasing a pig across a grassy field during a livestock event — or the common-sense kindness Rachael exhibits toward the campus’ growing herd of goats — or the laughter you hear when the pair are at work with students — but pinning down the exact definition of a flourishing program might be a little bit like predicting weather on the High Plains. When it’s raining, you know it, and when the animals and crops are thriving, you can tell. 

Stakeholders from our service area can take part in the excitement next week, as SCCC hosts a fantastic roster of events for Ag Week. Starting with a student-led Farmer’s Market on Saturday morning, the week has something for everyone. Families can stop by campus for a fun “All About Ag” event on Monday. Our Collegiate Farm Bureau will host a Barnyard Olympics with round and square hay bale activities, potato sack race, wheelbarrow roping, and plenty of laughs on Thursday. In between those highlights, we have a forum for innovators, a tailgate party and games, plus livestock judging for all ages. 

I’m especially excited about the Stockman’s Banquet and Celebration planned for 7 p.m. April 21 at the Liberal Country Club. The menu includes New York Strip steak donated by National Beef Packing, gourmet sides prepared by chef Anthony, and complimentary wine and beer courtesy of Kent and Molly Colvin, Rock and Stephanie Ormiston, and my wife Lindsay and myself.

Following a great meal, we’ll host the celebrity auction for the next day’s livestock judging event. If your livestock judging team needs some expertise, several local pros will be up for bids: Trevor Winchester, Blake Williams, and visiting livestock experts.

The Stockman’s Banquet is what I think of as a signature event for our part of the world. Hard-working, salt-of-the-earth people deserve a break, a chance to sit back and savor the fruits of their labor. “Going to town” used to be the way farmers and ranchers expressed a trip to shop, dine out, and meet friends. The Stockman’s Banquet brings a little bit of that feeling back. 

It’s important to note that the banquet serves as the high point of a busy day of hosting the next generation of young animal science and livestock judging community members. Throughout the day, SCCC will host a Youth Livestock Judging contest at the Seward County Fairgrounds. Following the showmanship and feedback, we aim to raise scholarship funds for those future Saints at the banquet. The SCCC judging team will also present a brief recap, and then the fun of the celebrity auction will being. I hope you will join us. 

Here’s a roundup of the other events scheduled for Ag Week:

April 14 (Fri.) — Scholarships for Saints online auction. Visit

April 15 (Sat.) — Farmer’s Market, 10 a.m.-2 p.m., SCCC Ag Building

April 17 (Mon.) — All About Ag Day (family-friendly fun), 3-5 p.m., Student Union 

April 18 (Tues.)— Ag Tech Innovation Workshop 

April 19 (Wed.) — Tailgate at Lady Saints Softball, 12-3 p.m., French Family Field

April 20 (Th.) — Barnyard Olympics, 4-6 pm., SCCC Ag Building

April 21 (Fri.) — Saints Showcase Livestock Judging  (youth livestock contest 

                        and auction), 9 a.m., Seward Co. Fairgrounds

                     — Stockman’s Banquet, 7 p.m., Liberal Country Club

April 22 (Sat.) — Celebrity Livestock Judging, 9 a.m., Seward Co. Fairgrounds

Seward County and the High Plains region have enjoyed a long tradition of farm and ranch endeavors, and SCCC is proud to continue that rich heritage. I invite you to come to campus for activities throughout the next 10 days, and join us for the Stockman’s Banquet on Friday, April 21. 

Reserve your $20 ticket now by calling Rachael SIrek-Milashoski at 620-417-1353. 
WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is no farm boy, but the president of Seward County Community College knows his way around a fishing hole and teaches livestock care skills to his daughters as they care for the family dog, Mr. Pancakes. Plan to attend the Stockman’s Banquet to meet him and learn more about the ag program at Seward!


April 4, 2023

Community College Month at SCCC brings Ag Week, musical, and more

April is known in the world as Community College Month — and what a great time to celebrate who we are! Wait … who are we? 

I believe Seward County Community College is part of a unique segment of higher education that is simply the life, blood, heart, and soul of what is great about our country. 

We provide a low-cost, efficient way for students to gain access to education. Our definition of students includes everyone, not just just people who are already “good at school,” or “promising students” or “headed for success.” We love those high achievers, and we love the other categories of students who might not arrive with awards or honors. 

We are here to provide access to all those in our community, whether they are newcomers to this country still in the process of learning the language and culture, or longtime residents of rural America which has weathered so much change over the centuries. 

We are here for the people who need second chances. We are here for people who are starting over. Or people who are starting “late,” although we like to remind our nontraditional students that it is impossible to be “behind” the timeline of your own individual life. 

And, yes, we are here for students who are brand-new to adulthood, just out of high school and ready to start their independent lives. Both students wanting to transfer and those looking for instant job placement can benefit from our institution. We love their enthusiasm and optimism and even their confusion: growing up is hard work, and it’s a privilege to become part of the support system for each one of our students. 

But we are more than that, we are community partners, we are the Saints athletics, and we love it. Every day when I get up and leave the house and kiss little MaryBelle and Madeline on the head before I leave, I take a deep breath and am thankful that I get to do this every single day. That sense of inspiration and purpose is critical, because life in the Saints nation can be intense.

It has been a long a few weeks as I was in Chicago for Higher Learning Commission meetings and in Denver the next weekend for more meetings. We have been swamped with events on campus. We welcomed hundreds of job-seekers and vendors at the CTE Career Fair, 200+ upcoming high school graduates for Saints & Seniors Day, 50+ industry professionals for the (NACE) AMPP Rectifier School. We also hosted full campus tours for our Epworth Adult Learning Center students who we anticipate welcoming as students when they complete introductory adult education and English coursework. We welcomed professionals from peer institutions across Kansas to SCCC as part of the KCCLI Leadership program. And, of course, we have a steady string of baseball, softball, and tennis competitions happening each week.

Like many of my coworkers, I haven’t taken a day off since the second week of March, but that is something I rarely notice because I  love every minute of it. 

This week provided a brief reprieve, as we conducted graduate assessment testing on Thursday and closed campus on Friday for the Easter weekend. When we come back to campus on Monday, it will be a chance to catch our breaths since there are no classes scheduled that day. Get ready, though: we have so much planned for the month. 

  • Thursday, April 13, we will host an open house on the Industrial Tech campus. Visitors can stop by for refreshments, mini tours and a chance to talk with instructors. Industrial tech is introducing a new certificate program in Industrial Maintenance, and has structured many other courses to be completed in one-semester “chunks,” with the opportunity to exit with a certificate and enter the workforce at any point that the student wishes. 
  • Friday, April 14 kicks off an entire week in celebration of agriculture.  Events include a Farmer’s Market on Saturday, April 15;  “All About Ag” day for children and families from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Student Union on Monday, April 17.
  • The rest of Ag Week includes an Ag Tech Innovation Workshop, tailgate party, Barnyard Olympics, Livestock Judging, Stockman’s Banquet and Celebrity Livestock Judging. 
  • Our SCCC Humanities Division will host its spring musical April 13, 14, and 15. The “57th National Athlete Sum-It” is full of laughs, music, and girls who are good at math. 
  • Later in the month, catch the spoken-word excitement at the Creative Writers’ Coffeehouse (7 p.m. April 21) and the sound of music at the Spring Concert (7 p.m. April 28).

I should warn you this is not a complete list. We have so much happening on campus,  it will continue to be a whirlwind — but what a great time to be a Saint. It’s always good to be green!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. Despite seemingly perpetual motion, he is not battery-operated but runs on “Saints Power.” You can reach out at


March 28, 2023

Seeing Seward County Community College through the eyes of guests

This week, our campus was in interview mode, from the students to the faculty and staff current and, possibly, future. On Wednesday, more than 50 employers came to campus for the Career & Technical Education Career Fair, which gave Saints and the community multiple opportunities to explore jobs in a variety of industries. It was a great day to see students dressed professionally, resumes in hand, ready to interview, or at least set up interviews.

Wednesday was also the first of two all-day interviews for our Vice President of Student Affairs position. It is not possible to write about the position opening in June without first describing how hard it will be to say goodbye to current Vice President of Student Services Celeste Donovan. She will retire in June, and while I know it is well-earned, I am not alone in my mixed feelings as we say goodbye.

Vice President Donovan has worked in higher education her entire career, and her perspective, wisdom, and ability to share a cheerful and positive attitude is invaluable. During the time I have worked with her, Celeste has demonstrated grace under pressure, a willingness to tackle monumental projects, and a tireless commitment to what is best for students. I am especially thankful for the way she headed up a comprehensive revision of our campus civil rights and Title IX policy. It was necessary, and it was the right thing to do but it was also extremely complicated. Our entire campus will benefit from her commitment to this task for years to come.

The two candidates who visited campus this week definitely have big shoes to fill.

Going through the interview process with them made an already busy week even more challenging, but it presented some valuable hidden benefits. Our HR Director Charlotte Peterson has said that she genuinely enjoys the interview process, because it is an opportunity to learn so much. She is right, and I experienced that this week.

As I prepared to give our candidates tours of campus, I noticed how much work has gone into improvements at every location we passed. When I sat in on various interview committee sessions, I was reminded again of what a great team we have at Seward County Community College. Administration, faculty, and staff all had multiple projects and events to juggle, yet they made time to show up for interviews, prepared and positive, putting forth the best face for people who might become coworkers. They asked great questions, and provided honest, helpful and sometimes funny feedback when candidates asked them about what it’s like to be part of the Saints family, and to live in Southwest Kansas.

From my point of view, it was great to hear the candidates praise SCCC as a place they would want to work. It wasn’t just the kind of compliments you often hear during an interview process, but genuine praise for our facilities, our team, and our reputation in the world of higher education. Interviewing candidates can be a long and arduous process, but I came away from it energized by the view it gave me of how the rest of the world sees us.

It was also great to see our Human Resources office in action following HR Director Charlotte Peterson’s lead. As is the case with any institution, SCCC’s policies and procedures require constant attention and updating as laws and professional standards change. Charlotte and her team have devoted energy to these projects while helping the college fill multiple positions over the past year. When we welcome candidates to campus, it’s important to put our best face forward, and HR is the department that ensures we do so.

Saints & Seniors Day brought 200+ high school students to campus on Thursday, and once again, it gave us an opportunity to see the college through fresh eyes. For students in our service area, SCCC provides a top-notch, quality college experience close to home. In terms of cost and return on investment, there’s no better way to begin work on a degree — but we know graduating seniors often crave an experience and an environment that excites and inspires them, more than one that’s easy on their budget, or their family’s budget.

The Saints family offers the perfect solution. We have Saints athletics with three new options next year as we add men’s and women’s soccer and eSports; we have a growing list of campus activities with exciting, student-led projects and events like Quiz Bowl, Leadership Challenge, and Livestock Judging; we have highly qualified instructors who offer a level of knowledge, critical thinking, and university-level teaching that exceeds expectations. That is what our younger visitors to campus saw this week, and we are planning even more upgrades to push ahead in the ways that matter to young adults and their families.

I’m sure many of us on campus ended our week with some new perspectives and a greater appreciation for all that Seward is. Stop by campus anytime, and let us know what you see.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of college, as well as an experienced SCCC tour guide and presenter of welcome speeches to guests of all ages. You can reach him at 


March 21, 2023

There’s no place busier than home at SCCC

When I moved to Liberal with my family, I didn’t realize we were following the path of another fictional community member — Dorothy Gale, the girl who realized “there’s no place like home,” in the classic movie The Wizard of Oz. 

I share Dorothy’s point of view this week, as I travel to Chicago for the annual accreditation conference organized by the Higher Learning Commission. Along with SCCC administrators and staff, I will catch up with the latest changes in the ever-shifting higher education landscape. These kinds of conferences offer a valuable opportunity to learn from our peers and get ahead of trends and policies that we are expected to follow. 

Even with that in mind, my preference, as I have said, is to stay close to campus. 

And next week is a great time to be at home with the Saints. There’s so much happening with athletics, admissions, the SCCC Foundation, and of course our community is interwoven through all of it. 

On Wednesday March 29, we will be welcoming a wide variety of people to campus through the Career Fair. This event provides an opportunity for employers to meet with students who are high-value candidates for internships, part-time, or full-time employment. It’s also open to job seekers from the community. Of course, the career fair would not be possible without our many industry partners. We’re excited to welcome them to campus. The Career Fair runs from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Greenhouse.

Wednesday is also the date of the SCCC Foundation Annual Meeting, set for noon in the Student Union mezzanine meeting room next to the Office of Development. While the Foundation operates as a separate entity from the college itself, it is a key part of so many aspects of campus. From student scholarships to program support ranging from the purchase of classroom technology to the construction of entire buildings, the Foundation supports the college in a truly foundational way. 

Finally, looking to the future, we invite the community to attend a public forum with one of our Vice President of Student Services finalists. That will take place at 1:15 p.m. in the SCCC Library. 

Thursday, March 30, we’ll host 200+ students at the admissions department’s “Saints & Seniors” day. This high-energy event provides soon-to-graduate high school students with a taste of campus life. Each academic division provides a fun introduction to their area, awarding prizes to students who demonstrate their abilities in math & science, humanities, agriculature, business, computer and cosmetology, industrial technology, and allied health. Our admissions representatives and college staff are busy answering questions about how to pay for college, how to enroll in college, and how to succeed in college. It’s a great introduction to the Saints family. 

Meanwhile … another public forum will take place with our second VPSA candidate. Again, that will take place at 1:15 p.m. in the SCCC Library. 

Don’t forget, these events are all happening in addition to regular life on campus. Our students are tackling the second half of the semester, with finals just a month away. Graduation is coming up in May. Students who plan to transfer are finalizing paperwork for that transition, and those who aim to enter the workforce are job-hunting. 

Saints athletics is busy as well, with softball, baseball, and tennis in full swing. Check out the schedules at, and enjoy the spring weather at one of the home games. Our new, high-tech scoreboards at French Family Softball Complex and Brent Gould Field make it easy to cheer our Saints on. 

Meanwhile, campus is looking sharp with continual improvements to landscaping and maintenance, and outdoor signage updates slated to begin any day. We’re excited to stage many fun and educational events during Ag Month in April. If the Farm Bureau Education Day for local elementary students was an indication, we expect great success. Look for details about the early-bird farmer’s market, Barnyard Olympics, and children’s Ag Exploration Day — along with the ever- popular Celebrity Livestock Judging event.

From my location in the Windy City to everyone back home in the actual Windy City — there’s no place like home, and I’m excited to get back on campus for the whirlwind of activities in the coming week. See you there!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a homebody through and through. He will be on campus for next week’s activities and invites you to stop by to say hello. You can reach him at 


March 14, 2023

DST reminds us to make the most of what we’ve got

Americans turned our clocks forward on Sunday, but I didn’t think much about it: my family left last Thursday for a ski trip. When I woke up at 6 a.m. to head to the office for the work week, I thought that I had slept in — until midmorning, when I realized the time change had occurred. Add the relative quiet feeling of spring break on the campus of Seward County Community College, and the shift “forward” was even less noticeable. The cafeteria continued taking care of our student residents on campus, and baseball, softball, and tennis had several competitions.  

Whether we paid attention to it or not, Daylight Savings Time is on us again, and that meant a few less zzzs for everyone this weekend. There’s always a lot of debate about whether DST is useful, or the Worst Idea Adopted by Humanity. The fact is that it has its origins in something we are familiar with here at SCCC: a commitment to do the most with what’s available. 

Daylight Savings Time was first adopted during World War I as an energy-saving measure. In 1918, Americans united for the war effort, and people were ready to do whatever was needed to support the troops, at least for seven months before DST was repealed. 

A generation later, the U.S. reinstated DST, calling it “War Time,” during three years of our engagement in World War II. From 1942 to 1945, Americans once again limited their use of precious resources and energy for the sake of the military. 

Finally, in 1966 the country adopted DST on a permanent basis. 

It’s never been entirely popular and some states even opt out of the exercise. However, the original idea is rooted in something admirable, especially when it is applied to community efforts that benefit many people. 

A tax-supported entity like the college really does belong to its community, and we work hard to keep that principle in mind. We apply that to the most mundane tasks, like purchasing replacement ink cartridges for our printers and tape for our dispensers, documenting credit card use, and purchasing big ticket items like new carpeting or air conditioning units. It is important to shop wisely and maintain accountability. 

On the operational front, we also do our best to make the most of what we have. For many years, the college has operated on special summer hours from mid-May to the end of July, working four, 10-hour days Monday through Thursday. By doing so, we’ve been able to close many buildings during high energy-consumption months. The savings adds up. 

This year, the board has approved a test schedule of nine-hour days Monday-Thursday, with the option for employees who need to do so to work the full 40. Not only will the overhead costs of maintaining large buildings at a comfortable temperature be lessened, we hope our team will also benefit from more efficient workflow and manageable hours. As always, our supervisors and administration will be tracking the results to ensure we have made the most of the work week. 

It is by no means “War Time,” but I like to incorporate smart strategies as often as possible into our Saints calendar. For instance, early spring is the time of year our admissions folks ramp up efforts to help guide graduating high school seniors through the transition to college. This year, we have extra good news to share as we make the circuit on the “Saints Ahead Roadshow” to promote early college classes for the high school underclassmen who will be mapping out their academic plans for the fall. In both cases, timing is everything for students and their families. 

Over the summer, SCCC continues to work hard to show up for our community — or should I say, communities. The months of June and July might be hot and windy, but we are undaunted and plan to show up for civic events and parades. I am so proud of our Saints team members who volunteer their time to spread the word about the opportunities we offer. 

All good strategies have a long-term view, and Kids College at SCCC might offer the most powerful opportunity to impact young lives as they make their way through a long, hot summer. Every year, we open the college to students from grades 1 to middle school, presenting a weeklong menu of classes in everything from archery to cooking to origami. The experience provides so much value to the community. It’s a mid-summer break for weary parents. It’s a soft and friendly introduction to the idea of college for kids of all ages. It’s a low-stakes entry to many activities and sports that might turn into a lifetime passion. 

So, while we are all fighting a little sleepiness every morning, I feel energized when I step back a bit and survey the wider landscape. I often tell our Saints family that we should strive to be a little better every day. Thanks to Daylight Savings Time, we have a bit more light on the path. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a self-confessed early riser. Once he’s up and running, he can be hard to catch, so send him an email at


March 7, 2023

On International Women’s Day, we celebrate past, present and future

Wednesday, March 8, was International Women’s Day, and it means a lot to me. Before you get uncomfortable about that statement, consider the fact that I am the father of two daughters. 

When I think about the concept of International Women’s Day — a time to recognize the achievements of women worldwide, and to acknowledge the importance of ensuring they receive equal respect and care as we give to men — I think about the people my daughters will grow up to be. This is consistent with how we approach supporting our students at Seward County Community College.

But it is far more personal than policies. Like every person, my life began with my mother. When I reflect on the impact my mother had, not only on my life but also the lives of so many students, I am in awe. 

In the days and months after my mother passed, I received many phone calls and letters from former students talking about the impact my mother had on their lives. Throughout her career in public education, she worked extremely hard for the students and school she loved. 

She instilled the value of work ethic and education in not only her own kids but the thousands of students she educated. It’s not about the numbers, but the numbers do tell a powerful story. If every student she interacted with internalized just one fundamental truth, think about how those little lessons add up over the course of 12 years of elementary, middle, and high school education. Then think about all the people each of those student will affect as they go through life, whether it’s at work, in family relationships, and society as a whole.

I think about that often in how I interact with my daughters. Whether it is practicing spelling worlds or our current project — a book report on polar bears — the standard for excellence that lives in my heart and mind is always my mom. When is it best to push a little further to bring out a student’s best? When is it time to offer encouragement and the reassurance that you are valuable no matter how you feel you are performing? When is it important to say, “great job” and call it a day? 

These principles carry over to Higher Ed, even though our students are no longer laboring over weekly spelling lists. When Saints students arrive on campus, we know they bring more than a decade of teacher-student interactions with them. Many of those teachers were most likely women educators like my own mom, who poured years of effort and expertise into the children and teens who sat in their classrooms. 

During my lifetime, it’s been great to see the progress we have made in celebrating excellence from all students, and encouraging girls to break barriers. STEM classes (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) were once viewed as easier for male students, and young women were discouraged from enrolling. They were advised to major in English or teaching or something “more appropriate” for girls. That’s not the case today, and it’s clear on our own campus. 

In our Math and Science, Industrial Technology, Humanities and Allied Health divisions, we employ several women instructors and deans who hold doctorate-level credentials. Heather Hannah, Magda Silva, Suzanne Campbell and Amber Jones all merit the honorific “Dr.” And make up a key part of our college leadership, but more importantly, they have a positive impact on all their students. 

It’s not all about credentials, either, but about institutional commitment. Our Board of Trustees welcomed two influential and gifted women to the table over the past two years; Kay Burtzloff and Keeley Moree have brought new perspectives and power to the governance of SCCC. And the newest member of our executive team, Vice President of Financial Affairs Madalen Day, has already transformed key areas of our college operations. 

SCCC has also focused on ensuring that we will continue to empower and inspire all our students by revamping our Civil Rights / Title IX system. Under the leadership of Vice President of Student Services Celeste Donovan, we restructured our campus response to reported incidents of discrimination or sexual harassment/assault. Thankfully, the occasions when we have to address such issues are rare — but if and when they occur, we are ready to respond. 

So today we celebrate great women of history, industry, and education — not just in the past but also the present and the future. From my mom’s days in the classroom to the achievements I can’t wait to see my daughters attain, and all the years between, the world is better because of these women. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. Thanks to his two daughters, he knows all the words to “Let it Go,” from the popular Disney movie  “Frozen”and has read more Princess storybooks than he can count. You can reach him at 


February 28, 2023

Three more reasons to yell ‘Go Saints!’ when August arrives 

January and February are always intense months at Seward County Community College, because seven sports schedules are running simultaneously. Our student athletes competing in volleyball, men’s and women’s basketball, men’s and women’s tennis, softball, and baseball are all in play. For the serious Saints fan, it can feel a little crazy.

Now, the SCCC family is poised to dive even deeper into the world of intercollegiate competition, as our three new sports prepare to launch: men’s and women’s soccer teams will begin play in August, as will the eSports team. It’s an exciting time. 

That sense of anticipation got a major jolt of energy on March 1, with the first-ever signing of an SCCC Soccer student-athlete. Head coach Jaime Beltran recruited Emmanuel Ortuño, a senior standout at Liberal High School, as his first team member. The signing ceremony took place at 6:30 p.m. in the Hall of Saints room in the Student Union — a traditional location at an unusual time of day, so that our community members, family, and friends could all join in the celebration. 

Ortuño’s commitment is not the only exciting development in the Saints Athletics world this spring. I sometimes wonder where the day has gone, there are so many meetings, committee check-ins, and events to attend. This is a good kind of busy-ness, and it is appropriate that it is connected to athletics, because you have to adopt a similar mindset to show up and do what’s needed, at the time it is needed!

We’ve welcomed Head Women’s Soccer Coach Derek Talcott to campus, and he, too, is at work recruiting and planning for the inaugural season. We’re excitedly waiting to celebrate the first signee for the team he’ll be coaching, too.

Both head coaches have been part of a community-wide conversation about facilities use and scheduling, incorporating USD 480 and the City of Liberal. When we committed to the addition of these two sports teams, we did so with the awareness that this was something our community had been asking for over many years. And, as we embraced the work of making that dream into reality, we knew we would need help — a lot of help. There’s no way this expansion could occur without buy-in and support from our local school district and city government, and we are beyond grateful for all the time and thought they have devoted to this new chapter in Saints athletics. 

In the world of eSports, head coach Eric Volden has been busy as well. Eric is not new to our campus family, having served as admissions director since 2017. Before he took on the role of head recruiter of SCCC students, he spent several years exploring the eSports world as a side hustle and hobby. The competitive gaming world is a little foreign to many, but as Eric likes to point out, anyone who casually enjoys a game of Candy Crush on their cell phone is, in fact, an amateur gamer. The kids who hunker down for hours-long contests in front of computer or television screens are gamers, too. But like all our student-athletes, they are students first, and according to Eric, the “typical” game competitor is oftentimes a high-achiever in academics and life skills. 

For the college itself, starting an eSports team has also required multiple skills. A gaming room and adjacent broadcasting studio have been selected and are being renovated in the Industrial Technology complex at 2215 N. Kansas Ave., and our facilities team has been busy making sure all the details are in place, from electrical wiring to a wall painted the exact shade of Seward County green. 

“We’re getting the facilities, equipment, and layout set up so that it will be an ideal gamer space … and then we will start our recruiting process, which is very familiar to me,” Volden said. “I see an overwhelming response coming from our area, once it gets off the ground.”

Eric moved from Admissions to eSports on March 1, and while we will miss his presence in the main Hobble Building, and his expertise in connecting with our area schools and high school students, we are also eager to see him make an impact in recruiting for eSports. 

It’s a win-win for our area, for Seward, and most of all for the students who will be on campus, in our classrooms, and building positive futures for themselves. Esports, like traditional athletics, offers a world of opportunity with scholarships and transfer options. Students who excel also have a real shot at professional competition with cash prizes and travel opportunities. 

Of course, these new activities and initiatives at Seward join a full roster of thriving athletics teams and student life offerings. As spring goes on, I hope you will join us in the outdoor fan sections for women’s softball, baseball, and tennis — which is another example of cooperation with the city of Liberal and our excellent parks facilities. Keep an eye out for news about our Saints Scholars Quiz Bowl team’s recent trip to national competition in Chicago, the newly formed SCCC student leadership group, which will be participating in a conference at Washburn University, and our HALO club for Hispanic leaders. We’re proud of all these SCCC students, who embody our core values of diversity, inclusiveness, innovation, and integrity. When you see them in action, you can’t help but say, “Go Saints!”

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is SCCC President, and a professional fan of any competition our Saints students take on. He’s brushing up on soccer rules and the vocabulary of the eSports world, and plans to be ready by August. You can reach him at 



February 22, 2023

Saints Ahead Scholarship can move the county from least educated to its highest potential

At Seward County Community College, there’s never a shortage of good news and exciting developments. Last week, it was the rollout of our new Saints Ahead Scholarship.

And, when it comes to “new” and “exciting,” this scholarship lives up to the requirements: it’s a game-changer for individual students, their families, their communities, and by extension, the entire Southwest Kansas region.

This program is designed to help students in our area gain a “head start” in their quest to gain access to higher education. The data tells us that high school students who complete that first 15 to 18 credits of college work have a significantly higher rate of completing a college degree. And, students who complete two years at SCCC outperform their peers who went directly from high school to a four-year institution. The quality of instruction they receive at Seward is unparalleled, and sets them up for bigger achievements as they progress. 

So,the Saints Ahead Scholarship truly has the power to change lives. 

It offers tuition coverage for all Seward County high school students at Liberal High School and Southwestern Heights who take college courses while they are still attending high school. It is also open to homeschooled students who live in Seward County, and those enrolled in the private Fellowship Baptist Academy, located in Liberal.

This scholarship goes beyond the career and technical education classes that have been covered for several years through the SB155 and “Excel in CTE” programs funded by the state of Kansas. CTE classes are still covered, but we’ve eliminated the gaps. Now, high school students can enroll in any classes at SCCC (that they are academically ready to take) that are not already funded, whether those are concurrent, online, Blendflex, or even evening classes. All options are now open. Best of all, they are completely tuition free.

The Saints Ahead Scholarship also provides assistance to high schoolers in six additional Kansas counties served by SCCC, starting with the fall semester 2023. Those counties, Meade, Haskell, Morton, Stevens, Grant, and Stanton, contain 11 public high schools. We’re offering a flat rate of $50 per class for our Outreach area.

Our Seward County residents are already paying taxes to support SCCC but we want to extend a similar opportunity to our entire service area.

I’m proud of SCCC for creating the Saints Ahead Scholarship, in part because Seward County has the lowest formally educated population in the state. This is not a statistic to be proud of; in fact, when I heard about the data, I felt a wave of shock and dismay.

But that response was immediately followed by a new sense of purpose. This is a situation that comes with a solution close to home: SCCC has the ability to make a tremendous difference for good, and to move the needle in the right direction. It’s a great opportunity for the Saints family and the community we serve.

It starts one student at a time, as our partners at USD 480 know well. I announced the Saints Ahead Scholarship on Thursday with Liberal’s Superintendent of Schools Dr. Todd Carter. He is familiar with the barriers and challenges that many students and their families face.

In fact, utilizing ESSER funding, emergency relief designed to help public districts recover from the impact of the pandemic, USD 480 committed to covering the cost of their high school students enrolled in college work during the current academic year. Their commitment started what I think of as a large-scale, academic relay for change, and the Saints Ahead Scholarship is SCCC’s way of picking up the baton from the district and continuing the momentum. 

Dr. Carter’s vision is to provide access and opportunity for all students to build post-secondary experiences into their Individual Plans of Study, and he says the Saints Ahead Scholarship does just that. 

“Removing the cost barrier makes post-secondary certifications and degrees a very real possibility that students and families can plan for. The result is motivation to take control of their future early and turn their plans into action,” he said.

I couldn’t say it any better.  If we can help reduce the overall debt for our students and provide them with a quality education it is a win-win. And that’s not just for high school students in Liberal and rural Seward County.

We are going to work hard to provide more opportunities for our communities in the coming years. We will be hosting town halls at each of the communities in the coming months. While we are ironing out the details for this new scholarship we are excited about the opportunity this provides us.

Seward County Community College is known across the state as the college that dismisses classes for Pancake Day. We’re known across the Jayhawk League and in the NJCAA for our incredible fan base and high attendance at home sporting events. We live in the town that claims a spot in the magical world of Oz, where Dorothy’s House is a real place.

One thing we don’t want to be famous for is being the least-educated county in the state. I’m determined to change that, starting right now. Our SCCC Board of Trustees committed to pilot this Saints Ahead Scholarship for two academic years, and that gives us a solid start in turning the corner for Southwest Kansas and the people who call it home.

Our hope is that the Saints Ahead Scholarship will be a force for good that sets high school students, first generation Saints, and their entire families on that path to success.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and the proud son of a mom who believed in the power of education to change lives. He’s also the spelling study partner for two elementary school daughters. You can reach him at


February 15, 2023

Pancake Day represents Liberal’s best, in every way

When I first submitted my application for the President’s job at Seward County Community College I did what all people do: I started to read about life in Liberal. 

Of course Pancake Day was at the top of all the articles I was reading. 

I’ll admit, my reaction at the time was on the dismissive side. Pancake Day? That was just some sort of random observance a community was claiming, right? 

Oh boy, was I wrong. 

Unlike the “Hallmark holidays” and industry inventions (like “National Fruity Drinks Day,” or “American Egg Producers Month”) Pancake Day in Liberal symbolizes so much more. 

It is who we are, from our down-to-earth culinary preferences to our highest aspirations. 

We are a community that supports one another, from attending church together to buying local and having fun at the Duck Race to cheering on the Liberal High School Redskins and the Seward County Saints. We cherish our local history, and see the agricultural, ranching, and energy industry ways of life as something worth preserving. The “jewel in the crown,” of course, is Pancake Day when we cancel school and spend the day together on Shrove Tuesday. 

For those who are new to Liberal, it might be helpful to take a quick tour of the history of Pancake Day. Our local tradition started 74 years ago. That’s still pretty recent compared to the festivities in our sister city of Olney, England, where they have been flipping and running for hundreds of years. But I’m getting ahead of myself.

Think back to the postwar years in the United States — post World War II, that is. For Americans who had survived World War I, which everyone referred to as “The Great War” and thought of as “The War to End All Wars,” the arrival of World War II signified the unthinkable. Its end did not settle the sense of unease. Hitler and the Nazis committed atrocities, Pearl Harbor was attacked, and it took an atomic bomb to end the conflict. Would there ever be peace?

R.J. Leete, a local businessman and civic club member (the Jaycees Club), read a magazine article depicting the old English tradition of pancake racing on Shrove Tuesday. The good-natured contest ended with a “kiss of peace,” and peace sounded like just the thing the world needed. Leete reached out to the vicar of Olney, where the tradition had flourished for more than 500 years. Their transatlantic correspondence blossomed into a friendship that both men hoped would prove an example of the real possibilities of peace between nations. 

Liberal residents embraced the idea, and community members pitched in with enthusiasm. It’s the same “can-do” willingness I’ve seen since moving here with my family. People in Liberal show up for each other. They help unpack moving vans. They cook meals for lonesome international students and hungry athletes. They raise money for families who lost their homes to fire, or who fell on hard times due to medical crises. They re-home lost dogs. And in February, they even sew child-size aprons for friends who don’t know how to thread a needle, and flip hundreds of pancakes for hungry crowds. 

Men's pacer Racers closeup

SCCC’s team of contestants from the 2022 International Pancake Day Men’s Pacer race.

My wife Lindsay and I have been married almost 16 years. When we met she had never experienced a small town, much less called one home. Fast forward to today: she not only embraces life in the heartland of America, she loves every aspect of it. This will be fully evident as she runs in her first Pancake Day Race Feb. 21. She’s in good Bennett company, as MaryBelle and Madeline will run in their respective youth events. I have to admit, I am glad I paved the way with my own appearance in the men’s Pacer Race another year. There’s no need for me to put on an apron, but I’ll be cheering the girls on with enthusiasm.

Community, small town, that’s who we are. There’s no place my family would rather be then in Southwest Kansas and ready to celebrate Pancake Day.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — SCCC President Brad Bennett’s participation in the men’s Pancake Day Pacer Race was a “one and done” athletic venture. These days, he is looking forward to getting reacquainted with soccer as the college prepares to add men’s and women’s teams to the Saints Athletics family. Contact Brad at


February 8, 2023

President Bennett goes to Washington to represent SCCC

I am writing this from our nation’s Capitol, where I traveled this week for the Association of Community College Trustees National Legislative Summit. These few days allow college trustees, administrators, and presidents to advocate for the wonderful community colleges across our country. 

In the United States, we have a long tradition of talking about government of the people, by the people, for the people. Sometimes, I think we become jaded and wonder if that is really true. Yet whenever a group of citizens from across the country are able to travel to Washington D.C. to meet with legislators and talk about concerns, just as the ACCT is doing this week, we see evidence that many things about our political system are indeed functioning. 

For example, as a group we are voicing a strong support to open up Pell Grant funding for shorter credit-hour programs. We know that Pell Grant recipients are already screened for income eligibility and family/personal status. When a student qualifies for Pell, it is a sign that we, as community colleges, are reaching the exact demographic that community colleges were created to serve — people who, for whatever reason, find it hard to gain access to a college education. 

Improvements like the Pell Grant proposal make a huge impact on our students and our institution. Oftentimes, elected officials have moved so far from wherever they started, both geographically and socially, they might not remember what it’s like for the people in their districts. That’s another reason ACCT makes the annual trip to the capitol: as public, tax-supported institutions, we know it’s our duty to ensure we serve our communities down to the individuals who enroll to attend.

This week, I was able to meet with our representatives providing an update about our campus, community, and what we believe is important as we scan the horizon for upcoming changes. Of course, one of the nearest things on the horizon is International Pancake Day, which is always fun to discuss; but what I focused on with our representatives was more practical. 

On Tuesday we had several members of the U.S. Congress visit with our group. I was asked to introduce Senator Roger Marshall from the great state of Kansas. Senator Marshall serves on the Health, Education, Labor & Pensions Senate Committee. It was a wonderful honor for me personally, but also great for our community and Seward County Community College. 

Like many of our Saints, Senator Marshall is a first-generation college student who began his higher education career at a two-year institution. He is an alumnus of Butler County Community College. 

He has also made numerous trips out west to see his constituents in Liberal and the surrounding communities, so he is all too familiar with the distances that span our state, the highways that connect them, and the long-haul trucks that sometimes crowd the lanes. 

With our upcoming expansion of the truck driving and diesel technology programs, we are actively looking for congressional support. It’s my hope that representatives along the way, including Sen. Marshall, will see the importance of strengthening our American roadways, delivery networks, and workforce development. In Southwest Kansas, where we grow crops, raise cattle, and manufacture finished food products and resources needed by the nation, it’s vitally important for us to continually improve our education and delivery supports. 

Those were some of the thoughts on my mind as I waited to introduce our Senator. I was also laughing a little bit as I noticed I had on my “Old Glory” American flag socks: I had pulled them on that morning, not knowing I would be called upon to introduce a U.S. Senator. At that moment, it just felt good to be a citizen of this country. I know we have a great political divide in our nation, but there are still good people coming together to help our students.

What an honor to be able to meet with several of them this week — including Sen. Jerry Moran, who plans to join us in Liberal for Pancake Day.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and the father of two daughters who often pick out his socks for the day. He prefers being on campus to traveling across the country, and you are welcome to stop by and visit when you are in Liberal. Email 


February 1, 2023

Core values, integrity, and Groundhog Day traditions

When Seward County Community College tackled its strategic plan for 2022-2025, setting the foundation with shared values was the first step. We went through a long process, gathering information from our employees, community advisory boards, and Town Hall meetings to determine whether our then-current core values still reflected our overall mission and vision. 

By the end of the planning process, our core values had changed to reflect the issues we are focusing on in 2023 and beyond — all except one, integrity. 

Oftentimes we hear integrity defined as “doing the right thing even when no one is watching.” That’s a great approach, as integrity is key, and it affects everything we do. 

It also speaks to how our actions come to bear on those around us. That is why our SCCC take on integrity defines it as “valuing others in all we do through honesty and respect.”

Most of us learn about integrity as children, when our parents emphasize telling the truth, finishing what we start, being true to our word, and so on. Those lessons become part of our character, and it never hurts to take a fresh look at how we maintain the highest standards.

Each one of us has the opportunity to model integrity in everyday life. It comes through small actions, like starting a new pot of coffee when you just refilled your cup with the last bit left in the dispenser. Saying hello to everyone as you enter the building — not just greeting those you already know. Or going the extra mile to complete a task even if the clock says you’ve reached the “official” end of the work day.

It might show up in how you interact with students, showing sensitivity to their concerns, or offering the gift of dignity. An example of this is the establishment of our SaintsUP food and supplies pantry, which we set up in a discreet location. Yes, we care about our students’ wellbeing and access to nutrition and personal supplies — and we also care about their mental health and the importance of overcoming a sense of shame when asking for help. 

Of course integrity shows up the most noticeably when the unexpected occurs. It’s human nature to want to fix the blame or point fingers, or make someone in the situation a villain. But at SCCC, we strive to do a little better every day, and that includes how we treat others. 

I’m especially proud of our facilities team and decision-makers who navigated the messy and sometimes frustrating issues related to infrastructure and delayed maintenance. When the temperatures dropped and construction projects resulted in a break in our water line, everyone worked together to find a solution. These types of situations can test anyone’s patience, but we made it through with only a small disruption to normal campus hours. 

I’m also proud of our faculty and staff who have pitched in to cover gaps campus-wide in our employee roster. Despite vacancies here and there, administrators, employees, and faculty have taken on extra duties to make sure our students get what they need in terms of instruction and support. 

Integrity also shines in how we endeavor to interact with our community. Every board of trustees meeting is open to the public. Our financials and bidding process are transparent, even when that requires extra steps or additional phone calls to get paperwork and proposals in place. We work hard to be mindful of the fact that this college truly belongs to the community, which supports and funds it. We know our community relies on us to practice good stewardship and to respond to economic, social, and instructional needs.

On a lighter note, we can look to Punxatawny Phil as an example of reliability and integrity: here’s a ground hog who shows up to do his duty no matter what the weather or the political climate. Groundhog Day has always been one of my favorite days of the year! I am unsure if it’s because I am an avid fisherman and this day is associated with the much-anticipated spring or if it is my love for the weather. 

It is an exciting holiday that dates back thousands of years, and has been observed in the United States dating back to the 1840s.  The groundhog did see his shadow this morning, so there are six more weeks of winter. Whether or not that proves to be true, SCCC will keep on doing our best to serve students and the community, rain or shine. I’ll close with a joke the has a nugget of inspiration: 

What did the groundhog’s trainer tell him before the Olympics?

Gopher gold.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and, with his daughters, the interpreter of weather predictions from the Bennett family dog, a King Charles named Pancakes who re-enacts Groundhog Day each year. Catch up with Pres. Bennett on campus, or via email at


January 27, 2023

Breaking bread to break barriers and grow relationships

Meals are something that drive so much of our lives. Everyone needs to eat, and to rest, even though the busy pace of the world has changed the way families especially provide nourishment to growing children. There was a time when family dinner was the standard and it is still something many of us prioritize. 

Here at Seward County Community College, we find a way to celebrate and eat together, not just at regular meal times but at meetings and small celebrations “just because.” At the end of the semester, our Human Resources department set up a gourmet hot chocolate station outside the office, and welcomed employees to stop by, sip something sweet, and share compliments. When our supervisors meet monthly to fine-tune their management skills and stay current on campus policies, they usually do so over a snack. 

It’s not really about the food. It’s about friendship, conversations, and enjoying each other, the same as it is for our families when we gather for a weeknight supper at the table or a movie and pizza. 

That’s the driving force behind our “Taste of Kansas” event scheduled for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Monday, Jan. 30, at the Student Union. This giant, multicultural potluck meal celebrates all the flavors and cultures to be found in Kansas, with a very personal twist. Every one of the cooks who has signed up to participate is asked to share why the food they bring is important to them. The answers are fascinating and fun. Often, people share treats they remember eating as children in their grandmothers’ kitchens. Others deliver dishes from other countries they visited or lived in. All these examples show how powerful food can be. It brings back memories, preserves family heritage, and crosses boundaries to create new and lasting friendships. 

It’s impossible to underestimate the power of “breaking bread together” to forge strong bonds. In ancient times, newcomers to a person’s doorstep often brought bread or salt as a kind of peace offering, and in many places, once you had invited someone to eat at your table the relationship was considered to be almost like a contract to be honored. 

At SCCC, we try to replicate that kind of warmth and respect. I look forward to the times when I have the chance to host employees at my home for a BBQ or treat student athletic teams to a meal at a local restaurant. Many days, you can find instructors and students, coaches and team members, and community fans all dining together in the SCCC cafeteria. 

And of course, every semester as finals loom, we host the popular “Moonlight Finals Breakfast,” free of charge to all students. The executive team puts on aprons and staffs the griddle to serve pancakes, eggs, biscuits and gravy, and all the trimmings. It’s a late-night expression of support for the students. 

Sharing those moments is good from the administration, coaching, and faculty side: there is nothing like talking to students one-on-one and getting to know their personalities, back stories, struggles and triumphs and dreams to keep us all focused on why we do what we do. And it’s good for the students, too: they are far from home, family, and familiar experiences. Sometimes, the best medicine for a homesick spirit or a sore body is feeling accepted and seen — and fed. 

The Taste of Kansas event should bring some of that feeling to everyone who attends. It is open to the public, friends of SCCC, and everyone on campus. If you are able to bring food, please do. But don’t stay away if you are unable to cook. The idea is to share what we have and celebrate the good things about being here in Kansas, in Seward County, in Liberal, on campus, together. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and an experienced barbecue master. He also washes dishes, though that can present some health hazards as he recently experienced with an exploding glass. You can reach him at 


January 20, 2023

Feeling the love, working for justice: SCCC honors MLK

The Seward County Community College campus was closed Monday in recognition of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday. In fact, the Saints got an early start observing the legacy of Dr. King on Friday morning, when the local MLK Scholarship organization hosted a breakfast and fundraiser on campus. 

Even though the MLK Scholarship has been a local tradition for many years, this was the first time SCCC was involved with a celebration. It was a beautiful way to start the day, literally, as the group chose a Valentine’s/Love theme for the carefully decorated tables. I was also glad to see a cross-section of community members attending. Folks from the City of Liberal, USD 480, and the Liberal Area Coalition for Families, along with local church members, students, and SCCC administrators, trustee Kay Burtzloff, and staff members all sat down together to enjoy pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

Faculty were unable to attend due to teaching obligations. That’s a fitting detail, as their work achieves just as much good for the causes championed by Dr. King as our celebration did. They were busy providing what our students need to claim their share of the American dream.

During the breakfast, emcee Linda Whyte, spouse of pastor and event speaker the Rev. Larry Whyte, encouraged attendees to stand and read quotes from Dr. King interspersed with the centerpieces. Later, more quotes from Dr. King came to mind when thinking about what the college aims to do for our students, whatever their skin color or background: “Love that does not satisfy justice is no love at all,” and “It seems to me that education has a two-fold function to perform in the life of man and in society: the one is utility and the other is culture. Education must enable a man to become more efficient, to achieve with increasing facility the legitimate goals of his life.”

Justice and education, the ability to reach big goals. At SCCC, our mission statement speaks to these ideas: “Seward County Community College provides opportunities to enrich and improve each person’s life and the advancement of the community and those we serve.”

Students of United States history can’t help but be aware that such opportunities have not always been available to each person. The long-term results show the difference in having a college degree, the ability to earn better wages, and the economic and social advancements that flow from both those achievements. 

I often remind our faculty and staff that SCCC is all about second chances. Many of our students are the first in their families to walk through the door of higher education. Many are “returners,” students who tried college years ago and stopped attending because they didn’t believe it was for them. Some walked away because, as our former colleague Dr. Todd Carter pointed out, “life happens” in the form of a house fire, a sick child, a car accident, or the pressures of trying to balance work and studies. 

Second chances are not just for individuals, however. Second chances are also for systems, cultures, and societies. We often hear life coaches and public speakers say that life is a long series of choices to “grow or die.” SCCC is a great example of this principle. We continually strive to grow, whether that means reviving a long-dormant program like agriculture, expanding our CDL and diesel departments, or offering an incredibly wide variety of continuing education classes through Business & industry. 

We also provide our students and community the opportunity to grow through embracing diversity and inclusivity. More than 30 international flags in our student union recognize the many students from around the world who have contributed to a campus culture that welcomes different perspectives. Our students have the opportunity to sit in class alongside peers who may have grown up in Kansas, but speak only Spanish at home, or who arrived in Liberal after years in refugee camps in Africa or Asia. There’s so much to learn from our fellow humans, whether they are classmates or students enrolled in a course we teach. 

Along with celebrating the person Dr. King was and the progress we have made to achieve some of the goals he dreamed of, SCCC is committed to continuing the work he began. It’s a process of growth, and it is worthy of our best efforts.  

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where second chances are available to everything except college vehicles with mileage exceeding 150,000 miles. Contact him at


January 13, 2023

Talk of mergers in northern Kansas is no cause for concern at SCCC

It’s been a big news week in Kansas higher education, with the announcement on Tuesday that Northwest Technical College, North Central Technical College in Goodland and Fort Hays State University plan to enter into an affiliation/merger agreement. The night before, the NTC Board voted to enter into an affiliation/merger agreement with FHSU and I believe the North Central Technical College board will vote on a similar proposal later this week. 

This news was unexpected and not something Seward County Community College knew was being discussed. 

As is always the case in rural America, any talk of consolidation or the loss of local control of major entities can be unsettling. Here in Liberal, we are so fortunate to have a locally-controlled medical facility, a locally-owned newspaper, a strong commitment to cooperation between economic development entities, and a can-do spirit that is second to none. It’s no accident that local multi-generational families pass down stories of outlasting the Dust Bowl and overcoming the boom and bust cycles of the energy industry. We don’t think small — we even established an international local holiday to foster world peace, in the aftermath of World War II (get ready for Pancake Day 2023!). 

With all that in mind, I know our campus and stakeholders in the area will have questions as the details unfold. I will do my best to address those as I know more. Below are some of the anticipated questions I expect to receive.

Is it true that Seward County Community College did not know of this potential affiliation/merger agreement?

We didn’t know this was happening. The news was sudden and unexpected from the College’s perspective. An agreement like this takes many months to form, so we were surprised by the news.

What does this affiliation/merger mean to Seward County Community College?

We truly do not have all of the details of the affiliation/merger. It is too premature for me to comment because anything I say would be purely speculative. We are keeping a close eye on decisions related to funding and residency.

Are there conversations about Seward County Community College entering into a similar agreement?

No. There have not been any conversations focused on any type of affiliation/merger agreement between any entities. If these conversations ever did begin to occur, SCCC would be very transparent with our campus and the communities we serve. That’s just the way we prefer to carry out major decisions — adding soccer in response to the community’s longstanding desire to see it, and hearing stakeholders say so is a great example of our preferred approach. But the most important point here is that a partnership like the one being discussed by other entities does not align with our mission.

How does this affect Seward County Community College and Fort Hays State University’s relationship?

Both parties value the relationship we have and will only look to strengthen this relationship in the future, within the parameters that have already been established. For example, we partner with FHSU to offer a fully local, four-year degree option in social work. This is largely because we see the great need for social workers in our region. The same can be said of teaching credential partnership programs, articulation agreements and other initiatives. We anticipate the two institutions will continue to work closely on those types of projects to create opportunities for SCCC students to realize their highest educational goals.

When will this affiliation/merger take place?

To the best of my knowledge, the Board of Regents will vote on this affiliation/merger at Jan. 18, 2023, Kansas Board of Regents meeting. From here, it will go to the legislators for final approval.

I fully understand there will be a lot more questions on this potential/affiliation merger agreement, and when those details become available, I will disseminate that information to the campus and the community. 

From my vantage point, the situation underscores the importance of the miles logged between Liberal and Topeka. As I’ve said before, my preferred work style is hands-on and fully present — I would rather be here on campus than traveling to conferences and meetings in other locations. However, a strong voice advocating the best interests of SCCC is often needed at the Kansas Board of Regents and the Kansas State Legislature. A locally-controlled community college with locally-elected board members can best serve our community, and I am ready to protect those interests. 

Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Along with our talented and committed team of faculty and staff, our amazing students, and the best community support a college could hope for, I believe in the mission and vision of Seward County Community College. We have a bright future ahead. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College with a detailed knowledge of the best highway routes to and from eastern Kansas. He is always happy to talk with community members and can be reached at 620-417-1010 or



January 6, 2023

ALICE comes to the Home of the Saints for training

Faculty, staff, and all employees returned to work this week at Seward County Community College, and we kicked off the spring semester with a morning of what felt like hide-and-go-seek, dodge ball, and snack time. 

I know that sounds like elementary school fun, but it was actually serious business. With the help of Liberal Police Department’s own patrol sergeant Jeff Wade, we completed a full day of ALICE active shooter training. This included group simulations of responses to a violent intruder on campus, whether that meant locking down a classroom, hiding in a closet, crawling out a window, or fighting off the attacker.

Professional development days are notorious for bringing out reluctance in pretty much everyone. It is not easy to get back on schedule after a couple weeks of holiday time with unstructured days and afternoon naps. Then there’s the “continuing education” aspect of training, which can sometimes feel repetitive or tedious. Add something stressful like active shooter training to the mix, and it’s easy to feel like issuing a giant “no thank you.”

But here’s the thing: none of that matters as much as the safety of our Saints students. 

During the ALICE training, Sgt. Wade joked that nobody is quite as mean as elementary school teachers, especially teachers of kindergarten, because “they are not going to let ANYTHING happen to their kids, and they will take you down if they think you are a threat.” That is not far from the truth, and it’s a great example for all of us who are part of the Saints family. 

The main reason we are here? Our students. 

Our primary duty of care? Our students.

How we measure whether we are successful? Our students. 

That’s why we set aside the first day of Spring Semester 2023 for training in the ALICE approach to armed shooters or other violent events that might occur on a campus like ours. ALICE, if you are not familiar with it, stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate. It’s a slightly different take on the old advice to “run, hide, fight,” and Sgt. Wade emphasized the importance of responding from a mindset of active defense for our ourselves and our students. 

Too often, he pointed out, our culture has trained students — and all of us — to adopt a passive attitude about conflicts. Sure, it can be the right choice to get down on the floor and hide under a desk, but it can also be the right choice to exit the building from the closest door. To make the best choice in the moment, it is important to have taken the time to think about possibilities most of us would rather ignore. It is human nature to hope for the best, and to think that the terrible events we hear about on the news could “never happen here.” Sadly, such things are more common than ever before. 

As more than 200 of our SCCC team participated in a variety of drills and scenarios, I could see that we approached the prospect of a disaster with many different attitudes. Some of us find the possibility terrifying. Some of us are ready to go to war. Some of us deflect with humor or denial or just shutting down. With full to-do lists of tasks to prepare for a new semester, everyone had plenty of things to take care of and it might have felt like a painful loss of work time to go through drills and lockdowns. 

I’m so proud of our campus for making the right choice to prepare as best we can. And I am thankful for the excellent training and support we received from Sgt. Wade and his assistants. Helping a large group of higher-ed professionals contemplate how they might take down an active shooter, or protect a classroom full of students, is not an easy job. We all learned so much, thanks to the creative use of air soft guns, rubber balls that represented impromptu weapons, and some innovative thinking from SCCC employees about how to barricade a classroom or make a sneaky exit amid noisy chaos.

And, by the time we wrapped things up, we were more than ready for those snacks promised by HR.

On Thursday, we all came back to campus for a more traditional schedule of updates from administrators, faculty meetings, and to continue our theme of safety for students. With mini workshops about fire safety, first aid, Title IX training, inclement weather, and blood borne pathogens, everyone on campus got a refresher about how to keep themselves and students safe. 

If all of that makes you feel like maybe an afternoon nap would be a great idea, you are not alone. Many thanks to our HR Director Charlotte Peterson and her staff, as well as the Liberal Police Department, for putting together a great schedule for professional development. 

Now, we’re ready to welcome students to campus for Spring 2023!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a full-fledged participant in this week’s ALICE training on campus, although he hopes we never need to put it to use. You can reach him at brad. 


December 13, 2022

At the end of the year, we look back to highs and lows

With less than twenty days left in 2022 we are close to a whole slew of “Year in Review” lists. There must be something about humanity that drives us to compile lists, to count, to tally up possessions and experiences and wins. But this column is no “naughty and nice” scoresheet. Instead, let’s take a look at 10 memorable moments in the Saints Family in 2022.

  • February: The Giant Presidential Swap that affected everything in 2022. Just as President Greg Gunderson (#12)  settled in to his role in September 2021, he encountered unforeseen challenges that required him to step down and take care of loved ones. Brad Bennett (#11) came back, and the entire campus did a double take at our new, old president (#13). It felt a little bit like Ground Hog Day (the movie) but in a good way.
  • February: National Contenders in Quiz Bowl. Our inaugural Quiz Bowl Team ranked thirteenth in the nation and got an invitation to the national tournament on February 26, 2022. Due to Covid, they played virtually via zoom. Way to whip out those answers!
  • May: National Winners in Tennis. Seward County Community College claimed a program’s first National Championship when the  Saints won three finals championships on May 20, 2022, to secure the National title outright. Karlo Krolo and Kyllian Savary won in their singles final and Luke Quaynor and Savary won their doubles match to give the Saints the final 45 points in the tournament.
  • May: As part of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill, the college was awarded a $1.8 million grant to improve its facilities for its truck driving and diesel technology programs. The funds will be used to build a truck driving facility and expand the diesel technology building.  “It’s exciting for us and the area to be able to build a new truck driving school and accommodate a lot more students in an area of such high demand,” said SCCC President Brad Bennett, adding that “it’s also going to be a huge expansion for diesel technology as well.”
  • July: Loss of a Saints original. We still can’t walk past the former office of Seward County Community College mainstay Frances Brown, who died suddenly in July, without feeling a pang of sorrow. Frances began her career at Seward in 1997, where she taught developmental English and was a former Director of Academic Achievement. She was also an advisor for the Hispanic American Leadership Organization (HALO), active with the Saints Booster Club, and a Mentor for SCCC Migrant Education Program. Frances was “the person who always showed up,” recounted VP of Academic Affairs Luke Dowell. We all miss her.
  • August: Agriculture Revival. Will Milashoski and Rachel Sirek-Milashoski arrived on campus over the summer and began to revitalize the ag program and livestock judging team. Will aims to “make it a point of pride for the community,” he said. “I hope to grow the agriculture program, not just in the number of students, but also in its quality of programming by offering a unique set of opportunities, from Block & Bridle events to community outreach to having animals on campus.” Spouse Rachel added that her vision for the department is “not only to serve our community, but to also help SCCC continue its role as a unique college within the state of Kansas, drawing students from our service area and beyond with on site animals, thriving greenhouses, and amazing courses.”
  • September: Record-breaking Generosity at Foundation Auction The numbers are in, and it’s official: the 2022 SCCC Foundation Party Auction raised a record amount, nearly $97,000 for student scholarships and programs. SCCC Chief Development Officer and Associate Director of Annual Giving & Alumni Engagement Sarah Thompson reported that the 28th annual event was a huge success.  “It took a little while for us to calculate the totals, and we are thrilled to reach this all-time high amount of funds raised,” said Thompson. “I was blown away.”
  • October: SaintsUP Pantry Opens. Seward County Community College students should never go hungry — and thanks to a new project on campus, Saints have another source for nourishment and supplies.The ABPS Division project SaintsUp Pantry, offering food and necessities, opened Oct. 3, 2022. The event was the culmination of a months-long project supported by the college, students, and community members. “The pantry was proposed and designed by the ABPS division, and the enthusiasm continues as we work with students in the programs.” said Deedee Flax, Division Chair of agriculture, business, and personal services. “We realized that many of our students struggle with food insecurity and the business division wanted to do something to help. It’s a great project for our division, and more importantly, it’s going to do a lot of good for all students on campus.”
  • October: National Winner in Tennis.  Carol Mora won the women’s tennis program’s first ITA national championship as Mora was crowned the top JUCO singles player in the nation. Mora battled back after a set down to defeat the top seed Arina Gamretkaia from Hillsborough Community College 3-6, 6-3, 6-1 in the championship match on October 15th, 2022. With the victory, Mora makes school history with the first women’s ITA championship and will enter the spring season as the No. 1 player in the nation.
  • November: National Contenders in Volleyball. Seward County Community College claimed the Region VI and Plains District championship with a 3-1 victory over Butler Community College on Saturday, Nov. 5, 2022. The Lady Saints advanced to the NJCAA National Tournament in West Plains, Missouri, where they claimed the 11th spot and many honors.
  • November: Allied Health purchased three ventilators for its respiratory therapy program with funding through an $80,000 grant from the Patterson Family Foundation.  Janae Zachary, program director for respiratory therapy at SCCC, said students will have the opportunity to receive more individual attention when using a ventilator.   “It allows our students to have a one on one (student to ventilator experience),” Zachary said, adding that the new equipment is also an upgrade in technology, which will help out with distance learning. ” The Patterson Family Foundation, based out of Kansas City, Mo., is a family-led foundation extending the legacy of Neal and Jeanne Patterson, which strives to help rural communities through health care, education, economic opportunity, and beyond.
  • December: Progress continues on Phase 2 of the Sharp Family Champions Center, with wall framed and plumbing underway. We’re getting closer and closer to a completed, useful building for Saints athletes and our community!
  • ALL YEAR LONG: Community Blitz!  President Brad Bennett has mentioned more than once that he aims to give away 25,000 T-shirts so that he’ll see green everywhere he goes. We’re making progress, with well over 10,000 distributed. And the Saints showed up for more than giveaway opportunities: we also participated in parades and community events throughout the region, bringing along our Mascot Louie, and even the two campus goats.

EDITOR’S NOTE — This week’s Saints Voices column was compiled by the SCCC Marketing & PR office, and is subject to additions because nobody’s memory is perfect and there’s never a shortage of good news to report. 


December 6, 2022

Saints pride and community support go hand in hand

With the holidays in full force, encouragement to buy local and support small businesses is all around. It makes sense to take this seriously, especially in light of the challenges small businesses have faced over the past few years — pandemic shutdowns, economic instability, and continuing supply-chain interruptions.

One of my main goals over the next five years is a real focus on deferred maintenance and freshening up the campus. The world of higher education funding is extremely complex and funds are allocated for certain projects or have certain limitations. In a lot of ways, it’s like working a giant puzzle. We continue to make substantial progress with the visual aspects of our campus. Prioritizing local vendors is just another factor to consider.

At Seward County Community College, we do our best to follow the advice to “shop local,” especially when it comes to big ticket items. Last week, our trustees did exactly that, awarding around $300,000 of project bids to local businesses.

This is nothing new — Work is already underway on replacing the worn carpet in the upper level of the Student Union, where our SCCC Development office is located. There’s also a highly-desirable study and hangout area on the mezzanine, where students love to gather, and we are replacing the furniture there to make it more welcoming and useful. We relied on local vendors to provide the labor and the supplies and we’re excited to see it come together.

The project will have an immediate impact on our campus community when everyone returns in the new year.

The projects that got the green light last week span campus from top to bottom. The biggest of the three was the approva to remove and replace the fascia and soffits on our technical campus. If you take a look at the current state there is a terrible amount of dry rot that will be replaced with a metal material that will last for an extremely long time. Look for our school colors proudly displayed on everything from the rain gutters to entire walls.

The board also approved a local bid to replace worn carpeting in our Agriculture building, where the classrooms are filling up as we revamp the entire program with new instructors Will and Rachael Sirek-Milashoski. The campus goats even got new cedar groundcover to spruce up their section of the complex. And, soon you will see lighted signage on the college’s main campus buildings, so that visitors can find their way at evening events, thanks to a local bid approved to brighten and lighten our campus. I can’t wait to see the final results.

In the same way, from print jobs to custodial supplies, we do our best to buy local and support area businesses. It’s the way communities, especially rural communities, stay strong. There are no delivery drones involved, and a quick visit with the person doing the work is a feel-good bonus.

There is also a great feeling when we interact with business and industry within our service area. Throughout the semester, we have relied on feedback from industry partners and local professionals to fill in the gaps for students and for our campus operations. There’s no way to say “thank you” enough times to express how much we value this kind of partnership.

When we attended the Christmas parade last weekend, it was great to see the lights, the decorated lamp posts, and the storefronts lit up on Kansas Avenue. People who have not experienced the warmth and belonging that is the trademark of small-town America do not know what they’re missing.

The week ahead is quieter than usual on campus, as students have wrapped up their semester finals and headed home. A few are sticking around over the holiday break, and we’re taking good care of them, with the dorms officially open for the first time, and limited cafeteria service through Dec. 15. For the remainder of the break, our coaches, staff, and Saints family will be making sure no one goes hungry.

As far as work at SCCC goes, we are still on the job through Dec. 21. Monday, Dec. 12, we will hold a legislative luncheon on campus for our elected officials. This is an event I am happy to host in collaboration with officials from the city of Liberal, Seward County, USD 480, and even Southwest Medical Center (Trustee Keeley Moree). The legislators come through the area for Town Hall meetings and forums, but this is our chance to highlight what is going on at SCCC, and keep our achievements and goals on the radar at Topeka and even Washington, D.C.

If you haven’t finished your holiday shopping, you can probably guess my advice: buy local. Have a great week gearing up for the Christmas break!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and the assistant elf-on-a-shelf wrangler at his house. Compared to the rules that come with Christmas elves, he is more than ready to take on the Kansas Board of Regents. Contact him at


November 16, 2022

The pre-Thanksgiving dinner list for SCCC

The Bennett family has a tradition every year that before we have Thanksgiving dinner we all must verbally explain what we are thankful for. It is has been funny watching the girls grow as it went from comments that they were thankful for their teddy bear to now being thankful for their family. I am thankful for each face around the table — and also thankful that our own table is securely located in our home in Liberal, and that we do not have to weather yet another move with all the packing and unpacking that involves!

In keeping with that practice, I’ve been reflecting on the Saints family’s list of reasons for gratitude. Seward County Community College has so much to be thankful for.

We are so lucky to be in Southwest Kansas to serve the many communities we consider part of ours. Our 11 Outreach high school districts work tirelessly with us to serve the high school students that we count as a valuable part of our college. We are so glad to participate in many smaller-town customs and events, and always feel welcomed when we travel to parades, football games, academic awards, and chamber of commerce festivities.

Here at our campus in Liberal, we are so thankful for the extreme level of support from the community members who travel from near and far to cheer us on. Our athletics programs are the object of envy across the conference and the nation: the Saints have a reputation for incredible fan support in the Greenhouse and even on the road.

The same applies to our concerts, student fundraisers and club events, and academic programs. From the recent popcorn sales by the Saints cheerleaders, to the handmade scented candles sold by the Pathways STEM club students, to the fundraiser for Angels for Animals that our Hispanic Leadership club HALO sponsored, we are always blown away by the positive response from the community.

In a similar vein, we are thankful for the relationships we have built with many organizations in the community. The Liberal Rotary Club, the Kiwanis Club, and the Lions Club all meet on our campus, and we love seeing those members on a regular basis. Special events like the recent Veterans Day panel discussion, co-sponsored by the High Plains Daily Leader and EPIC Communications and SCCC, brought us all together in a show of respect and appreciation for those who served.

So many groups traverse the campus — elementary and middle-school tours, guests at information sessions for agriculture, Allied Health, cosmetology and social work. Nonprofit groups like the Southwest Symphony Society and Rainbow Players. We are thankful for the perspectives they bring and their contributions to a vibrant campus life.

We are thankful for our employees in so many ways. The instructors and staff members who unfailingly support our students. Administrators who tackle tough issues and advocate for the college to be the best it can be. Our board members, who show up for meetings, events, and even travel to state and national gatherings to represent us with class and integrity.

On a more personal note, I’m thankful for the bright moments when we gather together, like the costume party and scavenger hunt at Halloween, the meetings that sometimes end with laughter and good-natured teasing, and unexpected sweet treats, like the Cocoa and Compliments pop-up sponsored by the Human Resources department during the cold weather last week.

We often talk about the family feeling on campus, and it is true. We root for our colleagues when a cancer diagnosis darkens the horizon, and then we celebrate when they return to work. We grieve with those who have lost loved ones. We can’t wait to open the emails that announce a new baby or a big win. I’m thankful every day for this group of people, who are some of the best I’ve met in my time in higher education.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we are thankful for our students who have entrusted us with their education. On our campus, young men and women from more than a dozen countries play on athletic teams, overcome their fear of public speaking, and conquer algebra. Students from all walks of life, income level, and ages, come together to chart new career paths.

When we hear about a successful alumni, we are eager to congratulate them and invite them back to campus to share what they’ve learned with our current Saints. There’s nothing like the feeling of belonging that develops as students work to better themselves and learn more about who they are and what they can achieve.

I hope you too can find a long list of reasons to be thankful this week. And I invite you to become part of the Saints family yourself, as a student, supporter, or Saints athletic fan. You can be sure we will welcome you into the fold.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. This Thanksgiving, his family took a short detour to see Santa at the North Pole (in Colorado), which meant someone else was wearing a Santa suit. He’ll be back in the office this week. You can reach him at


November 7, 2022

On Veterans Day and every day, service members deserve our thanks

On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the Armistice was signed, ending World War I, the “war to end all wars,” as it was known. We know now that phrase was optimistic, and wrong. World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, Afghanistan, Somalia, and Iraq, along with many more smaller military operations, have called servicemen- and women to combat.

Eventually, Armistice Day was changed officially to Veterans Day to celebrate all of our veterans. Here at Seward County Community College we are proud to support our veterans and are thankful for the sacrifices of our American heroes. This year on Tuesday, Nov. 8, we hosted a panel of Vietnam veterans moderated by Earl Watt and supported by EPIC Communications.

The vision for this event was to bring history to life for our students while honoring the people who served. Many times, the generations that follow times of conflict have only a printed page in a textbook, a website, or a social media post that falls far short of the ideal. It is one thing to hear or read about something that happened to someone else, and something much more powerful to come in contact with firsthand experience.

This week, in the Jesus A. Manriquez Showcase Theater on campus, we heard stories of experiences from before, during, and after the war. Sitting there in the theater, I know I was not the only person to be drawn in to the lives of Ivanhoe Love Jr., Ivan App, Delari George, and Ed Poley. The four men represented unique aspects of military service, from the processes of enlistment to their experiences during deployment. What they all had in common was an abiding sense of patriotism and love of country, as well as the reality of carrying a heavy burden away from the war.

The Vietnam War was particularly ugly part of U.S. history as so many Americans disrespected our heroes for simply doing what our country required them to do. But as our auditorium full of community members and students covering multiple generations watched and listened intently, there was nothing but respect. I saw tears and looks of astonishment and appreciation across the crowd. But above all there was understanding that while, as one of the panelists said, “war is ugly, but is also why we are all here.”

The event was meaningful to me, both as the president of SCCC and as an individual. While I was never in the military, I am a life-long historian and majored in history as my undergrad. I have always tried to learn as much as possible and work hard to pay respect and appreciation to our American heroes. Passing this awareness along to the young adults who are enrolled as students in the Saints family is an important part of my role as a leader, and as a parent to my own children.

Fifteen years ago, I visited the Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial in 2007. I was taken away by the peace and beauty of the cemetery. The crosses and the Star of David markers all faced west, facing home. The powerful silence in that place remains clear in my mind. We have a duty to keep the memory of such sacrifices alive. And to pass that awareness along to the generations that follow us.

As we remember and pay respect to our veterans and servicemen and women this week and we think about all the sacrifices that have been made I challenge you to pay your respects and teach your children about the history of our country.

Many thanks to Earl Watt and the High Plains Leader and Times, and most importantly to the four veterans who were willing to revisit a part of their lives that contained pain and darkness. Their ability to share memories and observations about the cost of freedom is one that does not come cheap. We are forever grateful.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and an unashamed patriot and history buff; just ask his grade-school daughters about the word “armistice.” You can contact him at


November 1, 2022

Saints — and goats — are back home on the farm at SCCC

Seward County Community College is in the heart of ag country. Western Kansas has more cows than we do people, so ag — whether you call it farming or ranching — is who we are and what we do. That goes a long way to explain why we’re so excited about the revitalization of our agriculture program. 

Last spring we made the decision to bring back livestock judging and focus on building our ag program. In previous years, the SCCC livestock judging teams were highly competitive and brought back enough trophies to fill a couple cases. We have a tradition of excellence in that area, but, like a lot of ag folks in the region, had wondered over the years if we should shift our focus to other specialties and approaches. At the same time, various factors in the economy and state and national policies did what they always do, shifting and changing.

Some things stay the same, however. I believe to have a quality ag program you have to have livestock judging. With the hiring two new ag instructors, Rachael Sirek-Milashoski and Will Milashoski, we gained a tremendous amount of knowledge and experience in this area. Having grown up in rural Illinois, both of them understand the ups and downs that small operators have to weather. They also bring a level of enthusiasm and grit to the prospect of restoring our ag program to the glory it once was. 

They are not the only ones pitching in. SCCC Welding Instructor Jerad Nobles, a farm boy himself, has joined in with his years of experience. The entire biofuels team, which brings together instructors and students from agriculture, industrial tech, and even the business division, is also involved in growing soybeans and converting them into liquid fuel. 

A few weeks ago, as part of our campus clean-up day, around 30 employees focused on the ag area, collecting trash, removing old fence materials, and just plain doing chores where chores needed to be done. It was a good feeling to get our campus looking its best, and to do it as a team.

But where, as the old commercial asked, is the beef? Or at least the animals? No cattle have arrived on campus, but we have welcomed goats. They were a big hit at the Halloween Spook-tacular Trunk or Treat event for children. If you have to choose between collecting candy and petting an adorable, fuzzy goat — at least if you are some children — you might have a hard time deciding. The goats were popular, to say the least. 

The program itself is also growing. We aim to have 40 ag students enrolled by fall 2023, and we are well on the way with more than a dozen committed already. Will and Rachael represented Seward at the national Future Farmers of American conference in Indiana last month, an event that is attended by around 10,000 high school students. This week, they headed to Hutchinson for a high school expo that draws a crowd of 5,000. 

We’re also counting on our Saints alumni, former livestock judging team champions, and ag program supporters in the community to spread the word. Seward County Community College is still staking a claim on ag education, livestock judging, and a prosperous future for the region. 


EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. While he is no farmer, he knows how to fish, handle a chain saw, and even scoop up the stray snake that slithers into his back yard. Contact him at


October 25, 2022

Keeping an award-winning campus beautiful, one trash bag at a time

Clean-up is the name of the game on our campus! Our Saints family has worked hard since April on cleaning out different aspects of campus. We’ve “reclaimed” the northeast corner of campus, where a shelter belt provided a wind trap for trash and debris. Now it’s more attractive and safer for the many students and community members who use our connection trail system to walk to shopping destinations.

We continue to sort through storage and have been listing old items at the online auction site Purple Wave. There’s no reason to let old equipment age on campus when it is possible to clear out space and make good use of our resources at the same time. This approach is ongoing.

Now we are turning our attention to our old dorms, which for your years have become a catch-all for storage. I was walking some parents across campus the other day and having a wonderful conversation. The father of one of our students asked me what that building was used for.  After a long pause, I explained that was an old dorm that we now use for storage. 

He nodded his head but I could tell by his long face he was thinking “What in the world?!” The building is close to the heart of campus, near the current student living center and the student union. And he was absolutely right, why do we have an old building for the purpose of a catch-all? There is not a good answer, even when we consider the COVID pandemic, changes in leadership, and the real (but not THAT pressing) need for storage.

This is our next clean-up project as we look at repurposing this building and making it a critical part of our campus. An initial consultation with architects revealed encouraging news. The dorm would cost more to tear down than it would to repurpose, and it is possible to make use of the structure for a reasonable cost. We are still exploring possibilities and needs, but it is a step in the right direction and one we intend to take.

SCCC has several major expansion projects completed or near the finish line. The Colvin Family Center for Allied Health has been up and running for more than a year and continues to provide a beautiful and functional site for training future health occupations professionals. The Sharp Family Champions Center is being finished, with contractors installing restrooms and interior fixtures. And our new Grain Elevator Operator site is coming together, as is the biofuels lab and our renewed agriculture and livestock judging program. 

I know clean-up is not exciting, but it’s important as we prepare for even more new initiatives. The prospect of the CDL/truck driving expansion is near, and will occupy some of the space that we have focused on. The “old dorms” is slated for the next big push, starting with — no surprise — cleaning out the rooms that have been filled with miscellaneous items and old equipment. 

Seward County Community College has such a beautiful campus. It’s one of the most well-constructed and landscaped in the state, and even won an architectural award when it was first built. Fifty-two years later,  we are increasingly “taking ownership” and making sure that we show the best version of our campus every single day.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. He is in New York City this week for a community college conference, and is certain that SCCC has the Big Apple beat in terms of everyday maintenance and pride. Reach out to him at 


October 18, 2022

It’s that time of year …. Saints basketball is coming soon

While we are in the midst of a conference championship race in volleyball, and celebrating our first national champion women’s single with Carol Mora’s ITA National Championship last week, we are also gearing up for basketball season.

That’s life in the Saints universe — the wins come so fast and furious, it is hard to keep up with what’s next!

Men’s and women’s basketball scrimmages are already occurring, and the home opener for our men is just 12 days away with women’s basketball taking the court shortly after that.

We are excited to see the Saints hit the hardwood. It is always a great sight as Saints fans make their way to the Greenhouse across our beautiful campus. Evening comes earlier, the campus is lit up in the crisp air, and our fall foliage coming into full effect. The smell of freshly popped popcorn, the sounds of fans talking about this year’s teams, and then the sounds and excitement of the game: it all comes together to create a signature Saints experience.

One aspect of basketball at SCCC is that it often provides women’s and men’s sports to be played back to back on the same day, providing over four hours of excitement. And, with a storied history that includes a national championship and many seasons of conference dominance, we always feel that thrill of excitement about what this season may bring.

The preseason rankings came out this week and while our women are not ranked (something I doubt will last long) our men hold a preseason ranking of 16th. After checking in on practice for both teams I think we will see two very exciting teams hit the court each night. All in all it’s a great day to be a Saint!

Fall is not only about basketball, of course. As October winds down, we’re looking forward to resuming a popular fall tradition on campus: kids and candy. Pre-pandemic, SCCC hosted “Trick or Treat Street” in the student union, with campus clubs and organizations hosting carnival-style game booths. This year, we’re moving the fun out to the pumpkin patch, where agriculture students continue to cultivate the favorite of fall flavors. As in the past, this Halloween event will provide a safe, fun setting for young kids in costume, along with the feeling of an outdoor fall festival.

Join us on campus on Halloween night, next Monday, Oct. 31., 6-8 p.m., at the Agriculture buildings on the northeast side of campus — just across from the French Family Softball Complex.

The next day, of course, will be our first-ever SCCC Candy Buy-Back, at 5 p.m. in the Hobble Building. I will be paying $1 per pound of candy donated by children who have too much sugar to realistically eat and enjoy it all. The candy collected will go to U.S. military service members.

As we wrap up the second half of this fall semester, it’s not too early to look ahead to spring 2023. Enrollment for spring classes will open at the end of October. While SCCC’s enrollment remained steady for the fall, we would love to see a jump in numbers as students continue to return to the routine of in-person classes and campus events. It is truly never too late to follow your dreams, and with 46 programs available, we are committed to helping you pursue yours. Stop by campus to visit with an admissions counselor, register for classes, or even talk to an advisor to map out your own plan for success.

Until then, we welcome you to campus to cheer on our amazing student athletes, pick up a sweet treat or two, and then pay it forward with a care package for our military servicemen- and women. At SCCC, we’re all about making life a little sweeter and more successful for everyone who makes up our community.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, and willing to go head-to-head with our mascot, Louie the Saint, for bragging rights as the Saints’ biggest fan. You can catch up with him in the Greenhouse bleachers, or email at


October 11, 2022

It’s a frog, it’s the Big Bad Wolf, it’s … the college president!

Halloween has traditionally been a time for kids (and some adults) to try out a different identity with a fun costume. It’s all in good fun, and nobody expects us to carry the costume over into real life. I’m not sure what the Seward County Community College employees would think if their president showed up at work dressed as The Big Bad Wolf from Red Riding Hood, or a Frog.

On Halloween, though, it’s a different story at the Bennett house. Lindsay and I committed to dressing up with the girls for Halloween as long as they wanted us. With MaryBelle being 9, and Madeline already 7, I know these moments are limited so I wear these silly and sometimes embarrassing costumes with great pride as my duty of being a “Girl Dad.” None of us is able to plan ahead in terms of who our children will be, or what being their parents will require. It is one of those surprises that life delivers to us, and something I value highly.

At SCCC, we are constantly watching our students go through a somewhat similar process — figuring out the basics of who they are, what they want to do, and how they plan to move forward as self-supporting adults. Sure, this happens partly in the classroom and the advising session. Students might come into college thinking they want to be doctors or lawyers, only to realize they don’t like classroom science enough to absorb eight more years of it. Or they might arrive with the idea that their love of working on cars is “just a hobby” and something less important than putting on a suit and tie for a 9-to-5 job. We love the moments when they discover there is room in adult life for all kinds of interests and pursuits, and sometimes the “big money” is achievable with a technical certificate.

But all learning does not take place in the academic world. We also strive to create a fun engaging culture for all. October has provided plenty of opportunities for students to engage with real-world issues in a way that connects to their current pursuits. The volleyball team will “dig pink” with a show of support for breast cancer survivors and fundraising at this Friday’s game. Later this month we will co-host a color run on campus with Liberal Area Rape Crisis/Domestic Violence Service to bring awareness to domestic violence, its signs and prevention.

Our employees will also be busy all month helping local and area high school students fill out the federal application for financial aid, a form fondly known as FAFSA. Look for their friendly faces at area “Apply Kansas” nights, or stop by campus to schedule a help session.

As Halloween draws near, the college will also host our first-ever Candy Buy Back. This event is a triple win, and it’s scheduled for Nov. 1. I will be paying $1 per pound for wrapped, kid-collected Halloween candy. The candy will then be boxed and sent to our troops. The idea is to reduce the amount the candy our little ones are consuming by giving them a fun alternative while showing our love and support for our troops.

Paying kids $1 a pound for their Halloween candy is a triple win. You solve the problem of too much sugar and all the health and behavior issues that can lead to, introduce entrepreneurship in everyday life, and you support our military. It is — Dad joke warning — a sweet setup.  The Candy Buy Back will occur from 5-6 p.m. in the student union outside of the bookstore.

We have a new committee on our campus which has the purpose of improving employee recognition and increasing morale. So, we will also be hosting our first-ever employee Halloween Party on the afternoon of Oct. 31. I’ve heard it will include games, a scavenger hunt, and work-appropriate costume contest. When you work as hard as our team does, it’s important to make time for team-building and fun as well. I have not yet revealed what my family-designed Halloween role will be this year, and I cannot promise to attend the party in costume. But I will provide pictures after the fact.

And I will be on campus  — as myself —  the day after for the Candy Buy Back.  I hope to collect 100 pounds, minimum.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and has not yet revealed to the public what he will be for Halloween. Hint: maybe he won’t tell because he is without a heart. Email him at


September 28, 2022

Fall brings some of the same, some of the new

Fall arrived last week, the SCCC Foundation Auction hit record numbers, and we’re almost halfway through the semester. When people say time flies, I guess this is what they mean. 

Here at Seward County Community College, we are all enjoying the cooler temperatures and the feeling of fall. More than that, it’s amazing to feel a sense of normal life after two very strange years. 

During the pandemic, we heard a lot of conversation about what the “new normal” would look like, and how everything was going to be different in key ways. Like most predictions, this had a little bit of truth and a whole lot of active imagination. If I had to make a list of what’s “Old Normal” and what’s “New Normal,” I think it would probably come out even. 

In the Saints world, “Old Normal” things this year have included:

  • Student clubs and activities. Our campus organizations are meeting regularly and sponsoring activities for their peers and the community. This week, the Hispanic American Leadership Organization welcomed Liberal City Commissioner and proud Saints alum Janeth Vazquez as a guest speaker. The club has also sponsored a blood drive and is collecting donations for the Liberal Animal Shelter. 
  • On Wednesday, the campus club Messengers for Christ gathered around the flagpole for a sunrise prayer meeting. The global student morning of prayer is something that local school groups in USD 480 observed as well, and provided a meaningful point of connection for the Saints who participated. 
  • Saints Booster Club is showing healthy growth and people are enjoying the monthly get-togethers at local restaurants after a long hiatus. We are always glad to see our fans in the Greenhouse, and it’s a pleasure to meet and greet them at social events as well.
  • In-person classes continue to serve students on campus. Over the last year, we saw a renewed commitment from faculty and students who had missed having face-to-face interactions, group discussions in an actual room, and hands-on projects. 
  • Moments that bring people together are possible once again. For example, students in Stan Sanko’s automotive technology class pitched in to perform a quick minor repair job for new agriculture instructor Rachael Sirek-Milashoski — and in return, she showed up with donuts the next morning. That Saints solidarity is what makes this campus special, and we love seeing it live and in action. 

So what is “New Normal” at SCCC? The pandemic taught us a lot of hard and sometimes frustrating lessons. We are still reflecting on the lessons we learned. New things we’re still absorbing include:

  • The crazy new job market our graduates will enter (or are entering now, as most SCCC students work at least part-time). It’s no secret that employers are scrambling to attract people to fill jobs, and this changes the landscape for young adults. They can now be more selective about the jobs they accept, they expect higher wages, and they are not afraid to advocate for themselves. SCCC’s responsibility is still to equip them for the workforce, and to address these new issues.
  • The same job market factors influence our own campus community of faculty and staff. There are several instructor positions that remain open, and we’ve embarked on a campus-wide discussion about the pay structure at SCCC. This is never an easy conversation, and I appreciate the PEA representatives and salary task force members who are contributing their time to this important issue. 
  • We continue to cultivate outside funding sources, as the state of Kansas makes adjustments to how community colleges are supported. Over the past two years, our grant writer Charity Horinek has succeeded in obtaining $3 million in grant money. The recent SCCC Foundation Auction raised nearly $100,000 in one evening, thanks to our amazing community donors. Several entities and individuals took advantage of the Kansas Tax Credit opportunity that opened earlier this fall. These are all important steps in the direction of local and regional philanthropy. 
  • Online course offerings continue to grow on our campus. While many students prefer face-to-face teaching, just as many need the flexibility of online instruction. We have expanded our online course offerings, and after the pandemic, we have seen all our instructors embrace the online platform with greater skill. We expect this will continue. 

One of the most comforting things in life is the way seasons change and we see cycles in nature and in our own families and friends as the years go by. The college is no different. We are enjoying the season we are currently in, and look forward to many more to come. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is president of Seward County Community College. He is already bracing himself for this year’s Halloween costume as selected by his wife and daughters — here’s hoping he doesn’t have to dress up as a frog for two small princesses. You can reach him at 


September 21, 2022

Hispanic Heritage Month is for all of the Saints family

Hispanic Heritage Month 2022 began on September 15 and runs through October 15. It’s a big deal for us at Seward County Community College. Hispanic heritage is so important to our students and the community we serve. Being federally designated as a Hispanic Serving Institution, it is at the core of what we do and who we are.

But our relationship to Hispanic Heritage is about more than celebration. It must involve a deep understanding, and a commitment to include voices from the Hispanic community — which we need to view as also our community — in the conversations that drive change and make decisions.

To get to this point, we have to “do our own work,” as people often say. For instance, I am not a person of Hispanic origin, and so I am aware that there is a lot I don’t know. Instead of relying on my impressions of what Hispanic culture is, or my own life experiences, I need to ask a lot of questions. I need to be willing to notice when I am putting myself in the focus point instead of focusing on the students around me or the employees who are Hispanic and have insights I am likely to miss.

Obviously, learning more about Hispanic culture involves more than just enjoying our amazing local restaurants from Mexico and other Latin-American cuisines or knowing how to say “gracias!” I hope that our Saints family can continue to work harder on this skill set and get better. We have already made a great start.

Over the past few months, the college has been hard at work to form its new strategic plan for the next three years. Several parts of this process reflect the desire to be diverse and inclusive, especially in regard to the Hispanic population. We set up focus groups to gather information, and besides including one specifically for Spanish-speaking community members, we also invited Hispanic-identifying individuals and groups to take part in multiple sessions, including our Full Strategic Team.

In the end, everything the college does is focused on student success, which eventually translates into community-building. With a lot of our students in the “Gen Z” category, we know that this age group needs a direct, personal involvement in order to buy in to pretty much anything. They have to believe in a thing personally, see that it impacts them, and have a sense of ownership and investment if they are going to dive in and get involved.

With that in mind, it’s amazing to see the revamped and re-energized HALO club on campus. HALO (which stands for Hispanic American Leadership Organization) is a national group that works to empower Hispanic American youth with community service, training, and a sense of belonging. Our HALO club was sponsored for more than a decade by retired Saint Patsy Fischer and the late Frances Brown. For most people, HALO might be what they associate with the American Red Cross blood drives on campus. It’s a vital service to the greater community in Seward County.

This fall, SCCC employees Erika Espinoza and Karla Morales Escarcega took on sponsorship of HALO, and immediately recruited more than 50 members. It’s clear that our Gen Z students do indeed have a sense of personal connection and ownership. The club has big plans to get involved in campus life, seek out training and student-support programs, and, of course, continue those blood drives.

We are so grateful to Erika and Karla for mentoring and encouraging the students in HALO. And, we can’t wait to see what results as the students progress through college and leadership development.

One of the goals Dr. Todd Carter focused on when he served at SCCC was the idea that Hispanic students shouldn’t have to give up their sense of cultural pride in order to succeed — they shouldn’t have to “be more Anglo” in order to get good grades, be seen as intelligent, or find high-status jobs. We continue to build on those ideas, with a personal twist: those of us who are Anglo, while also keeping a sense of cultural pride, should do our part to get to know and appreciate our Hispanic friends and neighbors, especially within the Saints family.

In the end, we are all in it for the long run, and Saints stick together. So, during Hispanic Heritage Month, along with the jalapeno-eating contest, the great meals, and the programs designed to honor Hispanic-Americans of excellence, I hope we will all learn a little bit more.

Go Saints!  ¡Adelante, Santos!

WWP_BradSCCC_01Editor’s Note — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where the goal is to be a little better every day. He cannot promise to apply this rule to the jalapeno-eating contest, but just about everything else is eligible. You can reach him at 


September 14, 2022

Don’t miss the SCCC Fall Festival Party Auction this weekend

Doing some good in the world is really important, but many times it does not feel good when you are in the process. When we volunteer our time, contribute to research or charitable groups, we are, quite honestly, giving up something else. Maybe it’s a weekend trip to attend a concert, or that new pair of shoes you’ve had your eye on.

This weekend is different, because the Seward County Community College Foundation Auction is scheduled. And it is the best opportunity you will have this year to do good AND have a good time simultaneously. Just so you don’t miss the details, here they are:

  • Saturday, Sept. 17
  • 6 p.m. (doors open)
  • Seward County Activity Center (near the fairgrounds)
  • Buy your entrance wristband IN ADVANCE for $20
  • Call 620-417-1135 or visit the site to purchase

If you want to include dinner in your plans for the evening, there’s a fantastic option on site, as the owners of El Pastorcito and El Casa del Pastor will be catering both Mexican and Italian entrees for $10 per person. The meal includes a dessert buffet provided by Great Western Dining. As always, the beer, wine, and soft drink beverages are included with the wristband entrance price and do not require separate purchase.

This is the 28th year the SCCC foundation has sponsored the auction. Even though life throws curve balls (like a global pandemic) and changes (new faces in offices), the SCCC auction has figured out how to put on a great evening that provides a wonderful opportunity to make a difference in a student’s life.

Often these scholarships provide opportunities for students to seek a higher education that students would not otherwise have. If you no longer live “close to the bone,” juggling paychecks and bill deadlines,, you might have lost touch with how it feels to be in that position. Then again, inflation has forced all of us to tighten our belts and think twice about some purchases.

Please don’t let that stop you from participating in the auction with enthusiasm and your wallet. The students who receive these scholarships need the help. They need it not just for financial reasons — which are very real — but they also need it so they can believe it is possible to get a college degree. Like anyone entering a strange new environment, our first-generation students often wonder if higher education is open to them. A scholarship communicates that yes, they belong here, yes, it is possible, and yes, we are going to be behind you all the way to graduation.

If that doesn’t make a person feel good on the giving and receiving end, I can’t think of anything that would! But that is exactly what the auction does every year. It brings our community together for one common reason: to fundraise for the betterment of our students and the communities we serve.

The betterment I am talking about will also show up in surprising ways for the folks who buy auction items. When you are at our house and I am asked, “Hey, where did you get that?” 99 percent of the time my response is “At a foundation auction.” My wife Lindsay and I believe in supporting these events. We try to donate items that we feel are a little different and will bring some interest from our audience.

Lindsay puts her belief to work, too. She has made a pie a month for a foundation since 2008. This year is no different as we attend our first SCCC foundation auction, and her “Homemade Pie a Month for a Year” item is on the live auction block. Trust me when I say you don’t want to pass it by.

We are excited to experience the auction in person. Although not here physically here last year, we still supported by donating football tickets and even bought a few items through a friend who agreed to place bids on our behalf.

As we look toward Saturday night our auction items are up cash donations have increased and we are so excited for an evening of friendship, laughter and most importantly supporting our students.

It truly is the best night of the year.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the SCCC President and looks forward to outbidding friends and neighbors this Saturday at the 28th annual SCCC Foundation Party Auction. If you outbid him, he guarantees he won’t be a sore loser.


September 7, 2022

Green for Good2

September is for suicide prevention

At SCCC and across the nation, let’s get rid of mental health stigma

For most of us, the “Top 10” lists we keep in mind are positive — the best birthday, the biggest surprise, and so on. I am betting you don’t spend a lot of time remembering the worst day of your life or the toughest time you went through, but I am also pretty sure that kind of a list would include events from the early years of adulthood. 

It’s not easy being the age that we see on campus at Seward County Community College. The late teens and early 20s are a time for finding out who you are and what you want to do with your life. It’s a time when you have a lot of questions and problems that seem bigger than anything you have experienced before. 

That is probably why mental health is such a big topic on campuses. That is especially true in September, which is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month (or SPAM, which is not a great acronym, I will admit). 

You already know that I am a numbers and data guy, so I will share the statistics with you:

  • Suicide was the twelfth leading cause of death overall in the United States, claiming the lives of over 45,900 people.
  • Suicide was the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 10-14 and 25-34 , the third leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 15-24, and the fourth leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 35 and 44.
  • There were nearly two times as many suicides (45,979) in the United States as there were homicides (24,576).
  • Among adults across all age groups, the prevalence of suicide attempt in the past year was highest among young adults 18-25 years old (1.9%).

Here in rural America, it is easy to think that these national statistics are skewed by more urban parts of the country. But Kansas falls right in the middle of the trend, just like we are right in the middle of the country. We are not the worst in terms of suicide risk, but we are also not the best. 

For SCCC, any number is too high. We value each of our students, which is a driving force in many of the projects we tackle. Our thinking is, if an outreach effort or public campaign saves even one student life, it is worthwhile. 

Preventing suicide starts with education. Good thing we are an institution of higher learning! If you are concerned about SCCC Saints at risk for suicide, keep reading. 

According to social researchers, grief, isolation and fear caused by the COVID-19 pandemic are part of the picture. Over the last decade, other pressures on this young generation have been rising. The op reasons for suicide include depression, anxiety, and other mental health challenges; substance abuse; exposure to violence, abuse, or other trauma; social isolation and loneliness; losing a family member to death or through divorce; financial or job loss; relationship conflicts; starting or changing psychotropic medications; feeling singled out or stigmatized; not having a support system.

A college cannot address all these complicated factors, but we are able to do several powerful things. This column is one of the best. We can take away the stigma of talking about mental health and suicidal thoughts. Counselors and psychologists have confirmed that talking about suicide does not “put the idea into people’s minds.” In fact, the silence around mental health challenges can make them worse, causing the person who is suffering to feel shame. 

This month, SCCC is rolling out a campaign titled “Green for Good” on campus. The goal is to educate our students, staff, and faculty about suicide risks, signs, and interventions. People who participate can pick up a Seward Green bandana and a resource card so that they can show they care to anyone who is struggling. Sometimes, all it takes is a smile and a short conversation to create a connection, and the connection turns into a life-changing moment. 

Partnerships with Southwest Guidance Center, the Liberal Area Rape Crisis / Domestive Violence Service, Liberal Area Coalition for Families, and the KU COPE program are providing the expertise we need to tackle this issue with confidence. These groups are already providing medical, mental health, and other assistance to community members, and SCCC is proud to stand with them in their efforts. 

We can’t end the conversation without mentioning one exciting new development: the 988 suicide prevention line, which is available everywhere and makes it a little easier to reach out for help in a crisis. If you don’t feel qualified to intervene in a crisis, you can remember this number and help others be aware. This is the shortcut to the traditional 1-800-273-TALK (8255) line that still operates as well.

We often say “Go Green” and “Saints Strong” to express our pride in the Saints community. “Green for Good” goes one step further, and reminds us that every person matters in the long run, and makes our Saints family an enduring force for good. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, part-time regional parade participant and landscape detailer on campus. You can reach him at or by calling 620-417-1010.  


August 31, 2022

Small changes make big difference on campus

Looking at SCCC facilities with an eye for the future

When it comes to people, you often hear the phrase, “Grow or die.” That’s a pretty extreme way to promote a growth mindset and lifelong learning. It even sounds a little threatening. But it’s not wrong.

The equivalent for buildings might be “Improve or decay.” Between the natural elements of temperature, erosion, and weather, and the toll daily use can take on a doorway, for instance, it’s no surprise when things start to look a little shabby or creak when opened. Apply that process to the multiple structures that make up Seward County Community College, and you can see we have our work cut out for us.

The idea of improvement is front and center on campus these days. Like much of the world the campus stood still during the pandemic. Walking toward the Hobble Building or across the parking lot, it can feel a little bit like returning after a long absence.

From my point of view, there is the added angle of switching careers and then landing back where I belong. When you come back to a familiar place, sometimes you notice things that you had gotten used to — faded paint or a broken fence post. Most of us have experienced that when revisiting a childhood home or school. Things look smaller, and they are usually not improved by time — unless they are still in use and being cared for with intention.

That’s a big part of what is driving changes on the Seward County Community College campus, where we are in full-on, catch-up mode.

It’s amazing what a difference small changes can make. For example, the north- and south-facing doors on the newer wing of the Hobble Academic Building were recently painted with a fresh coat of Seward green. The vibrant color pops out against the bricks, and you can’t help but feel a little burst of Saints spirit when you enter the building.

Indoors, we are in the process of replacing worn carpet and flooring across campus. Some of this updates faded or worn-out materials. At the top of the list is the SCCC Library, which is slated for fresh paint and new carpet. The process has already begun with improvements to a large supply closet that is being converted to the SaintsUP food and essentials pantry for students.

Another high-traffic, high-demand area is the second-floor conference rooms in the student union. It’s not just our students who use this space, but the wider community as well. Civic groups routinely hold meetings in our “SW” and “SU” building and take advantage of the catering services provided by Great Western Dining.

On the one hand, our thrifty Midwestern ways can stop us from making improvements that might seem superficial. But it’s important to look at those environments with the question in mind, “Does this represent who we are?” — both as a college and a community. I will just put it out there, the wallpaper in the conference rooms has served its useful life with honor, but it is no longer who we are, and it’s going to be replaced.

A first wave of new signage has been installed on our campus with more to follow, the parking lot is being repainted, and roofs are being fixed. Clean-up days will continue. As I joked to one of our new employees, Athletic Coordinator of Operations & Eligibility Preston Caldwell, “Welcome to higher ed! Sometimes pulling weeds is what we do!” Give him credit, he pitched in with a smile.

My mom used to say that you can’t eat an elephant overnight and this how I currently see our campus. It is going to take several years to catch up on these projects and more, but as long as we are making continuous improvements, we are far from the danger zone of decay.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is leader of the weed-pulling, trash-collecting volunteer squad on campus. When he’s not coordinating clean-up, he serves as the 13th president of Seward County Community College. 


August 24, 2022

SCCC, the definition of what college is supposed to be

When I first came to western Kansas as a teacher at Colby Community College I was surprised as the environment did not feel like a “community college” in the way that I was used to. I’m not sure where I got the idea that community college was somehow less than four-year college. Maybe it was the old label “junior college” that was stuck in my mind.

Like a lot of people, I probably picked up stereotypes about the community college experience — images that had to do with not being smart enough or wealthy enough or ambitious enough to go far away from a hometown, and instead “settling” for something easier.

By now, I know how wrong I was. My experiences at Colby quickly removed those misconceptions. Like peer community colleges across Kansas, and Seward County Community College, the atmosphere there had nothing “junior” about it.

The classes were tough and engaging. I know, because I taught some of them, and I had to step up to the examples set by my fellow instructors. This is the mode of operations at Seward, especially this year, when we have two executive team members, Vice President of Academic Affairs Luke Dowell and me, teaching in the classroom, along with the occasional dean or division director. It gives us all appreciation for our full-time faculty, who handle a much larger course load than a single class.

I also discovered the intense loyalty and buy-in that community college student athletic programs generate. In many public appearances and faculty and staff meetings, I’ve told the story of how, no matter how happy I was during my 13 years at Colby, I always felt a little envious of the Saints’ community support.

When I arrived in Liberal, I found out for myself what it means to “bleed green.” I am still amazed at how much enthusiasm and hands-on help the people in our community provide. I see families welcome student-athletes to their homes, going out of their way to provide hot meals and a sense of family. At Saints athletics home games, our fans are the best in our conference, bar none. We see retirees, third-generation families, even babies wearing Saints gear. It’s incredible, and encouraging, and a constant source of pride for us all.

If it was possible to send a message to the younger Brad Bennett, I would reassure him that there’s nothing second rate about the community colleges of Kansas. And there’s a lot to learn from the students who are here. They are smart. They are hungry for knowledge and opportunity. Most of our Saints are by no means wealthy, and that’s part of what motivates them to learn time management skills and soldier on when the semester becomes a struggle. How else will they put in the hours at their full-time jobs, their full class schedule, and their family obligations? They already know how to work, and they are determined to do right by their parents and siblings, spouses and chilren. They are so aware of those who have sacrificed so much to get them to this point and they plan to make them proud. The last time I checked, that is the definition of ambition.

All those feelings and the lessons that created them are alive and strong as we enter the second week of school. I walk across campus and see everything that makes a college experience real and life-changing. Athletics are kicking off. Student events are happening all over campus. The dorms are loud with laughter.

Community colleges in Kansas provide such a wonderful opportunity for our students and community. Here at Seward, students become a highly valued part of an all-encompassing campus that provides them with one-on-one educational resources to work-ready technical programs to transfer degrees. It’s the best of both worlds, based on the personal connections that make rural America the classic source of character development, work ethic, and civic engagement.

At the same time it’s the local equivalent of a small university or liberal arts college. Students can explore a wide variety of subjects, interests, extracurricular projects and clubs. We care about excellence; after all, quality is one of our core values. But we’re not interested in elitism or competition that crushes beginners and weeds out people who haven’t yet had an opportunity to develop their ability to speak in public, or sing in a choir, or create art, or shine on the quiz bowl team.

There’s room for everyone; in fact, there’s a sense that we need everyone to make it all work smoothly.

That’s what community is all about. It’s what makes a college of excellence, regardless of the size or location.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. He recently attended the council of presidents for Kansas community college and he won’t hesitate to tell his peers that he has the best job of them all. Just the facts. You can reach him at 


August 17, 2022

Despite time, teaching basics stay the same

Intro to Business brings president back to classroom

On Monday I left the SCCC President’s office and stepped back into the classroom for the first time since 2015. Seven years is a long time to stay away from something you genuinely enjoy. When Deedee Flax, chair of the ag, business, and personal services division told me that we needed an instructor for the “Introduction to Business” class, I saw an opportunity to return. I said “yes” in my head before she even finished asking whether I’d be interested.

Intro to Business is a class I taught for years. Stepping in for the fall semester would help the college, our instructors, and — most important — give me a direct connection to the students we serve. 

Sunday night I found myself checking the time on and off throughout the night even though I have never needed an alarm clock — I am up early every morning. I was filled with excitement, and honestly, I also felt a little nervous. Did I remember how to teach? How much had students changed in the past seven years? Would I find a way to connect with them? 

Just think of everything that happened since 2015. Back then, being a vegan was a strange choice nobody really understood. Streaming music and video was still a fairly new concept. Disney Plus didn’t even exist. Remote work and online school were also in their earliest stages. Nobody talked about a “gig” economy unless they worked in the performing arts. Tesla introduced its first electric car, and on a much smaller scale, people were excited to explore the hoverboard. 

The students in my Intro to Business class would have been starting high school in 2017. Black Panther and Avengers: Infinity Wars were the biggest box-office hits their sophomore year, and by 2020, A$AP Rocky and Rihanna were a couple. I had to Google these facts because I was still a fairly new parent during this time period. I was not watching YouTube videos. 

But some things don’t really change. Teaching is all about relationships and sharing what you know. A few hours later, as my classroom began to fill before 8 a.m. on Monday morning it all started coming back to me. 

I have three rules in my class: separate yourself from your cell phone; show up; and be ready to have fun and be creative. These rules actually work well in nearly any work or social situation, though I have to admit separating from the cell phone is a challenge. 

While teaching a class does add extra work to my daily duties as president and I find myself prepping late at night after the girls go to bed, I’m still feeling the excitement that comes with a new year and a classroom full of new students. What an honor! 

Like all the instructors at Seward, I hope to have a small impact on my students. I want to share some of the knowledge and experiences I have collected, and encourage them to forge their own path. This is true on the industrial tech side of campus, where instructors share stories of work in the oil field, the auto shop, and on the farm, offering real-life perspective. It’s also true in Allied Health, Agriculture, Cosmetology, Business — what we refer to as CTE or Career Technical Education tracks of study. 

When it comes to the gen-ed classes, or what I often think of as the “liberal arts” component of SCCC, students encounter the usual, sometimes scary subjects like English composition, college algebra, chemistry, public speaking, U.S. government. The difference here is that we meet our students at their point of need, intervene skillfully, and provide a whole menu of options to help them learn in the way that works for them. And, if they have a passion for a specialty, there’s freedom for them to explore with enthusiastic support. 

One of the most frequent comments we hear from graduates of SCCC is that it’s the personal touch that makes us stand out. It’s not just the small class sizes, it’s also the caring instructors and the campus-wide commitment to student success. It’s easy to talk about this quality of Saints culture, but getting in the classroom provides a direct line to how and why our reputation rests on this unique value. 

The added benefit for me is that teaching creates a portal for me to see the life of SCCC through the eyes of students. Surveys and focus groups are valuable tools for gathering data about the student experience. Cross-campus communication is something we are always working to improve. But there’s nothing like getting to know our students and hearing them express what works, what doesn’t, and how it all connects to their hopes and dreams. 

All in all, it feels great to be back in school once again. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Most days, “Prof Brad” can be found in the President’s Office in Hobble Academic Building at Seward County Community College — except for 8 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, when he is teaching. Go Saints!


August 10, 2022 : Saints Voices

Finding the right spot to grow is just the beginning

“You’re doing great! I’m so proud of you,” I said. “It’s a new leaf!”

I meant it — literally. I was just outside my office at Seward County Community College, and I was talking to a plant. 

The plant, a trendy favorite of hipsters, had lived in the spare room of my house for nearly two years. A pandemic purchase, it flourished in the carefully filtered light of the west-facing windows. And it grew. It outgrew its first pot, and then it outgrew its second, and pretty soon I couldn’t find a proper place to keep my monstera deliciosa, also known as the “Swiss cheese plant.” 

Weirdly, the dilemma reminded me of my family a decade earlier, when teenagers filled our home. They too had grown to unexpected glory. They took up a whole lot more room than I expected. And it was clear they had outgrown their childhood bedrooms and interests. What was the best next step?

It seems a little nuts to apply those parental feelings to a plant, but hey — empty nesting is real. Just ask any of the parents who will show up on campus over the next week. They come to help their sons and daughters move into the dorms, meet instructors and coaches, and make sure there’s plenty of snack food and personal supplies stocked up for late-night study sessions or small emergencies. 

But they are also here to get a sense of their own new reality. The everyday rituals, laughter, and shared meals they’ve come to associate with a sense of family is all about to change, maybe forever. It’s a scary parenting moment, and it helps to get a bit of reassurance that things will all work out. Our student services folks at SCCC will have their hands full as they guide students — and their parents — through the process of settling in and letting go. 

Back at my adults-only house, early summer had arrived and I was looking forward to visits from grandchildren and my soon-to-be grad student. Monstera was taking up a lot of space. Maybe it would enjoy being outdoors. Plenty of sun, plenty of fresh air, plant friends to keep it company? I took a deep breath (Monstera was heavy), picked up the pot, and baby-stepped out the back door. 

Three days later, I could see I’d made a big mistake. Rather than the mild temperatures I expected, the heat had come on strong and my poor teenage plant had gotten a serious sunburn. I moved it to a shadier spot, soaked it down, and said soothing words. I’ve read the science: it’s true that plants like to be talked to with kindness. 

To say the young adults we welcome to the Saints family every year are no different sounds a little sappy, but the science back that up, too. We know that despite their efforts at sophistication, their tendency to flirt with dubious habits, and their large size, our students are still developing. Their brains are not finished — again, literally. 

The formation of the brain and its neural pathways wraps up around age 25. So, while our newest Saints are not children, they are also not adults. They are learning how to succeed in an entirely new set of circumstances.

That’s not easy for anybody, not even a plant. After the backyard fiasco, I had decided the next best step for my household arrangement was to send Monstera to college. The seating area outside my office had east-facing windows and filtered natural light, so Monstera would be shielded from punishingly hot rays. I purchased potting soil, a larger container, and enlisted my husband’s help for transportation. 

It was a rough transition. Monstera did not die, but it did not readily embrace its new home in higher education. I soon realized I had to check on it daily, rather than the casual Saturday sessions I’d worked into my routine at home. Watering it took more effort. Because of the faucet set-up, one good soak required several trips. The air at work was drier, too, so I brought a spray bottle from home to provide a daily misting. 

All that goes to explain my excitement about the green shoots that emerged last week. It had taken a couple months, renewed attention, and an outpouring of verbal reassurance and affection that might have seemed excessive to any coworkers who overheard me. I didn’t care. The narrow spikes poking through the soil were just a beginning, it’s true, but they meant we were going to be all right. I can’t wait to see how Monstera looks by the end of the year. 

The same is true for our students. I don’t intend to mist any of them with a spray bottle, but my coworkers and I will be smiling like mad, offering chocolate, directions around the building, and a kind word whenever we can. It’s how we all grow. 

EDITOR’S NOTE — Rachel Coleman is executive director of marketing and PR at SCCC, mother of six grown children, three grandchildren, and caregiver to five indoor plants and an uncountable quantity of books. Have a story idea related to the college? You can reach her at or 620-417-1125. 


August 3, 2022 : Saints Voices

Welcome to SCCC, where education is personal and we will feed you pancakes

Executive Team Moonlight Files

With the start of the new school year, we are welcoming many new employees to the Saints family and the community of Liberal. It’s an exciting time of year. Newcomers usually show up filled with optimism, a sense of purpose, and high energy. Old-timers welcome that fresh infusion of ideas and human capital, especially after the last few years we have all experienced.

Reflecting back on when I first came to Western Kansas to teach at a community college, I remember a sense of discovery. I had a perceived notion that a community college in rural Kansas would resemble a community college in a large city. I was definitely in for a surprise. Northwest Kansas is not at all like the Tulsa area, or Denver metro. The community culture is different, the students have life experiences that are centered on the area’s industry and economy, and commuters measure the trip to campus in mileposts, not minutes spent in traffic.

Many of our new employees are coming to us from out of state and while we try to portray the wonderful qualities of Southwestern Kansas it is difficult to paint a comprehensive picture. On the one hand, the enormous horizon, open landscape and extreme temperatures can be unsettling for someone who is used to trees and hills and water. On the other hand, our regional terrain is representative of what a person can do in this part of the world — the possibilities are vast, and opportunities are everywhere.

From the close-up perspective, I’m excited for each one of them to arrive on campus where they will find a wonderful group of people who are focused on two things. These are a caring culture and focus on student success. Outside the world of education, many people might assume that all schools, colleges, and universities are concerned about student success.

On paper, sure — but at Seward, students will find a unique place that puts action to those words. When we follow up with alumni, transfer students, and former Saints, we hear that they valued their time at SCCC because of the warm, welcoming atmosphere. “It’s the people who make it so great,” they say. They felt accepted and valued, and knew their instructors and staff truly cared about them.

That sense of belonging is not limited to campus, as our new employees will soon learn. They may very well be surprised at the high level of community support and the athletic backing of Saints Nation. SCCC is renowned for pulling record numbers of local fans to athletic competitions. We have a robust booster club that keeps growing. And on campus, we celebrate the wins, whether that is a Spanish-speaking student who aced the CLEP test and gained 10 credit hours on their transcript, to a student-athlete signing to play at the next level.

As we begin to incorporate our new employees into the college culture we will be introducing them to the community as well. Seward is proud to support the New Educators Breakfast, which is organized each year by the Liberal Area Chamber of Commerce for new teachers and instructors at USD 480 and SCCC. This event also gets our new educators in touch with each other, and gets those networking connections started.

At SCCC, we’ll be welcoming two new instructors to the agriculture program, as well as several English instructors, new coaches and staff in the athletic department, and support professionals across campus. Keep an eye on local media for interviews, guest appearances, and even an occasional speaking engagement at civic groups like the Rotary Club, Lions, and Kiwanis.

Of course, it is always a lot of fun to introduce our new employees to Pancake Day. How many colleges do you know who close campus and encourage employees to eat and flip pancakes, cheer on racers wearing aprons and headscarfs, and keep score in a contest that dates back more than 500 years? Last year, we sent a team of five men to compete in the “pacer race” before the big, official international competition. We also entered our Saints mascot, Louie, in the mascot race. Lady Saints volleyball players helped serve at the morning pancake breakfast.

In fact, at the end of each semester, our executive team takes a turn at the griddle to serve up pancakes, biscuits and gravy, omelettes and more at the free-to-students Moonlight Finals breakfast. One way or another, being at SCCC means a hot breakfast.

But that is months away. In the coming weeks, the newest members of the Saints family will be busy moving into offices, finding their way across campus, and getting a feel for Southwest Kansas. If you meet up with any of them, be sure to offer the legendary hospitality that gave Liberal its name. As a person who’s moved here twice in the past two years, I can say with confidence that there’s really no place like Liberal to call your home.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is happy to call Liberal home, though he is not planning to put on an apron and headscarf anytime soon. You can get to know him by stopping at the President’s office on campus, 1801 N. Kansas, emailing, or calling 620-417-1010. 


July 27, 2022 : Saints Voices

Summer memories set foundation for  future

Whether it’s ice cream or a fishing trip, those moments endure

For many of us, summers are so different than the rest of the year. Something about the change in weather and the change in schedule makes everything seem special.

Oftentimes traditions and food are nostalgic. It is not really about what we are eating, yet the taste and smell serve as a kind of memory holder in time. We have a rule in the Bennett Family that every fishing trip ends with ice cream. MaryBelle and Madeline sometimes eat all their ice cream, and sometimes they have only a few bites. It is the moments together reflecting on the time we spent that are important.

We all have different childhood memories that serve as placeholders. My dad lives in Northeast Oklahoma and our family has been traveling to Grand Lake Oklahoma since it was built. Earlier this summer, our family visited again, and I showed my girls the cabin my grandparents would take me to. Not much on the outside, it was basically a trailer with a small room and deck that my very skilled grandfather added over the years. But let me tell you — this place was awesome.

I can remember it like yesterday, and I found myself telling my daughters details about our trips there that I thought that I had forgotten. My grandfather — PaPa — was a tremendous welder and built a railing around the deck with welded fish cutouts every few feet. He had a small ski boat that we would always fish out of as well. We went early every morning we were there. Often it was him and my dad and me. I can recall the smell of the exhaust of that old outboard as we idled out for the morning with the sun not quite up. We would fish and laugh as my grandfather, like me, was always telling a story or playing a practical joke.

The deck had an outside charcoal griddle built by my grandfather, and I can recall smelling my grandmother (Nana) cooking biscuits and gravy on the deck. The delicious smell would go for miles, and that’s how we knew to come in when breakfast was ready.

No time, no cell phones, no text messages, just a very simple period in my life. While we know life is not simple and is constantly changing I have tried to replicate some of those memories for my kids.

I hope celebrating National Ice Cream month, which SCCC is doing for the second year now, will provide a positive memory holder for the children in Liberal. Maybe they picked up an ice cream sandwich during a trip to Memorial Library, or enjoyed the sweet treat after meeting our mascot Louie the Saint for the first time. If they rode their bicycles to the Liberal Recreation Center and arrived tired and sweaty during the hottest summer yet, SCCC offered a welcome bit of refreshment.

More than 70 children attended Kids College on campus this week, and they will be celebrating their accomplishments with a pool and pizza party with — you guessed it — ice cream. We hope to see them, and the others who have helped us celebrate National Ice Cream month, enrolled as Saints someday.

Looking back to my own memories, I can see that my grandparents gave me more than happy summer experiences. They were demonstrating the values they lived by. Hard work. Care for others. Using what you have to create goodness and joy. Patience, for sure, as anyone who goes fishing has experienced! In the same way, our team at SCCC constantly works to provide positive and life-changing experiences for our students.

Everyone on campus is already gearing up to welcome our 2022-23 students in less than a month. It’s hard to believe that summer is coming to a close. Professional development days are scheduled for the first week of August, and classes begin on Aug. 15.

There is still plenty of time to enroll in classes, and we are ready to make it happen. Whether you are a recent graduate of high school, a returning student, or someone looking for a career change or a fresh start, we are here for you. Seward offers more than 40 programs of study, from agriculture to vocal music. The possibilities are endless, but we know they lead to success: our Saints can expect to earn $10,000 more per year, compared to those with a high school diploma, after they graduate with a certificate or associate degree.

Summer hours continue for the rest of July, which means we are open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Starting in July, campus will go back to regular hours, which are 7:45 a.m. to 4:45 p.m.

So, make a little time to stop by Seward and enroll. You never know, we might even be handing out ice cream.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of SCCC, and the occasional host of a backyard fishing class — just ask Kids College students. You can email him at 


July 20, 2022

Give yourself credit when you support SCCC

We’re talking about tax credits; get ’em while they last

While I am writing this column, it is Wednesday, but it feels like we have already experienced a full week of work, meetings and all the tasks that are part of higher education. The calendar year can feel that way, too, but fortunately we are at the opening point of a new fiscal year. Who doesn’t like a fresh start and new opportunities?

At the state level, the legislature has offered exactly that. 

This year our legislatures allowed community and technical colleges the ability to sell capital improvement tax credits.The state allocated $5 million dollars total to the 26 two-year colleges in our state. The tax credits are first-come first-serve and any institution can sell up to $500,000. 

This is an amazing opportunity for our institution to raise funds for capital projects while offering an added benefit to our donors. I’m so proud of this campus, which is so beautiful and constantly surprises visitors. They don’t expect to see a place like this in such a remote rural community.

But it’s not possible to keep a campus up to date and attractive and functional without having a long-range plan for maintenance and upkeep. Our grounds and building crews do a fantastic job. Our board and executive team work hard to practice good stewardship of taxpayer funds. 

All those factors mean that an opportunity to claim funding that will help us finish ongoing projects — like the Sharp Family Champions Center — and tackle some of the improvements and upgrades that we have put on the back burner for longer than we would like.

So, how does it work? If you are like a lot of us, the idea of a tax credit might be new and raise some questions. Let’s break it down:

What is it called? Community College Capital Improvement Tax Credit.

Who is it for? Kansas Income taxpayers, Kansas Premium taxpayers, a

nd Kansas privilege taxpayers. That means pretty much everyone, from individuals to large companies. 

When does it begin? Effective on and after July 1, 2022 and prior to December 31, 2025.

How does it help SCCC?  When you, the taxpayer, make a contribution through this program, the college can use the money for capital improvements, deferred maintenance, or the purchase of technology and equipment.

How does it help you? The credit is 60 percent of the total amount contributed during the taxable year by the taxpayer to a community college located in Kansas. So, if you contribute $1,000, you can subtract $600 from any taxes you owe to the state of Kansas. It’s a great way to reduce tax debt and do good at the same time. 

How much can I give? The starting amount is $1,000, and you or your business can give up to a quarter million dollars, but (here we quote directly from the state), “In no event shall the total amount of credits allowed for taxpayers who contribute to any one such community college exceed $250,000 in any one tax year.  Community Colleges are also capped at awarding a maximum of $500,000 in total from their college.  A statewide cap on the amount of credits that are available to be awarded is $5,000,000.

That sounds competitive. Is it a race? In way, yes. The state has set a limit of $5 million in credits to be awarded, and once that figure is reached, the program stops accepting donations. So, whichever college’s supporters have seized the opportunity first will be the winners. 

If I make a large donation through this program, will I get a tax refund? No.  If the amount of credit exceeds the taxpayer’s tax liability, the remaining credit is not allowed to carryover or to be refunded.  

How can I get started? Qualified taxpayers who have made a contribution to a community college on or after July 1, 2022 will be required to file the appropriate tax return electronically and follow the proper steps in preparation of their tax return to claim the credit as directed to on the Kansas Department of Revenue website.

Where can I learn more?

I know it’s not possible to answer every question in one newspaper column. If you want to learn more, or have issues to discuss, please reach out to talk with me. I am glad to unpack the details, respond to questions, and walk you through the details. Stop by my office in the Hobble Academic Building here on campus, give me a call at 620-417-1010, or email me at 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College but in a former life he taught accounting and business classes to high school and college students. His two young daughters are currently assisting him in earning the title of “The Man Who Can Answer Your Questions.”  


June 29, 2022

1,000 T-shirts, a custom motorcycle, and a community worth celebrating

It’s hard to believe we have already hit the midpoint of summer, but here we are in July. That means Seward County Community College is preparing to welcome the entire community to our campus as part of the second-biggest celebration of the year in Liberal — July 4.

In any other town, we would probably list Independence Day as the primary holiday that brings people together, but other towns don’t have Pancake Day. That said, July 4 promises to be even bigger and better this year, with a parade and park extravaganza planned before the traditional festivities held on the SCCC campus. You will be sure to see Saints at all of the fun. The parade begins at 10 a.m. on Kansas Ave., moving north to end at Light Park. 

This year, Seward has made a deliberate effort to show up at area parades large and small. The project began at the suggestion of our Outreach Director Mike Bailey, whose daily work includes many highway miles traveling to the smaller towns we serve. He pointed out that after the pandemic and long months apart from one another, we are eager to reconnect with our far-flung Saints family. We want to show up and let them know we care. 

Thanks to his dedication and willingness to handle hundreds of pounds of candy and swag, Mike has earned the title of “Director of Parades.” In all seriousness, we are thankful for his willingness to spearhead the parades, throw candy, and even dodge a cow chip or two as he traveled from town to town. In many of these adventures, Dean of Enrollment and Student Success Annette Hackbarth-Onson has been his loyal co-conspirator. 

Here in Liberal, LHS Homecoming and Pancake Day provided us with so many good memories and moments of connection, with our cosmetology students and student athletes representing campus with pride. For July 4, we’re planning to bring the amazing custom-built motorcycle created by the Vo-Tech long before the merger. It’s still a point of pride on the Industrial Tech campus and Dr. Amber Jones, head of that division, is eager to show it to a new generation of future Saints. Look for her behind the wheel of the SCCC pickup truck, and try to catch a roll of Smarties as she steers the motorcycle trailer. 

Once the parade wraps up, Light Park will be the site for an afternoon of fun. Presentations begin at 11 a.m., including historic speeches, singing, dancing and other entertainment. Booths and informational tables will also be set up, and you can find a Saints table in the mix, with T-shirts, lanyards and other giveaway items. And, if you’re planning to head back to college in August, you can talk to SCCC representatives about the next step. 

Until 3 p.m. the park will host food trucks, shaved ice, vendors, bouncy houses, electric bull rides and the Oz train. 

Throughout these events, I hope to see folks wearing our newest SCCC T-shirts. We plan to give out 1,000 of these free shirts. If you don’t score one during the parade, be sure to pick yours up at the Saints table! 

At 2:30 p.m., it will be time to head to Saints Nation, also known as the SCCC Campus and Brent Gould Field. We’re very proud that the college is also the home field for the Liberal Bee Jays and the City of Liberal’s annual fireworks display every July 4. Fellowship Baptist Church will join the community on campus, holding a picnic with a hot dog feed, bouncy houses, and plenty of games for the entire family starting at 2:30 p.m. in the area immediately adjacent to the field on the SCCC main campus. After the picnic, the Bee Jays will take on the Dodge City A’s at 7 p.m. Fireworks follow after the game and after dark.

This celebration reflects the very best of rural America, and our national values. I love seeing the many different entities come together to provide fun, food, and positive memories for children and young people. There’s so much power in that sense of community and belonging. It’s something we all cherish, and I’m proud that SCCC can play a part in making it happen. 

No matter what you plan for Independence Day, I hope you will make SCCC a part of your holiday. The promise of liberty and justice for all is an enduring standard, and one that we should all continue to pursue and practice in our own lives. So soak up the sunshine, share a smile, and take in the sparkle of fireworks above this community. It is something worth celebrating. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where higher education runs the gamut from pulling weeds on campus to receiving community feedback for the next strategic plan. You can contact him at 


June 22, 2022 : Saints Voices

Town halls must go on and we need you there

And other Dad-style reminders just in time for Father’s Day

I know that I sound like a broken record as I always say that community is the middle of our name. Since Father’s Day is coming up, it’s OK if you chalk this up to the way we tend to tune out reminders — just ask your own dad how many times he reminded you to check the tire pressure or take out the trash!

Just like families who look out for each other, our goal at SCCC is to create a strategic plan that connects directly to what our community needs. Currently, our strategic plan is in a 100% planning mode as different focus groups meet across our community. Our goal is to lay out a unique plan which is truly developed by the community we serve. 

This is why we must continue with the Town Halls. There are so many more conversations we must have. To continue the comparison, think back to family dinners around the table or the kitchen counter. Some of those memories are positive — like taco night or your mom’s delicious lasagna — while others probably bring up moments that may be funny now but felt awfully tense at the time. 

Town Hall meetings are like that. Some are positive. Some highlight what we must do better. My mother, who was a lifelong educator, used to tell me a person who doesn’t want to get better doesn’t ask tough questions. How true is this statement?! I took that lesson to heart, and chose a philosophy of pursuing excellence, even when it means being open to tough questions that might sting when they are answered. 

That’s what I want for SCCC. We must constantly question everything we do as educators and as community members. Our stakeholders continue to change daily, because that is how real life works. Accordingly, we rely heavily on our community members to tell us what they need and what we can do better to support them. 

So, here comes the reminder you can probably recite from memory: Our next Town Hall is scheduled soon, and we hope to see you there. It will be at 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 28 at Louie’s Café on our tech campus. From the beginning of this process, we planned to meet in a different location each time and what we have learned is that we receive different people at each one. How great is that? I think it’s exciting, and shows how diverse our community is in so many ways.

Switching gears, I am also excited to celebrate Father’s Day this weekend. Having lost my mother a little over a year ago, Father’s Day now carries a little more impact on me. I am hopeful to have my dad Jerry, and my daughters MaryBelle and Madeline all on the boat together enjoying conversation, celebrating three generations, taking a few minutes to catch up, and capturing moments we know won’t always be there. I feel so lucky to pass along my love of the outdoors to my daughters and feel fortunate to be able to share these moments with my dad. If we catch a fish in the process, what a bonus!  

These moments are so important, and SCCC strives to create a work culture that encourages our team members to take care of themselves and their families. As the insurance and fiscal years wind down and we turn a fresh page, I’m especially happy that the college was able to negotiate a fourth tier on our health insurance for employees. It’s so important to provide options that work, at the best price everyone can afford. 

This is just one part of the way Seward aims to create a family-friendly environment, and a family feeling at work. We’re also rolling out options to encourage overall health and wellness, from a step challenge that employees recently completed, to healthier snack options. This is not easy for anyone; I recently brought a couple boxes of protein bars to share at work but everyone went for the lemon cake with frosting that one of our directors dropped off in the break room. That’s the thing about families — we weather tough times together, and when it’s time to celebrate, we do that too. 

This week, I hope you have time to enjoy your own loved ones, get away from the heat, and reflect on what a good life and a flourishing community mean to you. Happy Father’s Day!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is an avid fisherman and a proud father of girls, who provide him with daily style advice, glittery coffee mugs, and life-restoring hugs after a day at the office. 


June 15, 2022 : Saints Voices

An inside look at the cycle of higher education

So much of what we see is the result of long processes and planning

Education — like many other industries — is a constant cycle.  

Don’t worry, I am not suggesting our students are like widgets or that campus is a factory. At the end of the day, education is a human endeavor. The Seward County Community College mission statement leaves no doubts: We exist to improve the lives of every person who enrolls in any one of our many programs. Our big goal is to make things better, from the individual life to the family, to the community and eventually the world.

Achieving that goal requires all kinds of everyday, ordinary resources. Food. Shelter. A parking lot that won’t contribute to wrecks and flat tires. Library and bookstore resources that meet the needs of the classes our students take. That’s just the beginning of the complex systems that make SCCC the amazing place it is.

In May, as soon as our residence life students move out, we begin preparing for the next school year. That means deep cleaning rooms, removing mattresses and other items that have reached the end of their useful lives, and scheduling repairs. This summer, the laundry facilities will get extra attention in response to student feedback. 

We are also cleaning up the less tangible aspect of dorm life by reviewing and updating our dorm policies. The Student Living Center does not exist on autopilot; it is important to evaluate operations each year based on student and employee experiences and be willing to adjust. Once that process is complete, student housing handbooks are prepared and printed for distribution to all residents before move-in day in August. 

Similar processes are underway all across campus. Classrooms contain more than the furniture and carpet. There are also electronic and multimedia elements to be tested and maintained. For example, our intercom system recently received a refresh and upgrade. The IT staff will soon be testing, removing, and replacing hundreds of computers. The total number of units on campus is not 1,000, but it creeps closer every year; the last count was upwards of 800. 

More than anything, however, classrooms require instructors. We’ve been recruiting for several key teaching positions, as well as adjunct instructors at our various outreach high schools. It’s always exciting to see the applications come in, and to meet potential members of the Saints family. If you are interested in being part of SCCC, or if you know someone who is in the market for a great job with an amazing team of people, check out the job listings at 

This summer, we are already looking ahead to the fall, and that’s where professional development sessions that kick off every semester come in. What do you need to know to teach a community college class? At SCCC, you need to know how to use our learning management system (called Canvas), and you need all kinds of practical support. Where to make photocopies. How to schedule events outside the classroom. The steps for reserving a vehicle or requesting funds for special projects. 

On the mental and emotional levels, our professional development sessions are also a source of encouragement and motivation. Led by our Human Resources Director Charlotte Peterson, we are planning a great kick-off to the year, plus ongoing programs to equip faculty and staff to do their best. 

In our survey of the educational cycle, we never forget the students, the reason we are all here. They need more than a place to sleep and food to eat and desks to sit in. They also require a wide variety of support, from advising and tutoring to social events, club activities, and often times, assistance in the necessary but challenging task of filling out paperwork. Our admissions department and Registrar’s offices recruit and assist our future Saints in crossing all the Ts and dotting the “I”s as they approach college. 

Once the students arrive, we take our duty of care seriously. While the students might be “adults” in terms of their age of 18 and up, they are still the sons and daughters of parents and family members who trust us to look out for them. That’s why we are reactivating our campus security and safety committee as well as the wellness committee. These groups of SCCC employees take a close look at policy, the structure of how various departments work, and will help us ensure we stay up to date on safety drills, best practices, and preventive measures that help everyone stay healthy, strong, and confident while on campus.

To continue the comparison to industry, education has its own version of the supply chain and the many critical factors that determine business success. We constantly evaluate ourselves, from budgeting to customer service to what’s on the menu in terms of classes. 

While all of this takes time and we do not see changes occurring overnight, we want our community to know that we are committed to a culture of constant improvement. If we do our jobs a little bit better each day 12 months a year, we will continue to achieve our goals.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett is president of Seward County Community College, where his goal is to be a little bit better at his job every single day. 


June 8, 2022 : Saints Voices

Summertime, and the work list is growing

Did someone mention something about vacations? Not here!

Someone asked me recently if we have much going on at Seward County Community College during the summer, and it took me a moment to answer. Not because there was nothing to say, but because we have so much going on during the summer months, it can be hard to keep track of all the projects, meetings, improvements, and opportunities SCCC offers the community.

We have the Bee Jays. We have Kids College. We have three sessions of summer classes. And we even have Young Frankenstein roaming the halls, thanks to the Rainbow Players community theater group. We invite the community to come on out and take advantage of the many opportunities on campus this summer, whether that means a continuing education class at B&I, a dip in the pool, join our wellness center, or a quick and easy lunch in the cafeteria.

In June, we will host the corrosion industry trade group formerly known as NACE, with industry professionals from around the nation attending certification classes and exams. While gas prices go up and world events cause concern, SCCC continues to equip energy trade workers to provide safe and effective access to natural resources. The Business & Industry department has also lined up continuing education courses in certified nurse and medication aide, defensive driving, forklift safety, landlord-tenant law, and recruiting practices for business owners. There’s also the fun stuff, from cake decorating to arts and crafts.

And if you can’t make it to campus, we will come to you. In July, we will celebrate National Ice Cream Month at locations around Liberal, with information about new programs, community resources, and, of course, ice cream. On Independence Day, look for us in the parade. And everywhere you go, you are sure to see Saints spirit as we continue to distribute T-shirts in our quest to have every person in Seward County wearing Saints swag in their everyday lives.

But along with all the outward-focused activity, we are doing plenty to improve our campus and our daily practices.

  • I’ve mentioned my paint project before, and it’s still on the schedule: 500 gallons of paint in Seward County green, to be used sprucing up our campus before the start of the next school year. We will pick up our brushes on June 13th and continue until there’s nothing left to paint. 
  • We’re also preparing to give the SCCC Library a fresh look. Technology may change but a library is never obsolete. 
  • You may see SCCC cars around town as we fuel up or carry out college business, and we’re in the process of looking at the fleet in terms of safety and efficiency. In that process, we plan to wrap one of our older fleet cars for our trusty security team to use as they keep an eye on college facilities over the summer. 
  • Cleanup is a never-ending part of life, and we continue to remove old equipment, furniture, and items that have cluttered up storage areas. We’ll never be perfectly streamlined, but our goal is to make the best use of the building space we have rather than storing excess materials where we could be serving our Saints campus better. 

If you have a calendar ready, here are some important dates to remember:

  • Bee Jays home games at Brent Gould field on June 3, June 22-26, June 29, July 1-6, July 17-20, and July 24.
  • Kids College July 18-21. Three consecutive class sessions start at 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m., ending at 12:15 p.m. For information, visit or call 620-417-1170. 
  • Young Frankenstein, presented by Rainbow Players community theater group in the Showcase Theater on July 7-9. 
  • Summer class session 1 began Tuesday, May 31 and continues through June 30; Session 2 opens June 6 and continues through June 30; Session 3 runs from July 5-28. Check out a complete list of online and in-person courses at or via the Seward County Community College official Facebook page. 

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he encourages all employees to strive to make every day a little better than the day before. You can reach him at or by calling 620-417-1010. 


June 1, 2022 : Saints Voices

Our Saints shine on the court, make history

Men’s tennis has doubled our college total of national titles


When I first arrived back at Seward County Community College, I immediately began to plan for the future of our extraordinary institution. We are in the midst of making several changes and updates around campus with the goal of academic year 23-24 being “The Year of the Saints!”

Little did we know that we would receive a kick-off event delivered by our men’s tennis team. It’s been more than 20 years since Seward claimed a national title, but we’re back in the best ranks, thanks to the men’s tennis team. They say winning isn’t everything, but it sure feels good. And for those of us who love competition, this win is even sweeter.

The Year of the Saints is about making our entire campus better. Focusing every day on continuous improvement to grow enrollment, improve student success, win more games, and excel in every aspect of the Seward experience. We envision taking our already great culture and refining and elevating it until we are winning in every phase of our campus. To compare it to tennis, you might say that we will strengthen every part of our game.

Unfortunately, I could not be in Tyler last week (between moving Lindsay and the girls here and a family event),but I stayed in close contact with Athletic Director Dan Artamenko and sat on the edge of my seat watching every update on Twitter.

My wife and I had the chance shortly after we won to FaceTime with Coach Vechione and the team, and it was such a special moment. We are so proud of them for bringing home numerous program firsts, but as with all student-athletes, we are prouder of who they are as students and people in our community.

Some of the program firsts:

  • Most matches were won at a National Tournament with 27, and the most points were earned at the National Tournament with 45.
  • First time in program history to win a singles final, and we had two win their draws: Kyllian Savary won the number three singles championship, and Karlo Krolo won the number five singles championship.
  • First time in program history the Saints won the doubles draw championship. Luke Quaynor and Kyllian Savary won their number two doubles draw over TJC to win the championship.
  • Seward County had a record of four singles All-Americans. In addition, Kyllian Savary received 1st team All-American honors, Karlo Krolo received 1st team All-American honors, Luke Quaynor received 2nd team.

When our women’s tennis team returned home from their phenomenal end-of-season competition in Arizona, we celebrated with flowers for the players and a campus-wide ice cream social. Our student-athletes are more than sports competitors or Saints representatives, although those roles comprise part of their total identity. We know them as human beings full of potential and personality. Though we relate to them first and foremost as students to whom we owe a duty of care, we usually stay in touch with them after they leave our campus, and in many cases, these young people become our friends over time.

Most of the men’s tennis team took advantage of being in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and traveled back home from there, so an ice cream social is not possible. Plus, in light of the history-making national championship they achieved, we will be planning a National Championship Banquet for the fall. For now, though, the glow of victory is bright on campus despite the rainy weather this week. We’re shining with pride in our student-athletes, and the glimmer of more to come as we near the Year of the Saints. Now more than ever, it’s great to be part of the Saints family.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE — Brad Bennett has recently pursued his own athletic career in the rare sport of box packing, lifting, and unpacking as he and his family settle into their new home in Liberal. This summer, he will turn his attention to the cross-generational sports of feeding ducks with his daughters and fishing.


April 24, 2022 : Saints Voices

After two historic years, it’s time to celebrate 

Our Saints graduates have achieved something amazing

Two years ago, many of our students who will graduate from Seward County Community College this weekend were sent on spring break. They had no idea their academic year was effectively over: they never returned to the classroom that spring.  All events were canceled, and the world felt uncertain in every aspect. Their dreams of finishing their high school year in style — of prom, spring sports and all the rites of passage — were gone.

I recall the night that COVID-19 become something up-close and personal, and not just a story on the news. I was in Topeka for state meetings and the PTK luncheon to honor the All-Kansas Academic Team. In 2020, every second of the presidents’ meeting was marked by the sounds of cell phones going off. Employees, students, and parents who had heard about the growing pandemic wanted to know our next steps. Things were changing by the minute. By that afternoon we began the unthinkable outcome of shutting down our schools.

Riding back to my place of employment at the time — Colby Community College— with CCC President Carter, the question “What’s our first step?” loomed large. As two young administrators, we had never encountered such a massive challenge, but it was our responsibility to try and handle this mysterious and scary situation.

We began by ordering personal protective equipment; we got masks and hand sanitizer and cleaning supplies from vendors everywhere and anywhere. Purchasing these items was only one small part of our response, but it was a starting point that set us on the right path.

Throughout the following months, we stayed on a mostly-empty campus and spent a good part of our time gathering supplies to donate to area hospitals.

By the time I arrived at Seward County Community College in October, the Saints family had taken similar steps. Seward was stocked up with branded hand sanitizers, masks, upgraded air systems, and all kinds of different tools to help us through. At the outset of the 20-21 academic year, I remember setting our goal as staying open for in-person classes. Amazingly, SCCC did just that.

The students who lived through that strange and — as everyone kept saying — “unprecedented” time will graduate next weekend.

It’s an amazing accomplishment.

As seniors in the spring of 2020, they worked online to finish high school, then spent their first year in college in less-than-exciting circumstances. They were freshmen who could not gather for social events, had to continuously wear a mask, and were asked to socially distance. How easy would it have been for them to quit? Nope. Perseverance and hard work carried these students through. We owe them respect and admiration for staying the course.

In many ways, this cohort of Saints carried out a great tradition of rising to the occasion, whatever that may be. The college was established in 1967, a time of protests, riots, and social change. Citizens of Liberal, including Jo Ann Sharp, were concerned about what the “wild and crazy” younger generation might do faced with so few opportunities. They lobbied hard to claim the final location for a “junior college” in the state of Kansas. We are so grateful they succeeded.

The generations of SCCC graduates that followed — nearly 10,000 at the last count — adapted to classes held in multiple locations as the current campus was being constructed and expanded; some students met in a downtown storefront building. The old Epworth Hospital building was used as a college headquarters, then a dorm, then a site for Allied Health. In the early 2000s, the community wrestled with the question of what to do with the local vo-tech school, and despite worries and challenges, the college incorporated what is now our Industrial Tech campus into the Saints family.

It’s amazing to consider the history of SCCC and the recent challenges our Class of ’22 has met with so much determination and focus. Life has returned to a new version of normal, with the usual spring events on campus, from baseball and softball to All Saints Days for our incoming students and smiling faces no longer hidden by masks. As president of this amazing college, I am no longer chasing suppliers of hand sanitizer or worrying about how to find a compromise between mask-wearers and those who don’t believe they make a difference. The biggest concern on my radar this week was a few PG-13 jokes in our spring musical: as the father of two daughters, I have become a G-rated person. Seriously, though, our students put on a great show and it was fun to welcome audiences to campus as they performed on stage.

In less than 10 days, we will applaud another kind of student success, with four commencement ceremonies on campus. After two years no one ever anticipated, it’s time to celebrate. We hope you will show up to join us.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College and a reluctant fan of Disney Princess movies (rated G). He’s also your go-to person if you need to purchase cleaning supplies in bulk. You can reach him at 620-417-1010, or by email at


April 17, 2022: Saints Voices

Day and night, it takes a team to grow a college — and a community 

SCCC campus at night

Work-life balance is something that we all struggle to master. The past few years have made the process even more complicated, as the lines between home, office and working hours overlapped out of necessity. I could say that is the reason I sometimes email faculty and staff at strange times — 5 a.m., for instance, or mid afternoon on a holiday weekend — but the truth is that my personal work style has been that way for years. 

As a community college president, every day is a little different. My  schedule can change completely between the first cup of coffee and the Rotary Club meeting at noon or an afternoon conference call with the Kansas Board of Regents. I do everything possible to meet with students and SCCC team members when they have a question, request, or great idea; transparency and open access is important to me even when it is not convenient. 

Parents, teachers, and emergency workers are familiar with this dynamic. When your main job is to show care to a child, student, or patient, the schedule is less important than the person sitting in front of you. That “duty of care” philosophy is not my own personal preference. It is the way the SCCC campus has traditionally operated. Some people call it the “Seward County Way,” some refer to the idea of “we bleed green!” No matter how you describe the mentality, it boils down to the fact that we care about the work we do and the people we serve. That doesn’t always line up with regular working hours.

It’s true when you are a college president, too. The hours are long, there’s lots of travel, papers to sign and meetings to attend. Whether I’m driving on the highway, walking across campus, or heading out of town for a family getaway, I am always thinking about how to help SCCC be better.  This leads me to playing catch-up when the campus is closed or returning late night emails …. after I have finished bedtime reading with two little girls who love to hear princess stories. At this point, I have to say that the long hours are only possible because of my wonderful wife, Lindsay, and her unwavering support for me, our family, and for the Saints family. 

Don’t get me wrong: I am not complaining about the requirements that come with the job of being SCCC president. I love it, enjoy every minute, and there is not a day that goes by that I am not thankful for this opportunity. That said, I do not expect the rest of the world to operate in the same way I do.  I constantly remind our staff that if I email you on a holiday or when you are not at work, I am not looking for an immediate response. I’m simply taking care of my to-do list and my question or concern can wait until you return. 

We all know the days of working an 8-5 are long gone. Commitment among our campus team doesn’t always look the same in terms of the hours and the schedules. Our campus is always busy. Our coaches work extremely variable hours. Club sponsors show up at odd times to drive students to competitions and practice sessions, and sometimes head out for entire weekend camping sessions. Our overnight staff keep campus and students safe at all hours, and several custodians begin their work days at 5 a.m. While schedules and hours are different the one aspect that does not change is that we care greatly about Seward County Community College, and we care greatly about educating our students.

As the spring semester wraps up and we look forward to commencement ceremonies, our year-round Saints will shift to a four-day work week, with offices and campus open from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Those 10-hour days can be challenging, and we sometimes sweeten the afternoon with ice cream bars or meetings that get us moving across campus. But I think everyone enjoys long weekends, and we feel great about conserving energy and economizing on cooling and other utility bills. After all, it’s not “our” money or “our” campus, but a resource that belongs to the community. 

In any community, we rely on our friends and neighbors — law enforcement, firefighters, hospital workers. We count on people that help us grow — our parents, who are willing to get up in the middle of the night if a child has a bad dream or a stomach-ache , or teachers who take home stacks of papers to grade after dinner. Whether you are a college president, a cafeteria worker, or a student intern, you play a role in making things work. Someone, somewhere, is always on duty. I am glad we have a team that helps make that possible.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is not completely a night owl or an early bird, but he sometimes keeps both kinds of schedules as the president of Seward County Community College. You can reach him at his office on campus, phone 620-417-1010, or email 


April 10, 2022 : Saints Voices

Saints get the best ROI for time and money

April is community college month! That means it’s time to celebrate the best deal in our country. There is no other option for our students that produce such a high Return on Investment (ROI). I do not make that claim lightly. As a person who loves Excel spreadsheets, I have the numbers to back it up.

We have to look no further than the data of our students from Seward County Community College. On average, a student who earns an associate degree will earn nearly half a million dollars more than if they had gone straight to work with a high school diploma only — that comes out to about $10,000 more per year in wages earned. The impact multiplies rapidly if you look at all those individual lives as a group: 50 years of graduates from SCCC, the money added to the region through their earnings totals around $4 billion.

However, most days SCCC is looking at the close-up view. Community colleges for the most part are non-research institutions. We are not trying to win Nobel prizes or make headlines. Our focus is on the success of our students.

Last week, a group of students, their families, and members of our college administration gathered at the annual Phi Theta Kappa banquet to celebrate our all Kansas Academic Team in Junction City. Our two honorees — Elizabeth Horinek and Israel Banuelos — joined peers from community colleges across the state of Kansas. Wow, what a group that was. As we honored these students we heard about their plans for next steps. These community college graduates will be attending universities from Kansas to Hawaii and everywhere in between. From Ivy league schools to state universities, these students are progressing through their education journey with excellence, preparing to be  the best in their field.

But that is only part of our story. A four-year degree is not for everyone, nor does it guarantee success post-college. What our students consider a good return on the investment depends on what happens when they leave the world of higher education and step into adult life.

10,000 more bucksHere is where SCCC shines its brightest. Out of the 19 community colleges in the state of Kansas, nine opted to join with vocational technical schools in their geographic area. Seward is one of those nine. The merger with Southwest Kansas Area Vocational Technical School in 2008 created a unique opportunity for our area.

We have technical programs to educate tomorrow’s workforce. From short-term programs to CDL to programs in Allied Health, we have so many options to not only educate our students but provide them a direct route to a high-wage, high-demand job. The investment of time and money varies. Some certifications take just eight weeks to complete. Others “stack,” so that a welding student can opt to leave the classroom after one semester with an “A” certificate and go directly to the workforce, or stay another semester for the “B” cert, or even continue for the full two years and an associate of applied science degree.

Allied Health can serve the same purpose on a larger scale, with many students going to work as nurses, respiratory therapists, or medical laboratory technologists in order to pay their way through additional levels of education. The same approach has proven useful to graduates of our cosmetology program and other CTE pathways: use the education close at hand to increase your earnings right away, while you prepare for the next level.

For high school students in our service area, concurrent classes provide a quick start to college. At the Student-Trustee Dinner on Monday evening, we heard from several Saints who are preparing to graduate from high school with both their diploma and an associates degree from SCCC. They have cut the cost of college in half.

So, let’s not pretend and let’s not keep the best ROI in the country a secret  any longer. Join the rest of the country in celebrating April as Community College Month!

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College, where he cheers loudly for the wins, whether they appear in the form of top-ranking tennis players or improved lighting for the parking lots. Contact him at or 620-417-1010. 


April 3, 2022 :  Saints Voices

The Big Reset is colored SCCC green

As spring slowly arrives, campus is also set to bloom

Kansas weather is unpredictable, and March proved the point. We had a sunny “snow” day after blizzard predictions fizzled out, a few adventures with high wind, and some just plain beautiful afternoons. Anybody who has lived in Kansas for more than a minute knows this is normal, but spring feels different this year. 

A little over two years, ago we sent our students home for spring break not knowing how our world would change. We had no idea that we would not welcome them back to campus to complete the semester in person. That was the spring when proms were postponed and graduation ceremonies did not happen with the usual pomp and circumstance. High school and college athletes felt crushing disappointment when state and regional tournaments were cancelled. 

One year later, we were back on campus, but spring still felt uncertain. During that pandemic year, Seward County Community College kept our classrooms open one week at a time. We are still incredibly proud of that fact. It was only possible because of the dedication of instructors, staff members, students, and our community. The meetings with our county health professionals and our on-campus contact tracers started to blend together until it felt like the whole year was one giant meeting — but we made it. 

At SCCC, as we begin to welcome the sunshine and warmer days — and, we hope, LESS wind and MORE rain — spring is definitely here. But it feels different. It seems as if we are hitting the reset button on our campus. 

Our students have experienced a pretty normal school year.
Our student-athletes have returned to regular play after the most unusual sports seasons in history.

Our instructors are scrambling to keep the grade books current as we pass the mid-term mark and head towards graduation. 

Campus clubs are meeting once more. 

Overall, it feels really good and it’s worthwhile to stop and notice that sense of new beginnings and motivation. The pandemic required so much time and effort that focus from other items was lost. Small repairs and projects fell by the wayside as we put attention on higher priorities like health and safety. 

Now that it’s safe to do so, I’m really happy about the events our Saints family has been able to participate in. For example, at the beginning of March, we participated in a wonderful Pancake Day. My fellow Men’s Pacer Race contestants might agree with me that participating in the day “as it was meant to be” involved more cardio than we originally imagined — but it was a lot of fun from the Grand Marshall Reception to the afternoon parade. 

A couple weeks later, we hosted a campus clean-up during spring break followed by an all campus lunch. People showed up voluntarily to pick up trash, trim overgrown hedges and more. I didn’t know what to expect, but 150 people participated, and we got so much done to make our campus a place that reflects our pride. 

Spring is only getting started, with a long list of events coming up. Enrollment for summer and fall classes opens on April 4. Current students can even get an early start on setting up their schedule right now. April 8, a week from Friday, the humanities department will host the Creative Writers’ Coffeehouse at 7 p.m. in the Student Union. It’s free, fun, and there are beverages and refreshments. 

Cast members are rehearsing for the spring musical, “The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee,” which will be performed April 21, 22, and 23 at 7 p.m. Tickets for the show are $10. Even though it is a lot of fun, the humanities department warns that the musical does have some content that is inappropriate for younger audiences. It is just for A-D-U-L-T-S. 

The spring concert for vocal and band programs will be at 7 p.m. April 29, also in the theater. Ticket sales support the SCCC Music Endowment Fund, so get yours for $3 and help future music students attend college. 

Then, just one week later, we will have graduation. Preparing campus for that event always results in a summer work list which is much longer than what is possible to complete. Personally, I think that is awesome because it shows how excited our Saints family is and how much we can do. Our goal is to paint 500 gallons of paint by August 1st. And that paint is Seward Green. 

We are excited to hit the reset button as we prep for what we hope will be the most exciting time in the history of our wonderful institution.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: President Brad Bennett has already ordered the paint and welcomes volunteers who are willing to wield a brush in the service of Saints pride. Stop by campus anytime, or call him at 620-417-1010.


March 27, 2022 :  Saints Voices


What do athletic programs at the community college level mean?

Here’s a hint: in the end, we care about more than the score

I have always believed in athletics and the positive impact they make on our youth, institutions, and our community. When I first started teaching, I was also the head men’s basketball coach. I would spend countless hours teaching our team how to prep themselves to survive and excel in the world around them.

My first year we did not have many wins, but all 32 players learned to tie a tie, we improved GPA’s, and increased our community service hours. It might seem like that list doesn’t have a lot to do with basketball, but teachers from kindergarten to college understand that students are not ever one single thing — a math student, or an athlete, or a person with an injury, or a low-income family member, or a single parent. Students are people, and like all people they are complex and capable of amazing accomplishments if they are encouraged to reach their potential.

Athletics are often the lever that opens up the opportunities to grow, explore new worlds, and develop as a well-rounded person. First and foremost, athletics at the community college level improve access to education that thousands of students would not otherwise have.

This serves an important purpose for what we call first generation students — young men and women who are the first in their families to attend college. Like so many things in life, higher education can be hard to imagine if it’s completely foreign. Many hardworking parents struggle to visualize how the pieces fit together — scholarships, financial aid, and the college credit system leading to a degree. They might even wonder what difference the degree will actually make for their child. But anyone who has attended a Little League game or a high school soccer playoff knows how it feels to believe your son or daughter can win. Parents of athletes understand the way hard work and perseverance pay off in so many many ways, not just trophies and stats, but in a sense of teamwork, pride, and belonging. Those same qualities can produce a degree-earning college student.

Additionally, athletics brings pride to our campus and our community. How lucky are we? On any given day we can catch a game at the Greenhouse and see some of the best basketball or volleyball in the country. If we swing by Brent Gould field, we can catch a couple of MLB draft prospects, or over French Family Field,  two softball teams loaded with D1 talent play. Then there are the world-class tennis matches with the best players in the country and points around the world.

Our student athletes provide role models to the youth of our community. They help with food drives, work at Pancake Day, and attend youth league games throughout the year. Why? We are teaching them values that will serve them long after they have passed their days of playing.

If you want to understand the power of athletics to change lives for the better, there is nothing like getting to know our students. At Seward, we are fortunate to have community members who like say they “bleed green,” and who make it point to make every competition at the Greenhouse they can. These fans join our booster club, providing material and energetic support to the student athletes, but they often go one step further, hosting a student athlete and making that personal connection. It is not unusual to find Saints fans hitting the road to cheer at out-of-town games, or even road trip cross-country to watch beloved Saints alumni win big at the four-year schools where they transferred after finishing at SCCC.

When anyone asks me to explain the way athletics and academics can combine to make a real difference, I think back to a student I met in my early days at Colby Community College. He came from a background of extreme poverty, and had low self-esteem. I worked with a lot of young men during this time period, working on economics and accounting problems. This particular student stuck with it. During his time at Colby, he met his wife, they graduated, and they started a family.

I gave him one of my suits for his first job interview. I was impressed with his athletic skills, but what meant the most to me was the way this young man broke the cycle in his family: he became the first college graduate in their history. This is the real value of athletics.

The great thing is that his story is not unusual. We see it often at SCCC. Every day, as student athletes head to practice, the cafeteria, classes, and back to the dorms, we see the possibility of another success story unfolding in each one’s life.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: President Brad Bennett allows what he calls his ‘insanely competitive side’ to come out on behalf of the Saints and Lady Saints. Thanks to his daughters, he sometimes brings his own cheer squad along to games in the Greenhouse. 


March 20, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Find work satisfaction with the Saints family

At SCCC, our team changes the world every day

The best workplace ever: When you hear those words, do you picture an office ping-pong table, daily donuts, or unlimited time off? Or is it all about the money?

When I hear the words “Best Workplace Ever,” I picture our campus at Seward County Community College, where it is always great to be a Saint. Lately, I am saying that more often. That’s because, like most institutions our size, we currently have quite a few job openings. Some might see staffing issues as a sign that there is something wrong. But many businesses are facing the challenge of job vacancies after the past two years. What’s more, our own employees frequently tell us they feel like they are part of a family.

So, what is it that makes SCCC a special place to work? If someone is just looking for a fat paycheck, SCCC is probably not the place for you. We work hard at keeping our wages comparable to the industry, and one of my goals over the next year is to focus more attention there. But money is not why we choose to work at SCCC.

I have personally weighed the benefits of higher earnings against work that is meaningful and purpose-driven. And I can attest that it is better to work in an environment where employees feel valued and connected to something bigger than it is to see money accrue and motivation decrease. As president, I see it as a key part of my role to create that positive environment.

SCCC aspires to create a workplace culture where all employees are treated with equally and respect. An environment where employees are empowered to make a decision. A job that is actually a career and makes you proud to come to work every single day.

I definitely felt proud last week, when our first-ever volunteer work day took place on a Wednesday right in the middle of spring break. More than 100 people showed up to clear trash from campus, trim overgrown shrubbery, and take care of minor repairs. The sun was shining, we stopped at noon for a hamburger feed, and people were smiling. You could feel the camaraderie and pride between the students, faculty, staff, and even a few family members who chipped in.

I believe each person who took part was building our Saints Family pride, and practicing leadership. It’s a process I care about deeply and pursue whenever I can. This Thursday night, prior to our SCCC town hall meeting, I will be speaking at the Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) graduation on campus. The LEAD program is a great example of opportunities that the college continually offers to the community. This takes place year-round through Business & Industry classes, professional development / certification workshops, Business Over Breakfast meetings, and special speakers through our collaboration with the Liberal Area Chamber of Commerce. We want to develop more leaders. We want a strong and vibrant community.

We also want to hear more voices, which is why we’re hosting Town Hall meetings in the community over the next few months. Leaders do not only act, they listen — and they can lead from wherever they happen to be standing.

Maybe there’s a spot waiting for you on our campus. Open positions are available in athletics, instruction, and many other departments on campus. When we say the Saints Family, we mean it. We chip in to help each other in times of need. We eat together and laugh together. We go through good and bad times together, donate our sick leave to one another, and constantly show we appreciate one another.

The people are what make being a Saint special.

So if you are interested in joining our team, visit our website or stop by campus. It really is the best workplace ever.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is the president of Seward County Community College. He is also, when the occasion calls for it, a hamburger grillmaster and public speaker. You can meet him this Thursday at 7 p.m. at the SCCC Town Hall Meeting in the Showcase Theater on campus. 



March 13, 2022 :  Saints Voices

No matter the question, let’s crowd-source answers to benefit the community

As the College prepares to draft new strategies, add your ideas

It’s common knowledge that complaints are louder than compliments. In the English-speaking world, we’ve even got folk sayings to emphasize this aspect of human nature: “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and “hindsight is 20/20.” Even the stern instructions “don’t cry over spilled milk” and “you’ve made your bed, now lie in it” focus on looking back with regret.

But what if we reversed the habit of criticism to gaze fearlessly into the future?

What if we took a look at worst-case scenarios and imagined a better outcome?

What if our collective dreams turned out to be stronger than our deepest fears?

That’s the stuff communities are built upon.

It’s also the way forward for Seward County Community College, where we are preparing our next round of strategic plans. In the corporate world and many households, the five-year plan is a standard way to list goals, dreams, challenges, opportunities, and the practical steps to find a path from now to the future. This year, though, it’s anything but business as usual in the world of education.

On the second anniversary of mass shutdowns prompted by COVID, college does not look like it once did. For years, early adopters promoted the ease and economy of online learning. In 2020 and 2021, everyone had to give it a try. Buy-in was not a factor as necessity demanded action. Two years later, K-12 teachers, college instructors and professors have a bewildering assortment of results to consider. Does technology-aided learning work? It depends who you ask.

The same applies to the cost of college. Over the past few decades, tuition rates at four-year universities have multiplied to unimaginable heights. Meanwhile, college in your hometown remains the big secret to cost-cutting. Students can start at Seward, transfer, and earn a degree for half the cost of university tuition, fees, food and housing. The pandemic and world events upended even that sensible assumption — thank you and no thank you, inflation! This leaves more students and their parents with the question, is college worth what it costs in terms of time and money? Again, answers vary.

Finally, at the Kansas state capitol, legislators are engaged in what is now a 12-year debate about how to fund higher education. While much of our funding at SCCC comes from local sources and tuition, money from the state and federal governments plays a role, as do funds impacted by ongoing legal matters before the Kansas court. Solid stewardship of taxpayer dollars is a priority. If you’ve ever waited for a check (or bill) that is rumored to be “in the mail,” you know how difficult it is to plan amid uncertainty.

Yet there’s one sure thing amid change. At Seward County Community College, we believe in the power of education to change the world one life at a time. We come alongside students from all walks of life, equipping and empowering them to change for the better. It starts with an individual who applies, enrolls, and eventually earns the certificate or degree that opens doors. That person has a family, tribe, or network — possibly all of those groups — who benefit from that SCCC Saint’s higher wages, stronger skills, and sense of hope. Put a few of those groups together, and you’ve started to build a community.

And this month, we’re looking to our community to find answers as we plan for the future. How can we best support students? What programs are calling out for expansion? In what ways can the college partner effectively with business and industry to strengthen the regional economy? What opportunities do our stakeholders most desire? What widespread community challenges might be resolved with the help of SCCC programs? What are we doing well? What can we do better?

President Brad Bennett and several SCCC employees will host a Town Hall meeting at 7 p.m. March 24 in the Showcase Theater to get the conversation started. We want to hear what’s on the minds of our past and future students, taxpayers, armchair philosophers, optimists, entrepreneurs, and anyone else who wants to join in. You can ask us (nearly!) anything, and we will do our best to answer. We are also eager to hear your brilliant ideas.

Join us for our first Town Hall meeting on March 24! We can’t wait to get started together.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE — Rachel Coleman is a former newspaper writer who reported on focus groups, forums, and public meetings for more than two decades. In her current role as executive director of marketing and PR at SCCC, she’s excited to help host Town Hall meetings that reach out to include unusual voices and make the most of the real-life experiences of our community members. 


March 7, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Contracts reflect what matters most — family, a sense of purpose, and commitment

That includes documents signed in crayon at 11 p.m.

When I was a teacher, I used to preach to my students to be passionate about their work. We spend so much time at work and doing something you’re passionate about makes it feel like a choice that feels good and not “nose to the grindstone” work.

Last spring, I left Seward County Community College for financially motivated reasons. That decision took me outside of education, which has been my first, feel-good career choice for the majority of my work life. If my former students could have seen me, they might have said, “Mr. Bennett, you should practice what you preach!”

Maybe they were, because I had a feeling while I pulled out of Liberal that I was making a mistake.

As time passed, I quickly realized that the words I had told thousands of students over the years were in fact true. I missed education. I missed the feeling of purpose I gain from this profession. But, more than that, I missed being a Saint. I missed the community of Liberal, and I missed the wonderful faculty and staff Seward County Community College is blessed with. I knew I needed to live with my decision, but the passion for work was not there.

My wife and I began to discuss our options. How could we address the fact that I was unhappy with my career, and it was impacting my family? I could get back into the field of education, but I made the decision not to apply to other schools because I knew that my heart was at SCCC. I told Lindsay, “Let’s wait for four or five years and see what is open at that point. I miss SCCC too much to go to a different school.”

Being a community college President requires incredible dedication, passion, and energy. I knew that I would not be the best version of myself at another institution. One of the lessons I learned in 2021 was that I should pay attention to that voice inside, the one that advised students to pay attention to their passion.

Five days later I received a call that led me to return to my position with the Saints family. It felt unreal, exactly what I had been hoping for. Rarely in life do we receive a second chance.

Before I accepted the job, Lindsay and I sat down with our daughters MaryBelle (8) and Madeline (6). We wanted to make sure they were okay with another life-changing event.  The girls have completely opposite personalities:  MaryBelle is shy, does not like change, and rarely is in trouble, while Madeline is ready to explore, even if that means breaking a rule or two. That said, they are both wonderful in their unique strengths, and they are both incredibly loving and kind. The girls reassured me that this was the best move not only for me, but my family.

A few minutes later, MaryBelle walked out of her room sporting a Saints shirt, holding a contract for me to sign. The document my second-grader had written up stated that this was the correct move, BUT we were not allowed to move again. It is by far the most serious contract I have signed.

Family connections are the strongest, and in many ways, the return to Seward continues a passion I picked up from my own mother, who was a lifelong educator. My childhood memories include watching her pour everything she had into being a better teacher and later an administrator. It’s probably similar for MaryBelle and Madeline, who can tell when their dad is happy as he heads off to work.

Here in Liberal, they see me bring that passion to campus every day. My view is that if I help guide our employees and make the workplace happier — and sometimes even fun — the students in turn will have a better experience. Everything we do and every decision we make impacts our students. Each of our employees plays a critical role in educating the future. It’s my goal to lead the Saints family with positive energy that benefits each one, our students, and the community.

I am so excited to be back on campus. Please stop in and say hi, or reach out if I can help you in any way.  Also, mark your calendar for Thursday, March 24, when we will host a Town Hall meeting in the Showcase Theater at 7 p.m. We’re hosting a conversation about enrollment, optimism, and SCCC’s impact, and are excited to hear from you, the stakeholders of the community that is the center of who we are.

WWP_BradSCCC_01EDITOR’S NOTE: Brad Bennett is both the 11th and the 13th president of Seward County Community College, and a proud participant in the 2022 Men’s Pacer Race at International Pancake Day. 


February 27, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Decades after Dr. King, Black History and Black Futures deserve more conversation

SCCC aspires to host meaningful dialogue that changes hearts

When my children — now young adults — were growing up, our observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day was almost cursory. We popped our mini-documentary about King’s life and the civil rights movement into the VCR machine and watched the black-and-white images together. The narrative was interspersed with commentary by my husband, who is just old enough to carry his own personal memories of that tumultuous period in history.

It seemed, back in the late 1990s, more symbolic than relevant.

It seemed that way because we, a mixed-race, bicultural couple, viewed the prospects of our children with a vivid optimism fueled by love.

Even so, it seemed important to do our due diligence.

That was clear when, in turn, our three mixed-race kids announced they weren’t so keen on identifying as Black, outright rejecting the term. At the time, I flirted briefly with the notion that maybe they were right. Hadn’t we, as a nation, outgrown such labels? Maybe we were truly “past all that.” My husband held his peace, perhaps hoping my perceptions would hold true.

Nearly 30 years later, we all laugh about those assumptions — and the laughter is a little painful.

True: My three mixed-race children are perceived as, and move through the world as, Black.

Also true: They embrace their identity, and still have plenty of thoughts and opinions to share.

Truest of all: Their lived experiences matter just as much as — likely more than — any explanations their father and I might offer.

On January 17, 2022, the conversation in our living room was lively. With Seward County Community College closed in observance of the MLK federal holiday, we had time and a 4/5 majority present for an informal re-enactment of those family dialogues from decades past.

Ask my kids whether MLK day is relevant, whether systemic racism is real — heck, what it’s like to be “young, Black and gifted,” as Nina Simone phrased it — and you’ll hear three different answers. Some arrive with smiles, others with tears.

During the two terms of President Barack Obama, my children were tweens and high school students; Trayvon Martin was killed while wearing a hoodie and eating Skittles; Beyonce ascended to superstar status. As they embarked in early adulthood, the election of President Donald Trump and the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement (and more murdered Black folks than this column has room to list) swung the pendulum in another, more dismaying direction. Along the way, they had to grapple with a society just as topsy-turvy as the hormonal fluctuations in their still-developing brains.

On campus at SCCC, we witness a similar array of young adult reckonings. With a majority of first generation, Hispanic students, our Saints are personally embroiled in the hot topics of the times. Immigration. Colorism and racism. Questions about consent, agency, identity. And, always, the daily concerns about food, shelter, medical and mental healthcare. Often, survival is a struggle.

Ask my husband and me about MLK and his relevance, and we’ll tell you that cherry-picked quotes only go so far and often get twisted to prove points Dr. King never meant to make. We’ve found the most important thing to do is listen to our kids, and encourage them to listen to their elders. There is comfort in being heard. There is confidence in knowing someone finds you worthy, valuable, and interesting enough to tune in to what you say. And there’s wisdom to be found in the exchange of ideas and personal experience.

That’s exactly what we will be doing on campus through the month of February in honor of Black History Month. Wednesday, Feb. 9, in the SCCC Library, we will stage a series of small, personal panel discussions focused on the theme “Black History | Black Futures.” Students and the public are welcome to participate in short roundtable conversations pairing older and younger members of the Black community. Topics on the roster include military service, public protests in the 1960s and the current day, and patriotism. Another table will explore the experiences of Black women in the workplace and athletics, mental health issues that result from society’s often unspoken (and sometimes voiced) assumptions, and how barriers are maintained and broken across generations. A third table will examine the colorful, sometimes painful, sometimes delicious intersection between African culture and Black American culture.

Like the living discussion my own family conducted last Monday, I hope the Saints family conversation will further the goal of loving our students into success. The Coleman household did not tidy up the problems of our messy world, but we all got a chance to speak our mind, gain a fresh appreciation of other viewpoints, and affirm that life is better together than when we are divided.

The goal at Seward is to strengthen that sense of “Saints Strong” unity through each encounter, whether it takes place in the Greenhouse, the classroom, or the cafeteria. Join us next month in the library as we observe Black History and Black Futures. At SCCC, we honor both.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE — The Black History | Black Futures sessions are set for 9 a.m. and noon on Wednesday, Feb. 9, at the Seward County Community College library. The community is invited to attend as we listen to Saints voices.  Rachel Coleman is the Executive Director of Marketing and Public Relations at SCCC, and a six-year member of the college’s Diversity & Inclusion team. You can contact her at 620-417-1125 or


February 13, 2022 :  Saints Voices

Saints family a welcome contrast to the Great Resignation sweeping the world of work

In the world of education, each semester means professional development workshops, introductions to new employees, and a review of why we do what we do. After seven years at Seward County Community College, I confess I drank extra-strong coffee this week before we embarked on our 2022 sessions. It was tough to trade the leisurely late mornings of holiday break for power point presentations. At the same time, being part of a vibrant team of people committed to empowering students never gets old.

We’re at a point in U.S. history where employment is in a state of dizzying change. The global pandemic interrupted everything we thought was reliable and spawned what pundits are now calling The Great Resignation — a massive labor shortage. Some of it is caused by death, but just as many workers left their jobs because of dissatisfaction with wages, working conditions, and outdated expectations.

It’s a strange phenomenon to witness when you love the place you work. Seward County Community College employs roughly 200 people, forming what we often refer to as the Saints Family. Like all families, we’re not perfect. We weather our share of disagreements, dramatic moments, wins and losses. Yet each semester, whether the sky is delivering icy needles of could-be snow or the sun blazes off the concrete in the campus courtyard, we start again. We are here to serve our students.

When I joined the Saints family, I stepped on campus in a blur of terror and jubilation. I had worked at home for more than a decade and felt deeply insecure about my ability to make small talk by the coffee machine. I was thrilled about the prospect of working in a building that contained an entire library and giddy about the impact I could have on young lives.

Over time, the jitters mellowed into familiarity, and while I am by no means an old-timer on campus. I am established enough to offer a helping hand to newcomers. I also sustain an enthusiastic endorsement of SCCC as a great place to work. There’s no possibility of boredom in a place that exists to enable learning. That’s not just for our students; all employees at SCCC are encouraged to build on whatever we bring with us.

Each year, we celebrate team members who have earned associate degrees right here on campus, persevered to claim a bachelor’s degree, or gone even further. In 2018, I was one of those newly-minted four-year-degree holders. This fall, several team members earned master’s or doctorate-level degrees. SCCC makes it possible to level up. The college encourages and supports employees who are working on additional credentials.

But the Saints experience goes far beyond academic affairs. Our employees engage with an array of students from the region, the nation, and the world. Whether it’s the kid who used to mow your lawn, or the volleyball player you cheered for at high school games, you become part of the story of those young people’s lives as they find their way to adulthood. You’ll also have the opportunity to meet our international students, who come from 20+ countries each year. These students relish learning about the United States, and enliven the hallways as they provide an up-close window to the world.

New employees are often warned they may begin to “bleed green,” much in the way young newspaper recruits were told that “ink would get in our blood.” This is not true in the literal sense, yet it is true. Wednesdays are Green on campus, as we show up in Saints swag and college colors. Greenhouse nights host basketball or volleyball competitions in the gymnasium, and admission is free to all employees. The banner-lined ceiling of that cavernous space attests to the caliber of Saints athletics — always a sight to behold.

Yet when we talk about why Seward is a great place to work, it always comes down to the people. Yes, the grounds are lush and shady all summer. We love our Christmas pies and our summer ice cream giveaways. But it’s the people we greet every morning at the time clock or in the cafeteria line who make SCCC stellar. If your dog runs away, we’ll help search. If your house burns down, we will collect donations. If you get a flat tire, someone will come to find you. If you have a bad day, you might find your favorite soda waiting at your desk. Heck, if you renovate your bathroom, we might even throw you a toilet paper shower when the project is complete.

This spring, we’re looking for new members to join our team in a variety of positions. Those include instructors for mathematics, business marketing and management, business administration, microbiology. Agriculture. Nursing, and cosmetology. We’re also hiring an alumni and gift coordinator in the development office, and a part-time bus driver.

As the old saying goes, you can choose your friends, but you can’t choose your family. When you come to work at SCCC, you get to choose both.

Check out job descriptions and application instructions at > faculty/staff > human resources > Join the team! You can also call Human Resources at 620-417-1123 for more information.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE: Rachel Coleman is the Executive Director of PR and Marketing at SCCC. This position sometimes involves washing windows, handing out candy, and looking on the bright side when life turns cloudy.  If you come to work at SCCC, she’ll set you up with a Saints Strong T shirt and assorted college swag.  


December 11, 2021 :  Saints Voices

The courageous parents of first-generation students

SCCC is privileged to be part of their stories

At Seward County Community College, we like to praise the power of education to transform lives. We believe, as Nelson Mandela observed, “Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” For most of us, however, that notion is a slightly blurry, distant idea rather than lived reality.

It came into sharp focus for me late last month, when we received word that my mother-in-law, Minnie Mae Coleman, had died — or, in the parlance of church tradition, “transitioned to Heaven.” She was 98, fierce and kind and always hopeful. Besides the 13 children she raised, Momma welcomed more than 150 grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and countless strays and in-laws to the family I joined 28 years ago.

Momma grew up in the Mississippi Delta, where despite her tiny frame, she outpicked my father-in-law pound for pound in the cotton fields, a fact she never allowed him to storytell away. Growing up, she dreamed of becoming a nurse, inspired by a magazine picture that she’d seen on a discarded paper. Her father, Alonzo Mason, had avoided a sharecropper’s fate and prided himself on providing for his family through the parcel of land he owned outright. Even so, the American South in the 1920s and ‘30s did not offer much in the way of educational opportunity for girls like Momma. She completed the eighth grade, no more.

It’s hard to imagine a world without public school for everyone, yet Momma was not left untutored. The real-life library of knowledge she could access was rich and varied. Her mother, Amy, was a well-respected midwife, capable and resourceful. One of Momma’s nephews — who eventually rose to the position of federal judge — recalls being called upon to record the names of newborn babies for his grandmomma. At eight years old, he was the only family member able to read and write on demand, which may account for some of the creative name spellings that occur in the Swifttown region.

In time, Momma attained literacy and applied it to her Bible, newspapers and other written materials. A relentlessly hard worker who once told a baffled cardiologist, “Patch me up and send me home,” she cleaned houses, took in laundry, and even found a job as a a nurse’s aide, the closest she could get to her girlhood aspiration.

As I knew her in the final decades of her life, cataracts had rubbed out her vision and she retreated to oral history, song, and memorized scripture. My iPhone is crowded with spontaneous recordings of Momma’s crinkled-silk voice that often swerved into a knowing chuckle. Of course, I’ve only listened in small doses. A few sentences and the grief closes in.

I want vision unfettered by time and space so that I can see back to my mother-in-law’s earliest memories, the quandaries she settled in her mind, and all the might-have-been alternate paths closed to her by history and happenstance. What if Momma had been born in Massachusetts? What if she had possessed the power to say “no” whenever it suited her? What if she had been offered the option to enroll in college? If we took Momma’s acrylic paintings on corrugated cardboard and her multitude of hand-pieced quilts to an art professor, what unacknowledged talent might we identify?

Who will tell the stories she carried? And what about all the life lore she had absorbed, an understanding of the human body, social dynamics, spiritual principles, the skills needed for everyday existence? Does anyone have her recipes for peach cobbler or mustard greens? Where did she learn to cure a bad winter cough with orange peel tea?

The academic world has long struggled with the question of how to quantify folk (indigenous) wisdom expressed in what we condescendingly viewed as less than “proper” English. We call it African American Standard English now, and linguists acknowledge that it is a dialect, not a deficiency.

In the same way, our society has long paid homage to degrees and titles while dismissing the hard-won lessons of life in the migrant fields and margins of “civilization.” Knowledge over wisdom, you might say.

Momma may not have held a diploma of any sort, but she was a true sage, able to discern a correct course of action amid chaos, willing to wait for the dust to settle, and calmly complete whatever was needed in the meantime. Unsurprisingly, she recognized the power of education and preached it tirelessly to her children.

She urged them to seize opportunities denied to her. Two older daughters ventured to an early ‘60s iteration of Job Corps in Maine. Two sons parlayed their formidable athleticism into scholarships at four-year colleges. A fair number of my “bonus siblings” took classes at SCCC itself, and countless others of the second, third, and even fourth generation have followed hard after education, “the thing,” Momma reminded everyone, “that no one can take away from you.”

This parental aspiration and bequeathed courage is a gift many of our students at SCCC bring with them. They are often the first person in their family to pass through the doors of any sort of college. Their parents have no idea how to support them, beyond a steady belief in their excellence. It’s our privilege at SCCC to become part of the storylines of such families, like the one I married into.

There’s no doubt that Momma would view her passing as a promotion rather than a loss. No more mandatory doctor visits or stays in the care center. She doesn’t have to scheme to keep hold of her garden patch, her occasional chickens, her sense of independent innovation. Her far-flung, gorgeous, prolific family will be reckoning with the loss for years to come. Thanks to her influence, though, her descendants will do so with high school diplomas, professional certificates, and college degrees held firmly in hand: nobody, we hear her voice reminding us, can take that away.

rachel colemanEDITOR’S NOTE — Rachel Coleman is the executive director of marketing and public relations at Seward County Community College. You’ll find her listening to gospel music through the end of this year, and testing peach cobbler recipes that meet the Minnie Mae Coleman standard. 


From the Constitution to SCCC, local autonomy deserves our protection

September 21, 2021

This past week we celebrated Constitution Day, which in turn started Constitution Week in the United States. While this is an annual event, it doesn’t seem to get it’s due. Constitution day is normally observed on September 17th, because on September 17th, 1787, the delegates to the Constitutional Convention signed the document that became the cornerstone of the greatest “experiment” in the history of governance in the world.

The constitution was a framework created for a set of States with their unique autonomies to be able to act as one when needed to benefit the whole, as defined in its preamble. The hallowed document was not intended to make the states, the counties, the cities and towns homogeneously and singularly subservient to the federal government. Had it done so, it would have lost the main ingredient that allowed this republic to evolve into the most enduring beacon of freedom and independence.

That observation leads me to the point I want to make about the importance of the public trust that Seward County Community College has with the electorate of Seward County. As national politics clamor with sounds of greater federal influence on its citizens, I believe it is vital that we understand and appreciate our local autonomies, and the power of the local self-determination that we currently possess. As noted in the July 4, 2021 editorial in the Leader-Times, by Dr Walter Wendler of West Texas A&M University, “as the distance to the seat of government increases, that potential of having cogent, meaningful impact decreases. Local influence and decision-making empower a free society’s work and worth, and likewise, for a local university.” Dr. Wendler is obviously referring to the role West Texas A&M plays in the Texas panhandle, but I would extend the same sentiment to Seward County Community College, as the local college within our region.

SCCC’s Board of Trustees are elected by the voters of Seward County. They have been exemplary stewards of this college over the years, and they continue to be so. They are in tune to the educational and economic impact that SCCC has not only in Seward County, but indeed the region surrounding Seward County. They make decisions in the best interest, and to the specific needs, of the people of this locale.

The people of this locale are uniquely special and deserving of all that our college can provide for them. I was reminded of this recently when Sr. Rosa Maria of St. Anthony’s Catholic Church stopped me on the street to tell me she was returning to Mexico. During our brief conversation, she thanked me for helping create a peaceful community. I believe she was not just referring to me individually, or just the St. Anthony parish, but to Liberal and southwest Kansas, with its rich citizenry of diverse culture and common decency. Her comment reminded me of how important it is to understand the duty and obligation that we as citizens of Seward County, of Kansas, and indeed of the United States of America have been entrusted.

Part of the duty of SCCC to its students and its taxpayers is to endlessly pursue excellence in education. As Professor Lee Tavis once told my class at the University of Notre Dame, when we were collectively stumped on a question he had posed to the class, ..”without the tools, you are nothing but a bunch of do-gooders to whom nobody listens.”

The educators at SCCC strive to teach, and thus provide, its students with the tools to be productive, self-determined, happy, and responsible citizens that make the caring, peaceful community that Sr. Rosa described. May we as citizens of Seward County employ the civic tools we have been entrusted with, and strive to be vigilant and dedicated in our duties and responsibilities to our neighbors, our fellow citizens, and the Constitution that has made this beautiful “experiment” possible for over 200 years.

Currently the interim president at SCCC, Dennis Sander also serves as Vice President of Finance and Operations. A Southwest Kansas native, Sander is known in Saints Land for his love of puns, attention to detail, and fierce loyalty to all things Notre Dame. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


Two decades later, 9/11 events remain vivid for New York transplant and SCCC team member 

September 11, 2021

There are moments – events — in life that you never forget. That create memories so powerful you can identify exactly what you were doing. John F. Kennedy being shot, the first man on the moon, the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan, the start of the Iraq War in 1990 and the Oklahoma City bombing, just to name a few.

I remember a few of those quite vividly, others not so much. But one event I will never forget is the attack on September 11. I have a little different perspective on the matter because I was born and raised in New York City. I lived there for 35 years before I moved to Liberal.

And it wasn’t that I just lived in New York, but I considered the World Trade Area my stomping ground. I worked in and hung out in that area for more than a decade. I would wander into the buildings to visit the shops and access mass transit in the World Trade Center hub more often than I can remember. 

It’s been 20 years — I can’t believe it’s been that long — but I’ll always remember it like it was yesterday. That day, it had been two years since I left New York to come to Kansas. That morning, I was going to get some blood work done at the doctor’s office. The nurse said, “a plane has crashed into the World Trade Center!”At first, I didn’t believe it. That was absolutely ridiculous. But the more I thought about it, the more I reasoned that “well, maybe it’s a small plane and I guess that could happen.”

Driving back to the house, I listened to the details on the radio. I got home, immediately turned on the television and watched the disaster unfold.

As I’m watching, my mind starts to scramble and I’m flooded with questions. “I wonder where my parents are?” “What about my brother and sister?” “My friends?” I’m pretty sure everyone is OK but there’s a sense of panic. I’m calling and all I get is the automated message: “all circuits are busy.”

It wasn’t until hours later that I finally got through and everyone was in fact OK, but in shock about what had happened.

The scenes on TV were dramatic. The billowing smoke from both towers. The fire that I watched burning buildings and the eventual collapse of the Twin Towers. It was incredibly surreal. You didn’t believe it was happening, but it did. It wasn’t a movie or a TV show. It was real.

It was deeply personal. A tragedy that hit home only because I had been there. I pretty much walked every inch of the World Trade Center area hundreds if not thousands of times. And then I wondered if I would’ve been there, if I hadn’t moved to Kansas. Maybe. Maybe not. When I lived in New York, it was certainly a possibility — especially in the morning.

I won’t watch any footage or documentaries or movies about the event. It’s just too hard. The panic in the streets, the terror and the chaos. It’s too hard to relive.

Just as an aside, I did know people who perished in the attack – high school acquaintances, first responders. And while this tragedy touches me on the most personal level, it is gratifying that the people in Liberal and Seward County Community College pay tribute on that day.

The college has often set up a special lunch and gathered the community to commemorate and honor not only those who have lost their lives but those who were first to help out – the police, fireman and EMTs – the first responders. How they have given their lives without hesitation to help others – their unselfishness. This year, Patriot Day falls on the weekend, and we will not be on campus. Even so, we should all honor and respect the memories of those we lost and the heroism of those who served as rescuers and responders.

September 11, 2001 – never forget.

A 14-year member of the Saints family, Phil Lee has worked in the SCCC Library, TRiO offices, and currently in the PR & Marketing office. You’ll be likely to see him at student and community events, capturing images and video footage for use in college media. 


Trunk Abe Schultz

Life Interrupted: In which I unpack my grandfather’s short-lived college years

The trunk occupies the northwest corner of my living room, as if it still looks toward Montana and a farm that the bank took back. Its boxy face is covered with nailed-on filigree panels, impressed on metal too darkened with age for me to identify. One handle, the original leather rotted to a stub, has been replaced by a loop of rope. It is that makeshift detail that so endears the trunk to me. I view it as evidence that life goes on, and beauty remains. 

When Abraham Schultz boarded the train to Minneapolis, Minn., in the early 1930s, the trunk was likely in excellent condition — unlike the state of affairs for wheat farmers like his father. Montana grain-growers had endured years of drought, locusts, and the Dust Bowl and Depression hadn’t even begun. By contrast, young Abe, someday to be my grandfather, was full of optimism, bound for Bible college and a scholar’s life. He had packed all his worldly belongings in the trunk, except for his heavy winter coat; that he layered over his clothes to conserve packing space. It was Indian Summer, and he must have felt stiflingly hot.  

It would be decades before my mother heard the story of how her father’s education was interrupted by nature, social upheaval, and misfortune. She got the account from her own mother, whose lament in old age was the loss of her husband “who had been such an encourager. He always knew what to say to me when I was blue, and he encouraged me to keep on.”

Less than a year into his studies, Abe received word from his father in Montana: the bank had called in his loan, repossessed the farm, and evicted the family. As youngest son, and the only one without a wife and children, Abe was obliged to return home to help pack and move his parents to Dallas, Oregon. There, they found temporary lodging with relatives, and joined the migrant workers who picked fruit and lived hand-to-mouth through the Depression. 

He was never a bitter man, my grandfather. My mother says he never talked about “what if” and how bad things had been for him. “He recalled being deeply disappointed that he was not able to finish college. He had to give that dream up,” she said. “But he dug down deep and decided to make the best of it. He found another way to get educated and to learn, to study. That was all of his own initiative, his inner drive.”

Before he met my grandmother, he traveled to California to help an uncle, and was able to take classes at Biola College in Los Angeles. Later, as a young minister in a Mennonite church in Quakertown, Penn., he attended a few seminary classes. Books crowded his study shelves. He was truly a self-taught man.  

These days, his trunk serves as a lamp table in my living room, where I sometimes curl up on the sofa to work cozily. The stay-at-home orders prompted by the COVID-19 pandemic, and my resulting telecommuting work model feel surreal some days. Can it be possible that my office will remain dark until midsummer? That my Los Angeles daughter drove a full circuit of the city, from the mountains to the Pacific, in just 45 minutes on near-empty roads? That my state university daughter has created a basement studio in her Wichita house to continue music lessons and practice sessions? That my son dons full PPE gear to deliver oxygen tanks to respiratory-compromised clients? Can it be possible that there won’t be a “normal” to get back to?

All of us, particularly the students who have abruptly come to an educational crossroads, are alternately speechless and fearful. It must have been something like this for my grandfather. Like the students at Seward County Community College, where I work (from home) (sometimes on the sofa), he had a mere two decades of life experience to draw on as he navigated national disaster. His own parents had emigrated from Prussia, and remembered wartime and religious oppression and starvation. It’s safe to say the Depression was not the worst thing that had ever happened to them. For their son, though, the sudden withdrawal from college completely changed his vision of the future. I imagine it was devastating. 

Yet here I am today, the second of four generations to come from his line. And we don’t recall him as a curmudgeon marked by bitterness. He didn’t just survive: he made a good life, won the heart of a beautiful woman who still longed for him 50 years after his death, raised children who remember his boundless optimism. Everywhere Abe moved, he planted grapevines in the back yard. Maybe the family would reap the benefits, or maybe they would be posted to a new church. Everywhere Abe moved, he began the day with singing — a practice he imposed upon his sleepy children before breakfast was served. He lived well. 

For all of us, elementary students to at-risk grandparents, this time poses similar heartaches and opportunities. Yes, life is changing. The train has left the station, the dust clouds on the horizon threaten to darken our days, and we have no idea what might be asked of us. Yet we have so much to work with. We have technology and capacity to communicate by faster means than telegraph and handwritten letter. We have medical advancements that arm us with knowledge and effective care. Perhaps most valuable of all we have the legacy of the folks who weathered worse storms. My grandfather’s trunk reminds me each day that we should hold onto the things that are portable: love, family connection, a belief in the good that is possible. We carry them with us, and they last.  

rachel colemanRachel Coleman serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. Like most of her teammates at the college, she is making it work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic … with plenty of coffee and a healthy dose of humor contributed by her husband. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


Hall of Saints members put their SCCC education to good use

During the last week of January 2020, the Seward County Community College campus saw a little bit of everything — glistening snowdrifts, Homecoming events for all students, a multicultural potluck, and the celebration of 15 remarkable alumni as part of the college’s 50th anniversary festivities. Our college president, Dr. T, described it as “the continuing story of SCCC, told in each person’s life.”

Amid the happy frenzy, I found myself reflecting on a childhood story playing out in real life. I first encountered the Parable of the Talents in a slim, brightly-colored paperback “Arch Book,” the Sunday School equivalent of the better-known Golden Books. This one, “Eight Bags of Gold,” featured striking, hand-drawn illustrations in the favored color palette of the 1970s — burnt orange, harvest gold, and avocado green.

Arch Book Talents

The original Arch book by Janice Kramer, published 1964 by Concordia House.

The story featured three characters, each of whom was given a different sum of money (in the parlance of antiquity, “talents,” also known as solid-gold currency) by their boss as he set out on a journey of unspecified length. The first two employees went to work immediately, doubling their respective funds. The third buried the gold in the ground, focusing on keeping it safe. He explained his rationale for the “play it safe” approach:

“Master, I know you have high standards and hate careless ways, that you demand the best and make no allowances for error. I was afraid I might disappoint you, so I found a good hiding place and secured your money.”

In the story, the master praised the first two characters, but expressed angry disappointment about the third servants inactivity. One translation of the original puts it this way: the master exclaimed, “That’s a terrible way to live!”

What did my childhood self make of this story, originally recorded in the gospel of Matthew? One take-away is that fear has no place in a vibrant life. Another might be, “trust the people around you,” — in the college environment, that would be your teachers. Then there’s the old adage, “he who hesitates is lost.”

What moved me most as I spoke with graduates like healthcare provider Elizabeth Irby, and athlete and psychologist Anne Weese, was the way they have leveraged the opportunities life presented them. When you listen to them tell how they got from uncertain 18-year-old to the impressive accomplishments they’ve logged, their time at SCCC carries equal weight as years spent at big-name institutions like K-State, Notre Dame, and even Virginia Tech.

Honoree Areli Monarrez-Valles told me that she and her husband, Jose Valles, view this community college as the place where everything came together for them. It’s the origin-point of a journey into a wholly unknown universe of higher education. They were the first people in their respective families to venture out, and SCCC gave them courage to continue.

I particularly enjoyed Stuart Moore’s story of how he heeded the good advice given by a science instructor to “make yourself more marketable” as a combination coach/teacher, and minor in something other than history. English instructor Ann Judd provided the inspiration for the baseball player to earn a credential in language arts as well as physical education.

Their stories have something in common with every single inductee we have added to our new Hall of Saints cohort — 40 to date, with 10 more to come by May 2020.

Each person exemplifies the heart of our mission at SCCC: to provide opportunities to enrich and improve each person’s life through a range of academic programs … for the advancement of the individual and the community. That means we actively seek to meet our students at their point of need — not, as the foolish servant assumed in the parable, “to demand the best and make no allowances for error.”

You could almost make the case that SCCC offers a shot at redemption for nearly every situation that ails people: teenage angst and confusion, disappointments on the court and the field, changes in plan, changes in circumstance. We specialize in holding out a hand to people who’ve requested a “do-over.” We welcome the bright stars who eagerly work to leverage their advantages — intelligence, beauty, creativity, financial stability, innovative thinking — to go as far as they possibly can.

And we celebrate it all: the multiplication of talents, no matter how humble the start.

The best aspect of this process is that it’s truly a never-ending story. Every semester, we welcome more students to the campus. Every day, our alumni go about the regular business of life. They make the world better one newspaper page, one high school science lab, one new calf on the ranch, one life at a time.

What a way to live.

NOTE: We continue to add in-depth profiles of each of our Hall of Saints inductees to the official public relations site of the college. You can find them at

rachel colemanRachel Coleman serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. She freely admits to a self-diagnosed condition, “Indiscriminate Fondness Disorder” that leads her to find something likable in every human she meets. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


5 Follow along pattern

Lessons learned in Squirrel School

The neighbor dogs had barked since 9 a.m. when I stepped into the back yard to investigate. I had to squint across slabs of afternoon sun to scan the creaky elm tree that grows on the other side of the fence. Squirrel school, it appeared, was in session.

A determined-looking parent squirrel coaxed two kits along a slender branch that reached toward the roof. As they shrank into cute but uncooperative clumps, the parent crouched, launched, and landed decisively on the shingled slope. The mother — of course I imagined it was the mother — stood at attention, prairie-dog style, and chattered at her offspring. Just try it! I imagined her saying. It’s the shortest, safest route to the even bigger elm tree in the front yard!

Winter is coming! It’s time to stockpile food! This is the most efficient way! (Though I have no evidence, I am pretty sure squirrels end every sentence with an exclamation mark.)

The babies would have none of it. With a visible sigh, the mother dashed out of view, only to reappear in the tree moments later. The demonstration began again. The dog continued his alarm-bark. Saturday class continued until dusk.

With one college instructor and two future school teachers in the family, I hear plenty of human chatter about curriculum planning. Then, too, there’s my own work environment, surrounded by math and science instructors’ offices, students cramming for class outside my workspace, and the many meetings that punctuate academic life, meetings where we tackle tough questions like, “Why won’t our squirrels jump?” and “How many nuts are needed?” and “Have you seen the weather forecast for December?” I couldn’t help but imagine how this squirrel parent developed her own lesson outline.

Demonstration: How to leap from branch to shingle!

Assignment: Do as I do. And as I say … “be fearless, little ones!”

Objective: Master this skill before winter, in order to stockpile the most possible food in the highest possible location inaccessible to other creatures!

Outcome: Defy death at the jaws of the slavering dog below!

Assessment: If there’s no blood, we pass! If there are nuts in the nest, we earn As! Bonus points for any ounces gained by spring!

It’s no exaggeration to point out that the tiny, non-leaping squirrel kits resembled Saints students in more than one way. They were young and skinny and kind of adorable — all energy at the beginning, quick to wilt for nap time when the stress of leaping began to accrue. I’m sure they gobble nuts and seeds like nobody’s business, and have become accustomed to the bounty of summer and a parent’s provisions. Do these squirrels know how to cook or do laundry? They do not.

They were also easily distractible. During what must have been the parent’s 457th attempt to get them to try the leap, they engaged in a game of tag across the non-dog-guarded regions of the tree. I watched incredulously as they sprinted vertically up a desiccated branch that looked far less sturdy than the launch branch their mother had selected for the actual assignment. The 90-degree angle and brittle appearance of the branch bark and bone-white wood beneath seemed to me to represent a far greater possibility of tumbling to an untimely death by dog-jaw. Yet the baby squirrels wanted to play, and play to their strengths. They were stubborn, just like many of our students. They were were a bit cocky, betting on their squirrel tag skills instead of putting in the practice time for a challenging leap. They had no concept of winter, just as many of our students have no concept of the long marathon of debt repayment, or the likelihood of illness or injury and the need for a backup plan. They had no concept of age, because they were still babies, nor did they understand that their carefree days would not last forever. Sound familiar?

I take the parent squirrel’s teaching method to heart. It requires so much patience, time, sweat and determination. The mother did not need to jump on repeat for five hours, but she did. The students did not focus on the lesson, but she did. The need to get those winter preparations complete would drive me to despair, but she just kept at it.

Those darn squirrel kids. They don’t appreciate what they’ve got. Thank goodness someone’s looking out for them while the leaves fall and the dogs gather.

rachel colemanRachel Coleman is a lifelong learner and former homeschooling parent  who currently serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of  SCCC.  



Clothe yourself in social courage

October, the month when I begin to listen for wild geese migrating, brings an echo of loss. Low grey skies create a sounding bell for the calls of birds fleeing blizzards; they also reflect an inevitable gloom, the descending specter of less sunlight and darker moods.

Autumn is when we feel the steady tick of time passing. Summer is over, winter is on its way, and growing season has come to a close. There’s no tricking a hard freeze.

It’s time to pull on an extra sweater, take a deep breath, and be brave.

Brave, because this time of year is when we reckon with mortality. We can’t avoid it. The trees offer testimony of bare-bones truth. Why would we assume that humans, whose lives are shorter than the average oak, are granted immunity from the forces that erode mountains?

How people handle loss is tied to how we connect with others. It is peculiar and treacherous territory. On the one hand, it’s as ordinary as dirt: everybody carries private grief. Making too much of yours can cloy. When I yearn for the dog I just relinquished to new owners or lament the mostly empty nest at my house, I can almost hear Auntie Sergeant in my head, issuing a crisp corrective: “Some people don’t have homes. Some people don’t have children to send to college! Toughen up, buttercup!” My sensible alter-ego is right — sorrow is nothing special.

But as Tolstoy observed in his novel Anna Karenina (whose title character is the all-time champion of melancholy) while all happy families are pretty much the same, every unhappy family finds its own unique way to explore misery. Can a person whose geriatric parent just died identify with the pain of a 25-year-old whose mother fought cancer and lost? If you say you’re upset about a favorite chair claimed by dry rot, do I trump your tale of woe with a story about termites?

In the face of such quandaries, professionals offer tips. Maybe it’s Seasonal Affective Disorder — the wintertime blues — that has us down. Or perhaps we ought to talk about National Suicide Awareness Month? Be aware, feelings of discouragement are not the same as clinical depression. Instructors at the community college where I work take the halfway mark of the semester as a cue to issue warnings about “staying on top of your studies.” Young adult students, whose brains are still in the final stages of development, might not be sure why they feel downhearted.

The big box stores see the start of autumn as a gold rush: Halloween, hunting season, Thanksgiving, football, and Christmas shopping all provide profits galore. The retailers are not wrong, if what counts is dollars. We all know, however, down in the roots of our being, that money is not what matters when that cold and lonely wind blows.

For me, October is a grab bag of emotion. It is the time of year I met my next-door neighbor, who became my husband 26 years ago. It’s also the time of year when my oldest child died. This year, the month has already brought gain and loss, gold and grit. I want to photograph every bright red leaf I notice turning in the wind. I want to curl up beneath the softest blanket in the house, and go to sleep. I’m pretty sure I am not alone in this back-and-forth response to the arrival of autumn.

At work, the month brings what I think of as “Judgement Day,” our accreditation visit from the Higher Learning Commission. Being evaluated is never comfortable, even when you know you have done your level best. The stress is counterbalanced by the excitement about our new buildings on campus — the Colvin Family Center for Allied Health on the northwest side of Circle Drive, and the Sharp Family Champions Center on the southeast. Both are nearly complete, and the altered silhouette kind of takes my breath away when I approach campus.

That’s the thing about seasons. They change. And even though we might find familiar themes, be those in the form of pumpkins or plaid, no two years are exactly the same.

What memories mark this season for you? What do you savor? When does sadness gust into the corners of your heart, like wind scattering dry leaves?

As SCCC’s inclusiveness & civility mover team launches another year of work, we’re interested in those moments, when loss collides with forward motion, calling for courage and grace. More than the distinctions that divide us, all people share common experiences as we move through life. Let’s keep good company with one another along the way.

I&C Badge 2020

rachel colemanRachel Coleman is a recovering newspaper writer who currently serves as Executive Director of Marketing & P.R., and leads the Inclusiveness & Civility Mover Team at SCCC. To read more of her columns, visit her blog at This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  


Going back to where we came from

If you grew up in a small, rural community like I did, the beginning of the school year was something like a family reunion. Every August, the same group of 15 or so kids lined up in the freshly-waxed hallway, back to assume their roles in the social network of best friends, best athletes, smartest students, poorest families, prettiest girls; the roles rarely shifted, having been set in kindergarten stone. Your identity was marked and known.

As a book-loving girl, I clamored for change. “Why can’t you take a church in New York? Or Kansas City? Or … anywhere with a museum?” I demanded of my preacher father.

God, it appeared, was not subject to my geographic whims. We stayed in that town of 800. Internally, I fumed about the limitations of small-town life. Outwardly, I often disconnected or sought to stir up controversy with tools like vote-fixing in the third-grade ballot box, an “underground” newspaper filled with snarky observations, and, in high school, a leopardskin-patterned skirt. Thank God he hadn’t left town, or the adults’ patience would have run out.

Decades later, I’m grateful for my throwback childhood, where neighbors ratted you out for picking flowers from their front yards and teachers exercised autonomy to design independent studies for a restless eighth-grader. These Indian summer afternoons, with their stored heat that radiates from the campus sidewalks, set off nostalgia rather than bitterness. My juvenile complaints, it turns out, were short-sighted.

Here at SCCC, we often experience the same dissatisfactions that marked my Minneola years. We are place-bound and work far away from urban resources and hot new trends. We make the best of aging buildings and standing committees filled with the same group of faces from year to year. We take for granted the advantages that tend to fade with familiarity. Until we don’t.

It’s a well-known trait of human beings — even those of us with a long list of complaints — to resist change. Take, for instance, one elementary-aged girl who hissed to the new kid in class, a smart and confident student whose hand shot up with ready answers, “Go back to Omaha where you came from!”

Why did I resent the arrival of someone who had read all the same books I loved, and brought fresh stories of a life lived elsewhere? Rather than relish the opportunities for friendship with a kindred spirit, I defaulted to animosity. How we navigated that relationship is a story too long for this column, but keep in mind the inertia of small town demographics. In the decades that followed, two classmates who argued during recess found common ground. Now we keep an eye on one another via Facebook. 

Higher ed, of course, is assumed to be far from the grade-school classroom. Even so, we adults often resemble our younger selves. 

When longtime colleagues retire or move on to other jobs, it’s human to mourn the loss; it’s shortsighted to shut out newcomers. When politics or current events frighten us, we need time to process our grief; it’s foolish to let our fears divide us from coworkers and neighbors who see events through a different lens. 

When summer comes to an end, it’s  OK to be sad. July, which is National Ice Cream month and a cause for celebration at my house, is nearly a week behind us. Regular work hours resumed on campus this Monday, and I confess I’m feeling a little cranky about how quickly the summer melted away.

At the same time, I can’t help but feel a surge of excitement about what this year will hold. Our campus has two new buildings, one of which is nearly finished. Vacancies on the SCCC team have been filled with newcomers from other places — though I haven’t seen Omaha on the list — and many folks on campus have switched jobs and moved to new offices.

Just as I could never have predicted how my childhood perspectives on life would shift, I realize there’s no telling what marvels might unfold during this new year. I can’t wait to see what happens next.


Saint Stories is written by Executive Director of PR & Marketing, Rachel Coleman. A Kansas native and lifelong bibliovore, Rachel is affectionately known as the “Book Bully” by her family. She will stop reading for afternoon tea or a walk with the dog so that she can find the beauty in everyday life. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.  



Green is good — until it’s time to mow

At Seward County Community College, we often say, “It’s good to be green!”

This summer, the natural world echoed that emotion with more rain through the season than anyone younger than 90 years of age can recall.

The robins rejoiced — loudly — starting at 3 a.m. daily, and the grackles never let up in their extravagant mating rituals that transform them from black mini-crows to gorgeous scribbles of desire. Gardeners enjoyed our own celebratory moments. The rain compensated for all sorts of horticultural shortcomings, from late plantings of tomato vines to distracted afternoons when watering fell off the “to do” list.

“This is why flowerbeds in Colorado and the Pacific Northwest look so lush,” I said to myself. “They get rain every day and nobody has to worry about drought resistant varieties of anything.” It’s easy to achieve beauty when it is your worries that evaporate, and not the sprinkler’s spray.

Mowing, though — that’s a different story. On campus, I saw our trusty crew mount the machines and make the circuit. And then do it again the next day. And the next. By the time they finished the outer edges of our sizable grounds, it was time to start over. And by the time I imagine they had resigned themselves to their fate, the weather decided to grant us 10 days of triple digits. No matter: the lawns still demanded attention.

SCCC has long touted its green spaces, often referred to by our community as “an oasis” on these arid High Plains. Over the last four years, the oasis has received many upgrades with the help of various granting bodies both public and private. The Sunflower Foundation, the Kansas Department of Parks and Wildlife, the Liberal Area Coalition for Families and Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas have all dedicated funding to expand our Connections Trail System.

At the outset, some expressed skepticism about the vision that fueled this project, articulated by then-new SCCC President, Dr. Ken Trzaska. Dr. T would expound on his future-perfect scenario of hundreds of new trees, including an orchard path at some stretch, and families with young children picnicking in the shade. “He’s not from Kansas,” I think the feelings ran. “Clearly, he does not understand how hard it is to get things to grow out here.”

That’s probably true of any transplant, but Dr. T proved he understood more than anybody reckoned when construction began on the Colvin Center for Allied Health — right next to the ancient cottonwood that rules the northwest quadrant of Circle Drive. The cottonwood, in my imagination, had attracted two disciples in the form of Scotch Pines to the north. While it was a given that Coonrod & Associates would never dare to do so much as scratch the Cottonwood, the relatively smaller evergreens were in the way.

“They will have to move the two trees,” Dr. T said when he heard rumors of tree-chopping. “Trees are too hard to grow out here for us to just cut them down.”

He was right. The trees were good trees, sturdy, seemingly impervious to whatever that rusty, tree-balding disease is that has claimed other, less determined members of their species.

I’m not sure what it takes to relocate a tree of the size and age of the Scotch twins. Heavy equipment, for starters. Even then, it has to be a touch-and-go endeavor. Sadly, the first candidate for resettlement succumbed. The second remained, standing sentry as lifters and scrapers and Allied-Health makers — I may know the names of flora and fauna, but not construction machines — rumbled past.

Summer’s timer is ticking as I write, and the verdant glory of SCCC continues. I tip my hat to the groundskeepers, the construction crew, and our president for ensuring the oasis lives up to its name. One more reason to repeat, “it’s good to be green.”



Saint Stories is written by Executive Director of PR & Marketing, Rachel Coleman. A Kansas native and lifelong bibliovore, Rachel is affectionately known as the “Book Bully” by her family. She will stop reading for afternoon tea or a walk with the dog so that she can find the beauty in everyday life. Enthusiastic book recommendations are always free to the public. This opinion column reflects the personal perspective of its author, and is not intended to reflect the official position of SCCC.